• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pedestrian facility

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The Reinforcement Plan of Safety Management for the Small-sized Facility (소규모 시설물의 안전관리 강화방안)

  • Jung, In Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2014
  • While large-sized facilities (type I II) have been managed systematically after the establishment of the Special Law for Safety Management on Facility, the management of small-sized facilities is relatively poor. The small-sized facilities have been managed by The Basic Law for Disaster and Safety Management, however, it is hard to manage them systematically as related standards are not established. Therefore, this study proposed the management plans for including the facilities such as some road tunnels and utility tunnels, which have the definite manager and a high possibility to harm the public, into type I and II facilities. In addition, it proposed the reinforcement plans of safety management for small-sized and vulnerable facilities such as breast wall and cut slopes, traditional markets and pedestrian bridges, which are fundamental facilities closely related to people's life, although a budget and a man-power are not enough.

A Strategic Study of Pedestrian-Friendly Reconstruction in University Campus Core - Case Study of 'H' University in Gyeonggi-do Province - (대학 캠퍼스코어의 보행친화형 개조전략 연구 - 경기도 H대학교를 사례로 -)

  • Hong, Youn-Soon;Park, Chung-In
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2014
  • The Campus Core is centered at the physical, functional and symbolic environment of a university, which is known as the top academic institution, hence it metaphorically represents not only the educational philosophy when institution first opened, but also the transformed values of the time. Today, universities are asked to actively communicate with the local community in terms of function and be remodeled as pedestrian-friendly campuses in terms of physical environment. For this reason, the study comprehends the concept of the campus core in accordance with a pedestrian-friendly environment and suggests a practical plan for campus cores of district national universities based on previous research examination. Since the purpose of the study is to suggest a change in the circulation system centered on vehicle use to transform into a pedestrian-friendly environment through a planned approach while introducing public mixed-use at the same time, the study supports the fact that it is possible to reorganize the strategy of a pedestrian-friendly circulation system and partially revise the land utilization to yield the expected outcomes. Thus, this study will provide valid suggestions for similar maintenance plans while looking back to the meaning and value of today's campus core.

An Analysis of the Characteristics of the Transition Trand of the Multi-family Housing Theory by Planning Community Units - Focused on the new town planning in Korea - (생활권 개념의 변화에 따른 주거지 계획의 시기별 특성 변화 - 국내 신도시 및 신시가지 계획을 중심으로 -)

  • Yi, Jong-Hwa;Koo, Ja-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2009
  • A planned access method on constantly-changing-community unit plan changes and develops based on the periodical situation and also plan theory. In this research, it is to present the link between the theory of complex city change and the plan factor of it, and to show how Korean residential complex plan has changed as time passed and how new concept of city plan came up and by applying new methods how can this affect our real world and the past plan. In the phase of analysis, it analyzed the flow of 'community unit plan' and its theory and investigated the factor of compositional space and built a analysis frame. The factors of community unit plan are space structure, size and shape of block, population, distribution of facilities and movement system. It chose the place that can represent the flow of community unit plan trand and that indicates the obvious development leading to Jamsil (1975), Gwa Chun (1980), Mok Dong (1983), Sang Ge (1985), Ilsan (1989), Dong tan (2001) and Eun Jung (2003) total of 7 places. And to compare a similar size of the city, it selected a small community unit. Based on the result of theoretical study and prior research, it can be said that the space composition style has change from a whole complete complex area to a linked-cross over community unit and the access of urban level was on set. Also, a pedestrian walking area was secured and the dense of building structure and pleasant environment wanting need was in balance. For facility plans, the usage of facility and functional change brought change of type, size and disposition. The walking area for pedestrian became a huge matter. Therefore, market, education, public facilities and green system collaborated to co-build a whole community unit and activated the walking environment. Also, public transportation, environment friendly city organization was built.

