• Title/Summary/Keyword: One-to-one mapping

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Partial Shift Mapping for PAPR Reduction with Low Complexity in OFDM Systems

  • Ouyang, Xing;Jin, Jiyu;Jin, Guiyue;Wang, Zhisen
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.268-271
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    • 2012
  • The high peak-to-average power is one of the main drawbacks in OFDM systems. This letter proposes a partial shift mapping (PSM) method for peak power reduction in OFDM systems. By utilizing the properties of the discrete Fourier transform, the proposed method generates a set of candidate signals without additional complex multiplication and selects the one with minimum peak power for transmission. Analyses and simulations confirm that the PSM method achieves satisfactory peak power reduction performance and low complexity compared with other kindred methods, for example, selected mapping and partial transmit sequences.

A Study on Effects of the Concept Mapping for Biology Learning (생물학습에 개념도를 이용한 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Whan-Sung;Kim, Jin-Tae;Hur, Chin-Hyu
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.479-486
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    • 1999
  • This study was to inquire the effectiveness of concept mapping on the learning of biology concept. In this study the achivement acquired by the students in the classes of individual concept mapping and cooperative concept mapping were compared with those of traditional lecture on "photosynthesis and plant respiration". The concept mapping teaching methods, by individuals and groups. were more effective than traditional one. The results of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) showed that these difference were statistically significant; individual concept mapping was more effective than traditional class result(p<.008). Also the cooperative concept mapping was effective than traditional class result(p<.0001). And the cooperative concept mapping was more effective than the individual one(p<.04). So that cooperative concept mapping is the most effective method in biology class.

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Development of a One-step Two-site Enzyme Immunoassay for Measuring Human Alpha-fetoprotein by Eliminating Hook-effect

  • Kim, Se-Ho
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.47-50
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    • 2001
  • A one-step, two-site enzyme immunoassay was developed for measuring human alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in serum and amniotic fluid using monoclonal antibodies (McAb) by eliminating the high-dose hook effect. Three McAbs that recognize different epitopes were selected among 16 different clones on the basis of epitope mapping, two for immobilization and one for horseradish peroxidase conjugation. This one-step immunoassay system is more convenient and rapid compared to a conventional two-step sandwich immunoassay system. It did not exhibit the hook effect to around 2.7 mg/ml of AFP, which is probably one of the highest concentrations of AFP in the serum. The dose-response curve of the system was linear to 500 mg/ml of AFP and the system could differentiate as low as 1 mg/ml of AFP The intra- and inter-assay variations were in an acceptable range; 95~104% and 97~105% respectively Its correlation with other commercial systems was around 95%.

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The Design and Implementation of XConverter System With Java (Java를 이용한 XConverter 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • 안경림;백혜경;임병찬;이영교
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2001
  • AS EC is expanded and activated, many message standards, EDI, XML, UDF, etc are defined and is used at various business part. But the existed translator supports only one mapping translation, for example, EDI-to-UDF, UDF-to-EDI. So many user must be introduced a new translation when new business(message standard) is beginning, To solve this problem, we propose XConverter System as registering mapping information which is able to transform to user requested format using same translator even though it is transferred any formatted message in this paper. Also, We design and implement this system which is capable to integrate with existed legacy system, including DB transformation functionality. The .XConverter System supports changing the business message format to the common user used message format. And this system easily migrates with existed legacy system because DB transform module is component. Therefore, The proposed System is more various and flexible than the other translation system that provide just one mapping transformation.

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Review of Cave Surveying Techniques

  • Worthington, Steve
    • Journal of the speleological society of Korea
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    • no.5
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    • pp.79-95
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    • 1997
  • The main purpose of this article is to compare different mapping techniques, so that an appropriate one may be chosen for a particular cave. Ultra-accurate techniques such as using tripods are not discussed here, as their application is limited to a small minority of caves. Most modem mapping is carried out under time restraints, due to the shortness of an expedition or the difficulty of a cave; thus, rapid mapping techniques are emphasized here.(omitted)

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Design of a robot learning controller using associative mapping memory (연관사상 메모리를 이용한 로봇 머니퓰레이터의 학습제어기 설계)

  • 정재욱;국태용;이택종
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1996.10b
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    • pp.936-939
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, two specially designed associative mapping memories, called Associative Mapping Elements(AME) and Multiple-Digit Overlapping AME(MDO-AME), are presented for learning of nonlinear functions including kinematics and dynamics of robot manipulators. The proposed associative mapping memories consist of associative mapping rules(AMR) and weight update rules(WUR) which guarantee generalization and specialization of input-output relationship of learned nonlinear functions. Two simulation results, one for supervised learning and the other for unsupervised learning, are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed associative mapping memories.

