• Title/Summary/Keyword: Organic factor

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Influence of organic acids and heat treatment on ginsenoside conversion

  • Jang, Gwi Yeong;Kim, Min Young;Lee, Yoon Jeong;Li, Meishan;Shin, Yu Su;Lee, Junsoo;Jeong, Heon Sang
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.532-539
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    • 2018
  • Background: Heat treatments are applied to ginseng products in order to improve physiological activities through the conversion of ginsenosides, which are key bioactive components. During heat treatment, organic acids can affect ginsenoside conversion. Therefore, the influence of organic acids during heat treatment should be considered. Methods: Raw ginseng, crude saponin, and ginsenoside $Rb_1$ standard with different organic acids were treated at $130^{\circ}C$, and the chemical components, including ginsenosides and organic acids, were analyzed. Results: The organic acid content in raw ginseng was 5.55%. Organic acids were not detected in crude saponin that was not subjected to heat treatment, whereas organic acids were found in crude saponin subjected to heat treatment. Major ginsenosides ($Rb_1$, Re, and $Rg_1$) in ginseng and crude saponin were converted to minor ginsenosides at $130^{\circ}C$; the ginsenoside $Rb_1$ standard was very stable in the absence of organic acids and was converted into minor ginsenosides in the presence of organic acids at high temperatures. Conclusion: The major factor affecting ginsenoside conversion was organic acids in ginseng. Therefore, the organic acid content as well as ginsenoside content and processing conditions should be considered important factors affecting the quality of ginseng products.

Spatial Distribution of Bacterial Abundance and Production in the Saemangeum Area (새만금 주변 해역에서 박테리아 개체수 및 생산력의 공간 분포)

  • Choi, Dong-Han;Noh, Jae-Hoon
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.509-518
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    • 2008
  • Distribution of bacterial abundance and production was investigated in seawater around Saemangeum dike 7 times during March, $2007{\sim}July$, 2008. In the inner area of the dike, salinity variation was great due to river runoff from Mangyung and Dongjin Rivers and high chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations up to $124.3{\mu}g\;l^{-1}$ was found. In the outer area of the dike, salinity was higher than in the inner area of the dike, and chl a was lower up to 10 times than in the inner area of the dike. Thus, the area of Saemangeum showed meso- to hypereutrophic conditions. Bacterial abundance and production ranged from 0.3 to $4.3{\times}10^9\;cells\;l^{-1}$ and from 5.2 to $570 pmol\;l^{-1}h^{-1}$ in outer area of the dike, respectively, while in the inner area of the dike bacterial abundance and production was 3 to 4 times higher ($0.4{\sim}12.7{\times}10^9\;cells\;l^{-1}$ and $12.3{\sim}1309\;pmol\;l^{-1}h^{-1}$, respectively) than those in the outer area. In both areas, bacterial abudance and production was highest in summer and lowest in winter. However, the variations of bacterial parameters was very large in each season. These large variations seemed to be related with the supply of organic matter. Bacterial abundance and production showed significant negative correlations with salinity in the inner area, suggesting that allochthonous organic matter input by river runoff could be an important factor in regulating the distribution of bacterial abundance and production. In addition, bacterial production also correlated positively with chl a in the inner area, suggesting that autochthonous substrate might be another regulating factor of bacterial growth in the area. These results suggest that the supply of both allochthonous organic substrates introduced by river runoff and autochthonous substrates produced by phytoplankon could be important in regulating bacterial growth and utilization of organic matter in the area. Thus, to manage water quality in the inner area of dike, it seems to be important to lower the load of both organic and inorganic nutrients from adjacent rivers.

Assessment of the Pollution Levels of Organic Matter and Metallic Elements in the Intertidal Surface Sediments of Aphae Island (압해도 조간대 표층퇴적물의 유기물 및 금속원소 오염도 평가)

  • Hwang, Dong-Woon;Park, Sung-Eun;Kim, Pyoung-Jung;Koh, Byoung-Seol;Choi, Hee-Gu
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.759-771
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    • 2011
  • We evaluated the pollution levels of organic matter and metallic element (Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni, Cr, Mn, As, and Hg) in the intertidal surface sediments of Aphae Island using several sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) and assessment techniques for sediment pollution. Based on the textural composition of sediment, the surface sediments were classified into two main sedimentary facies: slightly gravelly mud and silt. The concentrations of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and acid volatile sulfide (AVS) in the sediments ranged from 4.6-9.9 (mean $7.4{\pm}1.1$) $mgO_2/g{\cdot}dry$ and from ND-0.53 (mean $0.04{\pm}0.10$) mgS/$g{\cdot}dry$, respectively. These values were considerably lower than those reported from a farming area in a semi-enclosed bay of Korea and for SQGs in Japan. The metallic element concentrations in the sediments varied widely with the mean grain size and organic matter content, implying that the concentrations of metallic elements are influenced mainly by secondary factors, such as bioturbation, the resuspension of sediment, and anthropogenic input. The overall results for the comparison with SQGs, enrichment factor (EF), and geoaccumulation index ($I_{geo}$) indicate that the surface sediments are slightly polluted by Cr and Ni, and moderately polluted by As. Our results suggest that the intertidal surface sediments of Aphae Island are not polluted by organic matter or metallic elements and the benthic conditions are suitable for healthy organisms.

