• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pediatric(小兒科)

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  • Kim, Minji;Song, Ji-Soo;Shin, Teo Jeon;Hyun, Hong-Keun;Kim, Young-Jae;Kim, Jung-Wook;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Jang, Ki-Taeg
    • The Journal of Korea Assosiation for Disability and Oral Health
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.45-49
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    • 2019
  • Bartter syndrome is an inherited renal tubular disorder characterized by hypokalemia, hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis, hyperreninemia, hyperprostaglandinism, and normal blood pressure. Bartter syndrome is classified by neonatal and classic type. Clinical manifestation of Bartter syndrome considered in dental treatment include tendency to dehydration, vomiting and erosion, attrition and abrasion of the teeth. A 2-year-4 month old boy with Bartter syndrome type III was referred to the Seoul National University Dental Hospital for dental evaluation and treatment. He showed hypokalemic hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis and had been treated with indomethacin and potassium chloride. He had hypocalcified teeth with or without multisurface caries lesions in all dentition and the erosion of maxillary teeth was detected. Dental procedure under general anesthesia was scheduled due to multiple caries and his medical condition. The dental procedure was successfully performed. This case suggests that electrolyte imbalances need to be treated prior to dental treatment and complete coverage restoration is necessary to protect the eroded teeth. An appropriate management plan for the patients with Bartter syndrome should include considerations of the need for close interaction with the pediatrician for pre- and post-operative care. General anesthesia may be recommendable to manage the patients having multiple caries with Bartter syndrome.

Three Dimensional Skeletal, Dentoalveolar and Airway Space Changes after Slow Maxillary Expansion in Children (어린이에서 저속 상악 확장에 따른 골격성, 치아치조성, 기도 변화에 대한 3차원적 평가)

  • Nawoon Kim;Daewoo Lee;Jae-Gon Kim;Yeonmi Yang
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.155-167
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    • 2023
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of slow maxillary expansion (SME) on the dentoalveolar, skeletal, upper airway, and maxillary sinus using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Twenty-three orthodontic patients (mean age 8.93 ± 1.61 years) who were treated with maxillary expansion using banded hyrax in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at Jeonbuk National University Dental Hospital were included. According to the expansion speed applied, they were divided into two groups: SME (12 subjects, mean age 8.92 ± 1.45 years) and rapid maxillary expansion (RME, 11 subjects, mean age 8.94 ± 1.84 years). CBCT were obtained before (T0) and after (T1) the treatment and were analyzed with InVivo5 software (Anatomage, San Jose, CA, USA). Descriptive statistics showed no significant differences between the two groups in age, sex, or skeletal maturity. There were significant increases in maxillary width at the dentoalveolar and skeletal levels for both groups. Upper airway volume revealed a significant increase of 38.59% in the SME group and 28.72% in the RME group. However, there was no significant difference between SME group and RME group in all measurements. This study suggested the efficacy of SME in growing patients. SME was effective in increasing not only dentoalveolar and skeletal measurements but also airway volume. Therefore, pediatric dentists should select an appropriate expansion method considering the physiological aspects of periodontal tissues and discomfort in growing children.

A Clinical Study on the Herbal Medicine Therapy Treating Pediatric Chronic Sinusitis and Otitis Media (소아(小兒) 만성(慢性) 부비동염(副鼻洞炎)과 병발된 재발성(再發性) 삼출성(渗出性) 중이염(中耳炎)의 한방(韓方) 치료효과(治療效果)에 관(關)한 임상적(臨床的) 연구(硏究))

  • Lee Hai-Ja;Park Eun-Jung
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.205-226
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    • 1999
  • Background: Pediatric chronic sinusitis and otitis media were often recurred, so patients are increased. But there are a few reports on the herbal medicine therapy treating pediatric chronic sinusitis and otitis media, this report was studied. Objective: To demonstrate the effect of herbal medicine therapy in the chronic sinusitis before and after treatment using computed tomograpy(CT). To compared before and after treatment of otitis media using earscope. Materials and methods: Eighteen patients (10 mail and 8 femail) treated in our hospital between April 1998 and June 1999 were studied. Ages ranged from 4 to 11 years (mean age :6.6 years). All patients had a underlying family history (allergy or sinusitis of parents or brothers). In the past history, 56% patients atopic dermatitis. Illness period was from 2 to 48 months (mean period: 13.9 month). Mean duration of treatment were 95.6 days. To ascertain the efficacy of treatment, CT were checked out. In the CT, three images were obtained 2cm interval on the coronal and axial plan. Gamihyunggyeyungyo-tang was administered mainly. Gamigwaghyangjeungki-san, Gamizwakwi-eum and Gamihyangso-san were administered for through oral route additional symptoms. Results: The symptoms of otitis media were hearing loss and edemation. The symptoms of chronic sinusitis were nasal obstruction(78%), purulunt or mucosal discharge(67%), cough(61%), postnasal dripping (44%) and nose bleeding(28%). Before the oriental treatment in the our hospital, all patients have been antibiotic therapy at the pediatrics or during the three months and recurrent otitis media from twice to tenth Correlation illness period and. treatment period were not significant statistically. Conclusion: The treatment period of the otitis media was more short than chronic sinusitis because the otitis media had been not recurrent on the 30 percent improvement of the chronic sinusitis. We know that herbal medicine therapy is the effective treatment of pediatric chronic sinusitis and otitis media using earscope and CT.

