• Title/Summary/Keyword: Overlay map

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A Study of Disposition of Archaeological Remains in Wolseong Fortress of Gyeongju : Using Ground Penetration Radar(GPR) (GPR탐사를 통해 본 경주 월성의 유적 분포 현황 연구)

  • Oh, Hyun Dok;Shin, Jong Woo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.306-333
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    • 2010
  • Previous studies on Wolseong fortress have focused on capital system of Silla Dynasty and on the recreation of Wolseong fortress due to the excavations in and around Wolseong moat. Since the report on the Geographical Survey of Wolseong fortress was published and GPR survey in Wolseong fortress was executed as a trial test in 2004, the academic interest in the site has now expanded to the inside of the fortress. From such context, the preliminary research on the fortress including geophysical survey had been commenced. GPR survey had been conducted for a year from March, 2007. The principal purpose of the recent 3D GPR survey was to provide visualization of subsurface images of the entire Wolseong fortress area. In order to obtain 3D GPR data, dense profile lines were laid in grid-form. The total area surveyed was $112,535m^2$. Depth slice was applied to analyse each level to examine how the layers of the remains had changed and overlapped over time. In addition, slice overlay analysis methodology was used to gather reflects of each depth on a single map. Isolated surface visualization, which is one of 3D analysis methods, was also employed to gain more in-depth understanding and more accurate interpretations of the remain The GPR survey has confirmed that there are building sites whose archaeological features can be classified into 14 different groups. Three interesting areas with huge public building arrangement have been found in Zone 2 in the far west, Zone 9 in the middle, and Zone 14 in the far east. It is recognized that such areas must had been used for important public functions. This research has displayed that 3D GPR survey can be effective for a vast area of archaeological remains and that slice overlay images can provide clearer image with high contrast for objects and remains buried the site.

The Comparison of Water Quality of Daecheong-Dam basin According to the Data Sources of Land Cover Map (토지피복도 자료원에 따른 대청댐유역 수질특성 비교)

  • Lee, Geun Sang;Park, Jin Hyeog;Choi, Yun Woong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2012
  • This study compared the influence of water quality according to the data sources of spatial information. Firstly, land cover map was constructed through image classification of Daecheong-dam basin and the accuracy of image classification from satellite image showed high as 88.76% in comparison with the large-scaled land cover map in Ministry of Environment, to calculate Event Mean Concentration (EMC) by land cover that impact on the evaluation of nonpoint source pollutant loads. Also curve number and direct runoff were calculated by spatial overlay with soil map and land cover map from image classification. And Seokcheon and Daecheong-Dam basin showed high in the analysis of curve number and direct runoff. Samgacheon-Joint and Sokcheon-Downstream basin showed high in the nonpoint source pollutant loads of BOD from direct runoff and EMC. And Samgacheon-Joint and Bonghwangcheon- Downstream basin showed high in the nonpoint source pollutant loads of TN and TP. Nonpoint source pollutant loads from image classification were compared with those by the land cover map from Ministry of Environment to present the effectivity of nonpoint source pollutant loads from satellite image. And Daecheong-Dam Upstream basin showed high as 10.64%, 11.70% and 20.00% respectively in the errors of nonpoint source pollutant loads of BOD, TN, and TP. Therefore, it is desirable that spatial information including with paddy and dry field is applied to the evaluation of nonpoint source pollutant loads in order to simulate water quality of basin effectively.

Producing Firefighting Vulnerability Maps Using GIS - A Case Study of Dalseo-gu, Daegu - (GIS를 이용한 화재진압 취약성 지도 제작 - 대구광역시 달서구를 사례로 -)

  • KIM, Sung-Jae;CHOI, Gap-Yong;CHANG, Eun-Mi;SONG, Wan-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2015
  • Fire incidents, which occur every year, cause huge damage to properties and humans. Significant time and costs have been invested in minimizing and responding to such accidents. With the recent advances in the development of spatial information, in the firefighting field, studies have been conducted to effectively bring fires under control using GIS(Geographic Information System). Most of such studies, however, focused on individual analyses of firefighting-related factors, but comprehensive research on the vulnerability factors in fire control activities, a major part of firefighting activity, has yet to be done. This study sought to pinpoint and analyze the factors that obstruct fire controlling, and to gather relevant data and create GIS-based databases. Based on such database, GIS-based overlay analysis was conducted to produce a fire control vulnerability map. The findings of this study will enable a quantitative analysis of firefighting obstruction factors to assist the personnel engaging in firefighting in rational decision-making, such as in formulating a firefighting operation plan for securing golden time.

