• Title/Summary/Keyword: Optimal mixture ratio

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An Experimental Study on Optimal Mixture Ratio of Hardening Agent for Surface Soil Stabilization (연약지반 표층안정처리를 위한 고화재의 최적조합 산정에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 천병식;김진춘;최현석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2000
  • Hardening agent has been the traditional material for surface soil stabilization of soft ground. This study aims at determining optimal mixture ratio of hardening agent in accordance with the required design specifications. Hardening agent is properly mixtured with Fly ash, Gypsum, Slag and Cement for the ettringite hydrates which is effective for early stabilization of unconsolidated soil. The treated soil is the clay which are widely found here and there in Korea. In this study, preliminary tests were performed to get optimal mixture ratio of stabilizer ingredient, and marine clay in Jin-Hae was used to get physical and chemical properties. Laboratory tests of 50 stabilized soil were peformed to get optimal mixture ratio for 16 stabilizer material of 6 type, and stabilizer mixing was determined.

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A Study on the Surface Soil Stabilization on Marine Clay by the Hardening Agent (고화재에 의한 해성점성토의 표층안정처리에 관한 연구)

  • 천병식;양진석
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.92-97
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    • 2001
  • Hardening agents have been the traditional material for surface soil stabilization of soft ground. This study aims at determining the optimal mixture ratio of the hardening agent in accordance with the required design specifications. Hardening agents which consists of fly ash, gypsum, slag and cement for the ettringite hydrates is effective for early stabilization of unconsolidated soil. The raw ground material is the clay that is widely found in Korea. In this study, preliminary tests were performed to get an optimal mixture ratio of the stabilizer ingredient and marine clay from Jinhae was used to get physical and chemical properties. Laboratory tests of 50 stabilized soils were performed to get an optimal mixture ratio for 16-stabilizer materials of 6 types, and a mixture ratio of the stabilizer ingredient and marine clay was determined.

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The Evaluation of Optimum Hardening Agent Mixture Ratio for Surface Stabilization on Extremely Soft Marine Clay (초연약해성점성토 지반의 표층안정처리를 위한 최적고화재 배합비 산정에 관한 연구)

  • 천병식;한기열
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.408-415
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    • 2001
  • Hardening agent has been the traditional material for surface soil stabilization of soft ground. The aim of this study if to determine optimal mixture ratio of hardening agent in accordance with the required design specifications. Hardening agent consists of fly ash, gypsum, slag and cement for the ettringite hydrates and if effective for early stabilization of unconsolidated soil. The raw ground material is the clay that is widely found here and there in Korea. In this study, preliminary tests were performed to get optimal mixture ratio of stabilizer ingredient and marine clay in Jinhae was used to get physical and chemical properties. Laboratory tests of 50 stabilized soils were performed to get optimal mixture ratio for 16-stabilizer materials of 6 types, and mixture ratio of stabilizer ingredient and marine clay was determined.

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Characteristics of Desiccation on the Stabilized Layer in Waste Landfill (쓰레기 매립지에서 표층고화처리층의 건조수축특성)

  • 천병식;임종윤;최창현;차용혁
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.301-308
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    • 1999
  • With the shortage of the land and NIMBY syndrome, it is issued recently that the capacity of waste-landfill site is needed though the decreasing tendency of waste landfill. From this point, the stability is the most essential problem in the landfill that will be constructed. Advanced design and construction are most important for that. In this paper, for the study of desiccation, dry-shrinkage crack from drying and chemical reaction in cement hydration, which is occurred when the surface layer stabilization method is applied in wast landfill, laboratory test of the ground and specimen according to the mixture ratio of stabilizer is performed. From the result, it is notified that the uni-axial strength increases with the stabilizer, but dry-shrinkage increases too, therefore, it is important and the goal of this study to find the optimal mixture ratio of each stabilizer. Analysis of variance for regression with acting variables is performed to find optimal mixture ratio of each stabilizer.

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Surface Treatment of Aluminum/ Fiber- Reinforced Composites As Energy-Saving Light Structures (에너지 구조재 적용을 위한 알루미늄/섬유강화 복합재의 표면처리)

  • 이경엽;강용태;양준호
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.56-61
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    • 2001
  • In this work, the surface treatment of aluminum/composites (graphite-epoxy composites) was investigated. The surface of composites was treated by $Ar^{+}$ ion beam under oxygen environment. The surface of aluminum was treated by DC plasma. The optimal condition of surface treatment for the composites was determined by measuring the contact angle as a function of ion dose. The optimal treatment condition of the aluminum was determined by measuring the contact angle and T-peel strength as a function of mixture ratio of acetylene gas to nitrogen gas. The mixture ratios used were 1:9, 3:7, 5:5, 7:3, and 9:1. The results showed that the contact angle of composites decreased from$ 81^{\circ}$ to $8^{\circ}$ as the ion dose increased from zero to $1$\times$10^{17}$ions/$\textrm{cm}^2$. The optimal condition of ion dose was $1$\times$10^{16}$ions/$\textrm{cm}^2$. The results also showed that the contact angle of aluminum was a minimum for the mixture ratio of 5:5. Similarly, the T-peel strength was a maximum for the mixture ratio of 5:5, which indicates that the optimal condition of mixture ratio of acetylene gas to nitrogen gas is 5:5.

