• Title/Summary/Keyword: Philosophy of science

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The Type Printing of First Ch'ing Dynasty Term (청대 전기의 활자인쇄)

  • Cho Hyung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.29
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    • pp.345-382
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    • 1995
  • The type printing of first Ch'ing dynasty term in China is worthy to be studied because the type printing during that period included metal type, wood type, and clay type as well as the development phase was similar to Chosun dynasty culturally and technologically. This paper studied typography during the first Ch'ing dynasty term, including Shunzhi(1662-1722), Yongaheng(1723-1735), Qianlong(1736-1795), Jiaqing(1796­1820) period. The main results of the study is as follows. 1. The main body of type printing was bookstore, lecture-hall, and individual as well as the royal court that is the central government. 2. The content of type edition covers classics, history, philosophy, and literary works. Specifically, even though Wuyingdienjuzhenban series is excluded, the content includs study of the classics, class of the history, class of the philosophy, literature works that include collection works and novel and government official bulletin. 3. The printing technique of bronze type was very popular In Beijing. Jiangsu, and Taiwan. It's scale and production technique was more elaborate than in Ming dynasty. 4. Wood type was very popular in Beijing, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Sichuan, and Fujian. In addition to wood type, chinese ware type was applied to book printing in Shandong. However, most of them were wood type and they were used after Qianlong period. 5. The production technique of type was skilled enough to present the fine view of a style of type. The typesetting technique was improved as much as woodblock printing. With regard to the making technology of Chinese ink, the light and darkness of chinese ink was not even sometimes. But, the technology was improved significantly when comparing with the failure experience of printing that chinese ink was not developed in early type invention. 6. In case that the book was printed in bookstore with the intention of profit and the number of book was large, the proofreading attitude was rough. However, overally, it was made correction carefully applying the various methods of proofreading. 7. The support of government made a great contribution in the area of all printing technology, including production, typesetting, and brushing of type.

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A Comparative Study on High School Students' Mathematical Modeling Cognitive Features

  • Li, Mingzhen;Hu, Yuting;Yu, Ping;Cai, Zhong
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.137-154
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    • 2012
  • Comparative studies on mathematical modeling cognition feature were carried out between 15 excellent high school third-grade science students (excellent students for short) and 15 normal ones (normal students for short) in China by utilizing protocol analysis and expert-novice comparison methods and our conclusions have been drawn as below. 1. In the style, span and method of mathematical modeling problem representation, both excellent and normal students adopted symbolic and methodological representation style. However, excellent students use mechanical representation style more often. Excellent students tend to utilize multiple-representation while normal students tend to utilize simplicity representation. Excellent students incline to make use of circular representation while normal students incline to make use of one-way representation. 2. In mathematical modeling strategy use, excellent students tend to tend to use equilibrium assumption strategy while normal students tend to use accurate assumption strategy. Excellent students tend to use sample analog construction strategy while normal students tend to use real-time generation construction strategy. Excellent students tend to use immediate self-monitoring strategy while normal students tend to use review-monitoring strategy. Excellent students tend to use theoretical deduction and intuitive judgment testing strategy while normal students tend to use data testing strategy. Excellent students tend to use assumption adjustment and modeling adjustment strategy while normal students tend to use model solving adjustment strategy. 3. In the thinking, result and efficiency of mathematical modeling, excellent students give brief oral presentations of mathematical modeling, express themselves more logically, analyze problems deeply and thoroughly, have multiple, quick and flexible thinking and the utilization of mathematical modeling method is shown by inspiring inquiry, more correct results and high thinking efficiency while normal students give complicated protocol material, express themselves illogically, analyze problems superficially and obscurely, have simple, slow and rigid thinking and the utilization of mathematical modeling method is shown by blind inquiry, more fixed and inaccurate thinking and low thinking efficiency.

The Role Of The Library For Supporting The Virtual University (가상대학 지원을 위한 도서관의 역할)

  • Lee Young-Ja;Lee Yeun-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 1999
  • This study aims to provide some rosie material for the libraries to improve its role for supporting the virtual university by recognizing the changing roles to have to support the distance education which is becoming a growing area in the coming new century due to the necessity of continuing renewal and the retaining of the information related workers. Through the study, a few conclusions were derived. (1) To support the virtual university, the library services should be directed toward the operation of the full access - philosophy and should reflect the information needs of the off-campus students. The librarians should be equipped with the ability to make use of networked resources and to provide the document delivery services together with the ability to develop the web-based user training programs. The department of library and Information Science should educate the future librarian for the purpose of supporting the virtual university. (2) A written and agreed guidelines should be established to specify the philosophy, management, facilities, resources and services to support the virtual university. And it is desirable that in the near future the department and a librarian responsible for the supporting the distance education should be established.

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A Review on the Legal Issues in Using CRISPR-Cas9 (CRISPR-Cas9 활용에 관한 법적 쟁점 검토)

  • Yoo Jihong
    • Studies on Life and Culture
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    • v.53
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    • pp.3-28
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    • 2019
  • Since the development of gene scissors 'CRISPR in 2012, CRISPR has been called the hope to lead the future of science and cure genetic diseases. But many indiscriminate experiments and destructions on human embryos have been made. For these reasons, ethical controversies and concerns have been amplified. At present, We have to make the law and the system step by step after reviewing and discussing the level of technology and social impact thoroughly. On the premise of this situation, in this study, I reviewed the patent dispute, interpretation of bioethics law, and the legislative theory. CRISPR could not have made the off-target effect zero. also, we just know only a few genes whose function is known in DNA networks. Therefore, it should be acknowledged that there are limits obviously to technical safety and knowledge of DNA . No means of gene editing on human embryo should be allowed. In order to carry out gene therapy on somatic cell , Diseases , dugs and treatment methods hat can be allowed by the law should be specified concretely in the positive form inEnforcement Decree of the Bioethics and Safety Act.

