• Title/Summary/Keyword: Online review management

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An Empirical Study on the Detection of Phantom Transaction in Online Auction (온라인 경매에서의 신용카드 허위거래 탐지 요인에 대한 실증 연구)

  • Chae Myungsin;Cho Hyungjun;Lee Byungtae
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.273-289
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    • 2004
  • Although the Internet is useful for transferring information, Internet auction environments make fraud more attractive to offenders, because the chance of detection and punishment is decreased. One of these frauds is the phantom transaction, which is a colluding transaction by the buyer and seller to commit the illegal discounting of a credit card. They pretend to fulfill the transaction paid by credit card, without actually selling products, and the seller receives cash from the credit card corporations. Then the seller lends it out with quite a high interest rate to the buyer, whose credit rating is so poor that he cannot borrow money from anywhere else. The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the factors necessary to detect phantom transactions in an online auction. Based upon studies that have explored the behaviors of buyers and sellers in online auctions, the following have been suggested as independent variables: bidding numbers, bid increments, sellers' credit, auction lengths, and starting bids. In this study. we developed Internet-based data collection software and collected data on transactions of notebook computers, each of which had a winning bid of over W one million. Data analysis with a logistic regression model revealed that starting bids, sellers' credit, and auction length were significant in detecting the phantom transactions.

The Mediating Role of Social Media in Tourism: An eWOM Approach

  • KAKIRALA, Anish Kumar;SINGH, Devinder Pal
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.381-391
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    • 2020
  • This research article investigates the way eWOM in social media influences the formation of destination image through development of trust and satisfaction for the potential tourist. The research involved administering an 18-point questionnaire taking online reviews, tourist involvement, and eWOM, destination image components of trust and satisfaction as variables. Data was collected from 554 individuals forming a cross-section of social media users and analyzed using multi-variate techniques (Reliability, CFA, and SEM). Results indicate a positive and significant relationship between all except online review and destination trust and satisfaction. Indirect and direct effects indicate that eWOM fully mediates the relationship between destination satisfaction and involvement and partially mediates the relationship between destination trust and involvement. In the case of online reviews, eWOM acts as a full mediator between destination trust and destination satisfaction for the future traveler using social media. The study proposes that components of image vary depending upon the degree of involvement, volume online reviews and eWOM generated also termed as 'virality' and these in turn influence the intention to revisit or recommend a destination. The study highlights its utility for National Tourist Organizations (NTOs) and online travel intermediaries to enhance destination marketing efforts.

Product Reviews in YouTube

  • Jiyeol Kim;Cheul Rhee
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.741-757
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    • 2020
  • The outbreak of COVID-19 has changed our lifestyle. People spend much more time on YouTube, SNS and online shopping than before. Accordingly, the number of product review videos are steeply increasing in YouTube platform. When people watched the review videos, they might search additional information if they liked the videos. This study aims to investigate how the informativeness and the degree of attention gathering of product review videos influence on the product information sourcing intention and persuasion knowledge. We also try to find whether prior YouTube experience affects the relationship between the degree of attention gathering and persuasion knowledge. We conducted an online survey on 499 participants and analyzed using partial least square methods. Results show that 1) informativeness and the degree of attention gathering towards product review videos influence on the product information sourcing intention and user's persuasion knowledge. 2) Viewers' YouTube experiences moderate the increase of the viewers' persuasion knowledge caused by increasing the degree of viewers' attention gathering. This study implies that YouTube product review videos could be created in strategic manners. Also, it could be inferred that consumers' prior YouTube experiences may reduce negative potentials of the degree of attention gathering onto persuasion knowledge.

The Study on the Effect of External Information on Purchase Decision-Making Process in Online Shopping Mall Based Electronic Commerce (온라인 쇼핑몰 기반의 전자상거래에서 외적 정보가 구매 의사결정 과정에 미치는 영향에 대한 실증적 연구)

  • Kang, Sung-Min;Kim, Tae-Jun
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.97-120
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    • 2007
  • Development of information technology and Internet brought big changes in information society. Quantity of information increased rapidly and various types of information were presented through diverse channels. This change brought an impact in electronic commerce environment. A large number of products are transacted in online market. And various search functions and product information are presented for supporting customer's decision making. This study examined the effect of external information on purchase decision-making in electronic commerce environment. An experiment was conducted to see the customer product review, unit sales, etc. on purchase decision-making process in online shopping mall based electronic commerce. As a result of study, external information referring to number of purchasing, positive product review, and reliability of information has a positive effect on purchase-decision. The significance of the study can be found in that it defined 1) external information has an effect on decision-making, 2) positiveness and reliability of product information showed that they have an influence on customer, and 3) when self opinion and other person's opinion are different, one is not satisfied with decision making process. The results of the study can be of practical use in the design and implementation of online shopping mall in electronic commerce.