Research on the Safety Inspection Plan of Outdoor Advertising Safety Using Drone (드론을 활용한 옥외광고물 안전도 검사 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Hee-Jeong;Lee, Suk-Hyung;Chang, Hye-Jung
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.530-538
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    • 2020
  • Safety inspections of outdoor advertisements are conducted to determine the aging status, specifications, and compliance with design documents. Regular inspections are conducted on outdoor advertisements from a safety perspective, as they not only undermine the aesthetic elements of the city but also could cause falls on roads or pedestrian paths. However, the current safety inspection methods are at risk of various accidents during the inspection advertisements on the outer wall of the building. And it is difficult to conduct in-depth inspections on them if they are fixed to the elevation of the building. Furthermore, there also is a risk of safety accidents, such as advertising structures falling onto a pedestrian path. Therefore, this paper aims to enhance the safety inspection system of outdoor advertisements using drones. This paper also intends to propose measures for facility inspection history management such as safety inspection cycle, maintenance, and removal of signboards.

An Improvement Direction for Increases of Visitor Satisfaction on Arboretum by Post-evaluation - Based on Jade Garden - (수목원 방문객 만족도 증진을 위한 개선방향 - 제이드가든 내 4개 주제정원을 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Geon;Yun, Young-Jo;Kil, Sung-Ho;Rho, Hoe-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.60-72
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to identify detailed factors that affect visitor satisfactions of the plants on display, environments of pedestrian road and facility of each theme garden by conducting a survey of visitors to Jade Garden. The 400 data including 100 copies per theme garden were used for statistical analysis. The statistical techniques used in the survey analysis include multi-regression analysis, t-test, and analysis of variance(ANOVA). As a result of the analysis, most of theme gardens tended to have the greatest impact on the satisfaction of the plants on display and the lowest level of facility satisfaction. According to detailed factors analysis of the satisfaction of plants on display satisfaction of plant diversity and the method of plant display were most affected in most of the theme gardens. Among them, promoting the satisfaction of plant diversity is necessary to plant various species, but in case of Ginkgo Maze Garden, a type of tree community as one tree(Ginkgo biloba), the satisfaction of plants diversity did not show a rising-up value. Therefore, it was confirmed that the appropriate degree of plants diversity depends on the theme or environment of the garden. In the case of the pedestrian-road-satisfaction, the width of the pedestrian road was the most affected, It was analyzed that whether the point of intersection can be easily available during peak season has a significant impact on the satisfaction of visitors. In the case of facility satisfaction, it was analyzed that the presence of rest and convenience facilities had the most direct influence on visitors, so the facility diversity had the greatest influence. Therefore, it is necessary to more systematically categorize and consider the influential detailed factors such as plants diversity and methods of plant display, width of pedestrian road and facilities diversity for the management and development of the arboretum.

Development of Disabled Parking System Using Deep Learning Model (딥러닝 모델을 적용한 장애인 주차구역 단속시스템의 개발)

  • Lee, Jiwon;Lee, Dongjin;Jang, Jongwook;Jang, Sungjin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.05a
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    • pp.175-177
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    • 2021
  • The parking area for the disabled is a parking facility for the pedestrian disabled and is a parking space for securing pedestrian safety passage for the disabled. However, due to the lack of social awareness of areas for the disabled, the use of parking areas is restricted, and violations such as illegal parking and obstruction of parking are increasing every year. Therefore, in this study, we propose a system to crack down on illegal parking in handicapped parking areas using the YOLOv5 model, a deep learning object recognition model to improve parking interference within parking spaces.

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A Study on the Improvement of Pedestrian Facilities by the Use of Importance-Performance Analysis (중요도-만족도분석을 통한 보행자시설 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chang Hee;Kim, Myung Soo;Jo, Kyeong Nam
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.628-637
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual conditions of the mobility convenience facilities for pedestrians and their perception of the facilities, and thereby provide fundamental material necessary to establish a strategy of improving mobility convenience facilities. This study tried to analyze the characteristics of the mobility convenience facilities for pedestrians. Based on previous studies and "Report of Mobility Facilities of the Mobility Handicapped", this study first chose the evaluation items related to mobility convenience facilities, and then conducted a questionnaire survey and Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). According to the study results, first, the item that needs intensive improvement was sidewalks, and the detailed indicators for sidewalks were walking safety, convenient facilities for the disabled, and pavement in order. Secondly, the items that need to be maintained were bus and crossroad. Thirdly, the low-ranking items were under-passageway and pedestrian overpass. And lastly, the items that need to be controlled were facilities for passenger terminals and bus terminals. Based on the comprehensive IPA result, this researcher judged the actual use conditions of the mobility convenience facilities in Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnamdo. Therefore, it was found that it would be urgent to improve the direct walking environment on sidewalks. In this aspect, for future policy decision and facility maintenance, it is desirable to put the item in priority in terms of investment and come up with an improvement strategy.

