• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ocean Mapping

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The Effect of the Use of Concept Mapping on Science Achievement and the Scientific Attitude in Ocean Units of Earth Science (해양단원 개념도 활용 수업이 과학성취도 및 태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Han, Jung-Hwa;Kim, Kwang-Hui;Park, Soo-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.461-473
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    • 2002
  • Concept mapping is a device for representing the conceptual structure of a subject discipline in a two dimensional form which is analogous to a road map. In the teaching and learning of earth science, each concept depends on its relationships to many others for meaning. Using concept mapping in teaching helps teachers and students to be more aware of the key concepts and relationships among them. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the use of concept mapping on science achievement and the scientific attitude in ocean units of earth science. The results of this study are as follows; first, the science achievement of a group of concept mapping teaching is significantly higher than that of the group of traditional teaching. Also, when the achievement levels are compared among different cognitive ability groups, the effect is more significant in mid or lower level student groups than in high level groups. The use of concept mapping is more effective when the concepts have a distinct concept hierarchy. Second, the scores of the test of ‘attitude toward scientific inquiry’ and ‘application of scientific attitude’ of the group of concept mapping teaching are significantly higher than those of the group of traditional teaching, whereas the scores of the test of ‘interest in science learning’ of concept mapping teaching is not different from those of group of traditional teaching. Third, the survey on the use of concept mapping shows a positive response across the tested groups. The use of concept mapping is more beneficial in fostering the comprehension of the topic. A concept map of student's own construction facilitates the assessment of learning, thus promising the usefulness of concept mapping as a means of evaluation. In regard to retention aspect, concept mapping is considered to be more effective in confirming and remembering the topic, while less effective in the aspects of activity and interest. In conclusion, the use of concept maps makes learning an active meaningful process and improves student's academic achievement and scientific attitude. If the concept mapping is more effectively as an active teaching strategy, more meaningful learning will be attained.

A Study on the Mapping of Fishing Activity using V-Pass Data - Focusing on the Southeast Sea of Korea - (선박패스(V-Pass) 자료를 활용한 어업활동 지도 제작 연구 - 남해동부해역을 중심으로 -)

  • HAN, Jae-Rim;KIM, Tae-Hoon;CHOI, Eun Yeong;CHOI, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.112-125
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    • 2021
  • Marine spatial planning(MSP) designates the marine as nine kinds of use zones for the systematic and rational management of marine spaces. One of them is the fishery protection zone, which is necessary for the sustainable production of fishery products, including the protection and fosterage of fishing activities. This study intends to quantitatively identify the fishing activity space, one of the elements necessary for the designation of fisheries protection zones, by mapping of fishery activities using V-Pass data and deriving the fishery activity concentrated zone. To this end, pre-processing of V-Pass data was performed, such as constructing a dataset that combines static and dynamic information, calculating the speed of fishing vessels, extracting fishing activity points, and removing data in non-fishing activity zone. Finally, using the selected V-Pass point data, a fishery activity map was made by kernel density estimation, and the concentrated space of fishery activity was analyzed. In addition, it was confirmed that there is a difference in the spatial distribution of fishing activities according to the type of fishing vessel and the season. The pre-processing technique of large volume V-Pass data and the mapping method of fishing activities performed through this study are expected to contribute to the study of spatial characteristics evaluation of fishing activities in the future.

Path Tracking Control Based on RMAC in Horizontal Plane for a Torpedo-Shape AUV, ISiMi (RMAC를 적용한 어뢰형 무인잠수정(ISiMi)의 수평면 경로추종 제어)

  • Kim, Young-Shik;Lee, Ji-Hong;Kim, Jin-Ha;Jun, Bong-Huan;Lee, Pan-Mook
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.146-155
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    • 2009
  • This paper considers the path tracking problem in a horizontal plane for underactuated (or non-holonomic) autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). Underwater mapping has been an important mission for AUVs. Recently, underwater docking has also become a main research field of AUVs. These kinds of missions basically require accurate attitude and trajectory control performance. However, the non-holonomic problem should be solved to achieve accurate path tracking for the torpedo-type of AUVs. In this paper, resolved motion and acceleration control (RMAC) is considered as a path tracking controller for an underactuated torpedo-shaped AUV, ISiMi. A set of numerical simulations is carried out to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed RMAC scheme, and experimental data with ISiMi100 and discussions are presented.

