• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pedestrian facility

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A Study of Walkway Level of service reckon with Pedestrian Characteristic on Complex-transit center (복합환승센터 인근 보행자도로의 시간대별 보행특성을 고려한 서비스수준에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Gwang-Seon;Choe, Byeong-Mu;Geum, Gi-Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2010
  • The walkway level of service (LOS) is conceptualized using pedestrian flow rate, speed, and density according to the Korean Highway Capacity Manual (KHCM). However, as it is based on the data of commuters at peak hours, it needs to be reevaluated considering various trip purposes and a pleasant pedestrian environment. Thus, the authors aimed to investigate and analyze the characteristics of each group: pedestrians during the peak hour and those during the non-peak hour. Then they were verified statistically for the walkway evaluation criteria. In this study, the authors investigated pedestrian speed and flow in a complex transit center walkway with diverse trip purposes by peak and non-peak hour. Then the authors statistically verified the differences between the groups. A model was built for estimating pedestrian density by speed and flow; it was used to calculate the walkway capacity (67.3p/m/m) corresponding to LOS E. The authors established new criteria for LOS, applying the LOS from the HCM. These standards can then be used as the design standards for pedestrian walkways.

A Study on Environmental Plan To Support Pedestrians in Public Space of Urban Mixed-use Commercial Facilities (도심 복합상업시설 공용공간의 보행자 지원적 환경계획에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Mi-Kyoung;Kim, A-Hyun;Kim, Sook-Ha;Lee, Hyo-Chang
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.181-192
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    • 2014
  • Recently, urban mixed-use commercial facilities have been required to raise a safe environment in public areas. So, this study focuses on analyze planning factors selected through the precedent research for Pedestrian safety and environment of urban mixed-use commercial facilities. The first purpose of this study is to analyse the applicative estimation of environmental plan to support pedestrians in public space of urban mixed-use commercial facilities in Seoul. And the second purpose of this study is to propose the directions of environmental planning for creating a pedestrian-friendly environment in public space of urban mixed-use commercial facilities. In order to accomplish this purpose, the environmental planning factors for supporting pedestrians and guidelines for disabled shown in the precedent studies are drawn. A survey of research subjects are 4 urban mixed-use commercial facilities located in downtown Seoul. And then a questionnaire survey is performed on architecture and interior design students to evaluate the importance. As a result of the study, the following conclusion are drawn. The pedestrian-friendly environment in urban mixed-use commercial facilities requires planning to strengthen accessibility, supporting and safety of public space.

Importance-Performance Analysis of Elderly Residents on the Planned Elements of the Participatory Residential Environment Improving Projects - Focused on the Project of Yonnam-dong - (주민참여형 주거지 재생사업의 정비요소에 대한 고령 거주자의 중요도-만족도 분석 - 연남동 사업지구를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Ah-Leum;Koo, Ja-Hoon;Lee, Joo-Lim
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate the perception of elderly residents on the residential environment improving projects and suggest the political implications. The survey include questionnaires about the importance and the satisfaction level on the project maintenance factors. The results were statistically analyzed by Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). As the result of the study, firstly, it shows that 'the possible overkill area' on the IPA action grid includes none of factors except 'landscape' which is very similar to mean of performance score. the result of analysis means that the project is very efficient. Secondly, the policy is necessary to improve 'pedestrian passage', 'public open space' and 'transportation environment'. Considering elderly residents especially 'pedestrian passage' and 'public open space' are in need of improvement immediately. In detail 'traffic facility', building 'urban park' and 'pedestrian passage', 'paving of pedestrian passage', 'children's playground' are in need of improvement as well. The results of analysis on elderly and non-elderly residents of Yonnam project may be important foundation for future strategies for improvement.

