• 제목/요약/키워드: Old Passages

검색결과 41건 처리시간 0.023초


  • 유볼프 볼칸
    • 한국항해항만학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국항해항만학회 2006년도 추계학술대회 논문집(제2권)
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    • pp.13-17
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    • 2006
  • Almost every day close passage or near miss events happens in south part of Istanbul Strait between the vessel runs in the local area and pass strait transit. The vessels run in the local area pass close bow or aft of transit vessel or come close and wait for transit vessel because of inexperienced or incompetent skipper or because of time limitation or failure in technical equipment or lack of technical equipment or old equipment. This close passages create profound dangers for the surroundings. By the this research has been aimed to point out mentioned dangers by the concrete as number. For this purpose has been utilized JMS Ship Handling Simulator which has been settled in ITU Maritime Faculty and Environmental Stress Model which has been built up and improved in Inoue Laboratory. Has been put in the senarios which been played during simulation implementations transferred to the numerical risk occured during passage of South Part of Istanbul Strait by the Environmental Stress Model . Thus so, the riskwhich Istanbul Strait face everyday has been expressed as numerical and concrete.

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구강기류 분석에 근거한 정상 성인의 문단 읽기 시 호흡그룹의 특징 (The Study of Breath Group Based on Oral Airflow in Reading by Healthy Speakers)

  • 한지연;이옥분;심이슬
    • 음성과학
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 2008
  • Breath group generally refers to one of units of speech production. It is an integral component of structural and contextual features of utterances with some responsibility for fluctuations in speech intelligibility. The purpose of this study was to know the characteristics of breath group in reading passages spoken by healthy speakers, specifically in view of aerodynamic aspects. Eighteen female speakers aged from 20 to 30 years old without communication problems and in healthy condition were participated in this study. PAS (Phonatory Aerodynamic System) was used for aerodynamic measurement of breath group. Results showed that the mean value of breath group in reading tasks was 16.03 per minute (SD=3.1), and the spoken syllables per one breath group were 17.95. And the mean time (m) of breath group was 3.06 (SD=0.62), and the ratio of exhalation and inhalation was appeared in the 1:5. The results need to be discussed in values of normality of breath group and clinical viewpoint, especially their potential implication from speech intelligibility caused by brain damage.

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Multislice computed tomography demonstrating mental nerve paresthesia caused by periapical infection: A case report

  • Yong-Min Kim;Ho-Keun Choi;Jo-Eun Kim;Jeong-Joon Han;Kyung-Hoe Huh
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • 제54권1호
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    • pp.115-120
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    • 2024
  • Components derived from an infected lesion within the bone can spread through various passages in the mandible, particularly via the mental foramen. Radiologically, the spread of infection is typically nonspecific and challenging to characterize; however, multislice computed tomography (MSCT) can effectively detect pathological changes in soft tissues and the bone marrow space. This report describes the case of a 55-year-old woman who experienced mental nerve paresthesia due to a periapical infection of the right mandibular second premolar. MSCT imaging revealed increased attenuation around the periapical lesion extending into the mandibular canal and loss of the juxta-mental foraminal fat pad. Following endodontic treatment of the tooth suspected to be the source of the infection, the patient's symptoms resolved, and the previous MSCT imaging findings were no longer present. Increased bone marrow attenuation and obliteration of the fat plane in the buccal aspect of the mental foramen may serve as radiologic indicators of inflammation spreading from the bone marrow space.

Natural Environment Protection and Restoration of Historic Landscaping Works For Preserving The Ancient City of Gyeongju

  • Hong, Kwang-Pyo;Lim, Hyo-Sun
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제38권5_2호
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    • pp.206-213
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    • 2010
  • This paper looks into how to preserve Gyeongju's natural environment and to restore its historic landscaping works, one of the greate factor that compose ancient city as a way of wisely preserving Gyeongju, one of the oldest cities of Korea. Gyeongju, a city based in its natural environment, is formated inside of a basin of mountains and streams. Mountains and streams are the major two factors when on thinks of preserving the ancient city of Gyeongju. Four mountains surrounding the city play a direct role in marking coordinates of major city landmarks, while streams influence the structure and formation of the city in a great deal. More precisely, mountains should be able to be seen from the center of the city and streams should be restored in a way that they can serve as scenic identities of their time. Efforts should also be put into restoring such elements as ancient gardens, royal forests and water ways. The research team believes that such efforts themselves will be a great methods in reclaiming historic values and significance of places of Gyeongju. Restoring an ancient city is not limited merely restoring a city in an artificial concept, it reaches to preserving natural environment as a backdrop of the city and traces of landscaping works. When it comes to restoring an ancient city, one must understand that preserving natural environment and historic landscaping works are as valuable as restoring city structure or constructional elements. We believe that defining subjects of ancient city restoration must be more precise, clear and detail down the road.

