• Title/Summary/Keyword: Philosophy of science

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A study on specializing the University Museum in the Perspective of Culture, Arts, and Science (문화.예술.과학의 관점에서 대학박물관의 특성화를 위한 기초연구)

  • Choe, Jong-Ho
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    • no.68
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    • pp.25-39
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    • 2006
  • This article attempts to define identity, role and functions of a university museum and to suggest specialization of the university museum in the perspective of culture, arts, and science. A university museum is defined as a center for the service of the university community and its development which acquires, researches, communicates, exhibits and educates, for purposes of eduinfotainment,29 material evidence of people and their environment. The target user of the today's university museum are not only professors, students, university workers, but also university neighbourhood such as the related professionals, patrons, parents, school children and villagers. A multi-dimensional and multi-purpose university museum can be established and managed in a real world and / or a cyber world in the perspective of culture, arts, and science. Based on a ubiquitous system30 in a cyber world vis-a-vie a real world, the university museum can be easily utilized by users anywhere, anytime and any device. In order to specialize the university museum in the perspective of culture, arts and science, it is desirable that the university museum director with the CEO of the university community promote the specialization of the university museum based on philosophy and strategies of university community management after they definitely evaluate the components and resources of the university museum such as human powers, museum collections, organizational, technological, capital, spacial and symbolic resources, The specialization of the university museum should be projected and executed in the direction of maintaining the typical scope of museum activities and managing the effective museum management. Specializing the university museum in the perspective of culture, arts, and science can contribute not only to establish the identity of the university community and to perform role and functions of the university museum but also to encourage academic development, to revaluate the brand of the university community and to promote the marketing for the university.

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The Thought of the theory about the laws of motion in 『Mojing』 (『묵경』 중의 물체 운동에 관한 이론 고찰)

  • Hwang, SeongKyu
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.29
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    • pp.203-230
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    • 2010
  • This article is aimed for to state the rationality of Mojia and reveal the scientific meaning in the theories related to the motion of objects in Mojing: the basic approach to the principle of gravitation in building castle, and comprehension and application of the principle in the lever devised for improving productivity as well as in an inclined plane. It is denied in this article that the technical advance and the positive influence on the people is achieved by Mojias only because they were occupied in the filed of craft. Mojia was one of the schools of Qin in the early stage who realized how important science wass for the better society focused on humanity. Furthermore, they were the frontiers who pursued the proper society through science. Therefore, the scientific theories claimed by Mojia is not emphasized only on the deducting regularity of nature. Instead, it could be theorized only by guaranteeing the welfare for common people and having close relation to it. The Chinese philosophy in the early Twentieth century had vigorous interest in the Mojia's opinions in science and set about conducting study in this part. Based on the study, it was revealed that the Mojia's opinion toward motion is superior to that of the West. Furthermore, it was proved to reflect the main idea in Mojia: the love for common people. Particularly, the theories from Mojia can be so applicable to today's life that some scholars regret the lack of interest in Mojia for the time and even scold themselves for the retarded progress in science of China.

The ontological understanding in the matter of truth in a work of art -on the subject of philosophical hermeneutics of H. G. Gadamer (예술 작품의 진리문제에 대한 존재론적 이해 - H. G. Gadamer의 철학적 해석학을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Jin-Yub
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.8
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    • pp.95-127
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    • 2005
  • It's a matter of ontology rather than that of cognition and methodology to discuss a work of art in Gadamer's philosophy. In addition, he emphasizes the cognitive aspect of a work of art instead of comparing forms and contents of them. For that reason, he excludes aesthetic consciousness derived from Kant first and then makes away with Schiller's theory of aesthetic education. For Gadamer, the concept of truth does not mean accord or correspondence. It would rather be an encounter. This encounter is not axed on a specific time, but a continuous and historical one. Basically. a work of art guarantees this kind of an encounter. This encounter is not based on mutual agreement through an objective standard but on recognition with mutual understanding. Therefore, prejudice or tradition should be acknowledged and respected instead of being excluded. We have only to minimize difference between them through conversation. Gadamer's ontology of a work of art is based on such a ground. The function of a work of art is not only simple satisfaction of aesthetic senses but an object of interpretation, that is, a text by presenting a ground of truth through an agreement of situation. This text reveals its meaning in the situation of author-text-reader. The appearance of this meaning is nothing but the birth of truth. Symbol-allegory and classicism show how to express this kind of truth in a work of art. It is true that Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics cannot be easily applied to interpret a concrete work of art because it just lays emphasis on the process of 'understanding' instead of a detailed analysis on an individual work. For that reason, he was criticized by some people because of this subjectivity of understanding. However, it's meaning could be changed according to the viewpoint on a work of art. There appears various structural approaches on a work of art in contemporary theory of art. Gadamer just asks the basis of such approaches instead of criticizing a specific one Therefore, a practical approach on individual work should be made separately and hermeneutics enriches the meaning of open-ending of each work of art.

