• 제목/요약/키워드: Perceived Consistency

검색결과 121건 처리시간 0.02초

A Study on the Impact of E-Service Quality in E-Learning Satisfaction

  • Min-Jung KANG
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제22권12호
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study investigates the impact of e-learning service quality-specifically content, system, and service quality-on e-learning satisfaction. It further explores the mediating effects of perceived consistency and personalization in the relationship between e-service quality and learning satisfaction, as well as the moderating effects of online learning self-efficacy. Research design, data and methodology: A research model was developed based on previous studies, incorporating hypotheses about the relationships among e-learning service quality (content, system, and service), perceived consistency, perceived personalization, online learning self-efficacy, and e-learning satisfaction. Data were collected through surveys administered to e-learning users. Statistical analyses, including regression and mediation/moderation tests, were performed to validate the hypotheses. The collected data were analyzed using Smart PLS and SPSS Macro version 3.5 to test the research model. Conclusion: The results revealed that e-service quality (content quality and service quality) significantly influences learning satisfaction. The mediating effects of perceived consistency and perceived personalization were partially significant. Furthermore, online learning self-efficacy was found to significantly moderate the relationship between content quality and learning satisfaction, emphasizing its critical role in enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

Linking Omnichannel Integration Quality and Customer Loyalty in Vietnamese Banks

  • Thu Trang PHAM
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study investigates the complex dynamics of consumer behavior in Vietnamese banking omnichannel environments, focusing on the roles of service consistency, service transparency, flow, perceived privacy risk, and loyalty intention. Research design, data and methodology: Using a sample of 422 Vietnamese bank customers, data analysis revealed significant relationships among the variables under investigation. Results: Firstly, service consistency was found to positively influence flow experiences and negatively impact perceived privacy risk, highlighting the importance of uniform service quality across channels in enhancing consumer engagement while mitigating privacy concerns. Similarly, service transparency was positively associated with flow experiences and negatively associated with perceived privacy risk, underscoring the importance of transparent information dissemination in fostering immersive consumer experiences while alleviating privacy apprehensions. Furthermore, both flow experiences and perceived privacy risk significantly influenced loyalty intentions, indicating the pivotal roles of engaging experiences and data security in driving consumer loyalty. Additionally, mediated relationships were observed, demonstrating the interplay between service consistency, service transparency, flow, perceived privacy risk, and loyalty intention in shaping consumer behavior in omnichannel contexts. Conclusions: These findings provide valuable insights for retailers and marketers seeking to optimize consumer experiences and cultivate loyalty in omnichannel environments by prioritizing consistency, transparency, and data privacy protection.

Channel Integration Quality, Customer Experience and Patronage in Omnichannel Retailing

  • NGUYEN, Hai Ninh
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제19권12호
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: By integrating multiple separate online, offline distribution channels, omnichannel distribution has modernized and revolutionized the retailing sector. Omnichannel distribution supports firms by delivering seamless shopping experiences for customers throughout all touchpoints of the shopping journey. This paper aims at exploring the impact of channel integration quality on customer experience and patronage intentions in the omnichannel distribution context. Research design, data and methodology: An online survey was taken with 351 omnichannel experienced shoppers by utilizing the structured questionnaire. The partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and Smart PLS software were employed to analyze and test proposed hypotheses. Results: The findings reveal that channel integration quality dimensions including breadth of channel-service choice, transparency of channel-service configuration, content consistency, and process consistency, play crucial roles in the customer shopping experience. The perceived compatibility has been influenced by the integrated interactions in which content consistency and process consistency. The findings also demonstrate the positive and direct impact of perceived compatibility on customer experience, and both factors have substantial effects on customers' patronage intentions. Conclusions: This study sheds light on the literature on channel integration quality, omnichannel retailing experience and customer patronage. In addition, this study provides practical implications for omnichannel retailers in enhancing customer experience and patronage.

환경문제에 대한 사회책임적 소비자태도와 행동의 일관성에 관한연구 (A Study on the Consistency of Socially Responsible Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors toward Environment Problem)

  • 심미영
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.123-140
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the consistency of socially responsible consumer attitudes and behaviors toward environment problem. The major findings were as follows; 1. The socially responsible consumer behaviors toward environment problem were classified into resource conservation purchasing & using in green product and recycling behavior by factor analysis. 2. Correlation coefficient of the socially responsible attitudes and behaviors toward environment problem was found to be above. 43. This result implies that the consistency of socially responsible attitudes and behaviors was very high. 3. In the area of total socially responsible consumer attitudes and behaviors toward environment problem the related variable on the consistency of attitude and behavior were altruism perceived power of big business liberalism alienation dogmatism perceived consumer effectiveness faith on the environmental regulation policy experience of environment education and consumer i formation.