Validation of Methods for Isolation and Culture of Alpaca Melanocytes: A Novel Tool for In vitro Studies of Mechanisms Controlling Coat Color

  • Bai, Rui;Sen, Aritro;Yu, Zhihui;Yang, Gang;Wang, Haidong;Fan, Ruiwen;Lv, Lihua;Lee, Kyung-Bon;Smith, George W;Dong, Changsheng
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.430-436
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    • 2010
  • The objective of the present studies was to develop and validate a system for isolation, purification and extended culture of pigment-producing cells in alpaca skin (melanocytes) responsible for coat color and to determine the effect of alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone treatment on mRNA expression for the melanocortin 1 receptor, a key gene involved in coat color regulation in other species. Skin punch biopsies were harvested from the dorsal region of 1-3 yr old alpacas and three different enzyme digestion methods were evaluated for effects on yield of viable cells and attachment in vitro. Greatest cell yields and attachment were obtained following dispersion with dispase II relative to trypsin and trypsin-EDTA treatment. Culture of cells in medium supplemented with basic fibroblast growth factor, bovine pituitary extract, hydrocortisone, insulin, 12-O-tetradecanolphorbol-13-acetate and cholera toxin yielded highly pure populations of melanocytes by passage 3 as confirmed by detection of tyrosinase activity and immunocytochemical localization of melanocyte markers including tyrosinase, S-100 and micropthalmia-associated transcription factor. Abundance of mRNA for tyrosinase, a key enzyme in melanocyte pigment production, was maintained through 10 passages showing preservation of melanocyte phenotypic characteristics with extended culture. To determine hormonal responsiveness of cultured melanocytes and investigate regulation of melanocortin 1 receptor expression, cultured melanocytes were treated with increasing concentrations of ${\alpha}$-melanocyte stimulating hormone. Treatment with ${\alpha}$-melanocyte stimulating hormone increased melanocortin receptor 1 mRNA in a dose dependent fashion. The results demonstrated culture of pure populations of alpaca melanocytes to 10 passages and illustrate the potential utility of such cells for studies of intrinsic and extrinsic regulation of genes controlling pigmentation and coat color in fiber-producing species.

국내 분리 돼지 유행성설사 바이러스 Chinju99주의 생물학적 및 물리화학적 성상 (Biological and Physicochemical Properties of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Chinju99 Strain Isolated in Korea)

  • Lee, Hee-Kyung;Yeo, Sang-Geon
    • 한국임상수의학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.150-154
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    • 2003
  • 진주 지역에서 1000 여두의 생후 1주령 포유 자돈군에 심한 설사증이 발생하였던바 소장조직으로부터 RNA를 추출한 후 reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction을 실시하였던 결과, porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) virus (PEDV)의 N 유전자가 검출되어 PED로 진단되었다. Trypsin (10ug/ml)을 첨가한 배지에서 Vero 세포를 배양하면서 장조직으로부터 바이러스 분리배양을 시도하였던 결과 2회의 blind passage 후에 PEDV를 분리할 수 있었다. 따라서 이 분리주를 Chinju99로 명명하였으며, Chinju99주의 생물학적 및 물리화학적 성상을 조사하였던 결론은 다음과 같다. Chinju99주는 전자현미경 소견에서 비정형의 타원형 입자로서 표면에 spike 구조를 가지고 있었으며, Vero 세포내 배양시에 점진적으로 원형변성, 합포체형성 등의 세포변성 소견을 나타내었다. 또한 20% ether, 5% chloroform에서 불안정하였으며 pH 4-7의 산성조건에서는 안정성을 나타내었다. 동시에 $50^{\circ}C$에서 180분간 처리 후에도 감염성이 유지되었고 sucrose 용액에서의 부유밀도가 1.180g/ml으로서, coronavirus의 전형적인 생물학적 및 물리화학적 성상을 나타내었다.

신라 동해구에 대한 지형.경관 분석 (Landscape Analysis of Geographic Features of East Sea-gateway(東海口) in Shilla Dynasty)

  • 안계복;황국웅
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2005
  • In order to reveal the geographical landscape's features of the East Sea-gateway(東海口), which has existed only in the era of Shilla as unique east path, we have carried out analysis of the old maps(邑誌圖) and satellite imagery, and geographical features analysis in the application of digital maps, and the result is as follows. 1. Analysis of materials from the Chosun dynasty describes landscapes called sea gates(海口) (note that this should not be capitalized); a place where the river meets the sea and the sea comes far into the land. Sea gate landscapes may have an island, but this is not a prerequisite. 2. According to the satellite imagery, the capital city of Shilla Dynasty had five passages. four or them are broad corridors, but one of them is narrow. The east side of the capital city is blocked by mountains and there was an important path which leads into the East Sea. 3. According to the cross section of the mountains, there is the only rule East-path. There was no alternative way. There was only one way-out to the east side from the capital city. This is the unique path which reaches a length of 28km. Judging from this, it seems that this path was called the East Sea-gateway. 4. The landscape of the East Sea-gateway was shaped like the letter 'V' and reached to the landscape of the sea gate. However, the route was blocked - part by the mountains, and also the part in the crisis of loss of path-landscape which has lost its own character of closure as several valleys are merged together.

