• Title/Summary/Keyword: Participation Effect

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Effect of Lead(IV) Acetate on Procoagulant Activity in Human Red Blood Cells

  • Kim, Keun-Young;Lim, Kyung-Min;Shin, Jung-Hun;Noh, Ji-Yoon;Ahn, Jae-Bum;Lee, Da-Hye;Chung, Jin-Ho
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.175-180
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    • 2009
  • Lead (Pb) is a ubiquitously occurring environmental heavy metal which is widely used in industry and human life. Possibly due to a global industrial expansion, recent studies have revealed the prevalent human exposure to Pb and increased risk of Pb toxicity. Once ingested by human, 95% of absorbed Pb is accumulated into erythrocytes and erythrocytes are known to be a prime target for Pb toxicity. Most of the studies were however, focused on Pb2+ whereas the effects of Pb4+, another major form of Pb on erythrocytes are poorly understood yet. In this study, we investigated and compared the effects of Pb4+, Pb2+ and other heavy metals on procoagulant activation of erythrocytes, an important factor for the participation of erythrocytes in thrombotic events in an effort to address the cardiovascular toxicity of Pb4+. Freshly isolated erythrocytes from human were incubated with Pb4+, Pb2+, Cd2+ and Ag+ and the exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS), key marker for procoagulant activation was measured using flow cytometry. As a result, while Cd2+ and Ag+ did not affect PS exposure, Pb4+ and Pb2+ induced significantly PS exposure in a dose-dependent manner. Of a particular note, Pb4+ induced PS exposure with a similar potency with Pb2+. PS bearing microvesicle (MV), another important contributor to procoagulant activation was also generated by Pb4+. These PS exposure and MV generation by Pb4+ were well in line with the shape change of erythrocyte from normal discocytes to MV shedding echinocytes following Pb4+ treatment. Meanwhile, nonspecific hemolysis was not observed suggesting the specificity of Pb4+-induced PS exposure and MV generation. These results indicated that Pb4+ could induce procoagulant activation of erythrocytes through PS exposure and MV generation, suggesting that Pb4+ exposure might ultimately lead to increased thrombotic events.

Effects of CoRe-based Density Unit Lesson on Conceptual Formation and Class Satisfaction (CoRe에 기반한 밀도 개념 수업이 개념형성과 수업만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Eun-Young;Choi, Byung-Soon
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.221-232
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the CoRe-based density unit class on conceptual formation and on learner satisfaction with the class. For this study, two hundred and forty 8th grade students were chosen from six classes. The students were divided into two groups: an experimental group, which received a CoRe-based density unit lesson, and a control group, which was taught based on traditional teaching method. The CoRe-based density unit classes consisted of 4 periods based on the analysis of the previous studies on CoRe about density. The results showed the meaningful significant difference between the CoRe-based classes and the classes based on traditional teaching method both in the posttest on the extent of the conceptual formation on the density and in the retention test. The difference suggests that the lesson with CoRe is based on the consideration of the difficulties and limitations students face in various fields such as the students themselves, teachers, learning environment, evaluation, etc. during their learning process and even in the types of preconception they have, and the CoRe-based lesson is centered around the best teaching strategies to solve such difficulties. As a result of the analysis on the experimental group's class satisfaction, it is revealed that the students with a high level of attitudes related science or with a high level of science achievement showed especially high satisfaction in their learning. Analysis of questionnaire survey showed that the students in the experimental group got the opportunity through CoRe-based lesson to stretch their thoughts and ideas in a free way and preferred a teaching method which didn't just show the concept, but allowed them to find it for themselves or which let them predict the solution and then confirm the result on their own and a lesson which encouraged their active participation.

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The Effect of the Visit to Dementia Home Experience Program on the Awareness of Dementia (치매 가정체험프로그램 관람이 치매 인식에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, So Yeon;Kim, Deok Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to find that people's visit to a dementia home exhibition hall is effective at improving their perception of dementia. The satisfaction of visitors to the dementia home exhibition hall and a change in their perception of dementia after the visit were analyzed. The study subjects were 52 residents in S city. This study had been conducted from April, 5 to May, 25, 2018. The dementia home exhibition hall has welfare kits installed in an entrance, a rest room, a living, and a kitchen. Virtual reality experience program and the program of wearing clothes to experience an elderly person were performed together. As a result, the visitors' satisfaction was high overall, and their visit was educationally effective at improving their perception of dementia. After their visit to the hall, the residents showed high increases in the scores of the questions about the perception of dementia causes, dynamism & system, symptoms & diagnosis, and treatment & prevention. The residents with middle years and higher of age were more satisfied than those in other age groups with the introduction of dementia, and prevention methods, introduction of safe and comfortable home environment, and appropriateness of experience program. In this study, it was positive that the differentiated experience program which was not existed actively led the participation of the target person and attracted high education satisfaction in a short time. In the future, it will be necessary to develop an extended experience program, provide an environment for direct experience of dementia, and perform a continuous program to draw more citizens' attention.