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The Impact of Managerial Response to Negative Customer Reviews on the Success of Accommodation Services: Evidence from Online Accommodation Reservation Platforms (부정적 리뷰의 대응 전략이 숙박시설 성공에 미치는 영향: 숙박 중개 플랫폼 사례)

  • Mingi Song;Heejin Seo;Gunwoong Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2022
  • This research investigates how a service provider's response(s) to negative customer reviews influences the success of accommodation services in the context of online accommodation reservation platforms. Specifically, we attempt to comprehend the important role of attentive and instant responses to users' negative review comments in fostering future success by analyzing panel data on 856 motels registered in the largest accommodation reservation platform in Korea. The results present that response volume (Attentiveness) and faster responses (Timeliness) are positively associated with success. We further find that the two review-response strategies have a positive interaction effect on success. Moreover, we show that the effect of review responses is strengthened when the reputation of motels drops. The key findings of this research offer a set of practical guidelines for accommodation owners to achieve business success by effectively managing customer reviews and claims

Effects of Perceived Similarity between Consumers and Product Reviewers on Consumer Behaviors (상품후기 작성자에 대해 상품후기 독자가 느끼는 유사성이 상품후기 독자에게 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Suh, Eung-Kyo;Suh, Kil-Soo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.67-90
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    • 2008
  • Prior to making choices among online products and services, consumers often search online product reviews written by other consumers. Online product reviews have great influences on consumer behavior because they are believed to be more reliable than information provided by sellers. However, ever-increasing lists of product reviews make it difficult for consumers to find the right information efficiently. A customized search mechanism is a method to provide personalized information which fits the user's requirements. This study examines effects of a customized search mechanism and perceived similarity between consumers and product reviewers on consumer behaviors. More specifically, we address the following research questions: (1) Can a customized search mechanism increase perceived similarity between product review authors and readers? (2) Are product reviews perceived as more credible when product reviews were written by the authors perceived similar to them? (3) Does credibility of product reviews have a positive impact on acceptance of product reviews? (4) Does acceptance of product reviews have an influence on purchase intention of the readers? To examine these research questions, a lab experiment with a between-subject factor (whether a customized search mechanism is provided or not) design was employed. In order to enhance mundane realism and increase generalizability of the findings, the experiment sites were built based on a real online store, cherrya.com (http://www.cherrya.com/). Sixty participants were drawn from a pool that consisted of undergraduate and graduate students in a large university. Participation was voluntary; all the participants received 5,000 won to encourage their motivation and involvement in the experiment tasks. In addition, 15 participants, who selected by a random draw, received 30,000 won to actually purchase the product that he or she decided to buy during the experiment. Of the 60 participants, 25 were male and 35 were female. In examining the homogeneity between the two groups, the results of t-tests revealed no significant difference in gender, age, academic years, online shopping experience, and Internet usage. To test our research model, we completed tests of the measurement models and the structural models using PLS Graph version 3.00. The analysis confirmed individual item reliability, internal consistency, and discriminant validity of measurements. The results show that participants feel more credible when product reviews were written by the authors perceived similar to them, credibility of product reviews have a positive impact on acceptance of product reviews, and acceptance of product reviews have an influence on purchase intention of the readers. However, a customized search mechanism did not increase perceived similarity between product review authors and readers. The results imply that there is an urgent need to develop a better customized search tool in order to increase perceived similarity between product review authors and readers.

Relationship between Reviewer's National Culture, CSR Information, and Review Usefulness (리뷰어의 국가문화, CSR 정보, 리뷰 유용성 간의 관계)

  • Jungwon Lee;Ohsung Kim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.173-192
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    • 2024
  • The phenomenon of consumers referring to the opinions of other consumers when choosing a hotel based on review platforms is rapidly increasing. Previous research has mainly focused on how online reviews affect travelers' information acceptance and decision making. However, there are only a few studies on how hotels' CSR activities are reflected in online reviews and how this information affects potential consumers. As the importance of CSR in the hotel industry continues to grow, it is meaningful to analyze whether a hotel's CSR activities are communicated to other potential consumers through online reviews. In this study, we explored the relationship by considering the reviewer's culture as a leading factor of CSR information included in online reviews and review usefulness as a subsequent factor. For empirical analysis, 6,632 online reviews of hotels located in Seoul were collected and analyzed using multilevel regression analysis. The LIWC(Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) methodology was used to measure CSR information, and national culture was measured separately into East and West. As a result of the analysis, consumers in Asian countries tend to write relatively more CSR information in online reviews, and CSR information included in reviews had a positive effect on review usefulness.

