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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Performance of Clinical Competency

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Development of Teaching and Learning Manual for Competency-Based Practice for Meridian & Acupuncture Points Class (역량중심 경혈학실습 교육을 위한 교수학습매뉴얼 개발 및 활용방안)

  • Eunbyul, Cho;Jiseong, Hong;Yeonkyeong, Nam;Haegue, Shin;Jae-Hyo, Kim
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.184-190
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    • 2022
  • Objectives : In our previous study, we developed the prototype of a lesson plan for meridian and acupuncture clinical skills education by applying the rapid prototyping to instructional systems design. The present study aimed to develop a teaching-learning manual, including the lesson plans, practice notes, and instructions for devices. We also aimed to present a guideline on how to use the manual in class. Methods : The manual and materials for teachers and learners were developed based on the solutions and the prototype derived from our previous study. Practical classes on meridian and acupuncture points consist of four major subjects, and the lesson plan and practice note were designed according to each topic. Results : Flipped learning, George's five-step method, peer role-play, and peer-led objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) were applied as main methodologies in the meridian and acupuncture points practical class. The teaching-learning manual, including practice notes, detailed lesson plan, OSCE checklist, and instruction manual for devices, was developed to be utilized at each stage of the learning activity. Conclusions : The application of the teaching-learning manual is expected to provide effective clinical skills education, strengthen learners' communication skills, establish professional identity, assess learners' performance, and provide immediate feedback. The educational effect of the manual for the existing class should be identified, and its feasibility should be verified by implementing it on another group. This manual could be helpful in designing classes for other subjects of Korean medicine, especially for clinical skills education.

Analysis of the importance of nursing care and performance confidence perceived by nurses in the neonatal intensive care unit (신생아중환자실 간호사가 인식한 간호업무의 중요도와 수행 자신감)

  • Lim, Heemoon;Lee, Hyejung;Kim, Eunsook;Kim, Hyoyeong;Jang, Eunkyung
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: Neonatal nurses are expected to have clinical competency to provide qualified and safe care for high-risk infants. An educational intervention to enhance nurses' clinical competence is often a priority in the nursing field. This study was conducted to explore nurses' perceived importance and performance confidence of nursing care activities in neonatal intensive care units. Methods: One hundred forty-one neonatal nurses from seven hospitals across South Korea participated in the online survey study. The scale of neonatal nursing care activity consisted of 8 subdomains including professional practice (assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention, evaluation, education, research, and leadership). The Importance-Performance Matrix was used to analyze the importance of and confident performance in each of the nursing subdomains. Results: Both importance and performance confidence increased as nurses' age (p=.042 and p<.001) and clinical experience (p=.004 and p<.001). Participants scored relatively higher in importance and performance confidence in the professional practice subdomains (assessment, intervention, evaluation), but scored lower in the education and research subdomains. Conclusion: To provide evidence-based nursing care for high-risk infants in neonatal intensive care units, educational interventions should be developed to support nurses based on the findings of the research.

The Impact of Interpersonal Skills, Psychosocial Health, and Confidence in Performing Nursing Skills on Clinical Performance of Nursing Students Who Experienced Clinical Practice after COVID-19 (COVID-19 이후 임상실습을 경험한 간호대학생의 대인관계능력, 사회심리적 건강, 간호술기수행자신감이 임상수행능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Meera Park;Eunsil Park;Nam Joo Je
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted to identify factors influencing clinical performance among nursing students who experienced clinical practice due to COVID-19 and provide basic data to improve clinical performance. This study collected data from October 10 to October 27, 2023, targeting 144 students at two nursing schools in G Province. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, difference analysis (t-est, on-way ANOVA), correlation, and hierarchical regression analysis. As a result of the study, in Model 1, extrovert and mixed personality types were found to be significant predictive factors explaining clinical performance. The goodness of fit of Model 1 was statistically significant, and the explanatory power was 9.2% (F=8.256, p<.001). In Model 2, interpersonal skills and confidence in nursing skills appeared as significant predictive factors explaining clinical performance ability. Confidence in nursing skills was the best predictor of clinical performance, followed by interpersonal skills. The explanatory power of the model was 50.1%, an increase of 41.3% compared to Model 1. Model fit was also statistically significant. Simulation education that reproduces various situations should be strengthened to increase opportunities to perform direct nursing and improve nursing students' nursing capabilities. If you improve your confidence in nursing skills and interpersonal skills through simulation education, your clinical performance will ultimately improve, and this will be able to be demonstrated as a nursing competency when employed as a nurse.