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Study On The Theory of The Interrelation of Yin and Yang in The Nei Ching ("황제내경(黃帝內徑)"에 나타난 음양상호관계론(陰陽相互關係論) 약고(略考))

  • Won, Jong-Sil
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2005
  • In Chinese philosophy, the concept of Yin and Yang, in the era of the Early China, applies to many more philosophical categories than merely the relationship between the sunny side and the shady side of the sun. A whole series of possible interactions between the Yin and Yang in life is contained in the Chinese Book of Changes, the I Ching. The philosophical theory and the origin of natural sciences of the I Ching is imbued in the Nei Ching. having absorbed and developed the essence of Book of Changes, the Nei Ching reflects the spirit of science. Under the influence of Book of Changes, as well as its idea of Yin and Yang, peculiar at the time, the Nei Ching adapts the essences of the theory of Yin and Yang. The contribution made by the Nei Ching to the development of the philosophical concepts of Yin and Yang lies in that it combines those philosophical concepts with medicine and makes this the basic theory of Chinese medicine. In the Nei Ching, the Yin and Yang theory asserts that the human body is an organic whole, and there exists an organic connection between all tissues and structures. Therefore, the Yin and Yang functions as an essential life that plays a major role of the organic interrelation, the mutual control, and the mutual assistance. Yet, at the same time, each of them can be divided into the opposite aspects of yin and yang. Yin and yang depend on each other for existence. Without yin, there would be no yang, Without yang, there would be no yin. Neither can exist in isolation. Thus the interrelation of Yin and Yang is premised on the two opposite forces and aspects as the underlying cause of all change of Yin and Yang.

Theory Construction of oriental Nursing : A Q-methodological Approach (한방간호 이론구축을 위한 연구 : Q방법론적 접근)

  • 신혜숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.327-344
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    • 1994
  • It is needed that nursing scholars in Korea should understand the philosophy and perspectives of oriental medicine, and then explore the possiblities of theory building which can be a Korean’s unique nursing theory. With the assumption of this kind of work can be achieved by cooperation of oriental medicine and nursing areas, this study measures the subjectivity -opinions, attitudes, and values-of professional from these two areas. Identifing the schemata(structure of subjectivity) would be a basic step for the strategies and construction of oriental nursing theory. The Q-sorts of 57 professionals were combined into five distinctive factors, namely, Q-types. The five factors were named as follows : Type I, Fundamentalist, consistently insists that the understanding of oriental medicine should be a basic step for the development of oriental nursing model, because ororiental medicine's theories and practices in curing are very unique and different from the western. Type Ⅱ, Pessimist, denies the uniqueness of oriental nursing field and its independency, because of lack of scientific evidences and professionalism. Type Ⅲ, Harmonist, believes the basic concepts in two different medic관 spheres are identical, but, at the same time, accept the uniqueness of the two. They try to propose Korean Nursing Model which accomodates local culture and conventions, and the way of Nurturing Life(Yang-sang), based on the traditional western nursing. Type W. Needy Follower, merely expects the Korean Nursing Model which considers the characteristics of Koreas culture and physical constitution and, thus, is more suitable to them. Some-times, they experience the discontent and conflict when they need more qualitative and culture-oriented nursing interventions. Type V, Alternative Giver, actully clarifies the concept of Oriental Nursing, and provides specific program as a alternative of universal western nursing. Various ways of Nurturing Life (mental, life, and diet Yang-sang) were introduced as a guideline for the specification of the nursing area and its con-tent. Throughout the study, the five different Q-factors were identified, and the concept of Oriental Nursing and aspects of its theory construetion were discussed.