Application Study on FMEA(Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) for Waterjet-lifter of Deep-Sea Manganese Nodule Miner (심해저 망간단괴 집광시스템의 물제트부양장치에 대한 FMEA 적용 연구)

  • Choi, Jong-Su;Hong, Sup;Lee, Tae-Hee;Kim, Hyung-Woo;Yeu, Tae-Kyeong
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 2009
  • An FMEA for the waterjet-lifter of a DSNM is performed to prevent the occurrence of device failure. A waterjet-lifter raises and transports manganese nodules from the deep-sea floor up to a somewhat elevated place, from which a pin-scraper transports the lifted nodules to the inner space of the DSNM. A concept design for a device using the axiomatic design methodology is shown as the mapping between the functional domain and physical domain. The FMEA for a DSNM is introduced briefly and the rating criteria of severity, occurrence, and detection for the DSNM are defined. The FMEA of the functional requirements of a DSNM device is accomplished. Three kinds of failure modes, as well as their effects and causes, are predicted. Current design control methods for detecting potential failures, such as physical or computational experiments, design confirmation, and mathematical calculation, are described and the recommended actions for several significant causes are suggested.

KOMPSAT Data Processing System: Preliminary Acceptance Test Results

  • Kim, Yong-Seung;Kim, Youn-Soo;Lim, Hyo-Suk;Lee, Dong-Han;Kang, Chi-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.331-336
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    • 1999
  • The optical sensors of Electro-Optical Camera (EOC) and Ocean Scanning Multi-spectral Imager (OSMI) aboard the Korea Multi-Purpose SATellite (KOMPSAT) will be placed in a sun synchronous orbit in 1999. The EOC and OSMI sensors are expected to produce the land mapping imagery of Korean territory and the ocean color imagery of world oceans, respectively. Utilization of the EOC and OSMI data would encompass the various fields of science and technology such as land mapping, land use and development, flood monitoring, biological oceanography, fishery, and environmental monitoring. Readiness of data support for user community is thus essential to the success of the KOMPSAT program. As part of testing such readiness prior to the KOMPSAT launch, we have performed the preliminary acceptance test for the KOMPSAT data processing system using the simulated EOC and OSMI data sets. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the readiness of the KOMPSAT data processing system, and to help data users understand how the KOMPSAT EOC and OSMI data are processed and archived. Test results demonstrate that all requirements described in the data processing specification have been met, and that the image integrity is maintained for all products. It is however noted that since the product accuracy is limited by the simulated sensor data, any quantitative assessment of image products can not be made until actual KOMPSAT images will be acquired.

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Bathymetric mapping in Dong-Sha Atoll using SPOT data

  • Huang, Shih-Jen;Wen, Yao-Chung
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.525-528
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    • 2006
  • The remote sensing data can be used to calculate the water depth especially in the clear and shallow water area. In this study, the SPOT data was used for bathymetric mapping in Dong-Sha atoll, located in northern South China Sea. The in situ sea depth was collected by echo sounder as well. A global positioning system was employed to locate the accurate sampling points for sea depth. An empirical model between measurement sea depth and band digital count was determined and based on least squares regression analysis. Both non-classification and unsupervised classification were used in this study. The results show that the standard error is less than 0.9m for non-classification. Besides, the 10% error related to the measurement water depth can be satisfied for more than 85% in situ data points. Otherwise, the 10% relative error can reach more than 97%, 69%, and 51% data points at class 4, 5, and 6 respectively if supervised classification is applied. Meanwhile, we also find that the unsupervised classification can get more accuracy to estimate water depth with standard error less than 0.63, 0.93, and 0.68m at class 4, 5, and 6 respectively.

