• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pear field

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Reduced Sensitivities of the Pear Scab Fungus (Venturia nashicola) Collected in Ulsan and Naju to Five Ergosterol-biosynthesis-inhibiting Fungicides (울산과 나주에서 채집한 배나무 검은별무늬병균의 ergosterol 생합성 저해제 5종에 대한 감수성 저하)

  • Kwon, Soo-Mean;Yeo, Moo-Ill;Choi, Se-Hoon;Kim, Gun-Woong;Jun, Kyung-Jin;Uhm, Jae-Youl
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.48-58
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    • 2010
  • In Korea, EBI fungicides which are highly effective for control of pear scab and rust but of high risk for development of resistance have been frequently sprayed by majority of pear growers. To detect any possible resistance or reduced sensitivity in the field strains of scab fungus to five EBIs, difenoconazole, fluquinconazole, flusilazole, fenarimole and hexaconazole, sensitivity tests were conducted with fungal specimens collected in Ulsan and Naju where scab usually occurs and EBIs have been intensively sprayed for many years. As the strains for which $EC_{50}$ values of the EBIs were largely shifted from those of base-line were occasionally found, the resistant or less sensitive strains were supposed to be distributed. In the activity test for the EBIs by artificial inoculation, in which EBI-treated pear leaves on the potted seedlings were inoculated with fungal spores collected in the two regions, development of resistances to EBIs were confirmed. Since the fungal spores collected at 4 and 2 orchards in Naju and Ulsan, respectively, produced much higher disease incidence on the leaves treated with hexaconazole than those on the untreated control, those fungal specimens were determined as resistant to hexaconazole. Similar results were also obtained with two specimens from Ulsan for flusilazole.

Four New Earthworms of the Genus Amynthas(Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from Korea

  • Hong, Yong;Kim, Tae-Heung
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.195-199
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    • 2002
  • Four new species of the genus Amynthas are described from Korea: Amynthas mujuensis sp. nov., Amynthas assimilis sp. nov., Amynthas moakensis sp. nov., and Amynthas sangumburi sp. nov. The intestinal caeca are of simple type and genital markings lacking in all four species. Amynthas mujuensis sp. nov. has male field with large oval papillae, each papilla with longitudinal seminal groove; paired spermathecal pores present in 6/7, 7/8 dorsally. Amynthas assimilis sp. nov. has mare field composed of paired symmetrical pear-shaped pads with broad ends laterally, axes of symmetry diagonally oriented towards posterior; spermathecal pores in 5/6, 6/7. Amynthas moakensis sp. nov. has male pores on small porophores surrounded by swollen concentric furrows, with the spermathecal pores in 6/7, 7/8, 8/9, ventrally. Amynthas sangumburi sp. nov. has male pores centered on 0.8 mm circular flat porophores, with the spermathecal pores in 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, 8/9, laterally.

Study on Evaluation of Carbon Emission and Sequestration in Pear Orchard (배 재배지 단위의 탄소 배출량 및 흡수량 평가 연구)

  • Suh, Sanguk;Choi, Eunjung;Jeong, Hyuncheol;Lee, Jongsik;Kim, Gunyeob;Sho, Kyuho;Lee, Jaeseok
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.257-263
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    • 2016
  • Objective of this study was to evaluate the carbon budget on 40 years old pear orchard at Naju. For carbon budget assessment, we measured the soil respiration, net ecosystem productivity of herbs, pear biomass and net ecosystem exchange. In 2015, pear orchard released about $25.6ton\;CO_2\;ha^{-1}$ by soil respiration. And $27.9ton\;CO_2\;ha^{-1}$ was sequestrated by biomass growth. Also about $12.6ton\;CO_2\;ha^{-1}$ was stored at pruning branches and about $5.2ton\;CO_2\;ha^{-1}$ for photosynthesis of herbs. As a result, 25.6 ton of $CO_2$ per ha is annually released to atmosphere. At the same time about 45.7 ton of $CO_2$ was sequestrated from atmosphere. When it sum up the amount of $CO_2$ release and sequestration, approximately $20.1ton\;CO_2\;ha^{-1}$ was sequestrated by pear orchard in 2015, and it showed no significant differences with net ecosystem exchanges ($17.8ton\;CO_2\;ha^{-1}\;yr^{-1}$) by eddy covariance method with the same period. Continuous research using various techniques will help the understanding of $CO_2$ dynamics in agroecosystem and it can be able to present a new methodology for assessment of carbon budget in woody crop field. Futhermore, it is expected that the this study can be used as the basic data to be recognized as a carbon sink.

