• Title/Summary/Keyword: Optimal Production Level

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Optimum Inventory Level and optimal Selling Price to Realize a Pre-determined Level of Profit

  • Kang, Suk-Ho;Noh, Seung-Jong
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 1986
  • In this paper, the one period multi-item inventory model is considered in which it is required to determine the production quantity and selling price of each item which maximize the probability of realizing predetermined level of profit. The objective function of this model is the sum of weighted probabilities which represent the possibility of obtaining the predetermined level of profit for each item. Budget constraint, inventory site constraint and constraints of price are considered. Finally this paper shows a numerical example in which random demand of each item has exponential distribution.

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A Study on Developing An Experimental Model to Solve for Optimal Forest-Level Timber Harvesting Schedules Using Linear Programming (대단지(大團地) 산림(山林)의 목재생산계획(木材生産計劃) 분석(分析)을 위한 선형계획(線型計劃) 실험전산모델에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Chung, Joo Sang;Park, Eun Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.82 no.3
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    • pp.292-304
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    • 1993
  • This research developed a forest-level harvest scheduling model using linear programming (LP). The formulations of the LP model include timber production schemes with constraints of nondecling yield forest conversion strategies, the minimum timber supply, levels and the maximum cut acrages. The model is able to generate both Model I and Model II types of input matrix in MPS format. In this paper, use of LP in building the framework of the strategic forest planning model was justified by comparing the algorithmic characteristics of LP with those of Gentan probability and binary search approaches through literature reviews. In order to demonstrate the field applicability of the model proposed. (1) the harvest scheduling problem for about 11,000-hectare case study area (Mt. Baekun area in Southern Experimental Forest of Seoul National University) was formulated and soloed and (2) the effects of the change in task regulatory timber production constraints or. optimal harvesting schedules here investigated.

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Optimal Production and Characterization of Laccase from Fomitella fraxinea Mycelia (Fomitella fraxinea 균사체로부터 Laccase의 최적생산 및 효소적 특성)

  • Park Kyung-Mi;Park Sang-Shin
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.228-234
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    • 2006
  • The culture conditions were investigated to maximize the production of laccase from Fomitella fraxinea mycelia. Among the tested media, mushroom complete medium (MCM) showed the highest production of the enzyme. The optimum culture medium was 2% dextrose, 0.4% $(NH_4)_{2}HPO_4$, 0.05% $Na_{2}HPO_{4}{\cdot}7H_{2}O$, and 0.05% KCl as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and inorganic salt sources respectively. SDS-PAGE followed by laccase activity staining using 2,6-djmethoxyphenol as the substrate was performed to identify the laccase activity under culture conditions studied. Zymogram analysis of the culture supernatant showed a laccase band with a molecular mass of 50 kDa. The enzyme production from F. fraxinea was reached to the highest level after the cultivation for 10 days at $25^{\circ}C$ and initial pH 8. The enzyme activity of the culture supernatant was most active at $50^{\circ}C$ and pH 5.

A Study on the Analysis of Accuracy of SPOT Photos According to the Preprocessing Level (전처리 수준에 따른 SPOT 위성사진의 정확도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 유복모;이현직
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 1991
  • The use of SPOT Imagery is a growing trend in the field of small and middle scale mapping, as well as in establishing topographic database. This study is about 3-D positioning using the SPOT Imagery, where the accuracy and the gemetric characteristics of SPOT photos are analysed according to the preprocessing level (level 1AP,1B). As a result of this study the following could be determined, i. e 1) the geometric characteristics of SPOT Imagery according to the preprocessing level, 2) the optimal polynomial type for exterior orientations of each preprocessing level, and 3) the type of significant additional parameters. It was found that both the geometric precision and accuracy of level 1AP is higher than those of level 1B, which implies that level 1AP is more suitable for precise 3-D positioning and map production.

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Optimal Conditions for the Production of Gamma-aminobutyric Acid by Enterococcus casseliflavus PL05 Isolated from Oenanthe javanica

  • Choi, Se Mi;Kim, Jeong A;Kim, Geun Su;Kwon, Do Young;Kim, Sang Gu;Lee, Sang yun;Lee, Kang Wook
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2022
  • In this study, a new lactic acid bacterium (LAB) that could produce gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was isolated from Oenanthe javanica (water celery) and identified as an Enteroccoccus casseliflavus strain. Until recently, there have been many studies on the gamma-aminobutyric acid producing lactic acid bacterium, as well as on some lactic acid bacterium in Enteroococcs genus, but none on the species E. casseliflavus. Therefore, in the purpose of finding the optimal conditions for GABA production of E. casseliflavus PL05, the effects of several conditions including the type of mediums, growth temperatures, initial pH, growth time, L-mono sodium glutamate (MSG) concentration, and carbon source were tested. The study revealed that the PL05 strain grew better in the Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) medium than in the Man, Rogosa, and Sharpe (MRS) or Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) medium. Also, similar results were obtained with GABA production conditions. As a result of analysis on the GABA production yield by concentration of MSG, a GABA substrate, the highest production was found at 7% of MSG concentration. However, since similar level of production was found at 5%, it is considered to be more efficient to use 5% MSG concentration. The analysis on the growth and GABA production yield by carbon sources showed the highest results when maltose was used. From the final test under the optimal conditions found, 140.06±0.71 mM of GABA was produced over 24 hours with the conversion rate of 78.95%. Lastly, from the sensitivity analysis on the 10 different antibiotics, including vancomycin, it was found that there were not confirmed cases of resistance.