Delphi Study on Introduction of Practical Skills Test in National Examination for Nursing Licensure (간호사 국가고시의 문제점과 개선방안에 대한 전문가 집단 연구)

  • Lim, Nan-Young;Song, Jung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the plan to introduce a practical skills test as part of the national examination for nursing licensure. Method: The delphi method was used. The first set of data was collected by open questionnaire from universities and hospitals nationally. The second and third were collected by structured questionnaire. Results: The biggest problem for clinical Practice in nursing education was reported as the lack of opportunities for direct nursing practice. The biggest performance problem in job duties for novice nurses was reported as the lack of integrated problem solving skills in a clinical situation. The biggest problem with the current national examination was reported as the use memorizing solutions to test questions. It was suggested that the best plan to resolve problems with the national examination would be to develop test questions representative of the clinical setting and increase personnel in clinical education. About the introduction of a practical skills test as part of the national examination, 56.9% were in agreement and 38.5% disagreed. Conclusion: The current national examination has many problems when it comes to testing clinical competency. So, a practical skills test must be deferred to a future time. There are also many difficulties in presenting a real situation, therefore further research is needed in preparation for the introduction of a practical skills test.

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Effect of Self-Directed Learning Ability, Ego Resilience, Critical Thinking Disposition on the Competency of Nursing Students's Basic Nursing Skills (간호대학생의 자기주도적 학습, 자아탄력성, 비판적 사고성향이 기본간호술기 수행능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jin-Ah;Hong, Ji-Yeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.342-351
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    • 2016
  • Basic nursing, the course for the nursing students to experience nursing practice before going on to th clinical practice, and is crucial for solving health-related problems of patients. This study is a descriptive research study to analyze the impact factors associated with nursing students' basic nursing skill competency. In this study, total 181 subjects participants, and by using a structured questionnaire. Data were collected by self-written questionnaire method. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS WIN 22.0 program. Of the general characteristics of the subjects, the difference in basic nursing competency was found according to admission motive, major satisfaction, and interest in practice. Critical thinking disposition and the degree of self-training aid influenced performance of basic nursing skills by nursing students, and these variables explained 23.8% of the total variance of basic nursing skills performance. These findings suggest, in order to improve performance of basic nursing skills in nursing students, it is necessary to use various teaching methods that help improve critical thinking and relevant curriculum that promote self-practice.

Evaluation of Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric to Measure Nursing Student' Performance of Emergency Management Simulation of Hypoglycemia (간호대학생의 저혈당 응급관리 시뮬레이션 실습 수행 평가를 위한 임상판단 루브릭 적용)

  • Hur, Hea Kung;Park, So Mi;Kim, Ki Kyong;Jung, Ji Soo;Shin, Yoon Hee;Choi, Hyang Ok
    • Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: To evaluate the applicability of Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric (LCJR) as an evaluation tool for hypoglycemia simulation practicum on Korean nursing students. Methods: The methodological study was done to evaluate the reliability and validity of the LCJR. Based on Benner's 4 levels of nursing grading rubric, ten items of the LCJR was evaluated for interrater reliability and internal consistency. The content validity was tested by eight experts and concurrent validity was done by Clark (2006)'s clinical simulation grading rubric. Fifty five video-taped cases of senior nursing students in Y University were used for the reliability and concurrent validity of the LCJR. Results: The interrater reliability was r=.90 (p<.001); Kendall tau b=.87 (p <.001), and Cronbach's alpha was .90. A value of item content validity index of the LCJR was .97 and correlation coefficient between the LCJR and Clark's instrument was .90 (p<.001). The mean (±SD) of the nursing students' clinical judgment was 2.04 (±50). Conclusion: The LCJR is a useful tool to examine the simulation performance evaluation for improving competency among nursing students. The results indicated that the LCJR may provide valuable information regarding clinical judgment of nursing students and thus, suggested to use to develop a simulation-based education program.

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Factors Affecting Clinical Competency of Dental Hygiene Students (치위생(학)과 학생들의 임상수행능력에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Jang, Kyeung-Ae
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2015
  • This study was done to explore clinical competence and factors related to competence in dental hygiene students. This study performed a survey on such an issue from March 2 to June 12, 2015 for 329 dental hygiene students who were residing in Busan and Ulsan. In the result by the satisfaction of the major, there is the highest score in the satisfaction of the critical thinking, self-leadership, satisfaction in clinical practice and ability of clinical performance. The critical thinking reveals the positive relationship with the self-leader ship(r=0.884) and the ability of clinical performance(r=0.845). Whereas the self-leader ship show the negative relation with stress in clinical practice(r=-0.796). The most important factor affecting on the clinical competence among dental hygiene students was critical thinking(p<0.001), followed by self-leadership(p<0.01) and satisfaction of clinical practice(p<0.01). In results, the critical thinking, the self-leader ship and the satisfaction of clinical practice have an effects on the ability of clinical performance of the dental hygiene students. The teaching learning strategy and the educational programs to enhance the critical thinking and self-leader ship should be developed. Furthermore, the present study can be used as the base data for the systematic and convergence program to improve the satisfaction of clinical practice and the ability of clinical performance.