Relationship of Resistance to Benzimidazole Fungicides with Mutation of β-Tubulin Gene in Venturia nashicola (Benzimidazole계 살균제에 대한 배 검은별무늬병균 Venturia nashicola 의 저항성과 β-Tubulin 유전자 돌연변이와의 관계)

  • Kwak, Yeonsoo;Min, Jiyoung;Song, Janghoon;Kim, Myeongsoo;Lee, Hanchan;Kim, Heung Tae
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.150-158
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    • 2017
  • Pear scab caused by Venturia nashicola has been reported as an important disease of pear resulting in lowering the quality of pear fruits. In this study, it was conducted to investigate the relationship between resistance of V. nashicola and mutation of ${\beta}$-tubulin gene and the fungicide resistance in field isolate group in benzimidazole fungicides. Responce of V. nashicola to carbendazim could be classified into 3 groups as sensitive that does not grow at all on PDA amended with $0.16{\mu}g/ml$ of carbendazim, low resistance that could not grow in $4.0{\mu}g/ml$ medium, and high resistance that can grow even at $100{\mu}g/ml$. Thirty isolates of V. nashicola collected from 3 regions as Wonju, Naju, and Okcheon were highly resistant to carbendazim. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of ${\beta}$-tubulin gene of V. nashicola showed that there was no difference in the nucleotide sequence between the sensitive and the low-resistant isolate, but GAG at codon 198 (glutamic acid) was replaced with GCG (alanine) in the high-resistant isolate. Among 10 isolates obtained from the Okcheon, 5 isolates showed the substitution of glycine for glutamic acid, which were resistant to carbendazim, but more sensitive to the mixture of carbendazim and diethofencarb than others. Through these results, all isolates of V. nashicola isolated in pear orchard were found to be resistant to benzimidazoles. Also, mutants E198A and E198G at ${\beta}$-tubulin were found to be important mechanisms of V. nashicola resistance against benzimidazole fungicides.

Preparation and Properties of Embossing Treated Fruiting Bag (Embossing 처리 과대지의 제조 및 물성)

  • Kim, Kang-Jae;Park, Seong-Bae;Eom, Tae-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2008
  • The environment of agriculture in Korea is changed very rapidly. Since the labours in fruit cultivation field are getting older, the resources and the aid materials for farming need to be multi functional and easy to use. Therefore, They have to use various kind of aid materials in field of fruit cultivation like as fruiting bag. The development of practical utilization way of embossing process for manufacturing of fruiting bag and wrapping paper of agricultural products was main purpose of this study. Embossing roll was designed in Ginyong Embo(Co.) for the embossing process of fruiting bag. The embossing treated fruiting bag was manufactured in Agro(Co.) at mill scale. The mechanical properties of embossing paper was investigated and operation efficiency of bagging was tested at field. The properties of embossed paper was satisfied for fruiting bags for cultivation of apple and pear.

Comparison of Soil Moisture Changes Based on the Installation Position of Soil Moisture Sensors in the Korean Orchard Field Soils (노지 과수원에서 토양수분센서 설치 위치에 따른 토양수분 변화 비교)

  • Jong Kyun Kim;Hyunseok Kim;Kyeong-Jin Kang;Jongyun Kim
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.107-113
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    • 2024
  • For efficient soil water management in open fields, the proper use of soil moisture sensors is a prerequisite. Particularly in open-field environments like orchards with extensive root systems, the appropriate positioning of sensors is very important. The present study was conducted to identify the optimal placement of soil moisture sensors by assessing changes in soil water potential across various positions within orchard field soils after installing tensiometers. In apple and Asian pear orchards located in two regions of Korea, nine soil water potential sensors (TEROS 21, METER Group) were installed at distances of 20, 40, and 60 cm from the tree trunk and depths of 10, 20, and 30 cm from the soil surface, and monitored the soil water potential changes over two years. Results indicated that the positions closer to the tree trunk and the soil surface exhibited more pronounced changes in soil water potential. The greatest magnitude of change in soil water potential was observed at a distance of 20 cm and a depth of 10 cm, suggesting this position as the most suitable for soil moisture sensor installation. However, variations in the degree and pattern of changes in soil water potential were noted across sensor positions due to root system growth over time. Therefore, periodic observation and adjustments in sensor placement would be advisable to accurately monitor the soil moisture condition in long-term crops such as fruit trees in open fields.

A Study of Categorization of Farm Types and Crops for Exposure Assessment in Agriculture (농작업 유해요인 노출평가를 위한 작목 및 작업분류에 관한 연구)