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A Study of the Chief Complaints of Pediatric Outpatients (소아과(小兒科) 외래(外來) 환자(患者)의 주소증(主訴證)에 관한 고찰(考察))

  • Song, In-Sun;Shin, Ji-Na;Shin, Youn-Guo
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2002
  • The Purpose of this study was to collect statistics of pediatric problems, and so to investigate the new effective oriental medicine treatments in pediatric disease and its clinical applicability. The Study was composed of 698 new patient who had been treated at the pediatric unit in th Dong Sea Oriental Medical Hospital for 1 year, from 1 September 2001 to 31 October 2002, and aged between 0 and 18 years. The Chief complaints and their care-givers. Result: 1. In the study, male children are 403 and female children are 295. So the sex ratio between male and female is 1.37 : 1. 2. In age distribution, 0-3 years : 317(45.4%), 4-6 years : 148(21.2%). 7-9 years 98(14.0%), 10-12 years: 66(9.5%), 13-15 years : 40(5.7%), 16-18 years 29(4.2%). 3. The chief complaint according to systemic division was Respiratory diseases covers 30.1%, Digestive diseases covers 20.8%, Physique diseases covers 10.6%. 4. The Respiratory diseases tended to increase in autumn and appeared mostly in the age group between 0 and 9 years. The Digestive diseases increase in summer and appeared mostly in the age group between 10 and 12 years. The physique diseases increase in winter and appeared mostly in he age group between 13 and 18 years. 5. Most of patient came to the hospital from diseases such as common cold, weakness, dyspepsia, atopic dermatitis, rhinitis, take a easy cold, short stature, sweating, Bell's palsy, abdominal pain, etc. Conclusion : 1. The chief complaint In pediatric diseases that needed an oriental medical treatment was mainly the disease that tends to take long time and the weakness, and appeared frequency in respiratory and digestive disease. 2. The oriental medical treatment was still preferred as a way to improve the weakness by patients, rather than a way to overcome their disease. in particular, the study shows that the oriental medical treatment should be emphasized in terms of preventing the disease. 3. The new disease, which were developed with change of human life and environment, should be investigated as a new fie of oriental medical treatment.

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Clinical Study of the Pediatric Patients Who Had Visited Emergency Room(ER) at Oriental Medical Hospital (한방병원 응급실에 내원한 소아 환자에 관한 임상적 고찰)

  • Lee, Yu-Jin;Baek, Jung-Han
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: By analyzing data of pediatric patients who had visited the emergency room of an oriental medical hospital, we can understand their characteristics and diseases. The purpose of this study was to introduce the excellence of Oriental medicine, to develop various treatments and to revitalize pediatric emergency care at oriental medical hospital. Methods: The study was composed of 371 pediatric patients who had visited the emergency room of the $\bigcirc\bigcirc$ university oriental hospital from January 2008 to December 2009. Results: 1. Average age of the pediatric patients was 4.28 years old, and it has showed that 1 to 3 years old patients (36.7%) were the most common age. 2. The number of pediatric patients was increased in June. According to the weekly distribution data, the number of pediatric patients who had visited on Sunday was the most (29.1%). Also, the number of pediatric patients who had visited ER for 18 to 21 hours(35.6%) were the most common. 3. The major problems of hospitalization were digestive symptoms and nervous symptoms. The nervous symptoms were the most at infancy. The musculoskeletal symptoms were the most common in adolescence. The digestive symptoms were common in other stages of development. 4. The time interval between arrival and onset; within 6 hours were the most(48.0%). Acupuncture and herbal medication treatment(75.2%) were the most common medical treatments. Most of the pediatric patients(97.3%) were discharged after medical treatments. Conclusions: Pediatric patients who had visited emergency room at the oriental medical hospital were mostly not due to acute form of serious diseases. The most common disease states that have preferred to treat with oriental medicine were dyspepsia, crying, febrile fit, and ankle sprain. We have to introduce the excellence of oriental medicine, and we need to try to develop other treatments such as magnetic acupuncture, moxa therapy, aroma therapy and revitalize pediatric emergency care at oriental medical hospital.