Apoptosis in experimentally infected chicks with avian infectious bronchitis

  • Song, Sun-Kyong;Lee, Jong-Hoon;Park, Yeon-Cheol;Shin, Yong-Uk;Park, Il-Gue
    • 한국동물위생학회지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.347-355
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    • 2002
  • This experiment was performed to investigate apoptosis during undergoing pathogenesis of avian infectious bronchitis virus(IBV)-infected chicks. Sixteen days old chicks were infected with IBV, Massachusetts-41 strain(M-41, 10$^4$-10$^{5}$ EID$^{50}$ ) experimentally, they were autopsied to remove trachea, lung, kidney and cloacal bursa at 6hr, 12hr, 1 day, 3 day and 7 day post infection(PI) respectively for H-E and TUNEL staining. Grossly, mild serous, catarrhal exudate was observed in the trachea, nasal passages and sinuses nasal from 4 day PI. The cloacal bursa was swollen from 3 day PI. Histopathologically, the trachea was seen mild cellular infiltration, edema of the mucosa and submucosa, vascular congestion and mild hyperplasia of the epithelium from 6 hr PI and the changes were seen a little more severely on 7 day PI. It was observed that the cloacal bursa was getting more and more hyperplasia through the experiment. The nuclei degeneration were shown in the kidney on 7 day PI. No specific changes were seen in the lung. In TUNEL analysis, apoptotic cells showed sharp increasing at 12 hr PI and reaching a maximum on 1 day PI in the trachea, lung, kidney and cloacal bursa. And then apoptotic cells decreased gradually returning to a level of the control by 7 day PI in all the removed organs.

돼지 유행성설사바이러스 국내 분리주(KPED-9) 의 세포증식성 및 혈청학적 역학조사 (Cell adaptation of KPEDV-9 and serological survey on porcine epidemic diarrhea virus(PEDV) infection in Korea)

  • 권창희;권병준;강영배;안수환
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.321-326
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    • 1994
  • 돼지 유행성 설사 바이러스(KPEDV-9)주를 이용하여 세포내 증식성을 비롯한 혈청학적 역학조사를 수행하였던 바 다음의 결과를 얻었다. 돼지 유행성 설사바이러스 국내 분리주는 Vero 세포에 연속계대시 증식성이 증가되었으며 90대 계대시 $10^{5.5}TCID_{50}/ml$의 역가를 나타내었다. 조직배양 순화주를 이용하여 간염세포내에서 20Kb 이상의 RNA가 존재함을 확인할수 있었으며 전자현미경 검사시 5~10nm의 외피항원 및 80~300nm크기의 coronavirus특징을 나타내었다. 설사증상을 나타내는 돼지의 장가검재료를 이용하여 유행성 설사 바이러스의 감염실태를 조사하였던 바 18%에 상당하는 감염 양성율을 확인하였으며 ELISA법에 의한 항체검사결과 전국적으로 약 45%의 항체 양성율을 나타내었다.

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식도주위농양을 병발한 식도이물 2례 (Esophageal Foreign Bodies with Periesophageal Abscess)

  • 김춘환;김주용;김영홍;강주원;김병우
    • 대한기관식도과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기관식도과학회 1979년도 제13차 학술대회 연제순서 및 초록
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    • pp.9.3-9
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    • 1979
  • 식도이물은 기도이물과 더불어 이비인후과영역에서 흔히 불 수 있는 질환으로서 그 발생동기가 환경 및 생활양식과 밀접한 관계가 있고 때로는 식도천공, 식도주위염, 식도주의농양, 종격동염, 기흉, 농흉 및 폐농양등의 중독한 합병증을 일으켜 생명에 위험을 초래하는 예도 적지 않다. 대부분의 식도이물은 식도경하에서 적출이 가능하지만, 이물이 식도내에 머물러 있으나 육아조직이 포위하여 식도경으로서 적출이 불가능 하든가 또는 이물이 식도벽을 뚫고 나가 형성한 농양내에 이물이 있을 매는 외과적수술에 의하여 경부나 흉부로 부터 들어가서 적출할 수 밖에 없다. 지금까지 국내외에서 식도이물에 관한 흥미로운 예나 그 종류 및 빈도에 대한 통계보고는 많았으나 이물자체로 인한 또 그 치료후에 발생한 합병증에 관한 보고는 별로 많지 않았다. 최근 저자들은 12재 남아에서 예리한 철사가 경부식도를 뚫고 나가 식도주위농양을 형성한 예와 40세 남자에서 음식물에 섞인 철사를 오연한 후 철사가 흉부식도를 뚫고 나가 식주위농양을 형성한 예를 각각 경부 및 흉부를 통한 외과적수술에 의하여 성공적으로 적출하여 완치시켰기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.

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