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The Improvement of Usability for Train Toilet Design

  • Han Seok-Woo;Jin Mi-Ja
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.3 s.65
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2006
  • Design for improved usability is to understand products from the user's point of view so eventually to enhance the pleasantness users by reflecting it into the design. The philosophy of user-oriented design is an essence of human-centered product planning, and its application is more important for railway vehicle design, which is closely connected with everyday life. This study focused to define basic elements of train interior design concept, which considers convenience and comfort for passengers, by extracting and interpreting ergonomic requirements, as usability factors, of train toilet design. The study on user-oriented design of trains consists of the practice of sensibility engineering for the management of customers' emotions and its harmonious use on design, and aims on the embodiment of new ergonomic design. In the center, it has analyzed the criteria and characteristics of the user-oriented design and has concluded the design direction and components to a concrete idea and proposed prototypes, which may become a good example for train interior design later on. In addition, it proposes a direction, which may become a guideline of ergonomic design, to secure competition capacity. Moreover this study is concentrated on the physical environment and human behavior of train toilet users, on the analysis of factors necessary for adequate toilet design, and on the understanding of interface between its users. What is more, it proposes a module of development process and methods of approaching the interface. The study presents a design standard, under which the concrete data of the characteristics and practicable range and the convergent demands accelerate to the module could be confirmed and criticized. The study on the usability is going to contribute to more pleasant and comfortable train environments and consequently, it's going to create new values of increased railway competitiveness by design.

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Study on the Organ Transplantation in the Oriental Medicine (장기이식에 관한 한의학적 개념 연구)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Shin;Lee, Soo-Jin;Kim, Byoung-Soo
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.571-579
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    • 2010
  • The advancement of medical technology has made it possible to treat various incurable diseases. Especially organ transplantation can give another life to the patients who have organ failure and could not find any other ways to treat their diseases. According to the development of medical technology and immunosuppressive drugs, the rate and extent of organ transplantation is increasing these days. New medical technologies like organ transplantation brought on critical issues and these have changed the way of thinking and morals that has been the fundamental rules in our society. Bioethics is already an important field of medicine and oriental medicine should investigate the problem caused by the development of medical technology and life science and should form a view of life in oriental medicine. Oriental medicine is East Asian traditional medicine based on "Huangdi-Neijing", constructed by the system of Jangfu and meridian. The traditional therapies of oriental medicine have completed a scientific system on the point of view that looks on human and nature equally. This process continued to form a new medical theory as the environment was changed and the new diseases were appeared since "Huangdi-Neijing" and "Shoganron" showed a new scope to investigate human and diseases. Therefore, it is important to develop the point of view of oriental medicine as the medical situation was changed. Oriental medicine has a holistic view that considers human as a little cosmos resonated by a big cosmos and regards the possibility to recover and to regulate the energy in our body. This theory is a basic idea of oriental philosophy. Oriental medicine focuses on the balance of yin and yang of the body and tries to harmonize the imbalance of yin and yang caused by the life style and environment. This can solve many problems that cannot be settled by modern medicine and this can accomplish the new paradigm of oriental medicine that is needed these days.

