A Framework of the Convergent Service Development Process in the Public Sector : The Smart Transportation Card Service of Seoul City and the Call for Collaboration Case in Singapore

공공분야 융합 서비스 개발 Framework에 대한 연구 : 서울시 스마트교통카드 서비스와 싱가포르 CFC 사례를 중심으로

  • 이진휘 (성균관대학교 경영전문대학원) ;
  • 이석규 (성균관대학교 경영전문대학원)
  • Received : 2013.04.27
  • Accepted : 2013.06.03
  • Published : 2013.06.30


Due to the development of information technology, Convergence and Creative Economy became hot issues. For example, products become more intelligent and services are likely to be connected and integrated around core services or provided as bundle solution. Meanwhile products and services are integrated in the context of mutual supplementation, which leads to Servitization of Products and Productization of Services in many industries. Previous studies have addressed Convergence with different terms and definitions such as Convergent, Multicategory Multifunctional Product, Clouding Service, Bundle and so on from one perspective such as consumers, suppliers or technology according to a wide range of academic approaches. Thus, this study attempted to suggest the most typical convergence products released in the convergence environment and categorize those products. Furthermore, this study has pointed out the problems in the New Product Development Framework discussed in the studies on marketing by taking the situation of the public sector into account and then suggested "New Service Development Framework in the Public Sector" that are different from traditional e-Gov. approach basically and will enable the government to create public information service and provide them to enterprises or citizens. It also emphasized the importance of Business Conceptualization Stage in the framework; argued that there is a necessity of an integrative study from the perspective of technology on the basis of the approach from the perspective of marketing and Policy such as a study of consumer behaviors, design and marketing channel and Policy Integration for the development and dissipation; and furthermore suggested the cases-the development/Diffusion of Transportation Card Service in Seoul and CFC (Call for Collaboration) in Singapore-in order to verify the framework. There is a need to supplement New Service Development Framework so it is able to reflect the distinct characteristics of the public sector from the academic perspective and be used as practical guidelines for SI (System Integration) business to shift into IT Service business. Last but not the least, this study has suggested the limitations and the directions for the future studies.



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