• 제목/요약/키워드: Piezoelectric Composite

검색결과 415건 처리시간 0.02초

1-3형 복합압전체로 제작한 초음파 트랜스듀서와 신경회로망을 이용한 3차원 수중 물체복원 (3-D Underwater Object Restoration Using Ultrasonic Transducer Fabricated with 1-3 Type Piezoceramic/Polymer Composite and Neural Networks)

  • 조현철;이기성;최헌일;사공건
    • 대한전기학회논문지:전기물성ㆍ응용부문C
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    • 제48권6호
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    • pp.456-461
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    • 1999
  • In this study, the characteristics of Ultrasonic Transducer fabricated with PZT-Polymer 1-3 type piezoelectric ceramic/polymer composite are investigated. 3-D underwater object restoration using the self-made ultrasonic transducer and modified SCL(Simple Competitive Learning) neural network was presented. The ultrasonic transducer was satisfied with the required condition of commerical ultrasonic transducer in underwater. The modified SCL neural network using the acquired object data $16\times16$ low resolution image was used for object restoration of $32\times32$ high resolution image. The experimental results have shown that the ultrasonic transducer fabricated with PZT-Polymer 1-3 type piezoelectric ceramic/polymer composite could be applied for SONAR system.

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후막스피커 응용을 위한 Pb(Zr,Ti)$O_3$-PVDF 0-3형 복합체의 압전 특성 평가 (Evaluation of Piezoelectric Properties in Pb(Zr,Ti)$O_3$-PVDF 0-3Type Composites for Thick Film Speaker Application)

  • 손용호;김성진;정준석;류성림;권순용
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2006년도 하계학술대회 논문집 Vol.7
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    • pp.40-41
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    • 2006
  • In this work, we developed the 0-3 type piezoelectric composite to incorporate the advantages of both ceramic and polymer. The PVDF-PZT composites were fabricated with various mixing ratio by 3-roll mi11 mixer. The composite solutions were coated on ITO bottom-electrode deposited on PET (polyethylene terephthalate) polymer film by the conventional screen-printing method. After depositing the top-electrode of silver-paste, 4kV/mm of DC field was applied at $120^{\circ}C$ for 30min to poling the 0-3 composite film. The value of $d_{33}$ was increased as the PZT weight percent was increases. But the $g_{33}$ value showed the maximum at 65 wt% of PZT powder.

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배열 압전 능동 센서를 이용한 복합재 보강판의 충격 손상 탐지 (Impact Damage Detection in a Composite Stiffened Panel Using Built-in Piezoelectric Active Sensor Arrays)

  • 박찬익;조창민
    • Composites Research
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2007
  • 복합재 보강판에 영구히 부착된 배열 압전 능동 센서를 사용하여 저속 충격 손상을 탐지하였다. 압전 능동센서를 사용하여 구조에 램파를 전파시키기 위한 다양한 진단신호를 생성하였으며, 손상으로 인한 구조 진동의 특성 변화를 탐지하기 위하여 그 응답을 측정하였다. 이 신호 변화 특징을 한 개의 손상 지수로 표현하기 위하여 3가지 알고리즘-ADI(Active Damage Interrogation), TD RMS (Time Domain Root Mean Square), STFT(Short Time Fourier Transform) -이 검토되었다. 손상 탐지시험을 수행하여, 사용한 기법과 진단신호로 저속 충격으로 인한 두 개의 층간분리를 탐지하였으며, 그 위치를 추정하였다.

과실 경도측정을 위한 비접촉 초음파 변환기 연구 (Study on Non-contact Ultrasonic Transducer for Measurement of Fruit Firmness)

  • 이상대;하태훈;김기복;김만수
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to develop an non-contact ultrasonic transducer for measurement of fruit firmness. The center frequency of non-contact ultrasonic transducer was 500 kHz. As an active element of non-contact ultrasonic transducer, the 1-3 piezoelectric composite material was selected. That material has high piezoelectric properties such as electro-mechanical coupling factor, $k_t$ and piezoelectric voltage constant, $d_{33}$ and also that material has low acoustical impedance which enables to matching the acoustical impedances between piezoelectric material and air. As a front matching material between 1-3 piezoelectric composite material and air, various kinds of paper with different thickness were tested. To control the dead-zone of the fabricated non-contact ultrasonic transducer, the backing material composed of epoxy resin and tungsten powder were made and evaluated. The fabricated non-contact ultrasonic transducer for fruit showed that the cneter frequency, bandwidth and beamwidth were approximately 480 kHz, 30 % and 12 mm, respectively. It was concluded that non-contact measurement of apple firmness would be possible by using the fabricated non-contact ultrasonic transducer.

풍차형 초음파 선형 모터의 양방향 운동 (Bidirectional Motion of the Windmill Type Ultrasonic Linear Motor)

  • 이재형;박태곤;정영호
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.484-489
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, a single phase driven piezoelectric motor design was presented for linear motion Two metal/ceramic composite actuators, a piezoelectric ring which was bonded to a metal endcap from one side, were used as the active elements of this motor. The motor was composed of a piezoelectric ceramic, a metal ring which has 4 arms, and a guider. Motors with 30 [mm] and 35 [mm] diameter were studied by finite element analysis and experiments. As results, the maximum speed of motor was obtained at resonance frequency. When the applied voltage of the motor increased, the speed was increased. Also, bidirectional motion of the motor was achieved by combining two motors which have different resonance frequency. But the characteristics of bidirectional motion were not equaled, because of the problem of reproduction on the fabrication and the experiment. If present motor is used at the auto-zoom device of a camera, it will have much advantage. Because the direct linear motion can be achieved with a simple structure of motor and no gearbox of total system.

