• Title/Summary/Keyword: Pattern Table

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Designing the Moving Pattern of Cleaning Robot based on Grammatical Evolution with Conditional Probability Table (문법적 진화기법과 조건부 확률을 이용한 청소 로봇의 이동 패턴 계획)

  • Gwon, Soon-Joe;Kim, Hyun-Tae;Ahn, Chang Wook
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.184-188
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    • 2016
  • The cleaning robot is popularly used as a home appliance. The state-of-the-art cleaning robot can clean more efficiently by using information gathered from its sensor, which is difficult for low-price cleaning robots due to limitation in this aspect. In this paper, we suggested a method for the moving pattern of cleaning robot based on grammatical evolution. Optimized program is generated by using moving pattern grammar, which is defined by Backus-Naur form. In addition, conditional probability is used between each of the grammar elements during the program creation process. The proposed method is evaluated by robot simulation in order to verify its performance and further compare it with existing algorithms. The experiment results showed that the proposed method is better than the compared algorithms.

The Pattern Standardization for the Ready Made Korean Traditional Costumes for Men in Twenties (20대 남자 한복 기성복화를 위한 바지.저고리 패턴개발)

  • 홍나영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.47
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 1999
  • For the establishment of ready made Hanbok for the people in their 20's this study aims to develope Bagi-chogori pattern that revives the esthetic quality of the traditional Hanbok as well as comfortably fit the body. Direct method was used in Measuring the 33 parts of men which was selected as items needed for the analysis of the body and the development of patterns. In accordance with the body measurement and the analysis of the result the bust girth and height which has interrelation was chosen as the standard size for the development of pattern. Men's Baji-chogori(Korean traditional Jacket and Pants) which doesn't request fitness for instance we drew out a cross table by giving 5cm intervals each for breast waist hip girth and height. Size system of Baji-chogori was 4 steps. 1st was bust 95cm height 165cm 2nd was bust girth 95cm height 170cm 3rd was bust girth 100cm height 175cm and the 4th was bust girth 105cm height 180cm. In the case of Men the grouping of bodies was attempted by concentrating on the difference of the drop amount(Bust girth to hip girth), However 90% of men in their 20's showed a silhouette of an inverted triangle. Therefore attempt for an additional grouping wasn's Only calculation concerning the ease amount of items such as bust which and length was considered to enhance the silhouette of Hanbok when worn. Men's body for instance have a tendency to change to a rectangular shape as they get older. specially the abdominal girth trend to increase greatly. So study and development of pattern should be made for all age groups.

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The Research on the Factors Influenced on the Cosmetologists' Health of Digestive System (헤어 미용사의 소화기계 건강에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • An, Hyeonkyeong
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.37-56
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    • 2015
  • This thesis aimed to determine the effecting factors(eating pattern, working condition, stress, health care) that help maintain the health of the cosmetologists' digestive system and the diseases involved (acid reflux, indigestion, gastritis, constipation & diarrhea). The research methods included survey and statistical analysis. The survey was conducted on 242 cosmetologists from August 30 to October 30 2014. The data analysis included frequency, cross table, ${\chi}^2$-test, and regression with SPSS(V. 14). The results were as follows ; (1) The cosmetologists' health of digestive system and eating pattern are related. Regular and enough meal times cause less digestive disease. Acid reflux, indigestion, gastritis, constipation and diarrhea are differently related with the type of usual eating pattern, especially, instant food is not good for digestive health. (2) The cosmetologists' health of digestive system and working condition are related. Longer daily working hours and exposure time to chemical odors are more likely to be associated with digestive diseases; whereas, longer time of standing and talking with colleagues are less likely to be associated with digestive diseases. (3) The cosmetologists' health of digestive system and stress are related. Headache, boredom, conflict of pay and compensation, and insomnia are not good for digestive health. (4) The cosmetologists' health of digestive system and health care are related. Periodical medical examination and usual body stretching are correlated with digestive diseases; whereas, people who do regular exercise and bowel movement are less likely to have digestive diseases.