Application of Regional Landslide Susceptibility, Possibility, and Risk Assessment Techniques Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 광역적 산사태 취약성, 가능성, 위험성 평가 기법 적용)

  • 이사로
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.385-394
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    • 2001
  • There are serious damage of people and properties every year due to landslides that are occurred by heavy rain. Because these phenomena repeat and the heavy rain is not an atmospheric anomaly, the counter plan becomes necessary. The study area, Ulsan, is one of the seven metropolitan, and largest cities of Korea and has many large facilities such as petrochemical complex and factories of automobile and shipbuilding. So it is necessary assess the landslide hazard potential. In the study. the three steps of landslide hazard assessment techniques such as susceptibility, possibility, and risk were performed to the study area using GIS. For the analyses, the topographic, geologic, soil, forest, meteorological, and population and facility spatial database were constructed. Landslide susceptibility representing how susceptible to a given area was assessed by overlay of the slope, aspect, curvature of topography from the topographic DB, type, material, drainage and effective thickness of soil from the soil DB, lype age, diameter and density from forest DB and land use. Then landslide possibility representing how possible to landslide was assessed by overlay of the susceptibility and rainfall frequency map, Finally, landslide risk representing how dangerous to people and facility was assessed by overlay of the possibil. ity and the population and facility density maps The assessment results can be used to urban and land use plan for landslide hazard prevention.

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Review of Compositional Evaluation Items for Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map(ECVAM) of National Land in Korea (국토환경성평가지도 평가항목 구성의 적정성 검토)

  • Jeon, Seong Woo;Lee, Moung Jin;Song, Won Kyong;Sung, Hyun Chan;Park, Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2008
  • This study review of Compositional Evaluation Items for Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map (ECVAM) in Korea. The ECVAM is composed of legal assessment and environmental/ecological assessment items. ECVAM basically adapts an overlay method for environmental/ecological assessment items. The objective of this study is to suggest supplementary items for the ECVAM with the following process : Overlapping rates of the assessment items in the ECVAM are calculated to understand the grade distribution of the environmental conservation value assessment and to analyze the overlapping rates among the assessment items, as a result it is found that various items are overlapped each other. In order to reflect effectively each assessment item to the ECVAM, Analyzed the overlapping degree among assessment items to be applied to this map. On the concrete we gripped results to be assessed by various items, which were overlapped each other. In order to reflect effectively each assessment item to the environmental conservation value assessment map of national land, we analyzed the overlapping degree on environmental/ecological items, and investigated the grade distribution by field survey. In this study we assessed the ECVAM by 5 kinds of method. Method 1 is Grade 1 areas of each administrative district, Method 2 is Comparing overlapping areas of each assessment items Grade 1, 2 and Permission of each assessment items' duplication, Method 3 is Grade 1, 2 areas by only singular assessment items, Method 4 is Only Grade 1 areas of Method 2 and Method 5 is Only Grade 2 areas of Method 2. As results, Method 1 showed Seoul and other metropolitan cities reveal a high proportion of Grade I regions by the legal assessment items. Kangwon-Do, show a high proportion of Grade I regions by the environmental/ecological assessment item. Method 2 showed 93.4% of diameter Grade II(standard for stability), forest diameter item was accounted for 99.9% by Method 3, Method 4 showed 95.7% of forest diameter and forest density was accounted for 66.4% by Method 5. From now on, this study will contribute to reduce the complexity in the process of manufacturing ECVAM of National Land, and to raise the pliability in the process of managing and updating this map.

The application of GIS and RS for extracting Sumjin Watershed hydrologic-parameter (섬진강 유역 수문인자 추출을 위한 GIS와 RS의 활용)

  • 김지은;이근상;조기성;장영률
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.257-274
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    • 2000
  • Recently, natural environment is being forced by the quick increasing of population and industrialization, and especially, capacity and pollution of water resource is being come to the front. It needs to extract the accurate topological and hydrological parameters of watershed in order to manage water resource efficiently. But, these data are processed yet by manual work and simple operation in hydrological fields. In this paper, we presented algorithm that could extract topological any hydrological parameters over Sumjin watershed using GIS and RS and it gives the saving of data processing time and the confidency of data. The extraction procedure of topological characteristics and hydrological parameters is as below. First, watershed and stream are extracted by DEM and curve number is extracted throughout the overlay of landcov map and soil map. Also, we extracted surface parameters like watershed length and the slope of watershed length by Grid computation into watershed and stream. And we gave the method that could extract hydrologic parameters like Muskingum K and sub-basin lag time by executing computation into surface parameters and average SCS curve number being extracted.