A Study on the Development of Facility Model for Safety Training Class in School (학교 내 안전체험교실의 시설모형 개발 연구)

  • Park, Sung-Chul;Ahn, Yoo-Jeong;Song, Byung-Joon;Cho, Jin-ll
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to derive education programs for safety training class, create unit spaces and present components and methods of utilizing the spaces for the development of facilities models closely related to various policy, operation plan and facility construction projects promoted by related institutions such as the Ministry of Education, schools, architects and companies. This study is divided into five steps. First, we reviewed the literature related basic directions for safety education and facility plan, second, field survey included both field conditions such as spatial size and facility configuration and analysis of operating conditions like hours of operation and personnel. Base on literature review and field survey, it were used to analyze strengths and weaknesses of existing safety training classes, and five facility models was developed based on the Delphi method and expert participatory design. The result show that the facility models (drafts) of safety training class were developed as follows: (1)the facility model for traffic safety(pedestrian safety, vehicle safety, subway safety) (2)the facility model for first aid(emergency rescue, how to report) (3)the facility model for disaster safety(fire evacuation safety, life earthquake safety) (4)the facility model for elevator safety(elevator safety, escalator safety) (5)the facility model for drugs and violence safety (smoking drinking, sexual harassment safety, food safety) The safety training class can be composed by combining or separating each module according to affordable space size of each school.

A Study on Improvement of Ramp Installation Standard for BF Certification (BF 인증을 위한 경사로 설치기준 개선에 대한 연구)

  • Shin, Dong Hong
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The ramp is an important facility for the barrier free access and vertical circulation of users of various buildings, including users of walker, wheelchair users, stroller users, and baggage carriers. The installation standards for ramps in Korea have various problems during construction and BF certification. It is necessary to improve the criteria for ensuring practical mobility and safety. Method: Korean standard, International Standard(ISO 21542, 2011), German Standard(DIN 18040-1, 2010), Austrian Standard(OENORM B 1600, 2017), Swiss Standard(Norm SIA 500, 2009), Canadian Standard(Building Standards Guide, 2017), American Standard(ADA Standards, 2010) were investigated and analyzed. A comprehensive improvement of the ramp installation standards is proposed. Results: The ramp is a necessary facility for the barrier free access and vertical circulation of the disabled. It shall be installed with comprehensive consideration of the appropriate slope of the ramp, the distance of the continuous slope, the handle and upstand for pedestrian safety. In order to improve convenience, setting the proper slope and limiting the length of the slope are very important, and improvements are required to the levels presented by international and foreign standards. The unclear standards of Korean law and BF certification standards should be clearly improved so as not to be misinterpreted in construction and Barrier Free Certification. Implication: International and foreign standards should be reviewed to ensure practical mobility and safety. And comprehensive improvement measures should be presented through continuous research.

Housing Improvement Elements Depended on the Analysis of Urban Residents' Perceived Korean Housing Quality Related to Mental Health (거주자가 지각한 정신건강 관련 주거의 질 분석에 기초한 주거 개선요소)

  • Choi, Byungsook;Park, Jung-A
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.189-197
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of the study was to analyze the improvement elements depended on housing quality measurement tool related to mental health. The data for the analysis was collected through questionnaire survey method from November 1, 2012 to January 17, 2013, and the sample consisted of 720 respondents living in single detached houses, multi-families detached houses, apartments, and town houses in 4 cities, Seoul, Busan, Daejeon, and Kwangju. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of improvement elements are as follows: 1) Pedestrian-threaten street from cars in physical safety 2) A secluded or dark spot and fear of walking at night in social security, 3) Indoor noise, outdoor noise, and evidence of abandoned trash heap/bottle in neighborhood in health & sanitation, 4) Illegal parking and heating control system in facility convenience, 5) Extra kitchen, number of bathrooms, and community spaces in space convenience, 6) Openness and spaciousness of indoor room, and satisfaction of house and neighborhood in comfort, 7) Management common/sharing space in maintenance, 8) Energy saving facility and environment friendly materials use in sustainability, 9) Burden on housing cost, asset value on house, and school district in economic value, 10) Reflection of residents style, surrounding building's number of layers, and neighborhood appearance of preference in housing environment image.