Nutritional Adequacy Analysis of Recommended Menu in Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans 2015 (식사구성안의 생애주기별 권장 식단의 영양 적정성 분석 -2015 한국인 영양소 섭취기준-)

  • Kim, Youngnam
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.279-288
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: Recommended Menu (RM) prepared according to the Target Pattern expected to meet the dietary reference intake (DRI) of nutrients. Nutritional adequacy of RM in 'DRI for Koreans 2015' were analyzed to verify whether such expectation was fulfilled. Methods: Dishes in RM are categorized by 5 food groups, and number and types of dishes for main meal and between-meals were analyzed. The energy and 12 nutrients (protein, dietary fiber, Ca, P, Fe, Na, K, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C) contents in 10 RMs were calculated using the food composition table (CD) in 'DRI for Koreans'. Energy, energy contribution ratio, and nutrient contents in 10 RMs for 18 age groups were evaluated based on the 'DRI for Koreans 2015'. Results: Number of dishes per meal were 4.83, and representative table setting consisted of cooked rice + soup (or stew) +3 side dishes. Energy contents of RM were 75~109% of estimated energy requirement (EER). None of the RM met the DRI of all 12 nutrients examined. Calcium was the most insufficient nutrient. Only 1-2 years' RM met the DRI, all the other RMs did not meet the calcium DRI. Dietary fiber and potassium contents were also insufficient in most RM. In adult male's RM, only 1 nutrient, i.e. calcium did not meet the DRI, but in female adult's RM, 5~6 nutrients did not meet the DRI. Energy contribution ratio of carbohydrate, protein, and fat in RM were 59.0~70.4%, 15.7~17.5%, 12.1~23.5%, respectively. And 4 RMs out of 10 exceeded the upper limit of acceptable macro-nutrient distribution range (AMDR) of carbohydrate and 3 RMs out of 10 RM were below the lower limit of fat AMDR. Contribution ratio of nutrients were ${\geq}40%$ by food groups were as follows: grain group in energy and carbohydrate; meat fish egg legume group in fat, protein, and niacin; vegetables group in dietary fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C; milk dairy products group in calcium. Conclusions: RM prepared according to the Target Pattern did not meet nutritional adequacy as expected. Especially calcium, potassium, and dietary fiber contents are needed to be increased in many RMs. Further, energy content in RM needs to be adjusted for fat sugar food group assigned in Target Pattern and condiment.

Time Series Pattern Recognition based on Branch and Bound Dynamic Time Warping (분기 한정적인 동적 타임 워핑 기반의 시계열 패턴인식)

  • Jang, Seok-Woo;Park, Young-Jae;Kim, Gye-Young
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.584-589
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    • 2010
  • The dynamic time warping algorithm generally used in time series pattern recognition spends most of the time in generating the correlation table, and it establishes the global path constraint to reduce the corresponding time complexity. However, the constraint restrains just in terms of the time axis, not considering the contents of input patterns. In this paper, we therefore propose an efficient branch and bound dynamic time warping algorithm which sets the global constraints by adaptively reflecting the patterns. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms conventional methods in terms of the speed and accuracy.

High Throughput Parallel KMP Algorithm Considering CPU-GPU Memory Hierarchy (CPU-GPU 메모리 계층을 고려한 고처리율 병렬 KMP 알고리즘)

  • Park, Soeun;Kim, Daehee;Lee, Myungho;Park, Neungsoo
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.67 no.5
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    • pp.656-662
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    • 2018
  • Pattern matching algorithm is widely used in many application fields such as bio-informatics, intrusion detection, etc. Among many string matching algorithms, KMP (Knuth-Morris-Pratt) algorithm is commonly used because of its fast execution time when using large texts. However, the processing speed of KMP algorithm is also limited when the text size increases significantly. In this paper, we propose a high throughput parallel KMP algorithm considering CPU-GPU memory hierarchy based on OpenCL in GPGPU (General Purpose computing on Graphic Processing Unit). We focus on the optimization for the allocation of work-times and work-groups, the local memory copy of the pattern data and the failure table, and the overlapping of the data transfer with the string matching operations. The experimental results show that the execution time of the optimized parallel KMP algorithm is about 3.6 times faster than that of the non-optimized parallel KMP algorithm.