A Study on Meaning of Open Structure in Clothing Design (복식 디자인에 표현된 의미적 열린 구조)

  • Cho, El-Lie;Kim, Young-In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.56 no.9 s.109
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to apply a concept of open structure to clothing design and to verify the characteristics found in the various types of clothing which has open structure. The literatures from various academic fields including philosophy, literature, social science, architecture, and fine arts are investigated to define the concept of openness and to analyze it from the perspectives both of the visual and of the moaning of openness. This paper is to identify the types and the characteristics of clothing by future intention, complexity, discontinuity of open structure. By closely examining fashion design after 1980s found in fashion collection publications and designer's websites, the results of this study are as follows: first, the concept of openness can be classified into two different levels, that is, visual and meaning, secondly, in clothing the concept of open structure is applied to the meaning side by future intention, by complexity and by discontinuity. Open structure through future Intention has new content and interpretation and must have the possibility of intelligence awakening, future guidance and basic contents. Open structure through complexity has secondary function exists concurrent with the shape key example is the smart clothes with the digital functions. It has functions of amusement, supplement and protective, and is future clothes which satisfies with health, welfare, desire of beauty. Open structure with discontinuity is clothes with dramatic changes in system, structures and states. Structure can be changed by silhouette, detail, or fabric, material, or dramatic and practical function as tools in terms of productions and environment. This study can help to formulate and to integrate the concept of open structure in clothing with various phases and enhance the value of clothes by showing an application of the concept of openness to the clothing in meaning level.

Review of Pragmatic Clinical Trials on Acupuncture

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon;Seo, Byung-Kwan;Seo, Jung-Chul;Lee, Seung-Deok;Choi, Sun-Mi;Kim, Yong-Suk
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 2005
  • Background : Over the last thirty years, majority of researches on clinical effectiveness of acupuncture have been explanatory (or experimental) randomized controlled trial. The benefits of acupuncture in clinical trials are still controversial and most studies concluded that further control studies were required. Standardized combinations of acupuncture points for all the experimental subjects in various past studies have been criticized because such treatments do not reflect current routine clinical treatment. Objective : This paper aims to review pragmatic clinical trials on the effect of acupuncture treatment and to develop the ideal clinical research methodology of acupuncture study. Method : Clinical studies of acupuncture relevant with pragmatic or individualized trials were searched mainly in Pubmed and Science direct databases. All articles were fully reviewed by researchers, and data were evaluated by usage of a standardized form. Results & Suggestion : Pragmatic acupuncture researches were tried for various symptoms (eg. low back pain, hypertension, depression during pregnancy, sleep quality in HIV disease, chronic poststroke leg spasticity, headache, etc). Individualized acupuncture treatments based on oriental disease pattern diagnosis reflexes practical treatments which is more effective than unified and fixed acupuncture treatments without any theoretical basis of oriental medical philosophy. Conclusion : To overcome the controversies and limitations of past explanatory acupuncture trials, more individualized and tailored acupuncture trials with the theoretical basis of oriental medical diagnosis is highly recommended. Also clear definition and categorization of pattern identification should be established for further active clinical researches and applications of acupuncture.

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Reminiscence Reflecting Cultural Background in Korean Older Adults with Dementia: A Concept Analysis (한국치매노인의 문화를 반영하는 회상: 개념분석)

  • Jung, Gi-Jung;Park, Jong-Min;Lee, Guk-Geun;Chong, Mi-Kyong;Sim, Hye-Been;Lee, Jia;Han, Heeyoung
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.110-118
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: Reminiscence therapy is a widely used intervention for older adults and those with dementia. However, the attributes of the concept of reminiscence is not clearly proposed. The aim of this study was to clarify the concept of reminiscence in Korean older adults with dementia. Methods: The study applied the concept analysis method of Walker and Avant. The literature review included the previous studies of reminiscence from philosophy, literature, art, neuroscience, medicine, psychology, sociology, and nursing. Results: A total of 43 Korean or international papers were analyzed in this study. Attributes of reminiscence in Korean older adults with dementia were regeneration of memories, internal and external communications, expression of suppressed emotions, and recognition of ego identity. The suppressed emotions and ego identity may result from Korean cultural characteristics based on the suppressed environments of many wars and dictatorships in the past. The consequences of reminiscence in Korean older adults with dementia are cognitive enhancement, relief of depression, and improvements of social interactions, ego integrity, and quality of life. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the historical and cultural characteristics should be considered to develop effective nursing interventions including reminiscence for Korean older adults with dementia.