• Title/Summary/Keyword: Patch loading

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Basic Research for Resistance Prediction of Aluminium Alloy Plate Girders Subjected to Patch Loading (패치로딩을 받는 알루미늄 합금 플레이트 거더의 강도 예측에 대한 기초 연구)

  • Oh, Young-Cheol;Bae, Dong-Gyun;Ko, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.218-227
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, it performed to the elastic-plastic large deflection series analysis using the experimental model and predicted a failure mode and ultimate strength. The collapse mode of numerical analysis model is formed a plastic hinge on loaded flange and consistent with the collapse mode of experimental model. Also, The yield line is formed in the web could observed that have occurred the crippling collapse mode and the ultimate loads of the experimental model and numerical analysis model have maintained linearly Means 1.07, Standard deviation 0.04, Coefficient of variation(COV) 0.04 and the result of ultimate loads have appeared approximately 8% error rate. it was found that very satisfied to the experimental results and the applied rules. if it is considered to be maintain a reasonable safety level, it is possible to predict the failure modes of aluminium alloy plate girders and ultimate loads.

Miniaturization of UHF Planar Antenna Employing Slot-loading (슬롯 장하에 의한 UHF 대역 평면 안테나의 소형화 설계)

  • Chun, Joong-Chang;Lee, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Tae-Soo;Kim, Hyun-Deok
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.979-983
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    • 2008
  • Planar antennas are very efficient for the use of the out-door data transmission applications due to their low-profile characteristics. But the size of the antenna in UHF band blocks the practical usage. In this paper, a miniaturized planar antenna is investigated for the application of AMR system in UHF band. The designed antenna is fabricated in the form of the microstrip patch on the FR-4 substrate. The miniaturization is achieved by slot-loading on the patch. First, effects of simple slots on the size reduction are analyzed, followed by the design using more complex slots resulting in the reduction ratio of 37.9% in 425.6 MHz and bandwidth of 3.8 MHz. The effort of epoxy coating for the protection is also investigated.

Post-buckling Behavior and Vibration Characteristics of Patched Reinforced Spherical Composite Panels (패치로 보강된 구형 복합재료 패널의 후좌굴 거동 및 진동 특성해석)

  • Lee, J.J.;Yeom, C.H.;Lee, I.
    • Composites Research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2001
  • The finite element method based on the total Lagrangian description of the motion and the Hellinger-Reissner principle with independent strain is applied to investigate the nonlinear behavior and vibration characteristics for patched reinforced laminated spherical panels. The patched elements are formulated using variable thickness at arbitrary point on the reference plane. The cylindrical arc-length method is adopted to obtain a nonlinear solution. The post-buckled vibration is assumed to be small amplitude. The effect of patch in the spherical shell Panel is investigated on the nonlinear response and the fundamental vibration characteristics. The present results show that the load-carrying capability can be improved by reinforcing patch. The fundamental frequency of patched panel is lower than that of equivalent shell panel. However, the fundamental frequency of patched panel does not decrease greatly due to the increase of nonlinear geometrical stiffness under loading.

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Fiber optic smart monitoring of concrete beam retrofitted by composite patches

  • Kim, Ki-Soo;Chung, Chul;Lee, Ho-Joon;Kang, Young-Goo;Kim, Hong
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.17 no.3_4
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    • pp.347-356
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    • 2004
  • In order to extend the lifetime of buildings and civil infrastructure, patch type fibrous composite retrofitting materials are widely used. Retrofitted concrete columns and beams gain stiffness and strength, but lose toughness and show brittle failure. Usually, the cracks in concrete structures are visible to the naked eye and the status of the structure in the life cycle is estimated through visual inspections. After retrofitting of the structure, crack visibility is blocked by retrofitted composite materials. Therefore, structural monitoring after retrofitting is indispensable and self diagnosis method with optical fiber sensors is very useful. In this paper, we try to detect the peel out effect and find the strain difference between the main structure and retrofitting patch material when they separate from each other. In the experiment, two fiber optic Bragg grating sensors are applied to the main concrete structure and the patching material separately at the same position. The sensors show coincident behaviors at the initial loading, but different behaviors after a certain load. The test results show the possibility of optical fiber sensor monitoring of beam structures retrofitted by the composite patches.

Characterization of Fracture Behavior in Repaired Skin/Stiffener Structure with an Inclined Central Crack

  • Chung, Ki-Hyun;Yang, Won-Ho;Heo, Sung-Pil
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.599-608
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    • 2002
  • Finite element analysis for the stress intensity factor (SIF) at the skin/stiffener structure with inclined central crack repaired by composite stiffened panels is developed. A numerical investigation was conducted to characterize the fracture behavior and crack growth behavior at the inclined crack. In order to investigate the crack growth direction, maximum tangential stress (MTS) criterion are used. Also, this paper is to study the performance of the effective bonded composite patch repair of a plate containing an inclined central through-crack. The main objective of this research is the validation of the inclined crack patching design. In this paper, the reduction of stress intensity factors at the crack-tip and prediction of crack growth direction are determined to evaluate the effects of various non-dimensional design parameter including; composite patch thickness and stiffener distance. We report the results of finite element analysis on the stiffener locations and crack slant angles and discuss them in this paper. The research on cracked structure subjected to mixed mode loading is accomplished and concludes that more work using a different approaches is necessary. The authors hope the present study will aid those who are responsible for the repair of damaged aircraft structures and also provide general repair guidelines.

A Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Bonded Repaired Skin/Stiffener Structures with Inclined Central Crack (경사균열을 갖는 Skin/Stiffener 구조물의 보수에 의한 균열의 파괴역학적 거동)

  • Chung, Ki-Hyun;Yang, Won-Ho;Kim, Cheol;Heo, Sung-Pil;Ko, Myung-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.292-297
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    • 2001
  • Composite patch repair of cracked aircraft structures has been accepted as one of improving fatigue life and attaining better structural integrity. Analysis for the stress intensity factor at the skin/stiffener structure with inclined central crack repaired by composite stiffened panels are developed. A numerical investigation was conducted to characterize the fracture behavior and crack growth behavior. In order to investigate the crack growth direction, maximum tangential stress(MTS) criteria is used. The main objective of this research is the validation of the inclined crack patching design. In this paper, the reduction of stress intensity factors at the crack-tip and prediction of crack growth direction are determined to evaluate the effects of various non-dimensional design parameter including; composite patch thickness and stiffener distance. The research on cracked structure subjected to mixed mode loading is accomplished and it is evident that more work using different approaches is necessary.

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Higher order static analysis of truncated conical sandwich panels with flexible cores

  • Fard, Keramat Malekzadeh
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1333-1354
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    • 2015
  • A higher order analytical solution for static analysis of a truncated conical composite sandwich panel subjected to different loading conditions was presented in this paper which was based on a new improved higher order sandwich panel theory. Bending analysis of sandwich structures with flexible cores subjected to concentrated load, uniform distributed load on a patch, harmonic and uniform distributed loads on the top and/or bottom face sheet of the sandwich structure was also investigated. For the first time, bending analysis of truncated conical composite sandwich panels with flexible cores was performed. The governing equations were derived by principle of minimum potential energy. The first order shear deformation theory was used for the composite face sheets and for the core while assuming a polynomial description of the displacement fields. Also, the in-plane hoop stresses of the core were considered. In order to assure accuracy of the present formulations, convergence of the results was examined. Effects of types of boundary conditions, types of applied loads, conical angles and fiber angles on bending analysis of truncated conical composite sandwich panels were studied. As, there is no research on higher order bending analysis of conical sandwich panels with flexible cores, the results were validated by ABAQUS FE code. The present approach can be linked with the standard optimization programs and it can be used in the iteration process of the structural optimization. The proposed approach facilitates investigation of the effect of physical and geometrical parameters on the bending response of sandwich composite structures.

Analysis of various composite patches effect on mechanical properties of notched Al-Mg plate

  • Meran, Ahmad P.;Samanci, Ahmet
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.685-692
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    • 2017
  • In this study, the effect of various adhesively bonded composite patches on mechanical properties of notched Al-Mg alloy plates was analyzed. For this purpose firstly, the un-notched and notched specimens were fabricated from 5086 Al-Mg alloys which have been used in armor-plated military vehicles. The surface notches as a flaw were machined with circular cutting tool to form notch aspect ratio a/c=0.15 and notch-to-thickness ratios a/t=0.5 in the radial direction on the test specimens. Then, various composite patches which reinforced by glass, carbon and Kevlar fibers were bonded adhesively at elliptically surface notches. Finally, experimental measurements conducted by applying tensile static loading. The experimental results showed that repairing with composite patches with order of carbon, glass and Kevlar fibers have remarkable effect on tensile strength of the notched plate. Also the finite element models were developed using Abaqus/Explicit code to predict the tensile strength and elongation of unrepaired notched specimen and specimen repaired by carbon fiber composite patch. The comparison between numerical and experimental results showed good agreement between them and proved the accuracy of numerical modeling.

Formulation and In vitro Evaluation of Transdermal Drug Delivery System for Galantamine

  • Hossain, Md. Kamal;Subedi, Robhash Kusam;Chun, Myung-Kwan;Kim, Eun-Jung;Moon, Hwan-Shik;Choi, Hoo-Kyun
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2011
  • The effects of different formulation variables including pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA), permeation enhancer, thickness of the matrix and loading amount of drug on the transdermal absorption of galantamine were investigated across the hairless mouse skin. The permeation profile of galantamine was different depending on the types of PSA, loading amount of drug, thickness of the matrix and type of enhancer used. Highest flux of galantamine was obtained from acrylic PSA but crystals were formed in the patch within 72 h. Among the PSAs screened, crystal formation was not observed only in the patches formulated in Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) matrix. Permeation rate increased linearly as the concentration of galantamine in SBS matrix increased from 2.5 to 15% w/w. Among the enhancers screened, Brij$^{(R)}$ 30 provided highest flux of galantamine. Matrix thickness of 80 ${\mu}m$ was optimum for maintaining adhesiveness as well as consistently delivering galantamine for longer period of time.

The Effect of Surface Roughness on the Contact Fatigue Life (표면 거칠기가 접촉피로 수명에 미치는 영향)

  • Chu Hyo-Jun;Lee Sang-Don;Cho Yong-Joo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.1033-1036
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    • 2005
  • The effect of surface roughness on the contact fatigue was investigated in this study. To accomplish this goal, contact analysis based on the influence functions and the rectangular patch solution was performed to obtain the subsurface stress. Mesoscopic multiaxial fatigue criterion is then applied to predict fatigue damage. Suitable counting method and damage rule were used to evaluate the fatigue life of random loading caused by rough surface. As a result of the analysis, relationship between the life and roughness as well as the creack initiation depth was revealed. Below the critical roughness, It is observed that the fatigue life has hardly changed and creack is initiated around the depth at which the maximum shear stress occurs. Different behavior, however, is observed in case that the roughness is above the critical value.

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