• Title/Summary/Keyword: PCM 클러스터링

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Extraction of Intestinal Obstruction in X-Ray Images Using PCM (PCM 클러스터링을 이용한 X-Ray 영상에서 장폐색 추출)

  • Kim, Kwang Baek;Woo, Young Woon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.24 no.12
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    • pp.1618-1624
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    • 2020
  • Intestinal obstruction diagnosis method based on X-ray can affect objective diagnosis because it includes subjective factors of the examiner. Therefore, in this paper, a detection method of Intestinal Obstruction from X-Ray image using Hough transform and PCM is proposed. The proposed method uses Hough transform to detect straight lines from the extracted ROI of the intestinal obstruction X-Ray image and bowel obstruction is extracted by using air fluid level's morphological characteristic detected by the straight lines. Then, ROI is quantized by applying PCM clustering algorithm to the extracted ROI. From the quantized ROI, cluster group that includes bowel obstruction's characteristic is selected and small bowel regions are extracted by using object search from the selected cluster group. The proposed method of using PCM is applied to 30 X-Ray images of intestinal obstruction patients and setting the initial cluster number of PCM to 4 showed excellent performance in detection and the TPR was 81.47%.

An ACA-based fuzzy clustering for medical image segmentation (적응적 개미군집 퍼지 클러스터링 기반 의료 영상분할)

  • Yu, Jeong-Min;Jeon, Moon-Gu
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.11a
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    • pp.367-368
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    • 2012
  • Possibilistic c-means (PCM) 알고리즘은 fuzzy c-means (FCM) 의 노이즈 민감성을 극복하기 위해 제안 되었다. 하지만, PCM 은 사용되는 시스템 파라미터들의 초기화와 coincident 클러스터링 문제로 인하여 그 성능이 민감하다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제점들을 극복하기 위해 개미군집 알고리즘(Ant colony algorithm)을 이용한 퍼지 클러스터링(fuzzy clustering) 알고리즘을 제안한다. 먼저, 개미군집 알고리즘을 통해 PCM 의 클러스터 개수 및 중심 값 파라미터를 최적화 하고, 미리 분류된 화소 정보를 이용하여 PCM 의 coincident 클러스터링 문제를 해결하였다. 제안된 알고리즘의 효율성을 의료 영상 분할 문제에 적용하여 확인하였다.

A Hierarchy of Kernel PCM-Generated Clusters (계층적인 구조를 이루는 KPCM 알고리즘)

  • Koo Yang-Hyup;Choi Byung-ln;Rhee Chung-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.83-86
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    • 2005
  • 커널함수를 이용한 클러스터링 방법은 일반적인 목적함수 기반의 클러스터링 방법에 비해 고리모양과 같은 복잡한 모양의 데이터를 클러스터링할 때 훨씬 효율적이다. 그러나, 커널기반의 클러스터링 방법은 거리함수를 계산하기 위하여 커널함수를 연산해야 하기 때문에 클러스터 수가 많아지면, 일반적인 목적함수 기반의 클러스터링 방법에 비하여 계산량이 급격히 증가하는 단점이 있다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 이러한 단점을 개선하기 위하여 커널기반의 클러스터링 기법에 계층적인 클러스터링 모델을 적용한다.

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Color image segmentation using the possibilistic C-mean clustering and region growing (Possibilistic C-mean 클러스터링과 영역 확장을 이용한 칼라 영상 분할)

  • 엄경배;이준환
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics S
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    • v.34S no.3
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 1997
  • Image segmentation is teh important step in image infromation extraction for computer vison sytems. Fuzzy clustering methods have been used extensively in color image segmentation. Most analytic fuzzy clustering approaches are derived from the fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm. The FCM algorithm uses th eprobabilistic constraint that the memberships of a data point across classes sum to 1. However, the memberships resulting from the FCM do not always correspond to the intuitive concept of degree of belongingor compatibility. moreover, the FCM algorithm has considerable trouble above under noisy environments in the feature space. Recently, the possibilistic C-mean (PCM) for solving growing for color image segmentation. In the PCM, the membersip values may be interpreted as degrees of possibility of the data points belonging to the classes. So, the problems in the FCM can be solved by the PCM. The clustering results by just PCM are not smoothly bounded, and they often have holes. So, the region growing was used as a postprocessing. In our experiments, we illustrated that the proposed method is reasonable than the FCM in noisy enviironments.

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Improved Algorithm of Hybrid c-Means Clustering for Supervised Classification of Remote Sensing Images (원격탐사 영상의 감독분류를 위한 개선된 하이브리드 c-Means 군집화 알고리즘)

  • Jeon, Young-Joon;Kim, Jin-Il
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 2007
  • Remote sensing images are multispectral image data collected from several band divided by wavelength ranges. The classification of remote sensing images is the method of classifying what has similar spectral characteristics together among each pixel composing an image as the important algorithm in this field. This paper presents a pattern classification method of remote sensing images by applying a possibilistic fuzzy c-means (PFCM) algorithm. The PFCM algorithm is a hybridization of a FCM algorithm, which adopts membership degree depending on the distance between data and the center of a certain cluster, combined with a PCM algorithm, which considers class typicality of the pattern sets. In this proposed method, we select the training data for each class and perform supervised classification using the PFCM algorithm with spectral signatures of the training data. The application of the PFCM algorithm is tested and verified by using Landsat TM and IKONOS remote sensing satellite images. As a result, the overall accuracy showed a better results than the FCM, PCM algorithm or conventional maximum likelihood classification(MLC) algorithm.