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Extraction of Building Boundary on Aerial Image Using Segmentation and Overlaying Algorithm (분할과 중첩 기법을 이용한 항공 사진 상의 빌딩 경계 추출)

  • Kim, Yong-Min;Chang, An-Jin;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2012
  • Buildings become complex and diverse with time. It is difficult to extract individual buildings using only an optical image, because they have similar spectral characteristics to objects such as vegetation and roads. In this study, we propose a method to extract building area and boundary through integrating airborne Light Detection and Ranging(LiDAR) data and aerial images. Firstly, a binary edge map was generated using Edison edge detector after applying Adaptive dynamic range linear stretching radiometric enhancement algorithm to the aerial image. Secondly, building objects on airborne LiDAR data were extracted from normalized Digital Surface Model and aerial image. Then, a temporary building areas were extracted by overlaying the binary edge map and building objects extracted from LiDAR data. Finally, some building boundaries were additionally refined considering positional accuracy between LiDAR data and aerial image. The proposed method was applied to two experimental sites for validation. Through error matrix, F-measure, Jaccard coefficient, Yule coefficient, and Overall accuracy were calculated, and the values had a higher accuracy than 0.85.

A Study on the Utilization of Photoballoon System for Database Generation of Small Areas (소규모 지역의 자료기반 구축을 위한 Photoballoon 시스템의 활용에 관한 연구)

  • 이재기;조재호;최석근;이재동
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 1993
  • In order to generate database, we need to obtain speedy and corret topographic information according to requisite purpose. Generally methods to an acquisition of topographic information are available by the use of maps, satellite images, stereo models of aerophoto and so forth. But we must choose a optimal method in consideration of area of object region, spatial solution of image, required accuracy and economic. Therefore, this study aims at providing the establish method of efficient topographic data base of small object region by means of spatial layer techniques of geo-spatial information system and using acquisition of geo-information and production method of base map with photoballoon system to obtain topographic information for reasonable plan and design of object region which select a zone preparation of a collective village with small region. As a result of this study, we decided an f-stop and a shutter speed of camera to obtain accurate stereo model and were able to obtain stereo photography and topography for small region by using of photoballoon system through accuracy analysis according to change flight height and air base speedly and economically. We can establish the data base useable to efficient plan and design as existence map with overlay plan drawing.

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Wildlife Habitat Prediction Model based on Specialist's Experience - A Case Study of Daecheoncheon.Cheongradam - (전문조사원 경험에 의한 야생동물 서식지 예측모형 - 대천천.청라댐 유역을 대상으로 -)

  • Jang, Raeik;Lee, Myoun-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.393-403
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study was to use the information deduced from biotopemap in Boryeong, Chungnam province conducted in 2011 and to select the wildlife survey point. The information used for the study was deduced from the knowledge and experience of wildlife specialists and was realized by 6 environmental variables (Outside distance from food vegetation, Outside distance from farm land, Outside distance from forest, Human density, Outside distance from road, Outside distance from water). 6 environmental variables were modeled by map overlay method and the model could deduce the correlation of 94.72% as a result of comparing with occurrence information. The areas predicted to have many occurrences were rural landscapes, forests, and valleys, and they can be used to deduce the quality wildlife survey results in the limit of survey range (area, schedule, and budget). However, it had the limit points such as the inside of forests was excluded, all species did not prefer the same habitat. The following studies are needed for this part in the future.

An Empirical Study on Discrimination of Image Algorithm for Improving the Accuracy of Forest Type Classification -Case of Gyeongju Area Using KOMPSAT-MSC Image Data- (임상 분류 정확도 향상을 위한 영상 알고리즘 변별력 실증 연구 -KOMPSAT-MSC를 이용한 경주지역을 대상으로-)

  • Jo, Yun-Won;Kim, Sung-Jae;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2009
  • By applying NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and TCT(Tasseled-Cap Transformation) image algorithm on the basis of KOMSAP-2 MSC(Multi Spectral Camera) image(Jun. 12, 2007) for Naenam-myeon, Gyeongju city in this study, DN distribution map was drawn up. Discrimination analysis of image algorithm for the accuracy improvement of forest type classification was conducted through the comparative analysis between the distribution maps of NDVI and TCT DN, and forest field surveying data, and finally, the accuracy of the forest type classification was verified through the overlay analysis with the forest field surveying data. Through this study, it is thought that low cost and high efficiency will be able to be expected in the process of the examination for the automation practicality of the forest type classification and of the production of the accurate forest type classification map by using KOMPSAT-2 MSC image.

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