Nonlinear vibration of laminated piezoelectric layered plates with nonlinear viscoelastic support using different DQM techniques

  • Ola Ragb;Mohamed Abd Elkhalek;M.S. Matbuly;Mohamed Salah;Mohamed Eltaher;Tharwat Osman
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제53권1호
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2024
  • This work presents the effectiveness of differential quadrature shape functions (i.e., Lagrange interpolation polynomial, Cardinal sine function, Delta Lagrange kernel and Regularized Shannon kernel) in the solution of nonlinear vibration of multilayers piezoelectric plates with nonlinear elastic support. A piezoelectric composite laminated plate is rested on nonlinear Winkler and Visco-Pasternak elastic foundations problems. Based on 3D elasticity theory and piezoelectricity, the governing equations of motion are derived. Differential quadrature methods based on four shape functions are presented as numerical techniques for solving this problem. The perturbation method is implemented to solve the obtained nonlinear eigenvalue problem. A MATLAB code is written for each technique for solving this problem and extract the numerical results. To validate these methods, the computed results are we compare with the previous exact results. In addition, parametric analyses are offered to investigate the influence of length to thickness ratio, elastic foundation parameters, various boundary conditions, and piezoelectric layers thickness on the natural frequencies and mode shapes. Consequently, it is discovered that the obtained results via the proposed schemes can be applied in structural health monitoring.

복합재료와 압전재료로 구성된 곡면형 작동기의 열변형 및 잔류응력 해석 (Thermal Deformation and Residual Stress Analysis of Lightweight Piezo-composite Curved Actuator)

  • 정재한;박기훈;박훈철;윤광준
    • 한국복합재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국복합재료학회 2001년도 춘계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.126-129
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    • 2001
  • LIPCA (LIghtweight Piezo-composite Curved Actuator) is an actuator device which is lighter than other conventional piezoelectric ceramic type actuator. LIPCA is composed of a piezoelectric ceramic layer and fiber reinforced light composite layers, typically a PZT ceramic layer is sandwiched by a top fiber layer with low CTE (coefficient of thermal expansion) and base layers with high CTE. LIPCA has curved shape like a typical THUNDER (thin-layer composite unimorph feroelectric driver and sensor), but it is lighter an than THUNDER. Since the curved shape of LIPCA is from the thermal deformation during the manufacturing process of unsymmetrically laminated lay-up structure, an analysis for the thermal deformation and residual stresses induced during the manufacturing process is very important for an optimal design to increase the performance of LIPCA. To investigate the thermal deformation behavior and the induced residual stresses of LIPCA at room temperature, the curvatures of LIPCA were measured and compared with those predicted from the analysis using the classical lamination theory. A methodology is being studied to find an optimal stacking sequence and geometry of LIPCA to have larger specific actuating displacement and higher force. The residual stresses induced during the cooling process of the piezo-composite actuators have been calculated. A lay-up geometry for the PZT ceramic layer to have compression stress in the geometrical principal direction has been designed.

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Electromechanical analysis of 2-2 cement-based piezoelectric transducers in series electrically

  • Wang, Jianjun;Shi, Zhifei
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.267-284
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    • 2014
  • This paper aims to present the analytical solutions of 2-2 cement based piezoelectric transducers in series electrically based on the theory of piezo-elastic dynamics. The solutions of two different kinds of 2-2 cement based piezoelectric transducers under external harmonic load are obtained by using the displacement method. The effects of electrical connection of piezoelectric layers, loading frequency, thickness and distance of piezoelectric layers on the characteristics of the transducers are discussed. Comparisons with other related experimental investigations are also given, and good agreement is found. The proposed 2-2 cement based piezoelectric transducers have a great potential application in monitoring structural health in civil engineering and capturing mechanical energy or monitoring train-running safety in railway system and traffic safety in road system.

압전 감지기/작동기를 이용한 복합재 평판의 최적 진동제어 실험 (Optimal Vibration Control Experiments of Composite Plates Using Piezoelectric Sensor/Actuator)

  • 류근호;한재흥;이인
    • 소음진동
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 1997
  • The present paper describes the vibration control experiment of composite plates with bonded piezoelectric sensor and actuator. The system is modeled as two degree-of-freedom system using modal coordinates and the system parameters are obtained from vibration tests. Kalman filter is adopted for extracting modal coordinates from sensor signal, and control algorithms applied to the system are Linear Quadratic Gaussian(LQG) control, Bang-Bang Control (BBC), Negative Velocity Feedback(NVF), Proportional Derivative Control(PDC). From observation of the spillover and control perfomance, it is concluded that a higher order control algorithm such as LQG rather than BBG, NVF, PDC is suitable for efficient simultaneous control of both bending and twisting modes of composite plates.

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압전재료와 점탄성 재료를 이용한 지능 복합적층보의 하이 브리드 진동제어 (Hybrid Vibration Control of Smart Laminated Composite Beams using Piezoelectric and Viscoelastic Material)

  • 강영규
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제18권10호
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    • pp.148-153
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    • 2001
  • Active control of flexural vibrations of smart laminated composite beams has been carried out using piezoceramic sensor/actuator and viscoelastic material. The beams with passive constrained layer damping hale been analyzed by formulating the equations of motion through the use of extended Hamilton's principle. The dynamic characteristics such as damping ratio and modal damping of the beam are calculated for various fiber orientations by means of iterative complex eigensolution method. This paper addresses a design strategy of laminated composite under flexural vibrations to design structure with maximum possible damping capacity.

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