• Title/Summary/Keyword: Open Account

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Stochastic finite element based seismic analysis of framed structures with open-storey

  • Manjuprasad, M.;Gopalakrishnan, S.;Rao, K. Balaji
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.381-394
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    • 2003
  • While constructing multistorey buildings with reinforced concrete framed structures it is a common practice to provide parking space for vehicles at the ground floor level. This floor will generally consist of open frames without any infilled walls and is called an open-storey. From a post disaster damage survey carried out, it was noticed that during the January 26, 2001 Bhuj (Gujarat, India) earthquake, a large number of reinforced concrete framed buildings with open-storey at ground floor level, suffered extensive damage and in some cases catastrophic collapse. This has brought into sharp focus the need to carry out systematic studies on the seismic vulnerability of such buildings. Determination of vulnerability requires realistic structural response estimations taking into account the stochasticity in the loading and the system parameters. The stochastic finite element method can be effectively used to model the random fields while carrying out such studies. This paper presents the details of stochastic finite element analysis of a five-storey three-bay reinforced concrete framed structure with open-storey subjected to standard seismic excitation. In the present study, only the stochasticity in the system parameters is considered. The stochastic finite element method used for carrying out the analysis is based on perturbation technique. Each random field representing the stochastic geometry/material property is discretised into correlated random variables using spatial averaging technique. The uncertainties in geometry and material properties are modelled using the first two moments of the corresponding parameters. In evaluating the stochastic response, the cross-sectional area and Young' modulus are considered as independent random fields. To study the influence of correlation length of random fields, different correlation lengths are considered for random field discretisation. The spatial expectations and covariances for displacement response at any time instant are obtained as the output. The effect of open-storey is modelled by suitably considering the stiffness of infilled walls in the upper storey using cross bracing. In order to account for changes in soil conditions during strong motion earthquakes, both fixed and hinged supports are considered. The results of the stochastic finite element based seismic analysis of reinforced concrete framed structures reported in this paper demonstrate the importance of considering the effect of open-storey with appropriate support conditions to estimate the realistic response of buildings subjected to earthquakes.

Study about remote-access by using TTSSH to OpenSSH Server (TTSSH를 이용한 OpenSSH 서버로의 원격접속에 관한 연구)

  • 강민정;강민수;박연식
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.490-493
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    • 2002
  • Many servers that is operated in present earth are UNIX base, is trend that server of LINUX base is increasing steadily recently. When users who have account to this server wish to do remote access, instruction that use most easily is‘telnet’, security does not consist entirely about ID and password that this uses at communication substance as well as login. The interest about latest SSH is rising by the alternative, but SSH has various kinds problem in following telnet's fame. Therefore, We studied about problems and the solution that can happen when window users attempted remote access laying stress on OpenSSH.

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A study on the Implementation of Institutional Repository based on Open Access (오픈액세스기반 지식정보저장소 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Hye-Kyong;Kim, Hye-Sun;Choi, Seon-Heui
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.91-116
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    • 2004
  • This study is carried out as a precedent work for the implementation of an Open Access Initiative(OAI) compatible with Korean libraries. Institutional Repository is a new concept for collecting, managing, disseminating, and preserving scholarly works created in digital form by faculty and researchers in individual organizations according to open access paradigm. This study briefly outlines the need for Institutional Repository, their role, constitutional elements, benefits and drawbacks. This is followed by recent case studies of SHEPRA, Dspace, eDoc Server and dCollection. The conceptual model of Institutional Repository was suggested and the key considerations to be taken into account for the successful implementation of Institutional Repository at the beginning stage were proposed from a stakeholder's perspective.

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Perceptions on Science Laboratory Classroom Environments and Attitudes toward Science and Science Courses of Secondary Students (중.고등학생의 과학실험실 환경에 대한 인식과 과학 및 과학 교과에 대한 태도)

  • Kim, Heui-Baik;Kim, Do-Wook
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.210-216
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    • 1996
  • Assessment of science laboratory environment was conducted with 539 students at middle and high school. Science Laboratory Environment Inventory(SLEI) was used as an instrument. The major findings of this study are as follows. 1. Mean scores obtained on each scale in the actual and preferred version of SLEI were relatively low, particularly on the scale of open-endedness, integration, and material environment. 2. Mean scores obtained on each scale in the actual version were lower than those in the preferred version. Score differences between actual version and preferred one were found to be significant statistically. 3. Boys and high school students perceived their laboratory environment with more open-endedness and less rule clarity than girls and middle school students respectively. 4. Girls preferred student cohesiveness at their laboratory more than boys. Highschool students wanted open-ended environment more than middleschool students. 5. Each scale of SLEI showed significant correlation with the scores of attitudes toward science. Particularly open-endedness was found to account for a significant contribution to the affective outcomes.

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The triviality problem in proof-theoretic validity (증명론적 타당성의 사소성 문제)

  • Chung, Inkyo
    • Korean Journal of Logic
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.307-335
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    • 2015
  • An important component in Prawitz's and Dummett's proof-theoretic accounts of validity is the condition for validity of open arguments. According to their accounts, roughly, an open argument is valid if there is an effective method for transforming valid arguments for its premises into a valid argument for its conclusion. Although their conditions look similar to the proof condition for implication in the BHK explanation, their conditions differ from the BHK account in an important respect. If the premises of an open argument are undecidable in an appropriate sense, then that argument is trivially valid according to Prawitz's and Dummett's definitions. I call this 'the triviality problem'. After a brief exposition of their accounts of proof-theoretic validity, I discuss triviality problems raised by undecidable atomic sentences and by Godel sentence. On this basis, I suggest an emendation of Prawitz's definition of validity of argument.

