• Title/Summary/Keyword: Online learning self-efficacy

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Factors affecting participation and achievement in wiki-based online learning (위키 기반 협력학습에서 자기효능감과 위키에 대한 불안이 참여도 및 성취도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Kyu Yon
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2012
  • Wiki is an online-based collaborative tool, and has been frequently used more recently as it realizes the paradigm of web 2.0 in educational context. Especially, wiki promotes collaborative knowledge building which is the major interest of this study. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationships among academic self-efficacy, self-efficacy for group work, wiki anxiety, participation in wiki activity, and learning achievement. Fifty nine college students participated in the wiki activity, and the data from fifty three were used for the multiple regression and path analysis. The results reported that academic self-efficacy and wiki anxiety affected participation in wiki activity, and these two variables also had indirect effects on learning achievement, mediated by participation.

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The Study of Factors Affecting the e-Learning Performance (e-Learning 학습 성과에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석)

  • Lee, Moon-Bong;Kang, Byung-Young
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.173-182
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    • 2007
  • e-Learning can be seen as not only one of Internet based information systems which can provide education services, but also one of teaching-learning methods which can implement self-directed learning. This paper tests factors affecting the e-Learning performance based on information systems success model and self-efficacy theory using a field study. Questionnaires are collected from 216 students who are enrolling a e-learning class using online survey. The results are following: first, the service quality and self-efficacy are significant predictors of use intention, but system quality and information quality are not. second, the system quality, information quality, service quality and self-efficacy are significant predictors of user satisfaction. Third, use intention and user satisfaction are found to be a strong predictor of the learning performance.

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The Effect of Application of PBL(Problem-Based-Learning) Class on Nursing Process Education

  • Ji-Un Seo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.8
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    • pp.145-153
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    • 2023
  • In this research, we applied a problem-based learning(PBL) method for one semester, and measured critical thinking disposition, self efficacy for group work and self confidence of nursing process of Nursing Process and Critical Thinking subjects before and after application. This research is one group pre-test and post-test design. The subjects of this study were collected using an online questionnaire for second-year nursing students located in G city, and 108 students participated in the final. The result of this research showed that critical thinking disposition(p=.000), self efficacy for group work(p=.003) and self confidence of nursing process(p=.000) increased statistically significantly after problem-based learning(PBL). This findings indicate that problem-based learning(PBL) is effective in improving critical thinking disposition, self efficacy for group work and self confidence of nursing process. Therefore, If problem-oriented learning (PBL) is expanded and applied to nursing education, it is believed that it will be effective in enhancing the core competencies of nursing students.

Improvement of E-Learning Efficacy by Self-Assessment (자기평가 적용에 따른 원격교육의 학습효과 증진)

  • Jeon, Hye-Seong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.487-494
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    • 2011
  • This paper is to investigate the efficacy of cyber education by self-assessment strategy. Self-assessment strategy contains self-monitoring function and self-control function. 202 students of online university attended and analyzed with frequency, correlation, t-test, Paired t-test. The major findings were as follows. The learners who experienced self-assessment in the initial stage of class had higher changes in social distance to the mentally disabled people positively than the learners who didn't experienced that. This self-assessment strategy can be assumed that it is effective strategy to improve e-learning efficacy and it will contribute to self-directed education for enhancement of on-line education.

The Influence of Learning Satisfaction and Self-Efficacy on Criticals Thinking of Nursing Students in Non-Face-to-Face Online Lectures (비대면 수업을 경험한 간호대학생의 수업 만족도와 자기효능감이 비판적 사고에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, So-Myeong
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.542-551
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is a descriptive survey research in order to grasp the relationship between learning satisfaction, self-efficacy and critical thinking of nursing students and the influence factors of critical thinking who have experienced non-face-to-face online lectures. Participants were 191 nursing students in G city. Data collection was conducted from May 2 to 30, 2022. Data were collected with structured questionnaires and analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. As a result of there were positive correlations between the learning satisfaction (r=.20, p=.005) and self-efficacy (r=.61, p<.001) that critical thinking. Factors affecting critical thinking of nursing college students were self-efficacy (𝛽=.66, p<.001), major of interest-very interesting (𝛽=.41, p<.001), learning satisfaction (𝛽=-.31, p<.001), Grade-third (𝛽=.26, p<.001), major of interest-interesting (𝛽=.21, p=.029), Grade-second (𝛽=.16, p<.001) and which explained 60.1% of the variance. Based on the results of this study, in order to promote critical thinking among nursing college students, it is necessary to by grade and the interest of major individual counseling and guidance. Also develop and implement various programs that can improve self-efficacy and class satisfaction.

