• 제목/요약/키워드: Period of Durability

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승객서비스 향상을 위한 새로운 열차행선안내장치의 개발 (Colored-LCD Type Train Destination Indicator System for Visibility Improvement)

  • 황종규;이재호;윤용기;신덕호;조현정
    • 한국철도학회논문집
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.504-509
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    • 2006
  • Currently, most of TDIS(Train Destination Indicator System) is operated colored-LED type equipment in Korea. This current LED type TDIS equipment has not graceful display and causes passenger's fatigues because of the LED module inherent characteristics as a display light source, high power consumption, high operating and maintenance costs, and et al. To address these several, we are developed new colored-LCD type TDIS equipment. According to our developed new TDIS equipment, we can achieve high resolution and graceful color stone of information display. Thus high graded service are able to provide to passengers. In addition, LCD module decreases power consumption, and it can be used permanently by changing only backlight in comparison with conventional equipment. Therefore we can decrease the maintenance cost and extend durability-period of TDIS equipment using new equipment.

CarboMedics 기계판막의 임상경험 (Mid term experience with CarboMedics Medical Valve)

  • 김기출
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제26권10호
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    • pp.753-760
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    • 1993
  • The CarboMedics valve is a bileaflet prosthesis with excellent hemodynamic characteristics, but the long term surgical experience with this valve, its durability and its biocompatibility are unknown. During a 5 year period from october 1988 to July 1993, 748 prostheses [402 mitral, 261 aortic, 58 tricuspid, 27 pulmonic] were inserted in 552 patients [mean age 40.2 years]. The operative mortality was 6.6% [37/560, 13.2% in age group below 15 years and 5.7% above 15 years]. and the main causes of death were complex congenital malformation and left ventricular failure. Follow up was totaled 1182 patient- years and mean follow up was 28.3 months/patient. No structural failure has been observed. Hemorrhage was the most frequent valve related complication[1.78% / Patient-year]. Embolism occurred at a rate of 0.93% / Patient-year. There were 5 cases of valve thrombosis [0.42% / Patient-year, two fatal]. There occurred 11 late deaths[6 valve related] and 42 valve related complications. Actuarial survival at 5 years is 97.18 0.94% and actuarial complication free survival at 5 years is 89.07 1.54%. In summary, the CarboMedics valve stands for a durable valve substitute, with low valve related complications.

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통합설계프로그램을 이용한 2MW 풍력발전시스템용 기어박스의 최적설계에 관한 연구 (A Study on Optimum Design of 2MW Wind Turbine Gearbox Using a Integrated Design Software)

  • 최용혁;박구하;조준행;이인우;오세웅
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국신재생에너지학회 2006년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.249-252
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    • 2006
  • Wind turbine gearbox is a complex mechanical system that includes gear trains, shafts, bearings, and gearbox housings. All these component are interacting with each other therefore changing certain design parameter will affect other components. RomaxDesigner enables a reduction in development period by simulating the full gearbox system. The gear pairs, bearings and shafts are represented as analysis objects and the complex components are modelled by means of reduced stiffness matrices. The software allows durability analysis and advanced contact analysis including the effects of system misalignments in gear and bearing. In this paper the 2MW wind turbine gearbox was model led and a study on optimum design was conducted

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Effect of Adding Scoria as Cement Replacement on Durability-Related Properties

  • al-Swaidani, Aref Mohamad;Aliyan, Samira Dib
    • International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.241-254
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    • 2015
  • A lot of reinforced concrete (RC) structures in Syria went out of service after a few years of construction. This was mainly due to reinforcement corrosion or chemical attack on concrete. The use of blended cements is growing rapidly in the construction industry due to economical, ecological and technical benefits. Syria is relatively rich in scoria. In the study, mortar/concrete specimens were produced with seven types of cement: one plain Portland cement (control) and six blended cements with replacement levels ranging from 10 to 35 %. Rapid chloride penetration test was carried in accordance with ASTM C 1202 after two curing times of 28 and 90 days. The effect on the resistance of concrete against damage caused by corrosion of the embedded steel has been investigated using an accelerated corrosion test by impressing a constant anodic potential. The variation of current with time and time to failure of RC specimens were determined at 28 and 90 days curing. In addition, effects of aggressive acidic environments on mortars were investigated through 100 days of exposure to 5 % $H_2SO_4$, 10 % HCl, 5 % $HNO_3$ and 10 % $CH_3COOH$ solutions. Evaluation of sulfate resistance of mortars was also performed by immersing in 5 % $Na_2SO_4$ solution for 52 weeks. Test results reveal that the resistance to chloride penetration of concrete improves substantially with the increase of replacement level, and the concretes containing scoria based-blended cements, especially CEM II/B-P, exhibited corrosion initiation periods several times longer than the control mix. Further, an increase in scoria addition improves the acid resistance of mortar, especially in the early days of exposure, whereas after a long period of continuous exposure all specimens show the same behavior against the acid attack. According to results of sulfate resistance, CEM II/B-P can be used instead of SRPC in sulfate-bearing environments.