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집단특성이 온라인 게임의 유효성에 미치는 영향 : MMOG를 중심으로 (The Influence of Group Characteristics on Effectiveness of Online Game : Focuses on MMOG)

  • 이웅규;권정일
    • 한국정보시스템학회지:정보시스템연구
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.81-107
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    • 2011
  • Group features such as group cohesion and consistency on appropriation(COA), which have been constructed through social interactions, should be noted for characterizing online game, especially, clan based massively multi-players online game (MMOG). This study attempted to identify the relationship between group characteristics and users' effectiveness of MMOG considering group experience. For this purpose, a research model was suggested: group cohesion and COA are variables for explaining group features, perceived use control is a variable for individual competency of playing MMOG, and perceived winning and perceived enjoyment are dependent variables. Moreover, group experience was included as a moderating variables for two relationships, group cohesion-preceived winning and COA-perceived winning. For the validation of this research model, 100 users for Sudden Attack which is one of very well known MMOG games were surveyed by questionnaires. Before survey, they were grouped into 10 teams and were played over ten times by team for perceiving group consciousness. In result, most hypotheses were statistically supported except the relationship between group cohesion and perceived winning.

한국판 목소리 자기조절 척도의 신뢰도 및 타당도 예비연구 (Validation of the Korean Voice Perceived Present Control Scale: A Pilot Study)

  • 이정민;정수연;김빛나;김한수
    • 대한후두음성언어의학회지
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.103-109
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    • 2022
  • Background and Objectives The Voice Perceived Present Control scale (VPPC) has been developed to provide better insight into patients' perceived control over their thoughts or behaviors related to voice disorders. The objective of the present study was to validate the Korean VPPC (K-VPPC) by evaluating its internal consistency and reliability. Materials and Method All items of the English VPPC were translated into Korean. Content validity was analyzed through three Delphi survey rounds by an expert panel (n=44) with active clinical and research experience in treating dysphonic patients. Twenty-three patients with a heterogeneous diagnosis of dysphonia and twenty-three gender-matched vocally normal controls (total n=46) were asked to complete the K-VPPC and the Korean Voice Handicap Index-10 (KVHI-10). Psychometric properties including internal consistency and reliability were evaluated to examine the appropriateness of cross-cultural use of K-VPPC. Results Cronbach's alpha coefficient of K-VPPC was 0.89 for dysphonic patients, indicating good internal consistency in clinical samples. Furthermore, patients with dysphonia scored significantly lower on the total score of K-VPPC and higher on voice handicap than the vocally normal controls. Spearman's correlation coefficients indicated an inverse and moderate association between the K-VPPC and all domains of KVHI-10 (Spearman's r=-0.44- -0.68). Conclusion The findings of the current study indicated that the K-VPPC is a valid and reliable tool for the assessment of perceived control in Korean patients with dysphonia. Therefore, the K-VPPC could be a useful and complementary tool for the comprehensive evaluation of dysphonia, thereby improving care in Korean patients with voice disorders.

The Effect of Chatbot Service Acceptance Intention on Service Continuous Use Intention

  • Hyeyoon PARK
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제22권9호
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This research aims to contribute to the search for strategies on innovation in chatbot services in airline distribution industry. Personal and systemic characteristics of chatbot were derived together. The extended technology acceptance model theory was applied. The effects of perceived ease of use, usefulness, and intention to use chatbot from the user's perspective were empirically analyzed. Research design, data and methodology: Through an online survey, 309 people who have experience using chatbot services in airline distribution industry responded. AMOS 18.0 was used to analyze the data. Results: The hypothesis that personal characteristics will positively influence perceived ease and perceived usefulness was tested. Self-efficacy and user's innovativeness were shown have a significant effect on both perceived ease and perceived usefulness. System characteristics present a positive effect on perceived ease and perceived usefulness was tested. Consistency and familiarity were found to affect perceived ease and perceived usefulness. Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness show a positive effect on intention to continue using chatbot service. Conclusions: When building an airline chatbot service in airline distribution industry, it is necessary to consider systematic characteristics, ease of use, and usability. It provided practical implications in that it have a significant impact on users' intention to use.