The Effects of Social Support, Self-Efficacy on Aging Anxiety of the Middle-Aged Women (중년여성의 사회적지지, 자기효능감이 노화불안에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.569-577
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to determine the effects of middle-aged women's social support and self-efficacy on their aging anxiety, with the ultimate goal of providing basic information for devising educational and interventive programs to help reduce aging anxiety. Participants of this study were 210 middle-aged women living in B Metropolitan City. Data were collected from May 10 to 28, 2018, and statistically processed using t-tests, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Participants showed significant differences in aging anxiety depending on age, education, monthly income, marital life satisfaction, leisure time activities, and number of friends. In addition, aging anxiety had significant negative correlations with social support and self-efficacy, and the main factors affecting middle-aged women's aging anxiety were found to be self-efficacy, marital satisfaction and social support. Of these, self-efficacy had the greatest effect, explaining 42.7% of the participants' aging anxiety. To help middle-aged women reduce their aging anxiety, it is necessary to provide them with programs that improve social activity participation, raise self-efficacy and promote relationships with family and communities. It is also recommended that these women be provided with educational and interventive programs that help them adjust to aging and develop a positive awareness of it.

Convention Participants' Environmental Awareness, Acceptance of Environment-friendly Convention Attributes, and Intention to Participate (컨벤션 참가자의 환경인식과 친환경 컨벤션 속성에 관한 수용도 및 참여의도)

  • Choi, Hyun-Joo;Kim, Ju-Yeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.431-441
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    • 2011
  • As environment issues arise, environment-friendliness in convention industry has also been discussed. Guidelines are presented by government and convention organization to settle environment-friendly convention. However, these efforts focus on organizers and suppliers, lacking in understanding convention participants. This study tries to approach in perspective of convention participants to get useful information for environment-friendly convention. The research explores how they are aware of environment issues and accept environment-friendly convention attributes according to their cognition of environment. It also examines the relationship between those attributes and intention of participation according to their awareness of environment. The results shows that participants have high awareness about environmental issue and recognized high necessity for set up for specific action plan. They showed highest acceptance of venue followed by activity, transportation, food & beverage, and operation. High awareness group showed higher acceptance of environment-friendly convention attributes than low awareness group. 'Transportation', 'activity', and 'operation' among five attributes were examined to have significant effect on intention of participate environment-friendly convention in both groups.

Effects of Participation in Korean Traditional Dance on the Acculturative Stress and Life Satisfaction in the Married Immigrant Women (한국전통무용프로그램이 결혼이주여성의 문화적응 스트레스 및 생활만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Moon-Sook;Le, Hyung-Il;Lee, Jung-Joo;Yoon, Min-Sook;Kim, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.2567-2574
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Korean traditional dance on acculturative stress and life satisfaction in the married immigrant women. The subjects of this quasi-experimental study were two folds as one experimental group and one control group. The subjects of experimental group were randomly composed of Korean traditional Dance. Contrary to this, the subjects of control group included those who neither participated in Korean traditional dance. All statistical analyses and description methods were computed by SPSS window 14.0. The discriminant analysis was used to find changes of the acculturative stress and life satisfaction, ANCOVA. The results of this study were as followings: Frist, there was founded that Korean traditional dance program group significantly decreased their acculturative stress. Second, there was founded that Korean traditional dance program group significantly improved their life satisfaction. It is concluded that Korean traditional dance program is directly and strongly cause and effect relations with the acculturative stress and life satisfaction in the married immigrant women.

Evaluation on the Satisfaction of Urban Regeneration Projects - A case study of Yeong-ju - (도시재생사업의 만족도 평가 - 영주시를 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Hee-Jung;Byun, Tae-Geun;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2018
  • Urban regeneration is a worldwide challenging project, showing a great interest in the sector. In order for Korea's urban regeneration to be settled successfully in the early stage, it is necessary to analyze and review the opinions and business performance of the urban regeneration areas. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the urban regeneration planning factors affecting urban regeneration on the satisfaction of citizens, public administration and region. This study surveyed the residents and experts of the Yeongju city, Gyeongsangbuk-do, where urban regeneration is actively doing with active participation of residents and local government. Based on the data of the survey, this paper performed frequency analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis as a analytic methods. The results revealed that 'community factor' was the most important factor to the satisfaction of residents in the urban regeneration project in progress. In the final stage(at present), both 'community factor' (0.387) and 'physical factor'(0.454) were found to have a significant effect on satisfaction. While the satisfaction from 'the economic factor'(0.111) has slowed but it has increased with 'the physical factors' in the process of regeneration project, 'the social factors'(-0.007) shows a downward trend. If the role of social factors and community factors are supported at the beginning step of the urban regeneration project, the physical factors and economic factors are continued to lead a sustainable urban regeneration in the long term.

