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Anti-hyperalgesic Effects of Electroacupuncture Combination of Microcurrent Stimulation in Rat with Induced Inflammation (염증유발 백서에서 전침자극과 미세전류자극의 항-통각과민 효과)

  • Kim, Young-Phil;Lee, Jeong-Woo;Seo, Sam-Ki;Yoon, Se-Won;Yoon, Hui-Jong;Kim, Tae-Youl
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study were to examine the anti-hyperalgesic effects of combination of electroacupuncture and microcurrent on anti-hyperalgesia in local hyperalgesia zone. Methods: It used 24 rats for experiment, divided them into control group, electroacupuncture group (EA group), microcurrent group (MC group), combination of electroacupuncture with microcurrent (EA+MC group), caused hyperalgesia by injecting ${\lambda}-carrageenan$ into hindpaw. Thickness of hindpaw, mechanical pain threshold (MPT), thermal pain threshold (TPT), noxious flexion withdrawal reflex (NFR) and somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) were measured immediately after induction, at 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours after induction. The electrical stimulation was given once a day for three days, 20min per session. Results: Change of thickness, MPT, and TPT showed significant difference in all groups compared to control group. In particular, there were remarkable difference in EA+ME group. In particular there were remarkable differences in EA group and EA+MC group. Change of NFR(% threshold, % reaction time, % RMS) and SEP showed mainly significant differences in EA group and EA+ME group compared to control group. In particular, there were remarkable difference in EA+ME group. Conclusion: The above results suggest that appropriate combination of microcurrent with electroacupuncture for pain control will be very desirable.

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Sociomathematical Norms of Elementary School Classrooms: Crossnational Perspectives between Korea and U .S. on Challenges of Reform in Mathematics Teaching (초등학교 수학교실의 사회수학적 규범: 수학 지도에서의 개혁상의 문제에 대한 한국과 미국의 관점 비교)

  • ;David Kirshner
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-36
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    • 1999
  • The case of four classrooms analyzed in this study point to many commonalities in the challenges of reforming mathematics teaching in Korea and the U. S. In both national contexts we have seen the need fur a clear distinction between implementing new student-centered social practices in the classroom, and providing significant new loaming opportunities for students. In particular, there is an important need to distinguish between attending to the social practices of the classroom and attending to students conceptual development within those social practices. In both countries, teachers in the less successful student-centered classes tended to abdicate responsibility fur sense making to the students. They were more inclined to attend to the literal statements of their students without analyzing their conceptual understanding (Episodes KA5 and UP 2). This is easy to do when the rhetoric of reform emphasizes student-centered social practices without sufficient attention to psychological correlates of those social practices. The more successful teachers tended to monitor the understanding of the students and to take proactive measures to ensure the development of that understanding (Episodes KO5 and UN3). This suggests the usefulness of constructivism as a model (or successful student-centered instruction. As Simon(1995) observed, constructivist teachers envision a hypothetical learning trajectory that constitutes their plan and expectation for students learning from the particular if the trajectory is being followed. If not, the teacher adjusts or supplements the task to obtain a more satisfactory result, or reconsider her or his assumptions concerning the hypothetical learning trajectory. In this way, the teacher acts proactively to try to ensure that students are progressing in their understanding in particular ways. Thus the more successful student-centered teacher of this study can be seen as constructivist in their orientation to student conceptual development, in comparison to the less successful student-centered teachers. It is encumbant on the authors of reform in Korea and the U. S. to make sure that reform is not trivialized, or evaluated only on the surface of classroom practices. The commonalities of the two reform endeavores suggest that Korea and the U. S. have much to share with each other in the challenges of reforming mathematics teaching for the new millennium.

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Potential Industrial Applications and Evolution of Carbohydrolases and Glycansucrases

  • Kim, Do-Man;Seo, Eun-Seong;Lee, Jin-Ha;Kang, Hee-Kyoung;Cho, Jae-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology Conference
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.215-218
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    • 2004
  • Dextrans make up a class of polysaccharides that are D-glucans of various structures with contiguous $\alpha$-1longrightarrow6 ~6 glycosidic linkages in the main chains and $\alpha$-1longrightarrow2, $\alpha$-1longrightarrow3, or $\alpha$-1longrightarrow4 branch glycosidic linkages, depending on the specificity of the particular dextransucrase. Glucansucrases that catalyze glucans synthesis from sucrose. When other carbohydrates, in addition to sucrose, are present in the enzyme digest, the enzyme transfers glucose to the carbohydrate acceptors in the secondary reaction that diverts some of the glucose from incorporation into glucan. Many carbohydrate acceptors have been recognized and the products that result are dependent on the particular enzyme and the structure of the particular acceptor. Because of these unique catalytic characteristics, various dextransucrases have many important industrial and medical uses. To improve the understanding of their action mode and extend their applications, this study describes mechanism of glucan synthesis and potential industrial uses of dextransucrases, and our recent findings on the structural, functional organization and directed evolution of the glucansucrases to offer for designing glucansucrases with improved properties.