Correlation between Pediatric Balance Scale and Gait Parameter in Children with Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy (경직성 양하지 뇌성마비 아동의 소아균형검사와 보행변수 간의 상관관계)

  • Ko, Myung-Sook;Park, So-Yeon;Lee, Nam-Gi
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.251-257
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    • 2016
  • The Pediatric Balance Scale (PBS) was balance measurement equipment for school-age children with mild to moderate motor impairments. The aims of this study are to examine the correlation between PBS and spatiotemporal gait parameter and to identify the walking function with cerebral palsy through balance scale. The PBS consists of 14 items such as sitting of standing, standing to sitting, transfers, standing unsupported, standing on one foot, turning 360 degrees, turing to look behind, etc., and the spatiotemporal parameters include walking speed, stride length, step length, step width, cadence, double-limb support. All subjects were independently ambulatory children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy, and they were assessed on PBS and spatiotemporal gait parameters by an experienced pediatric physical therapist. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to assess the correlation between PBS and spatiotemporal gait parameters, and the level of significance was set at ${\alpha}$ = 0.05. Total score of PBS(r=.49~.58), standing to sitting(r=.48~.60), turning to look behind(r=.47~.53), and pick up object(r=.52~.69) were positively correlated with walking speed, stride length, step length, and cadence. Most items of the PBS were negatively correlated with double-limb support(r=-.48~-.92). These findings suggest that the pediatric balance scale can be applied to estimate gait function level for children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy.

A case of constrictive pericarditis presenting with protein-losing enteropathy (단백 소실성 장병증을 동반한 교착성 심낭염 1례)

  • Hong, Jeong Mi;Lee, Jae Young;Kim, Soo Jin;Jang, Gi Young;Shim, Woo Sup
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.49 no.8
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    • pp.898-901
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    • 2006
  • Constrictive pericarditis represents a rare cause of protein-losing enteropathy in children. Reported is an 11-year-old girl with protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) as the principal manifestations of constrictive pericarditis. After total pericardiectomy, symptoms and signs of PLE disappeared. Doppler echocardiography including tissue Doppler imaging is a useful noninvasive initial diagnostic tool for differential diagnosis of diastolic heart failure.

Immunization schedule Recommended by Korean Pediatric Society, 2008 (2008년 대한소아과학회 예방접종 스케줄)

  • Lee, Hoan Jong
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 2008
  • Immunizations are among the most cost-effective and widely used public health interventions. This is a report a revision of recommendation of immunization for children by Korean Pediatric Society. Immunization. Vaccines were divided into 4 groups. 1) Vaccines that are recommended to all infants and children (BCG, hepatitis B vaccine, DTaP, Td, Polio vaccine, Japanese encephalitis vaccine, MMR, varicella vaccine, influenza vaccine [6-23 months of age], H. influenzae type b vaccine), 2) those that can be administered to all infants and children, but decision of administration is made by parents (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine, influenza vaccine [healthy children ${\geq}24$ months of age], rotavirus vaccine, human papilloma virus vaccine), 3) those that should be given to high risk group (pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine [high risk patients ${\geq}24$ months of age], influenza vaccine [high risk patients ${\geq}24$ months of age], typhoid vaccine), and 4) those administered for control of outbreaks or prevention of emerging infectious diseases. Immunization schedule recommended by Korean Pediatric Society in 2008 is presented.

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A case report of epilepic children (가미곽향정기산(加味藿香正氣散) 투여로 호전된 소아 간질 환자 2례)

  • Han, Kyung-Hun;Lee, Hai-Ja;Park, Eun-Jung;Na, Won-Kyung
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2004
  • Background: Epilepsy is a disorder of the central nervous system characterized by loss of consciousness and convulsions. Epilepsy, a typical chronic disease, may cause high level of psychosocial difficulties for all family members, including stigmatization, stress, martial problems, poor self esteem and restriction of social activities. Objective & Method: To demonstrate the therapeutic effect of herbal medicine (Kamigoakhyangjeonggisan) on patients with epilepsy. We treated two cases of epileptic children, who had frequent seizures. Results: Two children improved in the frequency of the seizure, the combined disabilities. Conclusion: We report that we had good effects of herbal medicine treatment on two cases of epileptic children.

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A Clinical Study on Characteristics of Pediatric Patients with Halitosis (소아.청소년 구취 환자의 임상적 특징에 대한 연구)

  • Yoon, Hye-Joon;Lee, Jin-Yong
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2010
  • Objectives Halitosis affects a large proportion of the population, and it may cause a significant social or psychological problems but pathophysiological mechanism of halitosis is unclear. The purpose of this study is to investigate pediatric halitosis patients' characteristics and their related symptoms. Methods 133 patients were participated at the Pediatric Clinic of Kyanhee Oriental Medical Center from May 29th, 2010 to July 10th, 2010. We measured sulfide level and reviewed medical charts and asked some questions. Patients of sex, age, respiratory symptoms, digestive symptoms, systemic symptoms and sulfide level were analyzed. Results Stuffy nose, cough after sleep, sputum, snoring, indigestion, stomachache, motion sickness, and Bi-We-Soo diagnosis grades were significantly associated with halitosis Conclusions Based on data, we found that halitosis is related to the respiratory and digestive symptoms. Also, we can refer this study when diagnosing patients or giving treatments to patients.