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A Modified Multiple Depth First Search Algorithm for Grid Mapping Using Mini-Robots Khepera

  • El-Ghoul, Sally;Hussein, Ashraf S.;Wahab, M. S. Abdel;Witkowski, U.;Ruckert, U.
    • Journal of Computing Science and Engineering
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.321-338
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents a Modified Multiple Depth First Search algorithm for the exploration of the indoor environments occupied with obstacles in random distribution. The proposed algorithm was designed and implemented to employ one or a team of Khepera II mini robots for the exploration process. In case of multi-robots, the BlueCore2 External Bluetooth module was used to establish wireless networks with one master robot and one up to three slaves. Messages are sent and received via the module's Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) interface. Real exploration experiments were performed using locally developed teleworkbench with various autonomy features. In addition, computer simulation tool was also developed to simulate the exploration experiments with one master robot and one up to ten slaves. Computer simulations were in good agreement with the real experiments for the considered cases of one to one up to three networks. Results of the MMDFS for single robot exhibited 46% reduction in the needed number of steps for exploring environments with obstacles in comparison with other algorithms, namely the Ants algorithm and the original MDFS algorithm. This reduction reaches 71% whenever exploring open areas. Finally, results performed using multi-robots exhibited more reduction in the needed number of exploration steps.

Bitrate Reduction in Vector Quantization System Using a Dynamic Index Mapping (동적 인텍스 매핑을 이용한 벡터 양자화 시스템에서의 비트율 감축)

  • 이승준;양경호;김철우;이충웅
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.32B no.8
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    • pp.1091-1098
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    • 1995
  • This paper proposes an efficient noiseless encoding method of vector quantization(VQ) index using a dynamic index mapping. Using high interblock correlation, the proposed index mapper transforms an index into a new one with lower entropy. In order to achieve good performance with low computational complexity, we adopt 'the sum of differences in pixel values on the block boundaries' as the cost function for index mapping. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme reduces the average bitrate by 40 - 50 % in ordinary VQ system for image compression. In addition, it is shown that the proposed index mapping method can be also applied to mean-residual VQ system, which allows the reduction of bitrate for VQ index by 20 - 30 %(10 - 20 % reduction in total bitrate). Since the proposed scheme is one for noiseless encoding of VQ index, it provides the same quality of the reconstructed image as the conventional VQ system.

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The Analysis Accuracy of Mapping using Direct Georeferencing (Direct Georeferencing을 이용한 도화 정확도 분석)

  • Song Youn-Kyung;Lee Jae-One
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.13 no.1 s.32
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2005
  • In order to carry out aerial photogrammetry using GPS/INS, it is necessary to apply exterior orientation parameters, obtained while making a photo, to the editing process. It should be noted that the verification process of aerial mapping result is the most crucial process at the GPS/INS based digital photogrammetry. To this end, this study has compared the mapping result by the ways of AT results, plotter, and orientation, which is from basis of the Analytical raw map produced by the existing AT results. When comparing the horizontal and vertical accuracy of the analytical mapping with that of digital restitution, it could be found that the latter is more accurate than that of the former. In addition, it was reveled that the horizontal error was bigger than that of vertical one. Even though the accuracy of the GPS/INS based AT Direct orientation was three times poorer than the of indirect one, it was recognized that the photogrammetry process was effectively performed in the application of scale 1:5000 mapping with satisfying the allowance errors.

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An Application of ISODATA Method for Regional Lithological Mapping (광역지질도 작성을 위한 ISODATA 응용)

  • 朴鍾南;徐延熙
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.109-122
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    • 1989
  • The ISODATA method, which is one of the most famous of the square-error clustering methos, has been applied to two Chungju multivariate data sets in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the regional lithological mapping. One is an airborne radiometric data set and the other is a mixed data set of the airborne radiometric and Landsat TM data. In both cases, the classification of the Bulguksa granite and the Kyemyongsan biotite-quartz gneiss are the most successful. Hyangsanni dolomitic limestone and neighboring Daehyangsan quartzite are also classified by their typical lowness of the radioactive intensities, though it is still confused with some others such as water-covered areas and nearby alluvials, and unaltered limestone areas. Topographically rugged valleys are also classified as the same cluster as above. This could be due to unavoidable variations of flight height and the attitude of the airborne system in such rugged terrains. The regional geological mapping of sedimentary rock units of the Ockchun System is in general confused. This might be due to similarities between different sediments. Considarable discrepancies occurred in mapping some lithological boundaries might also be due to secondary effects such as contamination or smoothing in digitizing process. Further study should be continued in the variable selection scheme as no absolutely superior method claims to exist yet since it seems somewhat to be rather data dependent. Study could also be made on the data preprocessing in order to reduce the erratic effects as mentioned above, and thus hoprfully draw much better result in regional geological mapping.