Decoupling Process of a Coupled Design in Axiomatic Design Using the TRIZ (공리적 설계에서 트리즈를 이용한 연성설계의 비연성화 과정)

  • Shin, Gwang-Seob;Kim, Yong-Il;Park, Gyung-Jin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.31 no.1 s.256
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2007
  • Axiomatic Design has been developed as a general design framework during past two decades and TRIZ has been developed for a design tool over 50 years. Axiomatic design is quite excellent in that design should be decoupled. When a design matrix is established, the characteristics of the design are identified according to the coupling properties. If the design is coupled, a decoupling process should be found. However, axiomatic design does not specifically indicate how to decouple a coupled design. In this research, the coupling manner is classified into six patterns. Each pattern could be solved by an appropriate TRIZ module. A table, which matches the coupling pattern and a TRIZ module, is proposed for effective application of the two design theories. The decoupling ideas are proposed by using TRIZ modules. When the number of decoupled designs is more than one, the engineer should select the final idea. The proposed method is applied to practical cases such as a tape feeder and a beam adjuster of the laser marker.

An Analysis on Changing Pattern of Economic Active Population by Working Life Table for Korean Men (우리나라 노동생명표에 의한 노동력추이 분석)

  • 조진만
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1990
  • This is a study which attempt to analyze changing patierns of economic active popu-lation, t o estimato- future patterns, and exa- mine vartons problems arises by changing c ire u mst ances of t he labor force market in- clunging soici al, economic ic, heathl th and demoi-graph ic aspects. We have constructed series of wotking life table which are useful in syt uiolyioig the lirocess of growth and structural change of labor force. Work i ng life tables represent ihie life eyele of econrmic' activity in hi ypothetical cohorts, that is. gen-erat i on of men Sn bject at eat' b period ot f their lives th given ra to's o mor tali it y and of par-- tici pation in economic activities. The tabloes prot' ide measorues of the alvet'age he ng t able of economically aeti \- e life. and agespecific rates of en trannee' into and retirement from the hahn' force. In const routing working life tables, age-specific activity rates and life tabole popula- titoto which represents contemporary condi-tions of moortality in Korea au'e the basic' maltoerials. We have derived the age-specific rates foorm economically active population survey, whoich were conducted by the Bureau of Statistics, Economic Planning Borard of the Korean government. Working life tables are constructed for men wtable these materi- als in the year of 1970, 1980 and 1988 by a modified Wolfbein-Wool's method. Some of the findings may be summerized as follow : 1) A central part of constructing working life table is calculation of stationary' economic active population, which represents the number of men in the stationtary population extoected to be in the labor force at each age group in the life span. The stationary economic active population by age have generally a universal pattern, where they rise sharply in the early twenties, approach its' peak in the thirties decline thereafter. at first graolually and then more rapidly at an advanced age. Korean men show the same general pa ttern of age distribution of stationary eco-- nomic active population with sharp increase hegining from the age interval of 20 to 24, reaching to maximum level at older age. The population. however, presumably, increased substantially due to increaseing school atte endance rates. Another difference exiSts in the youngest age groups, that is the activity rate in the year of 1988 is lower than that of Japan. The table shows an analysis of changes in the age distrihution of labor force between 1970, 1980 and 1988. 2) It was shown an analysis of changes in the age distribution and cause of separation from labor force. The entrance rate to labor force has increased from 18~\5 persons to 299 persons per 1000 head of stationary population between that of 1980 than that of 1988 for Korean men in 20~24 age group. The entrace rate to labor force shows a rapid entrance appearance concentrated on the 15~24 age group. The separation rate from labor force by retirment in Korea in the year of 1988 shows a great difference of the about four times as much as that of Japan. 3) The functions of table illustrate the patterns of working life of males in Korea in 1970, 1980 and 1988. The average remaining number of economically active years, e at age 15 in 1988 is 46.39 which is 2.12 years of increase compared with that of at age 15 in 1970,1980 and 1988 are 43.90,44.27 and 46.39 respectively, showing steadily increase dur- ing the past double decade the increase in the length of economically active life various age may be considered to have come both from extention of general life expectancy and from increasing entrance rate to economic activity in high age that of working is far greater in 1988 than that of 1980. The gaps between expectation of life and average remaining years of economically active widened due to rapid improvement of mortality level in Ko- rea. This observation together with the population pressure by the appearance of a group of younger population implies that constant increase of economically inactive population among older age group.