A Study on the Design Criteria of Pedestrian Facility (Stairs) by Motion Analysis of Walking Parameters in the Elderly (고령자 보행변수 실측을 통한 보행시설물 설계기준 정립 1: 고령자 보행특성을 고려한 계단 챌면 높이 연구)

  • ROH, Chang-Gyun;PARK, Bum Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.396-408
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    • 2017
  • In Korea, the number of elderly has been increasing rapidly. So it is also expected that the economic activity and the trip frequency of the elderly will increase. On the other hand, elderly related accidents such as falls during walking are steadily increasing and the satisfaction about pedestrian environment of elderly is very low. In this paper, we found one of the reasons for these dissatisfaction in pedestrian facility, which is not considering the walking ability (about 75% of non-elderly person) of the elderly. So, we analyze the kinematic walking characteristics of the elderly with the motion analysis system, when the elderly use stairs. As a result of analysis of various walking variables, the current standard for stairway height in Korean law (18cm) requires excessive force to elderly so it was difficult for elderly to keep the balance of the body in ascending and descending walk of stairs. In this paper, we propose the stair design criteria through the cluster analysis of walking parameters reflecting the gait characteristics of the elderly. This change is not a big for non-elderly person, but it can promote more socioeconomic activities for the elderly.

Designing the Space under the Urban Elevated Road -A Case Study for Nengdong-Ro Street- (도시고가도로 입지구간 가로환경 설계 -능동로 '걷고싶은 거리'의 구간을 대상으로-)

  • 진양교;홍윤순
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.136-146
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    • 2000
  • Although the urban elevated road is welcomed in modern society to deal with urban traffic problems, its negative influence on both the pedestrian environment and urban landscape has been frequently observed. Furthermore, the space under elevated structures has been ignored, being the lost space. Recently, several efforts have been devoted into bringing back the lostspace. However, any specific design guidelines shown in the street design of Japan and Singapore have not been suggested in Korea, yet. This study proposes a case of the Nengdong-Ro street design where the two-story urban elevated road is being constructed and negative effects of the elevated road are largely expected. One of the purposes of Nengdong-Ro street design proposed in this study is to relieve the negative effect os the two-story elevated road, and to provide a better pedestrian environment in Nengdong-Ro. The other purpose is to suggest general guidelines that can be applied to the similar context as Nengdong-Ro. It is considered that the space under the elevated road generally consist of three sections: 1) main section where the elevated road runs parallel with the ground, 2) landing section where elevated road goes down to the ground, and 3) facility section where facilities such as the platform and the ticketing booth are located. The design guidelines are suggested for each section, because each section has a different situation. Plans, section and elevations and the details of the street furniture are also incorporated to support the design guidelines.

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The Study on Choice Standard and Operation Method on Zone 30 in the Outskirts Street of Residential Area (주거지 주변가로 Zone 30 구역 선정기준 및 운영방안 연구)

  • Sim, Gwan-Bo;Go, Myeong-Su;Jo, Seong-Geun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2009
  • This research analyzes current pedestrian's safety zone choice standard problem and described about correct standard re-thesis at real. About problem of pedestrian traffic accidents to specific item statistical data to basis ramification of pedestrian traffic accidents, occurrence type of accident, action type etc. synthetically analyze and mark pedestrian's safety zone by countermeasure for decrease of pedestrian traffic accidents and utilize operating domestic outer garment reward and drew domestic Zone30 zone choice standard. Also, because analyzing effect that traffic discharge and speed through on-the-spot probe get in pedestrian thinking, presented quantitative standard, and analyze accident special quality of back pedestrian traffic accidents occurrence number of item and so on do accident type beside quantitative standard, road function, accident latitude and present standard. Specially, take advantage of statistical data of traffic accidents and put emphasis in pedestrian safety. Also, because establishment standard about safety facility establishment of Zone30 zone and systematic thesis of operation way do not consist, standard guide of consistency it is no and does equipment that is established in Zone30 zone because confusion happens by each local unit presented establishment and operation way, and present Zone30 zone.

An Analysis of the Effects of Walking Guidance System in Subway Stations using Genetic Algorithm (유전 알고리즘을 이용한 지하철 역사 동선 분리 시스템의 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Jin-Ho;Lee, Joo-Yong;Kim, Tae-Wan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.617-624
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    • 2015
  • The conflict of opposing pedestrian traffic-flow in a subway station(made up of stair, passageway, and escalator) diminishes the convenience and mobility of its users. In addition, the station's efficiency would be negatively affected by the growth of delay and queue length in pedestrian facilities. As these phenomena have been resulted by the overlapping in pedestrian's traffic-line, the separation of it would alleviate these problems. For the criteria and methodology of separation, this paper has investigated the bi-directional queue length and delay on the entrance of each facility (stair, passageway and escalator). Since the pedestrian flow exists bidirectionally, we have used the weighted average by inflow rate for the delay value. For the optimization of the separation, the Genetic Algorithm has been utilized in order to minimize the delay.