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Tourist Behaviour of Hampyeong Butterfly Festival: A Case of the Butterfly Festival 2002 (함평나비축제 관광객의 행태적 특성: 제4회 축제를 사례로)

  • 이정록
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.339-353
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    • 2003
  • In recent, events tourism of community festival is a particular form of tourism which has experienced considerable growth in Korea, and is become the important strategy for tourist inducement and revitalization of regional economy. Many events of community festival were mainly established since 1995, and most of local government such as city and county adopted the events of cultural tourism festival. Among these community festival, Hampyeong Butterfly Festival of Hampyeong-gun of Jeollanamdo, is recognized as one of famous events all over the country. In particular, Hampyeong Butterfly Festival to be held since 1999, attracts over 1 million tourists annually, and provides a lot of opportunities educational shows and exhibitions, including ecology experiences and learning sites, as well as environmentally-friendly agriculture learning sites, folklore customs, cultural heritage and traditional plays. Therefore, the purpose of this study focuses on the tourist behaviour of Butterfly Festival 2002. Most tourist have positive attitude and evaluation about festival, in particular, tourists present show high satisfaction with many programs of festival. However, in order to strengthen the competitiveness of festival, Hampyeong-gun have to concern with some improvements such as the expansion of tourists' facilities, active publicity activities, and matketing of special products of Hampyeong-gun.

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Applications of a Coupled Multizone and CFD Simulation to Validate Airflow and Influenza A Contaminant Dispersion in Biosafety Laboratory (생물안전밀폐시설에서 Multizone과 CFD 연동해석에 의한 실내기류 및 Influenza A 오염농도해석)

  • Hwang, Ji Hyun;Hong, Jin Kwan
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.26 no.12
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    • pp.588-593
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    • 2014
  • To maintain a negative pressure, the supply, exhaust airvolume are adjusted by setting volume damper and the infiltration through leakage area of the door between rooms in biosafety laboratory. Multizone simulation is useful way to predict room pressure, supply and exhaust air volume. But in a particular room, local change such as airflow and contaminants concentration distribution can not be evaluated unfortunately. Through this study, a coupled multizone and CFD simulation was performed, indoor air flow and local contaminants concentration distribution in a particular room of BSL lab are predicted. The results show that all zones of BSL lab are well ventilated by unidirectional flow without local stagnation. In addition, in case that unexpected biohazard is occured in BSL lab, multizone simulation results about the spread of pollutants along movement of the occupant also show that contaminants concentration is removing totally without the spread of the outside. In conclusion, a coupled multizone and CFD simulation can be applied to interpret differential pressure in room and local change of physical quantity in a particular room such as airflow and Influenza A contaminants concentration distribution. This simulation method is useful to enhance the reliability and accuracy of biosafety laboratory design.

The Provisions on the Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Awards in Indonesia (under the New York Convention of 1958?)

  • Adolf, Huala
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.33-52
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    • 2017
  • This article tried to describe the laws concerning the enforcement of foreign arbitration awards in Indonesia. This issue is relevant in the light of frequent curiosity of foreign commentators, business communities, practicing lawyers, concerning the arbitration in Indonesia, in particular its enforcement of foreign arbitration awards. The main laws on arbitration analyzed were, firstly, the Indonesian law on arbitration, namely Law No 30 of 1999 on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Presidential Regulation No 34 of 1981 concerning the Ratification of the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958. The provisions of Law of 1999 analyzed were confined to its international provisions on arbitration, in particular the requirements for the enforcement of foreign arbitration awards and also the requirement that the awards do not violate Indonesian public policy. The problem with the Indonesian arbitration law (and the courts' practice) were that no provisions which provided guidance or meaning with regard to public policy. The absence or lack of guidance or definition on public policy had some times confused lawyers or the parties in dispute fearing that their arbitration awards would not be enforced due to the violation of public policy. Secondly was the different opinion of two Indonesian arbitration experts, Prof. Sudargo Gautama and Prof. Priyatna Abdurrasyid. Both scholars had rather different opinions with regard to the meaning of public policy in Indonesia. Thirdly was a recent case law, Astro Nusantara Bv et.al., vs PT Ayunda Primamitra Case (2010) decided by the Indonesian Supreme Court with regard to the enforcement of foreign arbitration awards. This article concluded that the Indonesian court, in particular the Central of Jakarta Court, so far have given its support that the execution of foreign awards was duly enforced.