보통 포틀랜드 콘크리트 기반 교면포장 재료 성능 평가 (Performance Evaluation of Bridge Deck Materials based on Ordinary Portland Cement Concrete)

  • 남정희;전성일;권수안
    • 한국도로학회논문집
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2017
  • PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to develop bridge deck concrete materials based on ordinary Portland cement concrete, and to evaluate the applicability of the developed materials through material properties tests. METHODS : For field implementation, raw material (cement, fine aggregate, and coarse aggregate) properties, fresh concrete properties (slump and air content), strength (compressive, flexural and bond strength) gain, and durability (freeze-thaw resistance, scaling resistance, and rapid chloride penetrating resistance) performance were evaluated in the laboratory. RESULTS : For the selected binder content of $410kg/m^3$, W/B = 0.42, and S/a = 0.48, the following material performance results were obtained. Considering the capacity of the deck finisher, a minimum slump of 150 mm was required. At least 6 % of air content was obtained to resist freeze-thaw damage. In terms of strength, 51.28 MPa of compressive strength, 7.41 MPa of flexural strength, and 2.56 MPa of bond strength at 28 days after construction were obtained. A total of 94.9 % of the relative dynamic modulus of elasticity after 300 cycles of freeze-thaw resistance testing and $0.0056kg/m^2$ of weight loss in a scaling resistance test were measured. However, in a chloride ion penetration resistance test, the result of 3,356 Coulomb, which exceeds the threshold value of the standard specification (1000 Coulomb at 56 days) was observed. CONCLUSIONS : Instead of using high-performance modified bridge deck materials such as latex or silica fume, we developed an optimum mix design based on ordinary Portland cement concrete. A test construction was carried out at ramp bridge B (bridge length = 111 m) in Gim Jai City. Immediately after the concrete was poured, the curing compound was applied, and then wet mat curing was applied for 28 days. Considering the fact that cracks did not occur during the monitoring period, the applicability of the developed material is considered to be high.

Study of heavy fuel oil fly ash for use in concrete blocks and asphalt concrete mixes

  • Al-Osta, Mohammed A.;Baig, Mirza G.;Al-Malack, Muhammad H.;Al-Amoudi, Omar S. Baghabra
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.123-143
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    • 2016
  • Use of heavy fuel fly ash (HFFA) (diesel and cracked fuel) for power generation in Saudi Arabia has generated and accumulated large quantities of HFFA as a byproduct. In this research, HFFA is studied with the emphasis on the utilization of this waste material in concrete blocks and asphalt concrete mixes. Two types of mixes, one with low and other with high cement content, were studied for concrete blocks. Different mixes having varying percentages of HFFA (0% to 25%), as cement/sand replacement or as an additive, were studied. The performance of concrete blocks is evaluated in terms of compressive strength, water absorption, durability and environmental concerns. The results showed that blocks cannot be cast if more than 15% HFFA is used; also there is a marginal reduction in the strength of all the mixes before and after being exposed to the sulfate solution for a period of ten months. HFFA is studied in asphalt concrete mixes in two ways, as an asphalt modifier (3&5%) and as a filler (50%) replacement, the results showed an improvement in stiffness and fatigue life of mixes. However, the stability and indirect tensile strength loss were found to be high as compared to the control mix due to moisture damage, indicating a need of using antistripping agents. On environmental concerns, it was found that most of the concerned elements are within acceptable limits also it is observed that lower concentration of barium is leached out with the higher HFFA concentrations, which indicates that HFFA may work as an adsorbent for this leaching element.

Influence of silver nanoparticles on resin-dentin bond strength durability in a self-etch and an etch-and-rinse adhesive system

  • Jowkar, Zahra;Shafiei, Fereshteh;Asadmanesh, Elham;Koohpeima, Fatemeh
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.13.1-13.9
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: This study evaluated the effect of dentin pretreatment with silver nanoparticles (SNPs) and chlorhexidine (CHX) on the microshear bond strength (${\mu}SBS$) durability of different adhesives to dentin. Materials and Methods: Occlusal surfaces of 120 human molars were ground to expose flat dentin surfaces. The specimens were randomly assigned to six groups (n = 20). Three groups (A, B, and C) were bonded with Adper Single Bond 2 (SB) and the other groups (D, E, and F) were bonded with Clearfil SE Bond (SEB). Dentin was pretreated with CHX in groups B and E, and with SNPs in groups C and F. The specimens were restored with Z250 composite. Half of the bonded surfaces in each group underwent ${\mu}SBS$ testing after 24 hours and the other half was tested after 6 months of water storage. Results: SNP application was associated with a higher ${\mu}SBS$ than was observed in the CHX and control groups for SEB after 24 hours (p < 0.05). A significantly lower ${\mu}SBS$ was observed when no dentin pretreatment was applied compared to dentin pretreatment with CHX and SNPs for SB after 24 hours (p < 0.05). The ${\mu}SBS$ values of the 6-month specimens were significantly lower than those obtained from the 24-hour specimens for all groups (p < 0.05). This decrease was much more pronounced when both adhesives were used without any dentin pretreatment (p < 0.05). Conclusions: SNPs and CHX reduced the degradation of resin-dentin bonds over a 6-month period for both adhesive systems.