Factors Affecting the Confidence of Nursing Students in the On-line-Based Education by COVID-19 (COVID-19로 인한 온라인 중심 교육에서 간호대학생의 핵심 기본 간호술 수행 자신감에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Cha, Hye-gyeong;Kim, Han-Song
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.459-469
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to provide basic data for the development of teaching methods to improve the performance confidence of performing core basic nursing skills in nursing students while availing of online education owing to COVID-19. Data were collected from 146 students in the Department of Nursing at N University located in C city. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, difference, correlation analysis, and multiple regression by using SPSS 23.0 program.. The subjects' performance confidence of core basic nursing skills was dependent on self-directed learning readiness (r=.368, p<.001), intrinsic goal motivation (r=.232, p=.005), extrinsic goal motivation (r=.344, p<.001), task value (r=.237, p=<.001), control of learning beliefs (r=.262, p=<.001), and self-efficacy for learning and performance (r=.443), p<.001) with a significant positive correlation. The results indicate that the factors influencing the subjects' performance confidence of core basic nursing skills were the 4th grade (β=0.413, p<.001), extrinsic goal motivation (β=0.307, p<.001), and self-efficacy for learning and performance (β=0.316, p=.005), and the explanatory power was 35.8% (F=8.354, p<.001). The research results showed that it is necessary to develop and apply various online-centered teaching and learning methods to increase the extrinsic goal motivation and self-efficacy for learning and performance of nursing students to enhance their performance confidence of core basic nursing skills. This will serve as a basis for preparing effective online centered nursing education strategies to improve performance confidence of core basic nursing skills.

The Influence of Online Social Networking on Individual Virtual Competence and Task Performance in Organizations (온라인 네트워킹 활동이 가상협업 역량 및 업무성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Suh, A-Young;Shin, Kyung-Shik
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.39-69
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    • 2012
  • With the advent of communication technologies including electronic collaborative tools and conferencing systems provided over the Internet, virtual collaboration is becoming increasingly common in organizations. Virtual collaboration refers to an environment in which the people working together are interdependent in their tasks, share responsibility for outcomes, are geographically dispersed, and rely on mediated rather than face-to face, communication to produce an outcome. Research suggests that new sets of individual skill, knowledge, and ability (SKAs) are required to perform effectively in today's virtualized workplace, which is labeled as individual virtual competence. It is also argued that use of online social networking sites may influence not only individuals' daily lives but also their capability to manage their work-related relationships in organizations, which in turn leads to better performance. The existing research regarding (1) the relationship between virtual competence and task performance and (2) the relationship between online networking and task performance has been conducted based on different theoretical perspectives so that little is known about how online social networking and virtual competence interplay to predict individuals' task performance. To fill this gap, this study raises the following research questions: (1) What is the individual virtual competence required for better adjustment to the virtual collaboration environment? (2) How does online networking via diverse social network service sites influence individuals' task performance in organizations? (3) How do the joint effects of individual virtual competence and online networking influence task performance? To address these research questions, we first draw on the prior literature and derive four dimensions of individual virtual competence that are related with an individual's self-concept, knowledge and ability. Computer self-efficacy is defined as the extent to which an individual beliefs in his or her ability to use computer technology broadly. Remotework self-efficacy is defined as the extent to which an individual beliefs in his or her ability to work and perform joint tasks with others in virtual settings. Virtual media skill is defined as the degree of confidence of individuals to function in their work role without face-to-face interactions. Virtual social skill is an individual's skill level in using technologies to communicate in virtual settings to their full potential. It should be noted that the concept of virtual social skill is different from the self-efficacy and captures an individual's cognition-based ability to build social relationships with others in virtual settings. Next, we discuss how online networking influences both individual virtual competence and task performance based on the social network theory and the social learning theory. We argue that online networking may enhance individuals' capability in expanding their social networks with low costs. We also argue that online networking may enable individuals to learn the necessary skills regarding how they use technological functions, communicate with others, and share information and make social relations using the technical functions provided by electronic media, consequently increasing individual virtual competence. To examine the relationships among online networking, virtual competence, and task performance, we developed research models (the mediation, interaction, and additive models, respectively) by integrating the social network theory and the social learning theory. Using data from 112 employees of a virtualized company, we tested the proposed research models. The results of analysis partly support the mediation model in that online social networking positively influences individuals' computer self-efficacy, virtual social skill, and virtual media skill, which are key predictors of individuals' task performance. Furthermore, the results of the analysis partly support the interaction model in that the level of remotework self-efficacy moderates the relationship between online social networking and task performance. The results paint a picture of people adjusting to virtual collaboration that constrains and enables their task performance. This study contributes to research and practice. First, we suggest a shift of research focus to the individual level when examining virtual phenomena and theorize that online social networking can enhance individual virtual competence in some aspects. Second, we replicate and advance the prior competence literature by linking each component of virtual competence and objective task performance. The results of this study provide useful insights into how human resource responsibilities assess employees' weakness and strength when they organize virtualized groups or projects. Furthermore, it provides managers with insights into the kinds of development or training programs that they can engage in with their employees to advance their ability to undertake virtual work.

