• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ocean Mapping

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A preliminary study on seabed classification using a scientific echosounder

  • FAJARYANTI, Rina;KANG, Myounghee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2019
  • Acoustics are increasingly regarded as a remote-sensing tool that provides the basis for classifying and mapping ocean resources including seabed classification. It has long been understood that details about the character of the seabed (roughness, sediment type, grain-size distribution, porosity, and material density) are embedded in the acoustical echoes from the seabed. This study developed a sophisticated yet easy-to-use technique to discriminate seabed characteristics using a split beam echosounder. Acoustic survey was conducted in Tongyeong waters, South Korea in June 2018, and the verification of acoustic seabed classification was made by the Van Veen grab sampler. The acoustic scattering signals extracted the seabed hardness and roughness components as well as various seabed features. The seabed features were selected using the principal component analysis, and the seabed classification was performed by the K-means clustering. As a result, three seabed types such as sand, mud, and shell were discriminated. This preliminary study presented feasible application of a sounder to classify the seabed substrates. It can be further developed for characterizing marine habitats on a variety of spatial scales and studying the ecological characteristic of fishes near the habitats.

An Overview of Operations and Applications of HF Ocean Radar Networks in the Korean Coast (한국연안 고주파 해양레이더망 운영과 활용 개관)

  • Kim, Ho-Kyun;Kim, Jung-Hoon;Son, Young-Tae;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.2_2
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    • pp.351-375
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    • 2018
  • This paper aims to i) introduce the characteristics of HF ocean radar and the major results and information produced by the radar networks in the Korean coasts to the readers, ii) make an up-to-date inventory of the existing radar systems, and iii) share the information related to the radar operating skill and the ocean current data application. The number of ocean radars has been showing a significant growth over the past 20 years, currently deploying more than 44 radars in the Korean coasts. Most of radars are in operation at the present time for the purposes related to the marine safety, tidal current forecast and understanding of ocean current dynamics, mainly depending on the mission of each organization operating radar network. We hope this overview paper may help expand the applicability of the ocean radar to fisheries, leisure activity on the sea, ocean resource management, oil spill response, coastal environment restoration, search and rescue, and vessel detection etc., beyond the level of understanding of tidal and ocean current dynamics. Additionally we hope this paper contributes further to the surveillance activity on our ocean territory by founding a national ocean radar network frame and to the domestic development of ocean radar system including signal processing technology.

Vision-based Localization for AUVs using Weighted Template Matching in a Structured Environment (구조화된 환경에서의 가중치 템플릿 매칭을 이용한 자율 수중 로봇의 비전 기반 위치 인식)

  • Kim, Donghoon;Lee, Donghwa;Myung, Hyun;Choi, Hyun-Taek
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.667-675
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents vision-based techniques for underwater landmark detection, map-based localization, and SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) in structured underwater environments. A variety of underwater tasks require an underwater robot to be able to successfully perform autonomous navigation, but the available sensors for accurate localization are limited. A vision sensor among the available sensors is very useful for performing short range tasks, in spite of harsh underwater conditions including low visibility, noise, and large areas of featureless topography. To overcome these problems and to a utilize vision sensor for underwater localization, we propose a novel vision-based object detection technique to be applied to MCL (Monte Carlo Localization) and EKF (Extended Kalman Filter)-based SLAM algorithms. In the image processing step, a weighted correlation coefficient-based template matching and color-based image segmentation method are proposed to improve the conventional approach. In the localization step, in order to apply the landmark detection results to MCL and EKF-SLAM, dead-reckoning information and landmark detection results are used for prediction and update phases, respectively. The performance of the proposed technique is evaluated by experiments with an underwater robot platform in an indoor water tank and the results are discussed.