  • Yi, Gyeong-beom;Lee, Euy-Soo;Lee, In-Beom
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.1859-1864
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    • 2004
  • An effective methodology is reported for the optimal design of multisite batch production/transportation and storage networks under uncertain demand forecasting. We assume that any given storage unit can store one material type which can be purchased from suppliers, internally produced, internally consumed, transported to or from other plant sites and/or sold to customers. We further assume that a storage unit is connected to all processing and transportation stages that consume/produce or move the material to which that storage unit is dedicated. Each processing stage transforms a set of feedstock materials or intermediates into a set of products with constant conversion factors. A batch transportation process can transfer one material or multiple materials at once between plant sites. The objective for optimization is to minimize the probability averaged total cost composed of raw material procurement, processing setup, transportation setup and inventory holding costs as well as the capital costs of processing stages and storage units. A novel production and inventory analysis formulation, the PSW(Periodic Square Wave) model, provides useful expressions for the upper/lower bounds and average level of the storage inventory. The expressions for the Kuhn-Tucker conditions of the optimization problem can be reduced to two sub-problems. The first yields analytical solutions for determining lot sizes while the second is a separable concave minimization network flow subproblem whose solution yields the average material flow rates through the networks for the given demand forecast scenario. The result of this study will contribute to the optimal design and operation of large-scale supply chain system.

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A Study on the Determination of Optimal Production Level in Multiple Plants (복수공장의 최적 생산량 결정에 관한 연구)

  • 이명철;한주윤;정봉주
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.407-410
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    • 2001
  • 주어진 계획량을 최소의 비용으로 생산하는 것이 제조 공장의 최대 관심사이다. 단일 공장의 경우 제품의 종류에 따른 최적의 생산량만을 결정하면 되지만, 복수의 공장의 경우 각 공장에 따라 제품별 생산원가의 차이가 발생하기 때문에 복수의 공장일 경우 단일 공장과 같이 간단하게 제품별 최적 생산량을 결정할 수 없다. 이에 본 연구에서는 몇 가지 현실적인 가정 하에 복수의 공장에서 제품별 최적 생산량을 결정하는 알고리즘을 제안하였다. 즉 현재 생산이 가능하지만 현실적인 조건으로 인하여 생산하지 않는 제품의 생산 원가를 추정하고, 이를 바탕으로 각 공장별로 제품의 최적 생산량을 결정하는 문제에 대한 모델을 제시하였다.

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유기용매내성세균에 의한 INDIGO 와 INDIRUBIN의 생산

  • Jang, Jin-Seong;Gang, Jeong-Hwan;Lee, Hui-Jeong;Choe, Yeong-Hwan;Lee, Yeong-Geun;Jeong, Yeong-Gi;Ju, U-Hong
    • 한국생물공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.590-592
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    • 2000
  • The indole tolerance level of Pseudomonas savastanoi BCNU 106 was as high as 300 mg/ml when toluene or p-xylene was added to the medium to 20% by volume. Pseudomonas savastanoi BCNU 106 grown in a two-phase system containing the various concentrations of indole and solvents produced indigo and indirubin. The optimal condition in the production of indigo and indirubin was also studied.

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Estimation of optimal phosphorus and calcium levels on the growth and cast production of earthworm(Eisenia foetida) (지렁이의 생육과 분립생산을 위한 적정 인과 칼슘 수준의 추정)

  • Lee, Ju-Sam;Lee, Pil-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.96-102
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was estimate the optimal phosphorus and calcium levels of Korean native cow manure on the growth and cast production of earthworm(Eisenia foetida). Phosphorus and calcium levels supplemented to cow manure were 0%(without earthworm), 2% and 4%, and 0.01%, 0.02%, 0.04% and 0.06% of the cow manure by weight, respectively. The maximum fresh weight and increasing rate of earthworm were obtained with 2% phosphorus level, but there was not significant differences between calcium levels. The ratios of available phosphorus to calcium contents of cast were 1.04-1.20:1 with 2%, and 1.28-1.37:1 with 4% phosphorus levels. Conversion rate of organic matter to earthworm tissue were 0.35-0.41% with 2%, and 0.25-0.40% with 4% phosphorus levels.

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Production and Characterization of ans Alkaline Protease from an Isolate,Xanthomonas sp.YL-37 (알칼리성 Prottease를 생산하는 Xanthomonas sp. YL-37의 분리 및 조효소의 성질)

  • Lee, Chang-Ho;Kwon, Tae-Jong;Kang, Sang-Mo;Suh, Hyun-Hyo;Kwon, Gi-Seok;Oh, Hee-Mock;Yoon, Byung-Dae
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.515-521
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    • 1994
  • A bacterial strain, which showed the high protease activity at low temperature and the high tolerance for the surfactant, was isolated from soil and identified as Xanthomonas sp. YL-37. The optimal temperature, initial pH, and cultivation time for the production of the alkaline protease by Xanthomonas sp. YL-37 were 20$\circC , 11.0, and 84 hours, respectively. In the jar fermenter culture of Xanthomonas sp. YL-37, the alkaline protease activity was about 15,000 DU/ml/-broth after cultivating for 108 hours. The optimal pH and temperature for the protease activity were 70$\circC and 11.0, respectively. The protease was relatively stable at the pH range of 7.0~12.0 and at the temperatures below 50$\circC . The protease activity at 20$\circC was about the level of 40% of its activity at 70$\circC . The enzyme was suggested as a serine protease because the enzyme activity was inhibited by phenylmethane sulfonyl fluoride, a serine modifier.

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