• Title/Summary/Keyword: Perspective of Convergence

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A Methodology of Defense IT Convergence and Case Study (국방IT융합 추진방법론 및 사례 연구)

  • Sim, Seungbae;Jung, Hosang;Yoo, Cheonsoo;Jeong, Bongju
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.11 no.sup
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2012
  • Information technology convergence has been recognized one of the key drivers in the industry perspective. Korea government established IT convergence policy in 2008 and has been implementing it to the core industry such as automotive, shipbuilding and defense industries. This research analyzes various IT convergence issues based on an operation of defense IT convergence center, one of the industry IT convergence centers. Defense IT convergence issues are as follows : the methods for introducing rapid changing IT to military area, rapid deployment procedures of verified commercial technologies and products, regulations for using of domestic software promotion and so on. We define the concept of defense IT convergence and propose the framework and processes for applying IT to our defense sector as one of industries. Also, we establish various business models in the military perspective using defense IT convergence framework. In this paper, we focus the development of defense IT convergence through the alignment of national IT convergence policy and propose various business models established through operating a defense IT convergence center.

A Framework of the Convergent Service Development Process in the Public Sector : The Smart Transportation Card Service of Seoul City and the Call for Collaboration Case in Singapore (공공분야 융합 서비스 개발 Framework에 대한 연구 : 서울시 스마트교통카드 서비스와 싱가포르 CFC 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jin-Hui;Lee, Suke-Kyu
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.387-410
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    • 2013
  • Due to the development of information technology, Convergence and Creative Economy became hot issues. For example, products become more intelligent and services are likely to be connected and integrated around core services or provided as bundle solution. Meanwhile products and services are integrated in the context of mutual supplementation, which leads to Servitization of Products and Productization of Services in many industries. Previous studies have addressed Convergence with different terms and definitions such as Convergent, Multicategory Multifunctional Product, Clouding Service, Bundle and so on from one perspective such as consumers, suppliers or technology according to a wide range of academic approaches. Thus, this study attempted to suggest the most typical convergence products released in the convergence environment and categorize those products. Furthermore, this study has pointed out the problems in the New Product Development Framework discussed in the studies on marketing by taking the situation of the public sector into account and then suggested "New Service Development Framework in the Public Sector" that are different from traditional e-Gov. approach basically and will enable the government to create public information service and provide them to enterprises or citizens. It also emphasized the importance of Business Conceptualization Stage in the framework; argued that there is a necessity of an integrative study from the perspective of technology on the basis of the approach from the perspective of marketing and Policy such as a study of consumer behaviors, design and marketing channel and Policy Integration for the development and dissipation; and furthermore suggested the cases-the development/Diffusion of Transportation Card Service in Seoul and CFC (Call for Collaboration) in Singapore-in order to verify the framework. There is a need to supplement New Service Development Framework so it is able to reflect the distinct characteristics of the public sector from the academic perspective and be used as practical guidelines for SI (System Integration) business to shift into IT Service business. Last but not the least, this study has suggested the limitations and the directions for the future studies.

A Preliminary Study on the Promotion Strategy for IT Convergence: An Industrial Ecology Perspective (산업생태계 관점에서 바라본 IT융합 촉진전략)

  • Lee, Ji Eun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1327-1333
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    • 2014
  • IT convergence plays a key role in increasing the value of goods and services in other industry sectors. The government has enhanced the policy and institutional support for convergence technology development and technology commercialization. Some of the leading companies already achieve performance through the strategic IT convergence. However, in order to maximize the benefits and performance of IT convergence, policies should be established from the viewpoint of industrial ecology and many companies can participate in and share benefits of IT convergence business. From an industrial ecology perspective, this study suggests a role of the government, keystone enterprise, and other stakeholder for promoting the IT convergence using analytic hierarchy process(AHP).

Psychometrics of Perspective Taking in Writing: CombiningManualCoding and Computational Approaches

  • Minkyung Cho
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.120-129
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    • 2023
  • Perspective taking, one's knowledge of their own mental and emotional states and inferences about others' mental and emotional states, is an important higher order cognitive skill required in successful writing. However, there has not been much research on the identification and examiantion of the psychometrics of perspective taking. To fill in this gap, I reviewed the psychological and cognitive frameworks of perspective taking including theory of mind, audience awareness, development of epistemological understanding, and argumentation schema. I also reviewed various methods of examining the psychometric properties of perspective taking in written composition, including both manual and computational approaches. The review of literature yielded suggestions on the development of manual coding scheme for perspective taking as well as the selection of indexes to draw from natural language processing tools. Challenges and affordances of combining the manual and computational approach are discussed along with future research directions to advance the field of psycholinguistics.

Influence of Older Consumers' Future Time Perspective on the Intention to Purchase Masstige Brand Fashion Products

  • Hyeyoon BAE
    • The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study explores the relationship between future time perspective and older consumers' masstige product consumption, specifically, their intention to purchase masstige brand products, with a focus on their motivational drives from an functional value and symbolic value perspective. Research design, data and methodology: Data were collected through an online questionnaire from 419 people aged 54 to 64 years in South Korea and the hypotheses were examined using structural equation modeling. Results: Our results indicated that middle-aged and older consumers who have expanded future time perspective have higher intention to purchase masstige brands and their functional value and symbolic value of masstige brands were found to mediate future time perspective and intention to purchase masstige brands. Conclusions: The findings offer insights into masstige brand consumption by older South Korean consumers that may be useful for both academics and marketers.