  • Peto R.;Pike M.C.;Armitage P.;Breslow N.E.;Cox D.R.;Howard S.V.;Mantel N.;Mcpherson K.;Peto J.;Smith P.G.
    • 대한예방의학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1994.02b
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    • pp.206-233
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    • 1994
  • The Medical Research Council has for some years encouraged collaborative clinical trials in leukaemia and other cancers, reporting the results in the medical literature. One unreported result which deserves such publication is the development of the expertise to design and analyse such trials. This report was prepared by a group of British and American statisticians, but it is intended for people without any statistical expertise. Part!, which appears in this issue, discusses the design of such trials; Part II, which will appear separately in the January 1977 issue of the Journal, gives full instructions for the statistical analysis of such trials by means of life tables and the logrank test, including a worked example, and discusses the interpretation of trial results, including brief reports of particular trials. Both parts of this report are relevant to all clinical trials which study time to death, and would be equally relevant to clinical trials which study time to other particular classes of untoward event: first stroke, perhaps, or first relapse, metastasis, disease recurrence, thrombosis, transplant rejection, or death from a particular cause. Part I, in this issue, collects together ideas that have mostly already appeared in the medical literature, but Part II, next month, is the first simple account yet published for non-statistical physicians of how to analyse efficiently data from clinical trials of survival duration. Such trials include the majority of all clinical trials of cancer therapy; in cancer trials, however, it may be preferable to use these statistical methods to study time to local recurrence of tumour, or to study time to detectable metastatic spread, in addition to studying total survival. Solid tumours can be staged at diagnosis; if this, or any other available information in some other disease is an important determinant of outcome, it can be used to make the overall logrank test for the whole heterogeneous trial population more sensitive, and more intuitively satisfactory, for it will then only be necessary to compare like with like, and not, by chance, Stage I with Stage III.

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Issues on Particular Market Situation to Calculate Dumping Margin of Korean Steel Products by the USA

  • Wang, Jingjing;Choi, Chang Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.89-111
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - The U.S. Trade Preference Expansion Act (TPEA) of 2015 enables the US Department of Commerce (DOC) to inflate dumping margin when the particular market situation (PMS) exists in the exporter's home market. DOC applied PMS provisions to the steel products from Korea. This paper analyzes whether DOC's calculation by using the regression analysis is consistent with WTO rules. Design/methodology - This paper analyzes the PMS application in law and regression analysis that extends the data period from 10 years to 18 years using the same economic model with DOC, and changes the country group according to the quantities of steelmaking capacity. Findings - Results show that DOC's argument conflating the sales-based with cost-based PMS designed to inflate dumping margins might not be consistent with WTO Antidumping Agreement Article 2.2 and in which costs shall normally be calculated on the basis of records kept by the exporter, providing generally accepted accounting principles and reasonably reflection of the costs and PMS that exists in the Korean steel product markets. Even if it will be consistent, DOC's calculated margin by the regression analysis using a 10-year data is a big gap (5 times) compared with an 18-year data projection and different countries' data through the same methodology, which is a huge gap of regression coefficient. It means that dumping margin would be very wide range from 7.8% to 38.54% and unstable to calculate. Inflating dumping margin by DOC using regression analysis would not only be inconsistent with WTO rules, but also projection result is unreliable. Originality/value - Literature papers have mainly analyzed WTO law itself. This paper however, would be the first attempt to analyze the DOC's new way of dumping margin calculation in both manners of law and an empirical methodology perspective at the same time.

A Study on the Effects of Personality Characteristics of A New Public Official on Academic Burnout (신임공무원의 성격특성이 학업소진에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Hwan
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2022
  • Public officials are volunteers for the people, and the police are in charge of the safety of the people. In particular, the marine safety of Korea, which has three sides of the sea, is very important. The education of maritime police is a very important factor due to the specificity and risk of the sea. In particular, since the new curriculum is linked to the job while in office, factors related to educational performance are more important. In this study, the relationship between personality characteristics and academic burnout was examined for 200 new maritime police officials. Among the five factors of personality characteristics, extroversion factors, neurotic factors, and emotional exhaustion factors were extroversion factors, neurotic factors, and cynicism factors, and extroversion factors, neurotic factors, and integrity factors. In particular, the five factors of personality characteristics that have the greatest influence on academic burnout were neurotic. For the educational satisfaction and effectiveness of the new maritime police officer, it is necessary to minimize the psychological margin and stress of the new maritime police officer.

Human Rights in The Context of Digitalization. International-Legal Analysis

  • Panova, Liydmyla;Gramatskyy, Ernest;Kryvosheyina, Inha;Makoda, Volodymyr
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.320-326
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    • 2022
  • The use of the Internet has become commonplace for billions of people on the planet. The rapid development of technology, in particular, mobile gadgets, has provided access to communication anywhere, anytime. At the same time, there are growing concerns about the behavior of people on the Internet, in particular, towards each other and social groups in general. This raises the issue of human rights in today's information society. In this study, we focused on human rights such as the right to privacy, confidentiality, freedom of expression, the right to be forgotten, etc. We point to some differences in this regard, in particular between the EU, etc. In addition, we describe the latest legal regulation in this aspect in European countries. Such methods as systemic, factual, formal and legal, to show the factors of formation and development of human rights in the context of digitalization were used. The authors indicate which of them deserve the most attention due to their prevalence and relevance. Thus, we concluded that the technological development of social communications has laid the groundwork for a legal settlement of privacy and opinion issues on the Internet. Simultaneously, jurisdictions address issues on every aspect of human rights on the Internet, based on previous norms, case law, and principles of law. It is concluded that human rights legislation on the Internet will continue to be actively developed to ensure a balance of private and public interests, safe online access and unimpeded access to it.