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A Study on the Optimal Mixture Ratio for Stabilization of Surface Layer on Ultra-soft Marine Clay (초연약 해성점토의 표층고화처리를 위한 최적배합에 관한 연구)

  • 천병식;고경환;김진춘;한유찬;문성우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2002.03a
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    • pp.731-738
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    • 2002
  • Recently, as large constructions on the coast are performed frequently, surface layer stabilization method which Is one of the improvement methods for dredged soft clay has been applied. However, there have been few studies about the surface layer stabilization method. The purpose of this study is to clarify characteristics of ultra-soft marine clay and hardening agent. Also, optimal mixture ratio of hardening agent was verified through the laboratory tests such as statistical analysis and pilot tests. Laboratory tests were performed with proper hardening agent and test soil and standard mixing tables of hardening agent were determined according to ground conditions through statistical analysis. Also, applicability of surface layer stabilization method to field was verified by pilot tests. From the results of the tests, it was found that hardening agent materials such as cement, slag, fly-ash, inorganic salts, arwin, gypsum etc. affect on the appearing compressive strength. It was defined optimal mixture ratio which satisfies the required compressive strength from the statistical analysis. Also, It was compared the effect of ground improvement by cements and hardening agents through the pilot tests. This study will serve as data for design or construction criteria of stabilization of surface layer on ultra-soft marine clay.

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A Study on the Choice of Optimal Mixtures and Sensibility Properties of High Strength Concrete and Mass Concrete to apply the High Rising Building (초고층구조물에 적용하기 위한 고강도콘크리트 및 매스콘크리트의 최적배합선정 및 민감도특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Soo;Song, Ha-Young;Kim, Eul-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.5 no.2 s.16
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    • pp.153-159
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    • 2005
  • This study is to choose the optimal mixture and to analyze the sensibility properties of High strength concrete and mass concrete to apply the high rising building. The main experimental variables were water/binder ratio $39\%,\;33\%,\;35\%\;and\;37\%$, replacement ratio of fly ash $5\%,\;10\%\;and\;15\%$, in the high strength concrete and water/binder ratio $39\%,\;41\%\;and\;43\%$, replacement ratio of fly ash $10\%,\;20\%\;and\;30\%$, in the man concrete. According to the test results, the principal conclusions are summarized as follows. 1) The slump(or slump flow) and air content of fresh concrete were found to be the highest in the elapsed time 30 minutes. 2) The optimal mixture conditions are W/B $40\%$, FA $25\%$ in the mass concrete and W/B $33.4\%$, FA $15\%$ in the high strength concrete. 3) The ranges of sensibility are satisfied in the moisture content ${\pm}l\%\;and\;S/a\;{\pm}2\%$.

An optimal tolerancing of the mixture ratio with variance considerations (분산을 고려한 혼합물 배합비의 최적허용차 결정)

  • Kim, Seong-Jun;Park, Jong-In
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.580-586
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    • 2010
  • Performance variations in mixture products such as medicine, food, and chemicals can be caused by their own subcomponents. For instance, a discharge capacity of a lithium-ion battery depends upon the mixture ratio of ethylene, dimethyle, and ethyle-methyle, all of which are subcomponents of an electrolyte solution in the battery. Thus it is crucial to determine tolerances of the mixture ratio in order to maintain the product quality at a desired level. This paper is concerned with the tolerance design of the mixture ratio. In particular, minimizing variance around the mixture ratio is adopted as a decision criterion in this paper. An illustrative example with multiple quality characteristics is given as well.

A Study on the Surface Soil Stabilization Method on Marine Clay (해성점성토의 표층안정처리 공법에 관한 연구)

  • 천병식;한기열
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2000
  • Hardening agent has been the traditional material for surface soil stabilization a sat ground This study aims at determining optimal mixture ratio of hardening agent in accordance with the required design specificutions. Hardening agent is properly mixed with Fly ash, Gyosum, Slag and Cement for the etmmngite hydrates which is dective for early stabilization of unconsoliokrred soil. \ulcornerhe treated soil is the clay tint is widely found here and there in Koresz In this study, preliminary tests were performed to get optirml mixture ratio of stabilizer ingredient, and mrvine clay in Jin-Hae was used to get physid and Md properties. Labomtory tests of 50 stabilized soil were performed to get optimal mixture mtio for 16-stabilizer merial a 6 types, a d stabilizer mixing was determined

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Determination of Mixing Ratio of Mixed Refrigerants and Performance Analysis of Natural Gas Liquefaction Processes (혼합냉매 혼합비에 따른 천연가스 액화공정 성능 비교)

  • Kim, Min Jin;Yi, Gyeong Beom;Liu, Jay
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.677-684
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    • 2013
  • A mixed refrigerant cycle (MRC) has been widely used in liquefaction of natural gas because it is simple and easily operable with reasonable equipment costs. One of the important techniques in MRC is selection of a refrigerant mixture and decision of its optimum mixing ratio. In this work, it is examined whether mixture components (refrigerants) and their mixing ratio influence performance of general MRC processes. In doing this, mixture design and response surface method, which are well-known statistical techniques, are used to find optimal mixture refrigerants and their optimal mixing ratio that minimize total energy consumption of the entire liquefaction process. A MRC process using several refrigerants and various mixing ratios is simulated by Aspen HYSYS and mixture design and response surface method are implemented using Minitab. According to the results, methane ($C_1$), ethane ($C_2$), propane ($C_3$) and nitrogen ($N_2$) are selected as best mixture refrigerants and the determined mixture ratio (mole ration) can reduce total energy consumption by up to 50%.