• Title/Summary/Keyword: Path Length

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Radiologic study of intraosseous path of the inferior alveolar cantal, mental canal, and mental foramen for endosseous implants (인공치아 매식술을 위한 하악관, 이관, 이공의 골내 주행에 관한 방사선학적 연구)

  • Hong, So-Mi;Kwon, Young-Hyuk;Park, Joon-Bong;Herr, Yeek;Lee, Man-Sup
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.933-948
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the anatomic structures of the mandible-inferior alveolar canal, mental foramen, mental canal-with panoramic radiography and conventional tomography and to compare both radiographic techniques in conjunction with endosseous implants. In this study 14 adult dentulous mandibles -27 cases of right and left side of mandibles- were examined and the results were as follows. 1. The distance between superior border of the inferior alveolar canal and the alveolar ridge crest showed a decreasing tendency from the mental foramen to 4cm posterior to the mental foramen. 2. The mean diameter of the inferior alveolar canal was $4.11{\pm}0.50mm$ with panoramic radiography and $3.29{\pm}0.59mm$ with conventional tomography. 3. The inferior border of the inferior alveolar canal and inferior border of the mandible was closest at 2cm posterior to the mental foramen but it was not statistically significant. the mean distance was $1l.64{\pm}2.95mm$ in panoramic radiography and $1l.68{\pm} 2.91mm$ in conventional tomography. 4. The inferior alveolar canal located lingually in bucco-lingual direction 16%(mental foramen), 54%(lcm posterior to the mental foramen), 68%(2cm posterior to the mental foramen), 50%(3cm posterior to mental foramen), 55%(4cm posterior to the mental foramen). 5. Mean length of the anterior loop of the mental canal was 2.73mm, and the loop below 2mm was 35% and 15% of mental canal was invisible in panoramic radiography. 6. The minimum interforaminal distance was 56.7mm, the maximum distance was 73.2mm and the mean distance was 66.42mm in panoramic radiography. 7. The mean distance between midpoint of the mental canal and alveolar ridge crest was 16.24mm and the mean buccolingual angulation of the mental canal was $52.98^{\circ}$ in conventional tomography. 8. In comparison of panoramic radiography and conventional tomography, inferior alveolar canal is better visualized with conventional tomography than panoramic radiography from the mental foramen to the 2cm posterior to the mental foramen, while visiblity of conventional tomography prominently decreased in 4cm posterior to the mental foramen and alveolar ridge crest is better visualized with panoramic radiography than conventional radiography at the mental foramen and at 4cm posterior to the mental foramen. In radiologic examination of anatomic structures of the mandible for endosseous implants, panoramic radiography and conventional tomography can be effectively used when it is used to overcome the anatomic limitations.

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A Non-Uniform Network Split Method for Energy Efficiency in a Data Centric Sensor Network (데이타 중심 센서 네트워크에서 에너지 효율성을 고려한 비균등 네트워크 분할 기법)

  • Kang, Hong-Koo;Kim, Joung-Joon;Han, Ki-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 2007
  • In a data centric sensor network, a sensor node to store data is determined by the measured data value of each sensor node. Therefore, if the same data occur frequently, the energy of the sensor node to store the data is exhausted quickly due to the concentration of loads. And if the sensor network is extended, the communication cost for storing data and processing queries is increased, since the length of the routing path for them is usually in the distance. However, the existing researches that generally focus on the efficient management of data storing can not solve these problems efficiently. In this paper, we propose a NUNS(Non-Uniform Network Split) method that can distribute loads of sensor nodes and decrease the communication cost caused by the sensor network extension. By dividing the sensor network into non-uniform partitions that have the minimum difference in the number of sensor nodes and the splitted area size and storing the data which is occurred in a partition at the sensor nodes within the partition, the NUNS can distribute loads of sensor nodes and decrease the communication cost efficiently. In addition, by dividing each partition into non-uniform zones that have the minimum difference in the splitted area size as many as the number of the sensor nodes in the partition and allocating each of them as the processing area of each sensor node, the NUNS can protect a specific sensor node from the load concentration and decrease the unnecessary routing cost.