A Critique on Project Management View from Project Finance Perspective on the Critical Success Factors of PPP

  • Kim, Jung-Ju;Chae, Myungsin
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.21-46
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    • 2020
  • Purpose - This study aims to find if the introduction of project finance perspective leads to any modification to the view of PM industry on CSFs of PPP and their relative importance rank. Design/methodology/approach - Through literature reviews, this study came up with a set of CSFs reflective of both perspectives. AHP method was applied for analysis by developing an Analytic Hierarchical Model from this set and survey questionnaires of pairwise comparison to solicit 46 qualified expert responses. Findings - This study concurs with PM industry to acknowledge 'risk allocation', 'legal framework' and 'quality of feasibility' as ones of most important CSFs. However, relative importance rank of individual CSFs goes through significant modification under this study in favor of 'sponsor commitment and quality' but against 'political environment', in particular. Research implications or Originality - Discussions on the CSFs led by PM industry have not been properly reflective of project finance perspective, which is injected into this study to cure the partiality. For researchers, findings of this study may call attention to financing perspective when they discuss CSFs of PPP. Practitioners may benefit from this study by allocating resources in view of this new finding when pursuing PPP projects.

Awareness and Perspective on Use and Integration of Traditional and Modern Medicine in a Rural Area of Sokoto State, Nigeria

  • OKAFOR, Henry Chukwuemeka;IKPEAMA, Osita John;OKAFOR, Jane Nkechinyere;OKAFOR, Rita Ifeyinwa
    • The Korean Journal of Food & Health Convergence
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2021
  • There are two forms of medicine that have existed over time and are important in the delivery of expert health care. The forms of medicine are traditional and modern medicine. This study was aimed at assessing the awareness and perspective on the use and integration of traditional and modern medicine in a rural area of Sokoto State, Nigeria. Two hundred and seventy-one (271) respondents were recruited and a self-administered questionnaire on the awareness and perspective on use and integration of traditional and modern medicine was used to assess the participant's view. Among the participants, 200(73.8%) were females. The mean±SD age of respondents was 30.55±9.73 years. 80.8% of the respondents were aware of traditional medicine while 100% were aware of modern medicine. All respondents prefer modern medicine but about 28.8% support integration of both healthcare services. The results were considered significant when p-value was less than 0.005. There is a statistically significant relationship between the integration of traditional and modern forms of medicine and age, gender, religion, education, ethnicity and occupation but not for marital status. Though all the respondents preferred modern medicine to traditional medicine, some people still feel it will be good to combine both for a better healthcare system.

Analysis of network evolution model and services for next generation Broadband convergence Network (차세대 광대역 통합망에서의 네트워크 진화 모델 및 서비스에 대한 분석)

  • 김상기;김정환;박경준;김태완
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.11c
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    • pp.93-96
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we analyze the concept of network convergence and characteristics of Broadband convergence Network(BcN) from the service perspective where convergence would appear. We suggest the evolutionary 3 stage steps of BcN as an ideal network strategy when considering present network situation. We also propose the features of several representative services that are expected to emerge out of network convergence.

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Advertising Contents based on Semiotic Methodology (광고콘텐츠의 기호분석)

  • Kim, Kyung-sook
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.87-93
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    • 2015
  • Advertisements in modern era are not intended to be consumed only as commercial purposes, but consumed also as cultural and artistic purposes. Advertising contents' success depends on Semiotic codes revealed in advertising texts. Advertising scholar Ozoh (1998) argued that perspectives for advertising are divided into two perspective, one as marketing tool perspective and the other as communication processes perspective. Advertising planning, advertising management, advertising, and advertising evaluation of marketing perspective are significantly different from those of communication perspective. Two perspectives of advertising present various debates on what contents of advertising messages are and how advertising messages are made up. In this research manuscripts, we discuss story telling as communication tool of advertising text in terms of cultural semiotics. That is, meaning value of goods is so well revealed in use value of goods that they satisfy consumers' needs, we analyze how they satisfy consumers' needs in semiotic(symbolic) process. We apply Gremas's semantic model to coffee advertisements in France and Korea, and analyze various differences between differentiation strategies of French coffee advertisements and those of Korean coffee advertisements in terms of semiotic perspective.

A Critical Examination of Convergence Studies on Media Policy Institutions (방통융합 관련 법제개편 논의의 비판적 분석)

  • Kim, Pyung-Ho
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.30
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    • pp.121-141
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    • 2005
  • Most of the convergence studies argue the reform of the current policy regime of broadcasting and telecommunications in Korea from two perspectives: 1) the media governance perspective and 2) the media industry perspective. The former emphasizes the need of integrity, consistency and efficiency of the regime in the convergence environment, while the latter focuses upon the growth and development of the media industry making the best of economic and industrial opportunities that are spawned by digital convergence. Although their arguments are logical and robust, they are lopsided in terms of legalism and myopic economism due to the linear perception of institutionalism, Bureaucratic administrative practices as well as ostentatious IT policies that have chronically plagued the policy regime in Korea cannot be resolved by simply assimilating distinct regulatory bodies and laws. Unless these two issues are properly addressed, the convergence of media policy institutions would end up a half-success or half-failure contrary to the exportations of existing studies.

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