Effects of Respiratory Infectious Disease Simulation-based Education using Standardized Patient for Nursing Student's of the Knowledge, Clinical Nursing Competency (표준화환자를 이용한 호흡기감염 시뮬레이션 교육이 간호대학생의 지식, 임상수행능력에 미치는 효과)

  • Jung Hur;Yeong Ju Yoon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.435-442
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of simulation education using standardized patients on respiratory infectious disease knowledge and clinical performance of nursing students. A single-group before-and-after design for the nursing of infectious respiratory patients using standardized patients from March 2 to June 15, 2020, targeting 112 senior nursing students. Respiratory infectious disease education program 'knowledge of lung infectious diseases', 'hand washing', 'wearing a mask', 'encouraging patients and caregivers to wear masks', 'intravenous injection', '3-way injection', 'surgical aseptic technique', 'disinfecting medical devices' , 'contaminated linen management', 'infected person management manual', etc., and 10 educational tasks were performed, and consisted of lectures, technical training, simulation using standardized patients, and debriefing. After simulation education using standardized patients, students' knowledge and clinical performance skills on respiratory infectious diseases showed significant improvement, and it was expected that it could be used for various infection control practices.

A Systematic Review of Evidence for Education and Training Interventions in Microsurgery

  • Ghanem, Ali M.;Hachach-Haram, Nadine;Leung, Clement Chi Ming;Myers, Simon Richard
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.312-319
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    • 2013
  • Over the past decade, driven by advances in educational theory and pressures for efficiency in the clinical environment, there has been a shift in surgical education and training towards enhanced simulation training. Microsurgery is a technical skill with a steep competency learning curve on which the clinical outcome greatly depends. This paper investigates the evidence for educational and training interventions of traditional microsurgical skills courses in order to establish the best evidence practice in education and training and curriculum design. A systematic review of MEDLINE, EMBASE, and PubMed databases was performed to identify randomized control trials looking at educational and training interventions that objectively improved microsurgical skill acquisition, and these were critically appraised using the BestBETs group methodology. The databases search yielded 1,148, 1,460, and 2,277 citations respectively. These were then further limited to randomized controlled trials from which abstract reviews reduced the number to 5 relevant randomised controlled clinical trials. The best evidence supported a laboratory based low fidelity model microsurgical skills curriculum. There was strong evidence that technical skills acquired on low fidelity models transfers to improved performance on higher fidelity human cadaver models and that self directed practice leads to improved technical performance. Although there is significant paucity in the literature to support current microsurgical education and training practices, simulated training on low fidelity models in microsurgery is an effective intervention that leads to acquisition of transferable skills and improved technical performance. Further research to identify educational interventions associated with accelerated skill acquisition is required.

Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) to Improve Emergency Care for Novice Nurses (신규간호사의 응급간호 역량 강화를 위한 중요도 - 실행도 분석)

  • Park, Hayoung;Kim, Yoojin;Chu, Sang Hui
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.155-165
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: Although emergency care is one of the most important capabilities for novice nurses, many novice nurses have shown difficulty in emergency care in the clinical field. The purpose of this study was to provide evidence data for the future development of educational programs by analyzing the priorities in emergency care of novice nurses using the Importance-Performance Analysis. Methods: This study was designed as a descriptive survey. The participants were 197 novice nurses who worked in general hospitals from August 1 to 31, 2018. The questionnaire consisted of 'common emergency care', 'cardiovascular emergency care', 'nervous system emergency care', 'respiratory system emergency care', 'communication and teamwork competency'. Results: As a result of this study, 'communication and teamwork' among emergency cares was evaluated as the most important capability in the clinical field. In the Importance-Performance Analysis, a total of 12 items were included in the quadrant A, including 5 items related to 'cardiovascular emergency care', 4 items to 'respiratory system emergency care', 2 items to 'nervous system emergency care' and 1 item to 'common emergency care'. The results showed a need for intensive improvement in items included in quadrant A which are the high importance low performance items. Conclusion: In order to improve the emergency care of novice nurses, a variety of emergency care education programs on the nervous system and respiratory system care should be implemented as well as cardiovascular emergency care education.