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Analysis of Performance, Energy-efficiency and Temperature for 3D Multi-core Processors according to Floorplan Methods (플로어플랜 기법에 따른 3차원 멀티코어 프로세서의 성능, 전력효율성, 온도 분석)

  • Choi, Hong-Jun;Son, Dong-Oh;Kim, Jong-Myon;Kim, Cheol-Hong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.17A no.6
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    • pp.265-274
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    • 2010
  • As the process technology scales down and integration densities continue to increase, interconnection has become one of the most important factors in performance of recent multi-core processors. Recently, to reduce the delay due to interconnection, 3D architecture has been adopted in designing multi-core processors. In 3D multi-core processors, multiple cores are stacked vertically and each core on different layers are connected by direct vertical TSVs(through-silicon vias). Compared to 2D multi-core architecture, 3D multi-core architecture reduces wire length significantly, leading to decreased interconnection delay and lower power consumption. Despite the benefits mentioned above, 3D design technique cannot be practical without proper solutions for hotspots due to high temperature. In this paper, we propose three floorplan schemes for reducing the peak temperature in 3D multi-core processors. According to our simulation results, the proposed floorplan schemes are expected to mitigate the thermal problems of 3D multi-core processors efficiently, resulting in improved reliability. Moreover, processor performance improves by reducing the performance degradation due to DTM techniques. Power consumption also can be reduced by decreased temperature and reduced execution time.

A Scalable Resource-Lookup Protocol for Internet File System Considering the Computing Power of a Peer (피어의 컴퓨팅 능력을 고려한 인터넷 파일 시스템을 위한 확장성 있는 자원 탐색 프로토콜 설계)

  • Jung Il-dong;You Young-ho;Lee Jong-hwan;Kim Kyongsok
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2005
  • Advances of Internet and rC accelerate distribution and sharing of information, which make P2P(Peer-to-Peer) computing paradigm appear P2P computing Paradigm is the computing paradigm that shares computing resources and services between users directly. A fundamental problem that confronts Peer-to-Peer applications is the efficient location of the node that stoles a desired item. P2P systems treat the majority of their components as equivalent. This purist philosophy is useful from an academic standpoint, since it simplifies algorithmic analysis. In reality, however, some peers are more equal than others. We propose the P2P protocol considering differences of capabilities of computers, which is ignored in previous researches. And we examine the possibility and applications of the protocol. Simulating the Magic Square, we estimate the performances of the protocol with the number of hop and network round time. Finally, we analyze the performance of the protocol with the numerical formula. We call our p2p protocol the Magic Square. Although the numbers that magic square contains have no meaning, the sum of the numbers in magic square is same in each row, column, and main diagonal. The design goals of our p2p protocol are similar query response time and query path length between request peer and response peer, although the network information stored in each peer is not important.

Analysis of the Pathways and Travel Times for Groundwater in Volcanic Rock Using 3D Fracture Network (화산암질 암반에서 3차원 균열망 모델을 이용한 지하수 유동경로 및 유동시간 해석)

  • 박병윤;김경수;김천수;배대석;이희근
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.42-58
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    • 2001
  • In order to protect the environment from waste disposal activities, the prediction of the flux and flow paths of the contaminants from underground facilities should be assessed as accurately as possible. Especially, the prediction of the pathways and travel times of the nuclides from high level radioactive wastes in a deep repository to biosphere is one of the primary tasks for assessing the ultimate safety and performance of the repository. Since the contaminants are mainly transported with groundwater along the discontinuities developed within rock mass, the characteristics of groundwater flow through discontinuities is important for the prediction of contaminant fates as well as safety assessment of a repository. In this study, the actual fracture network could be effectively generated based on in situ data by separating geometric parameter and hydraulic parameter. The calculated anisotropic hydraulic conductivity was applied to a 3D porous medium model to calculate the path flow and travel time of the large studied area with the consideration of the complex topology in the area. Using the model, the pathways and travel times for groundwater were analyzed. From this study, it was concluded that the suggested techniques and procedures for predicting the pathways and travel times of groundwater from underground facilities to biosphere is acceptable and those can be applied to the safety assessment of a repository for radioactive wastes.