콘크리트 환경과 고온의 복합환경이 FRP 보강근의 계면전단성능에 미치는 영향 (The Combined Effect of Concrete Environment and High Temperature on Interlaminar Shear Strength of FRP Reinforcement)

  • 문도영;오홍섭
    • 콘크리트학회논문집
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.749-756
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    • 2011
  • FRP 보강근의 화재 노출시 내구성능에 대한 연구들은 고온 노출이 인장성능에 미치는 영향에 대한 분석이 대부분을 차지한다. 그러나, 신설 구조물에 삽입된 FRP 보강근은 먼저 콘크리트 내에서 습윤환경 및 알칼리에 의한 성능저하가 발생하며, 이와 같은 FRP 보강 콘크리트 구조물에 화재가 발생하면, 보강근은 고온에 노출된다. 그러므로 화재에 의해 손상 받은 FRP 보강근의 평가시에는 콘크리트 환경과 고온에 의한 영향을 동시에 고려하여야 한다. 이 연구에서는 장기간동안 용액에 노출된 FRP 보강근에 $60^{\circ}C$, $100^{\circ}C$, $150^{\circ}C$$300^{\circ}C$의 온도를 가하고, 계면전단강도를 측정, 비교 하였다. 실험 결과에 따르면, 환경과 고온의 복합영향이 FRP 보강근의 역학적 특성에 미치는 영향이 환경만의 영향 또는 고온만의 영향 보다 큰 것으로 나타났다.

Long-Term Outcomes of Modified Cone Reconstruction for Ebstein's Anomaly in Pediatric Patients in a Single Center

  • Ilkun Park;Tae-Gook Jun;Ji-Hyuk Yang;I-Seok Kang;June Huh;Jinyoung Song;Ok Jeong Lee
    • Korean Circulation Journal
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    • 제54권2호
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    • pp.78-90
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    • 2024
  • Background and Objective: We aimed to investigate long-term clinical and echocardiographic outcomes, including tricuspid valve durability, annular growth, and left ventricular reverse remodeling, after modified cone reconstruction in patients with Ebstein's anomaly. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of all pediatric patients who underwent modified cone reconstruction for Ebstein's anomaly at a single tertiary center between January 2005 and June 2021. Results: A total of 14 pediatric patients underwent modified cone reconstruction for Ebstein's anomaly; the median age was 5.8 years (range, 0.01-16.6). There were three patients (21.4%) with Carpentier type B, ten patients with Carpentier type C (71.4%), and one patient with Carpentier type D (7.1%). There was no early or late mortality, arrhythmia, or readmission for heart failure at a 10-year follow-up. There were no cases of more than mild tricuspid stenosis or more than moderate tricuspid regurgitation during the study period, except for one patient with severe tricuspid regurgitation who underwent reoperation. The z value for tricuspid valve annular size significantly decreased immediately after the operation (2.46 vs. -1.15, p<0.001). However, from 1 year to 7 years after surgery, the z values were maintained between -1 and +1. Left ventricular end-systolic volume, end-diastolic volume, and stroke volume increased after surgery and remained elevated until seven years postoperatively. Conclusions: Ebstein's anomaly in children can be repaired by modified cone reconstruction with low mortality and morbidity, good tricuspid valve durability, and annular growth relative to somatic growth.

기후변화에 대한 풍속과 일조시간의 콘크리트 염화물확산 저항성의 성능중심평가 (Performance Based Evaluation of Concrete Chloride Diffusion Resistance from Wind Speed-Sunlight Exposure Time Curing Conditions of Climate Change)

  • 김태균;조철민;최지훈;김장호
    • 콘크리트학회논문집
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    • 제28권5호
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    • pp.601-609
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    • 2016
  • 최근 국내의 경우 폭염, 폭우, 한파, 폭설, 태풍과 같은 기후변화가 심각하게 발생하고 있다. 이러한 극심한 기후변화로 인하여 건설현장에서 구조물의 공사 진행기간이 연장되어 그로 인한 경제적 손실을 초래하고, 기후변화를 고려하지 못한 상황에서 무리한 시공을 하여 콘크리트의 품질저하로 인해 부실시공의 원인이 되고 있는 실정이며 이로 인하여 인명피해와 재산피해도 발생한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 이러한 문제점들을 해결하고 기후변화 대응책을 마련하기 위하여 콘크리트 구조물에 영향을 미치는 다양한 기후인자들 중 가장 중요한 풍속과 일조시간 경화조건을 선정하여 콘크리트 구조물의 양생과 내구성 영향을 검토해 보았다. 또한 실험결과를 분석하는 방법으로는 만족도 곡선 작성방법을 사용하여 콘크리트 강도와 내구성능에 관한 성능중심형평가(PBE: Performance Based Evaluation)절차를 제시하고 하고자 한다.