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A Study on the Coast Topography using Real-Time Kinematics GPS and Echo Sounder

  • Park, Woon-Yong;Kim, Jin-Soo;Kim, Cheon-Yeong
    • International Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology Speciallssue:Selected Papers
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2003
  • This research aims at investigation of accuracy potential of RTK(Real-Time Kinematic) GPS in combination with Echo Sounder(E/S) for the coastal mapping. Apart from this purpose, the accuracy of ambiguity resolution with the OTF(On The Fly) method was tested with respect to the initialization time. The result shows that the accuracy is better than 1cm with 5-minute initialization in the distance of 10km baseline. The seaside topography was measured by the RTK GPS only, on the other hand the seafloor topography was surveyed in combination of RTK GPS and E/S. Comparing to the volume of seaside measured by RTK GPS and digital topographical map, the difference of only 2% was achieved. This indicates that the coastal mapping. As a result, it has been revealed that every possible noise in surveying could be corrected and the accuracy could be improved. The accuracy of GPS data acquired in real time was as good as that acquired by post processing. It is expected that it will be useful for the analysis of coastal geographic characteristics because DTM(Digital Terrain Model) can be also constructed for the harbor reclamation, the dredging, and the variation of soil movement in a river.

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A Study on the Coast Topography using Real-Time Kinematics GPS and Echo Sounder

    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.17 no.3 s.52
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2003
  • This research aims at investigation of accuracy potential of RTK(Real-Time Kinematic) GPS in combination with Echo Sounder(E/S) for the coastal mapping. Apart from this purpose, the accuracy of ambiguity resolution with the OTF(On The Fly) method was tested with respect to the initialization time. The result shows that the accuracy is better than 1cm with 5-minute initialization in the distance of 10km baseline. The seaside topography was measured by the RTK GPS only, on the other hand the seafloor topography was surveyed in combination of RTK GPS and E/S. Comparing to the volume of seaside measured by RTK GPS and digital topographical map, the difference of only $2\%$ was achieved. This indicates that the coastal mapping. As a result, it has been revealed that every possible noise in surveying could be corrected and the accuracy could be improved. The accuracy of GPS data acquired in real time was as good as that acquired by post processing. It is expected that it will be useful for the analysis of coastal geographic characteristics because DTM(Digital Terrain Model) can be also constructed for the harbor reclamation, the dredging, and the variation of soil movement in a river.


  • Shi, Lijian;Ivanov, Andrei Yu.;He, Mingxia;Zhao, Chaofang
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.981-984
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    • 2006
  • Oil pollution of the ocean is a major environmental problem, especially in its coastal zones. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) flown on satellites, such as ERS-2 and Envisat, has been proved to be a useful tool in oil spill monitoring due to its wide coverage, day and night, and all-weather capability. The total 120 SAR images containing oil spill over the East China Sea were collected and analyzed, ranging in date from July 23, 2002 to November 11, 2005. After preprocessed, SAR images were segmented by adaptive threshold method. The oil spill images were incorporated into GIS after distinguished from look-like phenomena, finally we presented the oil spills distribution map for the East China Sea. The wide-swath and quick-looks SAR imagery for mapping of oil spill distribution over large marine areas were proved to be useful when full resolution data are not available. After the temporal and spatial distribution of the oil spills were analyzed, we found that most of oil spills were distributed along the main ship routes, which means the illegal discharge by ships, and the occurrence of oil spill detected on SAR images acquired during morning and summer is much higher than during evening and winter.

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A Study on the Establishment of a GIS Thematic Mapping Procedure for Oil Spill Monitoring Data (유류오염 모니터링 자료의 GIS 주제도 제작 절차 수립 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon;Choi, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2012
  • Marine scientific monitoring, including monitoring of oil pollution, marine ecosystems, and the marine environment in general, has been being carried out continuously in order to assess the impact of oil pollution since the Hebei Spirit oil spill in December 2007. GIS thematic maps containing visual and summarized information are very useful for conducting exploratory analyses on the spatio-temporal variability of the marine environment and marine ecosystems due to oil pollution. Defining map types and building a legend in accordance with data characteristics are essential elements for mapping. In the present study, map types were defined according to the data attributes and GIS data types for each data item and classification of data intervals for the legend was defined by using two data distribution types through a histogram analysis. The data interval method was defined as follows: If the histogram of data has a uniform distribution, an equal interval method is applied; in the case of a normal distribution, a standard deviation method is applied. In addition, thematic map templates were made for each map type through the definition of marginal elements. Through the establishment of systematic mapping methods and procedures in this study, it was possible to effectively make standardized thematic maps for various kinds of marine scientific data.