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Compensation Characteristics of Distorted Channels in 200 Gbps WDM Systems using Mid-Span Spectral Inversion Method (200 Gbps WDM 시스템에서 Mid-Span Spectral Inversion 기법을 이용한 채널 왜곡의 보상 특성)

  • 이성렬
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.845-854
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, the characteristics of compensation for WDM channel signal distortion due to both chromatic dispersion and Ken effect in 1,000 km 200 Gbps(5${\times}$40 Gbps) WDM systems was investigated. The WDM system has a path-averaged intensity approximation(PAIA) mid-span spectral inversion(MSSI) as a compensation method. This system has a highly nonlinear dispersion shifted fiber(HNL-DSF) optical phase conjugator(OPC) in the mid-way of transmission line. In order to evaluate the degree of compensation, 1 dB eye opening penalty(EOP), bit error rate(BER) characteristics and power penalty of 10$\^$-9/ BER are used. It is confirmed that HNL-DSF is an useful nonlinear medium in OPC fur wideband WDM system with PAIA MSSI and that the optimal compensation for WDM channel distortion is achieved by the selection of pump light power of OPC, which equalize the conjugated light power into the second half fiber section with the input WDM signal light power depending on total transmission length, dispersion coefficient of fiber, OPC pump light wavelength, conversion efficiency of WDM channel in OPC.

Generation of Femtosecond Pulses in a Passively Mode-Locked 100 MHz Cr4+:YAG Laser (수동 모드 잠금된 100 MHz Cr4+:YAG 레이저에서의 펨토초 펄스 발생)

  • Cho, Won-Bae;Rotermund Fabian;Kim, Jong-Doo;Jeon, Min-Yong;Suh, Ho-Suhng
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.535-541
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    • 2005
  • We report on the development of a passively mode-locked near-infrared femtosecond laser with Cr:YAG crystal that operates near room temperature. The laser wavelength could easily be tuned by using only the internal prism pair over 110 nm from 1400 nm to 1510 nm in cw and over about 30 nm in mode-locked operation, respectively Maximum cw output powers of 810 mW were obtained with $1.5 \%$ output coupler for absorbed pump powers of 7.6 W. For compensation of the internal group velocity dispersion, an IR graded prism pair was used. The Cr:YAG laser delivered nearly Fourier-transform limited pulses with a pulse duration as short as 64 fs at 100 MHz repetition rate. In the mode-locked regime, the laser was operating at 1510 nm with a spectral bandwidth of 44 nm. In order to avoid unstable mode-locking and power instabilities, self-built tubes were inserted into the beam path in the resonator and purged with N2 gas. Finally, output powers of the Cr:YAG laser were optimized to 250 mW fer long time stable mode-locked operation.

The Changes of UV-B Radiation at the Surface due to Stratospheric Aerosols (성층권 에어로졸에 의한 지표면 UV-B 복사량 변동)

  • Jai-Ho Oh;Joon-Hee Jung;Jeong-Woo Kim
    • International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Korean Journal of Geophysical Research
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.31-46
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    • 1993
  • A radiative transfer model with two-stream/delta-Eddington approximation has been developed to calculate the vertical distributions of atmospheric heating rates and radiative fluxes. The performance of the model has been evaluated by comparison with the results of ICRCCM (Intercomparison of radiative codes in climate models). It has been demonstrated that the presented model has a capability to calculate the solar radiation not only accurately but also economically. The characteristics of ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B; 280-320nm) are examined by comparison of relation between the flux at the top of atmosphere and that at the surface. The relation of UV-B is quadratic due to the strong ozone absorption in this band. Also, the dependence of the UV-B radiation on the stratospheric ozone depletion and stratospheric aerosol haze due to volcanic eruption on the stratospheric ozone depletion and stratospheric aerosol haze due to volcanic eruption has been tested with various solar zenith angles. The surface UV-B increases as the solar zenith angle increases. The existence of stratospheric aerosols causes an increase in the planetary albedo due to the aerosols' backscattering. The planetary albedo with aerosol's effect has been increases as the solar zenith angle is not sensitive. It may be caused by the fact that the aerosols' scattering effect becomes saturated with the relatively long path length in a large solar zenith angle. Finally, the regional impact of stratospheric aerosols due to volcanic eruption on the intensity of UV-B radiation at the surface has been estimated. A direct effect is that the flux is diminished at the low latitudes, while it is enhanced in the high latitudes by the aerosols' photon trap or twilight effect. In the high latitudes, both aerosols' scattering and ozone absorption have strong and opposite impacts to the surface UV-B radiation is located at the mid-latitudes during spring season in both hemispheres.