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Development of Local Stem Volume Table for Pinus densiflora S. et Z. Using Tree Stem Taper Model (수간곡선 모델을 이용한 소나무의 지방별 수간재적표 개발)

  • Kang, Jin-Taek;Son, Yeong-Mo;Kim, So-Won;Lee, Sun-Jeoung;Park, Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.327-335
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    • 2014
  • Current volume tables might underestimate or overestimate the volumes of individual trees in a specific region because the tables were made using the data from broad regions within South Korea. Therefore, to solve this problem, this study was conducted to develop local stem volume tables reflecting the local growth pattern and properties using stem taper equations in the regions of Hongcheon and Yeongju. We developed the local stem volume table for Pinus densiflora, which is the widely planted species in South Korea. To derive the most suitable taper equation for estimating the stem volume of region, three models of Max & Burkhart, Kozak and Parresol et al. were applied and their fitness were statistically analyzed by using the Fitness Index, Bias, and Standard Error of Bias. The result showed that there is a significant difference among the three models, and the Fitness Index of the Kozak model was highest compared to the other models. Therefore, the Kozak model was chosen for generating stem taper equation and stem volume tables for P. densiflora. The result from the developed stem volume tables of each region was compared to the current stem volume tables with driven by the data of tree growth obtained throughout the nation. The result showed that there is a significant difference (0.000< ${\alpha}=0.05$) in two regions, Hongcheon and Yeongju, and also there is a significant difference (0.000< ${\alpha}=0.05$) between the two regions.

Derivation of Stem Taper Equations and a Stem Volume Table for Quercus acuta in a Warm Temperate Region (난대지역 붉가시나무의 수간곡선식 도출 및 수간재적표 작성)

  • Suyoung Jung;Kwangsoo Lee;Hyunsoo Kim; Joonhyung Park;Jaeyeop Kim;Chunhee Park;Yeongmo Son
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.112 no.4
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    • pp.417-425
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    • 2023
  • The aim of this study was to derive stem taper equations for Quercus acuta, one of main evergreen broad-leaved tree species found in warm temperate regions, and to prepare a stem volume table using those stem taper equations. A total of 688 individual trees were used in the analysis, which were collected from Jeonnam-do, Gyeongnam-do, and Jeju-do. The stem taper models applied to derive the stem curve pattern were the Max and Burkhart, Kozak, and Lee models. Among the three stem taper models, the best explanation of the stem curve shape of Q. acuta was found to be given by the Kozak model, which showed a fitness index of 0.9583, bias of 0.0352, percentage of estimated standard error of 1.1439, and mean absolute deviation of 0.6751. Thus, the stem taper of Q. acuta was estimated using the Kozak model. Moreover,thestemvolumecalculationwasperforme d by applying the Smalian formula to the diameter and height of each stem interval. In addition, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to compare the two existing Q. acuta stem volume tables (2007 and 2010) and the newly created stem volume table (2023). This analysis revealed that the stem volume table constructed in the Wando region in 2007 included about twice as much as the stem volume tables constructed in 2010 and 2023. The stem volume table (2023) developed in this study is not only based on the regional collection range and number of utilized trees but also on a sound scientific basis. Therefore, it can be used at the national level as an official stem volume table for Q. acuta.