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The effects of economy education through MMORPG (온라인 게임을 통한 아동 경제 학습 효과 분석)

  • Wi, John-H.;Oh, Na-Ra;Kim, Yang-Eun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2005
  • The research is a study on the effects of MMORPG (Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Game) utilized in educational program. We investigated the possibilities of online game as an educational tool, especially in the field of economy education. Students have been taught market, price, profit, scarcity of goods etc., and then they played an online game we provided. Students manufactured cyber goods and also sold or bought various materials to maximize their profits. A experimental group was compared with a control group on measures of economic self-efficacy, motivation for economic learning, and attitude for economic learning, economic self-efficacy and motivation for economic leaning scales consist of 2 factors and attitude for economic leaning consists of 1 factor. Participants were 5th grade elementary school students(experimental group: 154, control group: 158). After the experiment, students' self-efficacy and motivations for economy learning have increased significantly. It has been found that students understand more easily the difficult economic terms such as' inflation', 'price setting', 'scarcity of goods etc. Their motivations for economy learning also increased significantly. This result indicates that online games have the potentiality that can be utilized as an educational tool.

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Factors affecting the Problem-Solving Ability of Nursing Students who have received Online Psychiatric Nursing Practicum (온라인 정신간호학실습교육을 받은 간호학생의 문제해결능력에 미치는 영향요인)

  • Kim, Mi Ja;Oh, Hyun Joo
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 2022
  • This study was done to identify the factors affecting the problem-solving ability of nursing students who have received online psychiatric nursing practice. The subjects of the study were 280 fourth-grade nursing students. The data were subjected to descriptive statistics, 𝑥2-test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis using the SPSS 24.0 program. As a result of the analysis, the mean of each variable was learning satisfaction 4.03±.70, self-efficacy in learning 5.69±.82, transfer motivation 5.52±.86, and problem-solving ability was 3.65±.41. Learning satisfaction and problem-solving ability (r=.387, p<.001), self-efficacy in learning and problem-solving ability (r=.576, p<.001), transfer motivation and problem-solving ability (r=.536, p <.001) showed a significant correlation. Factors affecting problem-solving ability were gender (𝛽=.11), grade point average (𝛽=.12), motivation of personal major choice (𝛽=-.12), satisfaction of major (𝛽=.13), self-efficacy in learning (𝛽=.36) and transfer motivation (𝛽=.16), and the explanatory power of variables was 41.4%. Based on the results of this study, a follow-up study is required to identify the causal relationship between variables related to problem-solving ability.

The Factors affecting self-directed learning ability of nursing students who experienced online lectures

  • So-Young, Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2023
  • This study attempted to find out the factors affecting the self-directed learning ability of nursing students who took online lectures. The research method was a structured questionnaire survey targeting 2nd to 4th grade nursing college students, and the analysis method was analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. As a result of the study, the self-directed learning ability of nursing college students was an average of 3.48 points out of 5 points, and it was found that learning immersion had the greatest effect on self-directed learning ability. Based on the results of this study, it will be necessary to establish a quality education system and the efforts of instructors who apply various lecture methods or customized lecture programs so that learners can immerse themselves in learning in order to improve learners' self-directed learning ability.