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Analysis Method for Full-length LiDAR Waveforms (라이다 파장 분석 방법론에 대한 연구)

  • Jung, Myung-Hee;Yun, Eui-Jung;Kim, Cheon-Shik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.44 no.4 s.316
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 2007
  • Airbone laser altimeters have been utilized for 3D topographic mapping of the earth, moon, and planets with high resolution and accuracy, which is a rapidly growing remote sensing technique that measures the round-trip time emitted laser pulse to determine the topography. The traveling time from the laser scanner to the Earth's surface and back is directly related to the distance of the sensor to the ground. When there are several objects within the travel path of the laser pulse, the reflected laser pluses are distorted by surface variation within the footprint, generating multiple echoes because each target transforms the emitted pulse. The shapes of the received waveforms also contain important information about surface roughness, slope and reflectivity. Waveform processing algorithms parameterize and model the return signal resulting from the interaction of the transmitted laser pulse with the surface. Each of the multiple targets within the footprint can be identified. Assuming each response is gaussian, returns are modeled as a mixture gaussian distribution. Then, the parameters of the model are estimated by LMS Method or EM algorithm However, each response actually shows the skewness in the right side with the slowly decaying tail. For the application to require more accurate analysis, the tail information is to be quantified by an approach to decompose the tail. One method to handle with this problem is proposed in this study.

Analysis of Unstable Shock-Induced Combustion over Wedges and Conical Bodies (쐐기 및 원추 주위의 불안정한 충격파 유도연소 해석)

  • Jeong-Yeol Choi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.32-33
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    • 2003
  • Mechanism of a periodic oscillation of shock-induced combustion over a two- dimensional wedges and axi-symmetric cones were investigated through a series of numerical simulations at off-attaching condition of oblique detonation waves(ODW). A same computational domain over 40 degree half-angle was considered for two-dimensional and axi-symmetric shock-induced combustion phenomena. For two-dimensional shock-induced combustion, a 2H2+02+17N2 mixture was considered at Mach number was 5.85with initial temperature 292 K and initial pressureof 12 KPa. The Rankine-Hugoniot relation has solution of attached waves at this condition. For axi-symmetric shock-induced combustion, a H2+2O2+2Ar mixture was considered at Mach number was 5.0 with initial temperature 288 K and initial pressure of 200 mmHg. The flow conditions were based on the conditions of similar experiments and numerical studies.[1, 3]Numerical simulation was carried out with a compressible fluid dynamics code with a detailed hydrogen-oxygen combustion mechanism.[4, 5] A series of calculations were carried out by changing the fluid dynamic time scale. The length wedge is varied as a simplest way of changing the fluid dynamic time scale. Result reveals that there is a chemical kinetic limit of the detached overdriven detonation wave, in addition to the theoretical limit predicted by Rankine-Hugoniot theory with equilibrium chemistry. At the off-attaching condition of ODW the shock and reaction waves still attach at a wedge as a periodically oscillating oblique shock-induced combustion, if the Rankine-Hugoniot limit of detachment isbut the chemical kinetic limit is not.Mechanism of the periodic oscillation is considered as interactions between shock and reaction waves coupled with chemical kinetic effects. There were various regimes of the periodicmotion depending on the fluid dynamic time scales. The difference between the two-dimensional and axi-symmetric simulations were distinct because the flow path is parallel and uniform behind the oblique shock waves, but is not behind the conical shock waves. The shock-induced combustion behind the conical shockwaves showed much more violent and irregular characteristics.From the investigation of characteristic chemical time, condition of the periodic instability is identified as follows; at the detaching condition of Rankine-Hugoniot theory, (1) flow residence time is smaller than the chemical characteristic time, behind the detached shock wave with heat addition, (2) flow residence time should be greater than the chemical characteristic time, behind an oblique shock wave without heat addition.

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