Applying Decision Tree Algorithms for Analyzing HS-VOSTS Questionnaire Results

  • Kang, Dae-Ki
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2012
  • Data mining and knowledge discovery techniques have shown to be effective in finding hidden underlying rules inside large database in an automated fashion. On the other hand, analyzing, assessing, and applying students' survey data are very important in science and engineering education because of various reasons such as quality improvement, engineering design process, innovative education, etc. Among those surveys, analyzing the students' views on science-technology-society can be helpful to engineering education. Because, although most researches on the philosophy of science have shown that science is one of the most difficult concepts to define precisely, it is still important to have an eye on science, pseudo-science, and scientific misconducts. In this paper, we report the experimental results of applying decision tree induction algorithms for analyzing the questionnaire results of high school students' views on science-technology-society (HS-VOSTS). Empirical results on various settings of decision tree induction on HS-VOSTS results from one South Korean university students indicate that decision tree induction algorithms can be successfully and effectively applied to automated knowledge discovery from students' survey data.

A Case Study on Service Philosophy : Assetization on Wisdom of the Founding President of the Republic of Korea (서비스철학 사례 연구: 대한민국 건국대통령 지혜의 자산화)

  • Hyunsoo Kim
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted based on the service philosophy as a study to capitalize on the wisdom of Korea and Koreans. This is a study that capitalizes on the wisdom of the founding president who led civilization changes in Korea. Wisdom as a visionary leader who played a leading role in Korea's development from a continental civilization to a maritime civilization was derived. We analyzed the wisdom of the founding president, who established the Republic of Korea with a new identity as a liberal democracy and protected it, and laid the foundation for Korea to leap into an advanced country through legal system reform and human resource development. First, we analyzed the essence of politics and presented the essential tragic nature that visionary leaders must bear as politicians. We also analyzes his courage and belief to accept a tragic fate, the insights on the spirit of independence, anti-communism, liberal democracy and the future. We analyze the wisdom as a visionary leader that is consistently revealed through countless choices and decisions to give up. It suggests that such wisdom is essential for the founding and development of a nation, and the wisdom need to be assetized. It needs a solid philosophical foundation to become a useful wisdom asset in the long run. In this study, Syngman Rhee's wisdom was assetized on the basis of the service philosophy. This is because it is wisdom based on the fiercely symmetrical balance principle. Human resource development was a choice that entailed great sacrifice, the market economy was a choice that entailed great sacrifice, and the protection of liberal democracy was also a choice that entailed great sacrifice, so it can be said that it is wisdom that fits the essence of the service philosophy. It is wisdom found only in outstanding visionary leaders. We present the wisdom of building a free democratic country, the wisdom of building a free market economy, and the wisdom of building a talent-oriented nation as assets in terms of national management philosophy, national management owner, time frame, and strategic asset. It also suggests that visionary leaders are continuously required for the long-term sustainable development of mankind and Korean society.

A Study on the Physical Resources Control of Cooking Department in the Hotel (호텔 조리부의 물적자원관리에 관한 연구)

  • 진양호
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.2
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    • pp.5-24
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    • 1996
  • Today, hotel industry has to consider the importance of physical resources as indispensible control factor. This study is focused on search of the directions to control effectively the physical resources. For that purpose, this study set a serious of control system. Problems is selected at the basic of that control system. Thoses are as follows. A. Control Philosophy B. Control Procedure C. Quality Control D. A line of Responsibility As a result, this study turns to a different direction on physical resources control. Those are as follows. A. Reconsideration of Control Environment B. Revaluation of Quantity required C. Reorganization of Control Effect Assessment D. Foundation of Total Control System

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줄 앙리 푸앵카레

  • 김성숙;김주영
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2001
  • Jules Henri Poincare was great not only as a mathematician brit also as a philosopher of science. He received many honors for his outstanding research. He was elected to the Academie des Sciences in 1887 and was elected President of tile Academy in 1906. In 1908 he was elected to the Academie Francaise and was elected director in the year of his death. The Poincare Conjecture was selected Millennium Prize Problems fly The Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts(CMI). The Board of Directors of CMI have designated a $1 million prize fund for the solution to his problem. In this paper, Poincare's major works, his life, his philosophy and the Poincare Conjecture are given.

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  • Hwang, Jai-Chan
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.65-69
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    • 2012
  • Physical cosmology tries to understand the Universe at large with its origin and evolution. Observational and experimental situations in cosmology do not allow us to proceed purely based on the empirical means. We examine in which sense our cosmological assumptions in fact have shaped our current cosmological worldview with consequent inevitable limits. Cosmology, as other branches of science and knowledge, is a construct of human imagination reflecting the popular belief system of the era. The question at issue deserves further philosophic discussions. In Whitehead's words, "philosophy, in one of its functions, is the critic of cosmologies". (Whitehead 1925).

The Dual-Channel, Pulse-Counting Pierce-Blitzstein Photometer-The PBPHOT: Our Last Paper with Bob Koch, and Additional Technical History

  • Ambruster, Carol;Hull, Tony;Koch, Robert H.;Mitchell, Rich;Wolf, George;Smith, Bob
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.195-198
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    • 2012
  • The dual channel Pierce-Blitzstein photometer (PBPHOT) was productively used at the Flower and Cook Observatory to provide 60 years of study of binary systems and other cosmic objects. We review the history of this instrument, discuss its calibration, and recall some personal and professional interactions with Professor Robert H. Koch.