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An Extension of Possibilistic Fuzzy C-means using Regularization (Regularization을 이용한 Possibilistic Fuzzy C-means의 확장)

  • Heo, Gyeong-Yong;NamKoong, Young-Hwan;Kim, Seong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2010
  • Fuzzy c-means (FCM) and possibilistic c-means (PCM) are the two most well-known clustering algorithms in fuzzy clustering area, and have been applied in many applications in their original or modified forms. However, FCM's noise sensitivity problem and PCM's overlapping cluster problem are also well known. Recently there have been several attempts to combine both of them to mitigate the problems and possibilistic fuzzy c-means (PFCM) showed promising results. In this paper, we proposed a modified PFCM using regularization to reduce noise sensitivity in PFCM further. Regularization is a well-known technique to make a solution space smooth and an algorithm noise insensitive. The proposed algorithm, PFCM with regularization (PFCM-R), can take advantage of regularization and further reduce the effect of noise. Experimental results are given and show that the proposed method is better than the existing methods in noisy conditions.

A study on the color image segmentation using the fuzzy Clustering (퍼지 클러스터링을 이용한 칼라 영상 분할)

  • 이재덕;엄경배
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 1999.05a
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    • pp.109-112
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    • 1999
  • Image segmentation is the critical first step in image information extraction for computer vision systems. Clustering methods have been used extensively in color image segmentation. Most analytic fuzzy clustering approaches are divided from the fuzzy c-means(FCM) algorithm. The FCM algorithm uses fie probabilistic constraint that the memberships of a data point across classes sum to 1. However, the memberships resulting from the FCM do not always correspond to the intuitive concept of degree of belonging or compatibility. Moreover, the FCM algorithm has considerable trouble under noisy environments in the feature space. Recently, a possibilistic approach to clustering(PCM) for solving above problems was proposed. In this paper, we used the PCM for color image segmentation. This approach differs from existing fuzzy clustering methods for color image segmentation in that the resulting partition of the data can be interpreted as a possibilistic partition. So, the problems in the FCM can be solved by the PCM. But, the clustering results by the PCM are not smoothly bounded, and they often have holes. The region growing was used as a postprocessing after smoothing the noise points in the pixel seeds. In our experiments, we illustrate that the PCM us reasonable than the FCM in noisy environments.

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A Kernel based Possibilistic Approach for Clustering and Image Segmentation (클러스터링 및 영상 분할을 위한 커널 기반의 Possibilistic 접근 방법)

  • Choi, Kil-Soo;Choi, Byung-In;Rhee, Chung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.889-894
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    • 2004
  • The fuzzy kernel c-means (FKCM) algorithm, which uses a kernel function, can obtain more desirable clustering results than fuzzy c-means (FCM) for not only spherical data but also non-spherical data. However, it can be sensitive to noise as in the FCM algorithm. In this paper, a kernel function is applied to the possibilistic c-means (PCM) algorithm and is shown to be robust for data with additive noise. Several experimental results show that the proposed kernel possibilistic c-means (KPCM) algorithm out performs the FKCM algorithm for general data with additive noise.

Diagnosis of Pet by Using FCM Clustering

  • Kim, Kwang-Baek
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we propose a method of disease diagnosis system that can diagnose the health status of household pets for the people who lack veterinary knowledge. The proposed diagnosis system holds 50 different kinds of diseases with the symptoms for each of them as a database to provide results from symptom input. Each disease database has its own symptom codes for a disease, and by using the disease database, FCM clustering technique is applied to disease which outputs membership degree to determine diseases close to the input symptom as a pet diagnosis result. The implementation results of the proposed pet diagnosis system were obtained by the number of selected symptoms and the possibility values of the diseases that have the selected symptoms being sorted in descending order to derive top 3 diseases closest to the pet's symptom.

Extraction and Analysis of Hypertension Blood flow of Brachial Artery from Color Doppler Ultrasonography by Using Possibilistic C_Means and Fuzzy C_ Means (PCM와 FCM 방법을 이용한 색조 도플러 초음파 영상에서 상완 동맥의 고혈압 혈류 추출 및 분석)

  • Park, Jae-Woo;Shim, Sung-Bo;Oh, Heung-Min;Kim, Kwang Beak
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2018.01a
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    • pp.47-50
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    • 2018
  • 본 논문에서는 초음파 영상에서 환자 정보를 제거하여 ROI 영역을 추출하고, 추출된 ROI 영역에서 최대 명암도를 임계치로 설정한 이진화 기법을 적용하여 ROI 영역을 이진화 한다. 이진화된 ROI 영역에서 4 방향 윤곽선 추적 기법을 적용하여 상완동맥 혈류 영역이 존재하는 사다리꼴 형태의 영역을 추출한다. 추출된 사다리꼴 형태의 영역에서 상완동맥 혈류영역을 정확히 추출하기 위하여 제안된 무게 중심법을 이용하여 추출된 후보 영역을 양자화 한다. 무게 중심법은 추출된 사다리꼴 영역에서 FCM 기반 무게중심법과 PCM 기반 무게중심법을 각각 계산한 후, 두 중심 간의 차이가 존재 할 경우에는 두 중심의 평균값을 새로운 무게 중심으로 설정하여 각 픽셀들을 클러스터링하여 상완 동맥 영역을 추출한다. 추출된 상완 동맥 영역에는 고혈압 영역인 빨강색 영역과 저혈압이나 혈류가 역류하는 영역인 파란색 영역이 존재한다. 추출된 상완 동맥 영역에서 고혈압 영역만을 추출하기 위해 빨강색 영역을 제외한 그 외의 영역은 제거한다. 전문의가 제공한 상완동맥 혈류 초음파 영상을 대상으로 TPR(True Positive Rate) 검사을 분석한 결과, 제안된 방법이 기존의 방법 보다 TPR 값이 높게 나타나는 것을 확인하였다.

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