  • Sin, Sojung;Kim, Hyocher;Heo, Jinyoung;Ahn, Minji;Kim, Kyungran;Kim, Kyungsu;Lee, Minji
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.500-507
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to categorize farm types and analyze the cultivated area and labor input time for each crop over a year in order to decide farm type conducting for the hazard exposure assessment. Methods: Crops ranked within the top 45 by cultivated area in Korea were selected and 15 target crops that exposure assessment had been conducted for through the Rural Development Administration(RDA) pilot research projects were selected. Labor input time was based on data investigated through RDA research surveillance. If there was no data, data from Statistics Korea was used. Data from Statistics Korea was used for total cultivated area. Results: Crops were divided into 5 types: open field crops(Chinese cabbage, Corn, Ginger, Potato), fruits (Mandarin, Pear), green house crops(Cucumber, Lily, Oriental melon, Pumpkin, Tomato), livestock(Poultry), specialty crops(Ginseng, Oyster mushroom, Tobacco). The cultivated area for potato was the largest, and lily was the smallest among the crops. Labor input time over a year was the highest with oyster mushroom and the lowest with pear. Total labor input time by crops was the highest with mandarin and the lowest with Chinese cabbage. Conclusions: To evaluate hazard factors of farm work, it's essential that crops and tasks be classified based on the size of farmers and working hours by farm type. Therefore, the priority of management should be determined based on the cultivated area and total labor time, but the characteristics of tasks in each crop should also be considered.

Species, Damage and Population Density of Pseudococcidae Injuring Pear Fruits (배를 가해하는 가루깍지벌레류와 가해양상 및 밀도변동)

  • 박종대;홍경희
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.133-138
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    • 1992
  • This study investigated species, damage to fruits and population density of Pseudococcidae on pear in Naju, Chonnam province from 1990 to 1991. Three species, Planococcus kraunhiae, Pseudococcus comstocki and Crisicoccus matsumotoi, were identified. Of them P. kraunhiae was most abundant as 80.6%. Rate of fruit damages was greatest in var. Poongsoo as 39.7% but locations of field did not affect the rates. Degree of damages on Singo(late var.), Poongsoo (midseason var.) and Haengsoo(early var.) was 21.2, 18.2 and 13.3%, respectively. Population density of scales within paper bag of fruits began to increase from mid-June and showed the first at mid-July, the second at mid-August and third peak at early October. Rate of fruit damages was 48% at the first peak and 50.6% at 7 days after the second peak. Density increased from early October again but migration was not active presumably because of cold weather.

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Optimum Temperatures for a Long-term Storage of Fruit Nursery Plants (과수묘목의 장기저장에 있어 최적 저장온도 구명)

  • Lee, Chang-Hoo;Kim, Chong-Chon;Park, Soo-Bok;Kim, Sung-Bok;Park, Beyoung-Jun;Choi, In-Myung;Han, Dong-Hyeon
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.476-480
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to determine the optimum storage temperatures of six fruit nurseries ('Fuji' apple, 'Niitaka' pear, 'Sheridan' grape, 'Yumyoung' peach, 'Fuyu' persimmon, and 'Hayward' kiwifruit) from 1995 to 1997. Nursery plants were planted in field after storage at -5, 0, and $5^{\circ}C$ for one year. Nurseries stored at $0^{\circ}C$ showed highest survival rate and growth after planting. The survival rate of 'Sheridan' grape and 'Hayward' kiwifruit nursery plants stored at $-5^{\circ}C$ was 0%. Cold resistance of the two fruit nursery plants appeared weaker than others. Also, 'Niitaka' pear nursery plants stored at $5^{\circ}C$ showed significantly high survival rate and growth after planting. The higher storage temperature, the lower mineral and carbohydrate contents of nursery plants. Therefore, $0{\sim}5^{\circ}C$ in 'Niitaka' pear and near $0^{\circ}C$ in other five fruit nursery stocks were found to be the optimum storage temperatures.

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Distribution of Matsumoto Mealybug, Crisicoccus matsumotoi (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in Pear Orchards and Susceptibility to Insecticides (배 과원에서 버들가루깍지벌레의 분포 및 살충제 감수성)

  • Seo, Jin-Won;Park, Jun-Won;Yun, Seung-Hwan;Song, Myung-Kyu;Lee, Young-Su;Koo, Hyun-Na;Kim, Gil-Hah
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.133-137
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    • 2016
  • In Korea, six mealybug species have been reported on pears. This study investigated the occurrence of mealybugs in 19 pear orchards from 2013 to 2014. Two species, Crisicoccus matsumotoi Siraiwa (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) and Pseudococcus comstocki Kuwana were mainly found. The dominant species was C. matsumotoi identified on 73% of infested fruit. Toxicities of 14 registered insecticides (Buprofezin+Acetamiprid EC, Buprofezin+Amitraz EC, Buprofezin+Clothianidin SC, Buprofezin+Dinotefuran WP, Buprofezin+Etofenprox WG, Buprofezin+Thiacloprid SC, Buprofezin+Thiamethoxam SC, Benfuracarb WG, Acetamiprid WP, Clothianidin SC, Dinotefuran WG, Thiacloprid SC, Thiamethoxam WG, Sulfoxaflor SC) commonly used to control P. comstocki were evaluated to C. matsumotoi nymphs and adults at the recommended concentration. As a results, all insecticides exhibited strong insecticidal activity with 100% mortality of both nymphs and adults. These results indicate that the 14 insecticides can be used in control for C. matsumotoi in field.