Developing a Deep Learning-based Restaurant Recommender System Using Restaurant Categories and Online Consumer Review (레스토랑 카테고리와 온라인 소비자 리뷰를 이용한 딥러닝 기반 레스토랑 추천 시스템 개발)

  • Haeun Koo;Qinglong Li;Jaekyeong Kim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.27-46
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    • 2023
  • Research on restaurant recommender systems has been proposed due to the development of the food service industry and the increasing demand for restaurants. Existing restaurant recommendation studies extracted consumer preference information through quantitative information or online review sensitivity analysis, but there is a limitation that it cannot reflect consumer semantic preference information. In addition, there is a lack of recommendation research that reflects the detailed attributes of restaurants. To solve this problem, this study proposed a model that can learn the interaction between consumer preferences and restaurant attributes by applying deep learning techniques. First, the convolutional neural network was applied to online reviews to extract semantic preference information from consumers, and embedded techniques were applied to restaurant information to extract detailed attributes of restaurants. Finally, the interaction between consumer preference and restaurant attributes was learned through the element-wise products to predict the consumer preference rating. Experiments using an online review of Yelp.com to evaluate the performance of the proposed model in this study confirmed that the proposed model in this study showed excellent recommendation performance. By proposing a customized restaurant recommendation system using big data from the restaurant industry, this study expects to provide various academic and practical implications.


  • Kim, Min-Sook;Bang, Ho-Yeol
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.125-151
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    • 2008
  • Website service quality is widely accepted as one of the key determinants of online business success. Several studies identified key factors that determine the website service quality factors appropriate for online business environments. A convention and visitors bureau (CVB) website is a service portal that delivers information online about a destination so users can develop an overall image of the location. CVBs struggle to deliver positive destination images because the competition among destinations to host conventions is intense. In spite of the important role of CVBs and the beneficial spillover effect of CVBs, there are few studies available reporting on the unique service qualities of a CVB website. The primary purpose of this study was to examine the determining factors that are appropriate for CVB websites from the meeting planners' perspective. The research questions arc: What are the determining factors of service quality of a CVB website? Do the determining factors of CVB website service quality positively influence meeting planners' satisfaction? The new conceptual framework was developed from a variety of destination marketing and Internet marketing concepts: e-servicescape management, web community network, Internet service encounter management, and online system quality. Empirical results indicate that three of the four factors, that is, e-servicescape, web community network, and online system quality are important determinants in evaluating CVB website service quality. The findings also show that three determinants have significant and positive influence on meeting planners' satisfaction. The findings from this study will provide meaningful advice for CVB website quality management. To enhance the CVB website service quality and satisfaction level of meeting planners, these three determinants' should be considered of the utmost strategic importance and priority.

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A Study on Sentiment Score of Healthcare Service Quality on the Hospital Rating (의료 서비스 리뷰의 감성 수준이 병원 평가에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Jee-Eun Choi;Sodam Kim;Hee-Woong Kim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.111-137
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    • 2018
  • Considering the increase in health insurance benefits and the elderly population of the baby boomer generation, the amount consumed by health care in 2020 is expected to account for 20% of US GDP. As the healthcare industry develops, competition among the medical services of hospitals intensifies, and the need of hospitals to manage the quality of medical services increases. In addition, interest in online reviews of hospitals has increased as online reviews have become a tool to predict hospital quality. Consumers tend to refer to online reviews even when choosing healthcare service providers and after evaluating service quality online. This study aims to analyze the effect of sentiment score of healthcare service quality on hospital rating with Yelp hospital reviews. This study classifies large amount of text data collected online primarily into five service quality measurement indexes of SERVQUAL theory. The sentiment scores of reviews are then derived by SERVQUAL dimensions, and an econometric analysis is conducted to determine the sentiment score effects of the five service quality dimensions on hospital reviews. Results shed light on the means of managing online hospital reputation to benefit managers in the healthcare and medical industry.