KOMPSAT Data Processing System: An Overview and Preliminary Acceptance Test Results

  • Kim, Yong-Seung;Kim, Youn-Soo;Lim, Hyo-Suk;Lee, Dong-Han;Kang, Chi-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.357-365
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    • 1999
  • The optical sensors of Electro-Optical Camera (EOC) and Ocean Scanning Multi-spectral Imager (OSMI) aboard the KOrea Multi-Purpose SATellite (KOMPSAT) will be placed in a sun synchronous orbit in late 1999. The EOC and OSMI sensors are expected to produce the land mapping imagery of Korean territory and the ocean color imagery of world oceans, respectively. Utilization of the EOC and OSMI data would encompass the various fields of science and technology such as land mapping, land use and development, flood monitoring, biological oceanography, fishery, and environmental monitoring. Readiness of data support for user community is thus essential to the success of the KOMPSAT program. As a part of testing such readiness prior to the KOMPSAT launch, we have performed the preliminary acceptance test for the KOMPSAT data processing system using the simulated EOC and OSMI data sets. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the readiness of the KOMPSAT data processing system, and to help data users understand how the KOMPSAT EOC and OSMI data are processed, archived, and provided. Test results demonstrate that all requirements described in the data processing specification have been met, and that the image integrity is maintained for all products. It is however noted that since the product accuracy is limited by the simulated sensor data, any quantitative assessment of image products can not be made until actual KOMPSAT images will be acquired.

Ocean Optical Properties of Equatorial Pacific Reef Habitat (적도 태평양 산호초 서식지의 해수 반사도 특성)

  • Moon, Jeong-Eon;Choi, Jong-Kuk
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.615-625
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    • 2021
  • The coastal areas around Palau Island and Tonga Island, near the Pacific equator, consist of coral reefs, mangrove and seaweed. In particular, understanding the optical properties of sea surface water in coral reef habitats helps improve the accuracy of remote sensing based habitat mapping and identify tropical ecosystem characteristics. Here, we collected spectral characteristics of sea surface water of Palau Island and Tonga Island and analyzed the concentration of suspended matters, absorption coefficient, and remote sensing reflectance to understand the seawater characteristics of the coral reef habitats. Based on the results of the suspended matter concentration analysis, we developed and verified an empirical algorithm to derive the concentration from satellite data using remote sensing reflectance of three bands, 555, 625, 660 nm, showed a high determinant coefficient, 0.98. In conclusion, coral reef habitats in tropical regions are characterized by CASE-I water in terms of the marine optics with oligotrophic properties, and require monitoring using continuous collection and analysis of field data.


  • Siripong, Absornsuda
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.827-830
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    • 2006
  • The tsunami from the megathrust earthquake magnitude 9.3 on 26 December 2004 is the largest tsunami the world has known in over forty years. This tsunami destructively attacked 13 countries around Indian Ocean with at least 230,000 fatalities, displaced people 2,089,883 and 1.5 million people who lost their livelihoods. The ratio of women and children killed to men is 3 to 1. The total damage costs US$ 10.73 billion and rebuilding costs US$ 10.375 billion. The tsunami's death toll could have been drastically reduced, if the warning was disseminated quickly and effectively to the coastal dwellers along the Indian Ocean rim. With a warning system in Indian Ocean similar to that operating in the Pacific Ocean since 1965, it would have been possible to warn, evacuate and save countless lives. The best tribute we can pay to all who perished or suffered in this disaster is to heed its powerful lessons. UNESCO/IOC have put their tremendous effort on better disaster preparedness, functional early warning systems and realistic arrangements to cope with tsunami disaster. They organized ICG/IOTWS (Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System) and the third of this meeting is held in Bali, Indonesia during $31^{st}$ July to $4^{th}$ August 2006. A US$ 53 million interim warning system using tidal gauges and undersea sensors is nearing completion in the Indian Ocean with the assistance from IOC. The tsunami warning depends strictly on an early detection of a tsunami (wave) perturbation in the ocean itself. It does not and cannot depend on seismological information alone. In the case of 26 December 2004 tsunami when the NOAA/PMEL DART (Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami) system has not been deployed, the initialized input of sea surface perturbation for the MOST (Method Of Splitting Tsunami) model was from the tsunamigenic-earthquake source model. It is the first time that the satellite altimeters can detect the signal of tsunami wave in the Bay of Bengal and was used to validate the output from the MOST model in the deep ocean. In the case of Thailand, the inundation part of the MOST model was run from Sumatra 2004 for inundation mapping purposes. The medium and high resolution satellite data were used to assess the degree of the damage from Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 with NDVI classification at 6 provinces on the Andaman seacoast of Thailand. With the tide-gauge station data, run-up surveys, bathymetry and coastal topography data and land-use classification from satellite imageries, we can use these information for coastal zone management on evacuation plan and construction code.