Fate and Activity of Microorganism introduced into the Soil (토양에 투입된 미생물의 거동 및 활성)

  • Chung, Jae-Chun;Ju, Seul;Lee, Jae-Woong;Lee, Jung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.100-116
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    • 2002
  • There are several purpose to introduce microorganism into the Soil. The major purpose is to promote plant growth and inhibit plant pathogens. The model example is to put in nitrogen fixing symbiotic bacteria, Pythium and Rhizobium. In order to achieve the intended goal, the introduced microorganism should survive and colonize with sufficient density. The survival of introduced microorganism depend upon biotic and abiotic factors. Predation and competition are important among biotic factor. Water tension, organic carbon, inorganic nutrients(N, P), pH are important factor among abiootic factor. Soil texture and distribution of soil pore are also important in the survival and colonization of introduced microorganism. Selection by soil ecosystem for inoculant is a crucial factor for colonization. Good example are control of autochtonous microorganism and the introduction of surfactant biodegrading Pseudomonas. Sometimes, carriers such as peat and montmorillonite can be added to help colonization. Carriers can protect introduced microorganism by supplying protective microhabitat. Organic polymer is also used as a carrier to immobilize bacteria or industrial enzymes. Examples of these carrier are calcium alginate, agarose and k-carrageenan. The function of these carrier is to provide microhabitat and help colonization for introduced microorganism.

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Annual Variability in Nitrous Oxide Emission from Agricultural Field Soils (농경지 아산화질소 배출계수의 연간 변동 특성 분석)

  • Hyun, Junge;Yoo, Sin Yee;Yang, Xing Ya;Lee, Jong Eun;Yoo, Gayoung
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.305-312
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    • 2017
  • We aimed at investigating the difference in $N_2O$ emission factors of chemical and organic fertilizers and identifying the main factors influencing annual fluctuations in $N_2O$ emission. We conducted two-year experiments in 2016 and 2017 in an agricultural field planted with sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). Treatments included chemical NPK fertilizer (NPK) and chicken compost application at $10\;ton\;ha^{-1}$, $20\;ton\;ha^{-1}$, and $30\;ton\;ha^{-1}$ rates (CK1, CK2 and CK3). Control was also employed with no addition. Results showed that $N_2O$ emission rates were significantly related with soil water status and soil available N contents. Significant correlation between % water filled pore space (WFPS) and $N_2O$ emission was observed only when the %WFPS was greater than 40% and during the initial stage of the experiment (<60 d). Comparison of the emission factors in 2016 and 2017 showed us that the emission factor was greater in 2016 when the %WFPS was maintained higher by 16.5% compared to that in 2017. In 2016, the emission factor of organic fertilizer was higher than that of chemical fertilizer, while in 2017, the pattern was reversed. Annual variability in $N_2O$ emission could also be originated from the available N contents remaining in soil after being taken up by plants. If we apply excessive N fertilizer, the soil would contain excess amount of N which was not uptaken by plants, leading to a huge increase in $N_2O$ emission. This case would overestimate emission factor, which was the case for the organic fertilizer in 2016. Over-fertilization should be avoided when we set up an experiment to determine $N_2O$ emission factor.

Development of the Korean version of Postconcussional Syndrome Questionnaire (한글판 뇌진탕후증후군 척도의 개발)