동영상 강의를 이용한 온라인 소프트웨어 교양수업에서 중간평가와 기말평가의 상관관계에 관한 고찰 (A Study on the Correlation Between Midterm and Final Evaluations in Online Software Liberal Arts Courses Using Videos Lectures)

  • 최진호
    • 공학교육연구
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 2024
  • This paper examines the correlation between midterm and final evaluations using quantitative assessment data from an online liberal arts course titled "Software and Computational Thinking" over four semesters. The course was conducted through pre-recorded video lectures, and the same conditions were maintained throughout the four semesters. The study results showed that the course satisfaction rate in the final evaluations was lower than that in the midterm evaluations across all assessment items. This is likely because improvements based on student feedback from the midterm evaluations were not implemented within the same semester, and the rate of insincere responses increased in the final evaluations. Moreover, objective evaluation items such as "Adherence to Syllabus" and "Relevance of Lecture Content" showed a statistically significant correlation between midterm and final evaluations. However, for assessment items where subjective judgment, such as "Lecture Comprehension", is important, no significant consistency was observed between midterm and final evaluations over the four semesters. The evaluation of subjective assessment items is closely related to the perceived difficulty of the lectures by the students, and in engineering-related courses, this connection is even stronger. Therefore, in the case of liberal arts courses in engineering, where students from various majors are enrolled, it is natural that the perceived difficulty of the lectures differs among students as the course progresses, and that the change in perceived difficulty between the midterm and final evaluations also varies. As a result, it is understandable that there is a lack of consistency in subjective evaluation items between the midterm and final evaluations. These findings suggest that to enhance student satisfaction and maintain consistency in course evaluations throughout the semester in engineering liberal arts courses, it is necessary to design and operate the lectures with differentiated practical content tailored to the academic backgrounds of the students.

모 브랜드-일치성이 확장브랜드에 대한 태도에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of The Parent Brand-Congruity on the Attitude to Expanded Brand)

  • 강민정;황희중
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.77-89
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - This study presents the relationships between parent brand-self image congruence, parent brand -functional congruity, perceived fit between parent brand and extension product, and consumer's attitude toward extension product using the structural equation model. As for preceding concepts having a direct effect on consumer's attitude toward brand extension, the study focuses on parent brand-self image congruence and parent brand-functional congruity. It also looks at the effect of parent brand-self image congruence and parent brand-functional congruity on the consumer's attitude toward extension product and identifies if the perceived fit between parent brand and extension product is a concept playing a mediating role between parent brand-self image congruence or parent brand-functional congruity and consumer's attitude toward brand extension product. Research design, data, and Methodology - SPSS for Windows 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 were used for data analysis. Then, the Cronbach's α coefficient was obtained using SPSS for Windows 18.0 to measure reliability. In addition, the convergence and discriminative measures of the measured items were statistically verified using AMOS 18.0. Finally, we have validated a path model and a parameter model in which brand personality-self-matched attitude toward brand extension. Results - Studies have shown that the impact of parent brand-self image consistency and parent brand-functional consistency on the attitude of extended products was positive. Perceived fit between parent brand and extension products has been shown to play a role of intermediary between parent brand-self image congruence and consumer attitudes to extended products. However, perceived fit between parent brand and extension products did not play a role as intermediary between the parent brand-functional congruity and the attitude toward the extended product. Finally, in relation to the causal relationship between parent brand-congruity (self image/functionality) and attitudes to extended products. The effect of parent brand-functional coherency on attitudes toward extended products was found to be greater in groups with higher involvement than in those with lower involvement. Conclusions - Although few studies have been done on what variables mediated when parent brand-self image consistency and parent brand-functional coherency affect consumer attitude, this paper is significant in finding whether perceived fitness between the parent brand-congruity and the extension product is mediated.

투척선수의 지도자 신뢰가 선수만족 및 인지된 경기력에 미치는 영향 (Effects of coach confidence on athlete satisfaction and perceived performance in throwers)

  • 이명선
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제12권9호
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    • pp.4054-4060
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구의 목적은 투척선수들의 지도자 신뢰가 선수만족 및 인지된 경기력에 미치는 영향을 규명하는 것이다. 연구 대상은 2011년 4월21일부터 25일까지 5일간 개최된 제40회 전국종별육상선수권에 참가한 고등부, 대학부, 일반부 남 여 육상투척선수 198명이었다. 수집된 자료는 분석 목적에 따라 사례별로 분리 입력하였다. 지도자와 선수의 신뢰가 선수만족 및 인지된 경기력에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위하여 SPSS 18.0 프로그램으로 각 변인별 상관관계 분석 및 다중회귀분석(multiple regression)을 실시하였다. 첫째, 투척선수들의 지도자 신뢰는 선수만족에 의미 있는 영향을 미친다. 즉, 지도자 신뢰의 하위요인인 성실성, 능력, 일관성, 이타성, 개방성은 선수만족의 하위요인인 기술분석, 지도능력, 코치자질에 유의한 영향을 주었다. 둘째. 투척선수들의 지도자신뢰는 인지된 경기력에 의미 있는 영향을 미친다. 즉, 지도자 신뢰의 하위요인인 성실성, 능력, 일관성, 이타성, 개방성은 인지된 경기력의 하위요인인 승리의지, 기량발휘에 의미 있는 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과로 볼 때, 투척선수들의 지도자신뢰는 선수만족은 물론 인지된 경기력에 유의미한 영향을 미친다고 할 수 있다.