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Main challenges for deep subsea tunnels based on norwegian experience

  • Nilsen, Bjorn
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.563-573
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    • 2015
  • For hard rock subsea tunnels the most challenging rock mass conditions are in most cases represented by major faults/weakness zones. Poor stability weakness zones with large water inflow can be particularly problematic. At the pre-construction investigation stage, geological and engineering geological mapping, refraction seismic investigation and core drilling are the most important methods for identifying potentially adverse rock mass conditions. During excavation, continuous engineering geological mapping and probe drilling ahead of the face are carried out, and for the most recent Norwegian subsea tunnel projects, MWD (Measurement While Drilling) has also been used. During excavation, grouting ahead of the tunnel face is carried out whenever required according to the results from probe drilling. Sealing of water inflow by pre-grouting is particularly important before tunnelling into a section of poor rock mass quality. When excavating through weakness zones, a special methodology is normally applied, including spiling bolts, short blast round lengths and installation of reinforced sprayed concrete arches close to the face. The basic aspects of investigation, support and tunnelling for major weakness zones are discussed in this paper and illustrated by cases representing two very challenging projects which were recently completed (Atlantic Ocean tunnel and T-connection), one which is under construction (Ryfast) and one which is planned to be built in the near future (Rogfast).

A Study on the Photo-realistic 3D City Modeling Using the Omnidirectional Image and Digital Maps (전 방향 이미지와 디지털 맵을 활용한 3차원 실사 도시모델 생성 기법 연구)

  • Kim, Hyungki;Kang, Yuna;Han, Soonhung
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.253-262
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    • 2014
  • 3D city model, which consisted of the 3D building models and their geospatial position and orientation, is becoming a valuable resource in virtual reality, navigation systems, civil engineering, etc. The purpose of this research is to propose the new framework to generate the 3D city model that satisfies visual and physical requirements in ground oriented simulation system. At the same time, the framework should meet the demand of the automatic creation and cost-effectiveness, which facilitates the usability of the proposed approach. To do that, I suggest the framework that leverages the mobile mapping system which automatically gathers high resolution images and supplement sensor information like position and direction of the image. And to resolve the problem from the sensor noise and a large number of the occlusions, the fusion of digital map data will be used. This paper describes the overall framework with major process and the recommended or demanded techniques for each processing step.

Ship Outfitting Design Data Exchange between CAD Systems Using Different Primitive Set (서로 다른 프리미티브 집합을 사용하는 CAD 시스템 사이에 선박 의장 설계 데이터의 교환)

  • Lee, Seunghoon;Han, Soonhung
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.234-242
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    • 2013
  • Different CAD systems are used in ship outfitting design on different usage and purpose. Therefore, data exchanges between CAD systems are required from different formats. For data exchange, boundary representation standard formats such as IGES and ISO 10303 (STEP) are widely used. However, they present only B-rep representation. Because of different CAD systems have their own geometry format, data exchanges with design intend are difficult. Especially, Tribon and PDMS use primitives for express their geometry in ship outfitting design. However, Tribon primitives are represented their parameter by values that are non-parametric. Therefore, data size of catalogue library is bigger than different CAD system using parametric primitive representation. And that system has difficulty on data reprocessing. To solve that problem, we discuss about shape DB which contains design parameters of primitive for exchange Tribon primitives. And geometry data exchange between Tribon and Shape Database that defines based on PDMS scheme are specified using primitive mapping that can represent design intend.

Transmission Lines Rights-of-Way Mapping Using a Low-cost Drone Photogrammetry

  • Oh, Jae Hong;Lee, Chang No
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2019
  • Electric transmission towers are facilities to transport electrical power from a plant to an electrical substation. The towers are connected using wires considering the wire tension and the clearance from the ground or nearby objects. The wires are installed on a rights-of-way that is a strip of land used by electrical utilities to maintain the transmission line facilities. Trees and plants around transmission lines must be managed to keep the operation of these lines safe and reliable. This study proposed the use of a low-cost drone photogrammetry for the transmission line rights-of-way mapping. Aerial photogrammetry is carried out to generate a dense point cloud around the transmission lines from which a DSM (Digital Surface Model) and DTM (Digital Terrain Model) are created. The lines and nearby objects are separated using nDSM (normalized Digital Surface Model) and the noises are suppressed in the multiple image space for the geospatial analysis. The experimental result with drone images over two spans of transmission lines on a mountain area showed that the proposed method successfully generate the rights-of-way map with hazard nearby objects.