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Simulation of Low-Voltage Narrow-Band Power Line Communication Networks to Propagate OpenADR Signals

  • Matanza, Javier;Kiliccote, Sila;Alexandres, Sadot;Rodriguez-Morcillo, Carlos
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.656-664
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzes the performance of power-line communications for sending open automated demand response (OpenADR) signals. In particular, we study main channel disturbances that can affect end-to-end communications and which have not been previously studied in detail. Our analysis takes into account physical phenomena, such as background and impulsive noise sources, channel attenuation, and multipath effects, and considers the physical, network, and applications layers of the communications structure. The performance of the physical layer is the basis for computing the packet error rate. In analyzing application performance, we focus specifically on the latency in several communication environments. If a channel is impaired only by background noise, latencies are less than 40 seconds. With the addition of impulsive noise in the channel, this value increases as long as 68 seconds. Using these figures, we find that power-line technology is more suitable for "slow" demand programs, such as day-ahead or day-of curtailments, rather than ancillary services markets, which require near-real-time communication.

Open Source Remote Sensing of ORFEO Toolbox and Its Connection to Database of PostGIS with NIX File Importing

  • Lee, Ki-Won;Kang, Sang-Goo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.361-371
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    • 2010
  • In recent, interests regarding open source software for geo-spatial processing are increasing. Open source remote sensing (OSRS) is regarded as one of the progressing and advanced fields in remote sensing. Nevertheless, analyses or application cases regarding OSRS are not enough for general uses or references. In this study, three kinds of OSRS software in consideration of international popularity, types of functionalities, and development environments are taken into account: OSSIM, Opticks, and ORFEO Toolbox (OTB). First, functional comparison with respect to these is carried out on the level of the preliminary survey. According to this investigation, OTB is chosen as the most applicable OSRS software in this study. Running on OTB, NIX format importing module and database connecting module are implemented for widely general uses and further application. As for an example case, airborne image of NIX format is used to region growing segmentation algorithm in OTB, and then the results are stored and retrieved in PostGIS database to test implemented modules. Conclusively, local customization and algorithm development using OSRS software are necessary to build on-demand applications from the developers' viewpoint.

A Study on Governing Rule in Export Financing Related Account Receivable Assignment (수출금융에 있어서 채권양도계약의 준거법에 대한 소고)

  • Oh, Won-Suk;Han, Ki-Moon
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    • v.49
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    • pp.89-109
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    • 2011
  • Among various export financing, forfaitng and factoring give a comfort to exporters as those special financing schemes are extended to them on a without recourse basis. This is good for the exporters in terms of financing and risk cover of buyer or LC issuing banks. To enjoy this benefit, the SME exporters should, however, know the risks involved in sales contract. For example, if the export and importer set Korean law as governing law in the sales contract especially for open account exports, the exporter's receivables might be not welcome by factors according to provisions of Korean Conflict Law and it's application. Those regulations tell that the factor's position would be unstable when the sales contact limit exporter's assignment of receivables to the factor when the sales contract is subject to Korean law. Also the exporters should know related regulation of importer which might affect the assignment of receivables as well. This paper suggests the Korean exporters take internationally recognized agreement/convention such as UNI|DROIT Convention on International Factoring, UN Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade.

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An Exploration of Sub-account Management Behavior of SNS Users (SNS 사용자의 서브계정 관리행동에 대한 탐색)

  • Park, Sang Cheol
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.153-171
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    • 2021
  • Purpose This study is to phenomenologically discover key antecedents and outcomes of behavioral process of SNS users who have multiple SNS sub-accounts. Unlike previous studies that focused on user behavior in the context of a specific SNS platform, this study attempts to describe how and why individual manages their multiple sub-accounts across a variety of SNS platforms. Design/methodology/approach By applying the grounded theory methodology (GTM) to elucidate the unique behavior in SNS platforms, this study has conducted in-depth interview with 14 respondents who handle multiple accounts across the SNS platforms. As a results of analyzing the interview manuscripts, this study has extracted 47 concepts, 10 sub-categories and 6 main categories by conducting open coding, axis coding, and selective coding. Findings By analyzing interview data, this study has derived main categories such as account management, impression management, self-categorization, authority to determine the relationship, digital shadow work, and portfolio SNS accounts from qualitative interview data. This study has also conducted a process analysis that represents how main categories could be inter-related. Based on findings, this study provides a new phenomenological perspective to understand the behavioral process of SNS users' sub-account usage experience.

Rising Open Misery Index of the USA - A Precursor of Economic Crisis - (미국 개방 미저리 지수의 증가추세 - 경제위기의 전조 -)

  • Cheong, Ki-Woong;Kim, Jeongsook;Lee, Sanghack
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2009
  • The misery index is the sum of the inflation rate and the unemployment rate. The higher the index, the lower the performance of the national economy. Lee and Cheong (2007) propose that the open misery index, defined to be the sum of the misery index and the ratio of current account to GDP, properly measure the economic performance of a national economy when its degree of openness is large. This paper shows that the periods of rising open misery index of the USA coincide with those of economic hardship in the USA. Most recently, the open misery index of the USA has shown a rising trend for a decade prior to the current economic crisis. That is, external and internal imbalances of the USA have accumulated for a decade prior to the current economic crisis. We interpret the recent rising trend of the open misery index of the USA as a precursor of the current economic crisis.