  • Yoon, Mi-Ri;Ko, Young-Hoon;Han, Chang-Su;Joe, Sook-Haeng;Jeon, Sang-Won;Han, Chang-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.26-35
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    • 2015
  • Objectives:The purpose of this study was to evaluate reliability and validity of the Korean version of the Postconcussional Syndrome Questionnaire(KPCSQ) which was originally developed in 1992 by Lees-Haley. Methods:Patients with traumatic brain injury were recruited from April 2009 to December 2011 from the Korean University Ansan Hospital. We selected patients that met the ICD-10 diagnostic criteria of postconcussional syndrome and organic mental disorder including organic mood disorder, organic emotionally labile disorder, organic anxiety disorder and organic personality disorder. The KPCSQ, Trait and State Anxiety Inventory(STAI-I, II), and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale(CESD) were administered to all subjects. Factor analysis of the items were performed and test-retest correlation were evaluated. Internal consistency of the KPCSQ and its subscales was assessed with Cronbach's alpha. External validity of the KPCSQ were examined by correlation coefficient with the STAI-I, II, and CESD. Results:The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the total PCSQ was 0.956. The test-retest reliability coefficient was 0.845. The PCSQ showed significant correlation with STAI-I, II and CESD. The factor analysis of the PCSQ yielded 4 factors model. Factor 1 represented 'affective and cognitive symptoms', factor 2 represented 'somatic symptoms', factor 3 represented 'infrequent symptoms' and factor 4 represented 'exaggeration or inattentive response'. There was no significant difference between the PCS group and the organic mental disorder group in the score on each measure. The scores on KPCSQ and its subscales in the subjects that had scored 5 or more in 'exaggeration or inattentive response' are significantly higher than those in the subjects had scored 4 in 'exaggeration or inattentive response'. Conclusions:This study suggests that the Korean version of PCSQ is a valid and reliable tool for assessing psychiatric symptomatology of patients with traumatic brain injury. Further investigations with greater numbers of subjects are necessary to assess the clinical usefulness of the KPCSQ.

Influence of Physical Load on the Stability of Organic Solar Cells with Polymer : Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Nanolayers

  • Lee, Sooyong;Kim, Hwajeong;Kim, Youngkyoo
    • Current Photovoltaic Research
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.48-53
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    • 2016
  • We report the effect of physical load on the stability of organic solar cells under physical loads. The active layers in organic solar cells were fabricated with bulk heterojunction films (BHJ) films of poly (3-hexylthiophene) and phenyl-$C_{61}$-butyric methyl ester. The loading time was varied up to 60 s by keeping the physical load constant. Results showed that the open circuit voltage was not influenced by the physical load but other solar cell parameters were sensitive to the loading time. The fill factor was very slightly increased at 15 s, while short circuit current density was well kept for 30 s. The power conversion efficiency was reasonably maintained for 45 s but became significantly decreased by the continuous loading for 60 s.

Development of Transport Parameters affecting on the Removal of Micro Organic Compounds such as Disinfection By-Products and Pharmaceutically Active Compounds by Low-Pressure Nanofiltration

  • Oh, Jeong-Ik;Yamamoto, Kazuo
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.126-133
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    • 2009
  • This study investigated the removal characteristics of various micro organic compounds by low-pressure nanofiltration membranes comprised of disinfection by products and pharmaceutically active compounds. The experimental removal of micro organic compounds by low-pressure nanofiltration membranes was compared with the transport model calculations, which consist of diffusion and convection terms including steric hindrance factor. The selected molecule from the disinfection byproducts and pharmaceutical active compounds showed a much lower removal than polysac-charides with a similar molecular size. However,the difference between model calculation and experimental removal of disinfection by-products and pharmaceutically active compounds could be corrected. The correlation of Ks with solute radius was further considered to clarity transport phenomena of micro organic solutes through nanofiltration membranes.

Effects of Buffer Layer in Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Poly(N-vinylcarbazole)

  • Chung, Dong-Hoe;Hong, Jin-Woong;Kim, Tae-Wan
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.173-176
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    • 2003
  • We have seen the effects of buffer layer in organic light-emitting diodes using poly(N-vinylcarbazole)(PVK). Polymer PVK buffer layer was made using static spin-casting method. Two device structures were made; one is ITO/TPD/Alq3/Al as a reference and the other is ITO/PVK/TPD/Alq3/Al to see the effects of buffer layer in organic light-emitting diodes. Current-voltage characteristics, luminance-voltage characteristics and luminous efficiency were measured with a variation of spin-casting speeds. We have obtained an improvement of luminous efficiency by a factor of two and half when the PVK buffer layer is used.

Effect of Organic Materials in Water Treatment by Hybrid Module of Multi-channel Ceramic Microfiltration and Activated Carbon Adsorption

  • Park, Jin-Yong;Lee, Sang-Min
    • Korean Membrane Journal
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2009
  • We investigated the effect of organic materials on membrane fouling in advanced drinking water treatment by a hybrid module packed with granular activated carbon (GAC) outside multi-channel ceramic microfiltration membrane. Synthetic water was prepared with humic acid and kaolin to simulate natural water resouces consisting of natural organic matter and inorganic particles. Kaolin concentration was fixed at 30 mg/L and humic acid was changed as 2~10 mg/L to inspect the effect of organic matters. Periodic back-flushing using permeate water was performed for 10 sec per filtration of 10 min. As a result, both resistance of membrane fouling (Rf) and permeate flux (J) were influenced highly by concentration of humic acid. It proved that NOM like humic acid could be an important factor on membrane fouling in drinking water treatment. Turbidity and UV254 absorbance were removed up to above 97.4% and 59.2% respectively.