Literature Review of Empowerment Intervention Studies for Patients with Chronic Physical Health Conditions in Korea (만성적인 신체질환을 가진 환자에게 적용된 임파워먼트 중재 연구 고찰 - 국내를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jiyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.455-467
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    • 2020
  • This study was a systematic review examining the effect of empowerment intervention studies among patients with chronic physical health conditions in Korea. The PICOT-SD (Participants, Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes, Timing of outcome measurement, Setting, Study design) strategy was applied. A total of 19 studies published between January 2000 and April 2020 were selected. Study participants were rheumatoid arthritis patients, hemodialysis patients, stroke patients, diabetes mellitus patients, chronic pulmonary disease patients, hypertensive patients, cancer patients, chronic kidney disease patients, and kidney transplantation patients, etc. A total of 17 studies were found to have presented a conceptual framework. Empowerment skills were participation, dialogue, experience, interaction, support, and problem solving, etc. The most frequently used dependent variables were self-care (n=13), empowerment (n=10), self-efficacy (n=7), and depression (n=5). Self-care, empowerment, and self-efficacy showed significant improvement among patients in at least 60% of the included studies. Based upon this review, there is evidence that empowerment intervention studies are an effective method to improve the health of patients with chronic physical health conditions. This study further suggests the development of an empowerment intervention program to verify the effects of the various variables identified in this study.

Research on the Leadership Types in Italian Restaurants (이태리 레스토랑 종사자들의 리더십 유형에 관한 연구)

  • Yim, Seoung-Bean;Kim, Pan-Jin
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.12
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2012
  • Purpose - This study analyzes the effects of types of leadership on the employees of Italian restaurants, its efficacy, and organizational citizenship behavior, utilizing a causal assessment model. In this study, independent variables such as the type of leadership perceived in the manager or chef by an Italian restaurant's employees, and its efficacy were parameters, and the organizational citizenship behavior and organizational effectiveness were the variables representing the results in the hypothesis. The study aimed to draw implications by verifying the leadership via efficacy and the impact on organizational citizenship behavior of Italian restaurants. Research design, data, methodology - For the purpose of this analysis, specific questionnaire items were configured according to the theory and efficacy of the study. From a questionnaire used in organizational citizenship behavior comprising 22 questions, six were modified to suit the research purpose of this study. The configured questionnaire comprised 5 parts and 40 items. A Likert (Likert) 5-point scale was utilized to measure responses to the questionnaire items from the employees of an Italian restaurant in Seoul who participated in the survey. For data collection, 400 questionnaires were distributed, and 344 collected. Factor analysis and reliability verification were conducted using SPSS18.0 and AMOS18.0. A covariance structure analysis was conducted to test the research hypotheses. Results - Based on the results of the analyses, the summary and suggested implications of the research are as follows: The covariance structure analysis used to analyze the kind of effect transformational and transactional leadership styles in Italian restaurant employees had on self-efficacy, group-efficacy, and organizational citizenship behavior, indicated that among the characteristics of transformational leadership (such as, idealized influence, inspirational motivation, individual consideration, and intellectual stimulation), idealized influence and individual consideration had a positive influence on self-efficacy. Idealized influence, individual consideration, conditional reward, and management by exception also positively influenced self-efficacy and altruistic and conscientious behavior (organizational citizenship behavior). Conclusions - Results suggest that with regard to self-efficacy and group efficacy, managers in different departments and chefs should provide team members with a vision for the future, increase their confidence in their abilities, and build their trust in the organization. By evaluating employee performance and experiences, management can demonstrate leadership and encourage organizational citizenship behavior through enjoyable, voluntary participation. Transformational and transactional leadership is effective in group processes that include social-exchange relationships, self-efficacy and group efficacy, and organizational citizenship behavior. However, as this research study utilizes only self-reported data, it has several limitations, such as a vulnerability of errors caused by the various experiment types. A significant limitation of this study is the lack of potential for the duplication of results. The covariance structure analysis, however, provides complementation to limit the impact of errors from self-reporting studies. A future study can extend this research by utilizing different data collection methods.

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A study on the WTP estimates of green public buildings by the Contingent Valuation Method (조건부가치측정법(CVM)을 활용한 녹색 공공건축물 조성의 비용지불의사액 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Hwan;Eo, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.2249-2254
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    • 2015
  • Currently, green house gas(GHG) emissions in korea is aiming for a 30% reduction that it is compared to BAU by 2020. To this end, the government has proceed to a variety of reduction policies in GHG. In particular, GHG reduction effect in the public buildings is being a active discussion. It needs to reduce GHG for energy efficiency improvements in the way that public buildings are operated and maintained by public taxes. In this background, the purpose of this paper is to study environmental values judgement for non-market goods in the residents who use public buildings. The results of study are as follows; Respond to first suggested price was found the higher in price, the lower in willingness to pay(WTP). The result of second suggested price was as the same. Analysis of DBDC CVM revealed that income level shows a positive impact on WTP, but the other variables are irrelevant to WTP. Therefore, the citizen participation of the local population seems absolutely necessary to more effective GHG reduction of public sector in the future.