Research on the relationship of store unit configuration and business activation of street mall - Based on case studies of street malls in Korea - (스트릿 몰(Street Mall)의 매장 배분계획과 영업활성화의 관계에 대한 연구 - 국내 스트릿 몰의 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Woo, Seung-Hyun;Yoon, Hea-Kyung
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.202-210
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    • 2009
  • This research was undertaken to prove the relationship between street mall activation and architectural plan design. The research methodology was established based on the analysis of data of two existing street malls in Korea (Western Dome & LaFesta) and theoretical studies of outdoor space design. The findings from this study are the following: First, building blocks with segments in every 50m or so are ideal for detailed communication between visitors and building contents. Second, the ratio of width of main corridor and building height should be less than 1 to provide intimate feel and keep visitors' attention concentrated in the facility. Third, store unit should have more storefronts to be exposed more to passers-by and lead more pedestrian traffic. Fourth, shape of store unit would rather be wide and shallow, instead of narrow and deep, to have more exposure to the central corridor. Fifth, the building block of the busiest(most expensive) area that is usually at the main entrance area of street mall should be flexible to fit more smaller units to maximize the profitability. Sixth, the main entrance of store should face the main pedestrian corridor to induce the influx of visitors. Lastly seventh, anchor tenant that has strong name recognition is usually located on basement or higher level to induce pedestrian traffic into the mall, key tenants that are strong and familiar brand names should be located at the corner of building block with spacing to attract visitors, provide even distribution of traffic, and support wayfinding, and local tenant should be located at small units along the central corridor or remainder spaces occurred from building core layout.

Assessment of the New Capacity and LOS of Transfer Facilities in the High-speed Railway Stations (고속철도역 환승시설 용량 및 서비스수준 산정 방안)

  • Kim, Jonghae;Kim, Sigon;Lee, Kyung-no
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.5D
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    • pp.735-740
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    • 2008
  • The Design manual for adjusting the capacity and LOS of facilities has been shared in urban railways and high-speed railway stations. However, the pattern of urban railways users and those of high-speed railway users are different from each other. For an example, the high-speed railway users tend to carry voluminous luggages and the transportation disadvantaged such as children and the elderlies. Accordingly, we see that the scale of facilities and the station itself should be constructed differently. The transfer facilities in the high-speed railway stations are classified widely into walking assisting facilities and convenient facilities. We invented the concept of PME (Pedestrian Moving Equivalent) and PWE (Pedestrian Waiting Equivalent)for the spatial calculation of those who are with wheeled luggages, back packs, and children to reflect the uniqueness of users in high-speed railway stations. These equivalents have been applied to the design of the facilities to asses the new Capacity and LOS that are users' favored.

The LOS Analysis of Railway Station Facilities Based on Design Hourly Factor and Simulation (설계시간계수 및 Simulation 기반 철도역사 이용시설 LOS 분석)

  • Oh, Tae-ho;Lee, Seon-ha;Cheon, Choon-keun;Kim, Eun-ji;Yu, Byung-young
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.105-117
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    • 2016
  • Recently the passenger of railway satisfaction levels are lowered. the reason why the railway station was built without considering the increased passenger due to diversification(transfer, shopping, and etc.) of the domestic railway station infrastructure. Especially, in case of KTX Gwangju-Songjeong Station, the number of its passenger has been increased about more than three times since its opening in 2015, so that there are much inconvenience generated in the station congested with passengers. his study aims to excute using Pedestrian simulation and Design Hourly Factor concepts of Highway Engineering, in order to designing the optimum area through the passenger demand forecast for each station. For this analysis was divided into the second stage. Frist, the railway passenger was calculated by using the methodology of Design Hourly Factor that is used during road design in the aspect of traffic engineering. Second, we tried to analyze the level of service in each railway station facility through the pedestrian simulation. Analytical results show that utilizing pedestrian simulation provides verification for calculation of LOS of each railway station facility. Therefore, In the future when designing railway station of facilities will be possible to suggest the facilities area based on LOS.