• 제목/요약/키워드: Obesity degree

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Effects of ATP2B1 Variants on the Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure according to the Degree of Obesity in the South Korean Population (한국인에게서 ATP2B1 유전 변이가 비만 정도에 따른 수축기 혈압과 이완기 혈압에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Gi Tae;Kim, In Sik;Jee, Sun Ha;Sull, Jae Woong
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2020
  • Hypertension often leads to cardiovascular disease and kidney disease, and hypertention is an important worldwide problem. Body mass index (BMI) has an important role for raising blood pressure. Further, hypertension can be affected by both environmental factors and genetic factors. Many single nucleotide polymorphisms have been associated with hypertension. Genome wide association study (GWAS) is a method of confirming a new locus of increasing the risk of disease, and GWAS has confirmed several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are associated with high blood pressure. This study analyzed the relationship between systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and SNP of the ATP2B1 gene in 994 Koreans. SNPs that showed the highest statistical significance with systolic and diastolic blood pressures were selected on the multiple linear regression analysis. One-way analysis of variance for systolic and diastolic blood pressures was performed, and multiple logistic regression analysis was performed on the risk of hypertension. The P values were two-tailed, and P<0.05 was considered significant. Four SNPs were associated with systolic blood pressure and six SNPs were associated with diastolic blood pressure. In addition, a genotype-based analysis showed significant odds ratios for the risk of hypertension in older men (adjusted OR, 5.743; 95% CI, 1.173~28.121; P=0.031). This study suggests that the ATP2B1 variants affect both the systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

A Association between Physical Activity and Risk of Breast Cancer (신체활동량과 유방암 발생과의 관계)

  • Kim, Myeong-Seong;Nam, Young-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.671-677
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    • 2020
  • The number one female cancer in Korea is breast cancer, and the incidence rate continues to increase. There are many opinions that this is due to the impact of increased sedentary life along with economic growth. In this study, the international standard exercise status questionnaire was administered to patients and normal group who visited to the specialized cancer hospital in Korea, and to standardized scores of the exercise status (MET score) obtained from questionnaire were used to compare the impaction on breast cancer risk and difference of the MET score between the patients and control group. The ages of the study subjects were selected as subjects without statistical differences between the patients group and the normal group. also done with survey the family history, BMI, the menarche, age at birth of first child, the degree of education to exclude impaction on breast cancer risk depending on physical activity. In general, the breast cancer patients showed lower MET scores than the normal group, and the effect of activity on breast cancer was greater in post-menopausal women than in pre-menopausal women. Also BMI was similar to breast cancer risk. Maintaining proper weight through exercise can reduce the accumulation of carcinogens in breast cancer in the body, thereby reducing the incidence of breast cancer.

Relationship among Sociodemographic Characteristics, General Health Behaviors, and Toothbrushing in Daejeon, South Korea (대전 시민의 인구사회학적 특성, 일반건강행위, 칫솔질행위의 관련성)

  • Oh, Sang-Hwan;Hwang, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2016
  • Health behavior is one component of life style and is defined as behaviors performed by a person to protect, promote, or maintain the their health. General health behavior habits include not smoking, weight management, moderate drinking, regular exercise. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between toothbrushing and general health behaviors in 1,013 adults using data from the 2008 Daejeon Health Promotion Survey. Results showed no significant difference by region in general health behavior and toothbrushing. Smoking, alcohol consumption and toothbrushing frequency were related to sex, age, monthly income, occupation, and the degree of obesity. The predictoers of toothbrushing more than a day by losistic regression were female sex (vs. male, OR 1.88, 95% CI 1.20~2.95), age ${\geq}65$ years (vs. twenties, OR 0.51, 95% CI 0.26~0.99), monthly income 2 miillions Korean Won (KRW) to 3 millions KRW (vs. <2 million won, OR 1.58, 95% CI 1.04~2.42), white collar (vs. self-employment, OR 2.74, 95% CI 1.62~4.64), and regular exercise (vs. never, OR 1.60, 95% CI 1.21~2.11). We recommend the independent administration of oral health promotion programs focusing on aged and vulnerable social group because general health behaviors except regular exercise were not related to toothbrushing frequency.

A Web-based Internet Program for Nutritional Assessment and Diet Management of Patient Having Hyperlipidemia (고지혈증 환자의 웹기반 식사관리 및 영양평가 프로그램)

  • 한지숙;허지연
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.287-294
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a web-based internet program for nutritional assessment and diet management of patient having hyperlipidemia. Hyperlipidermia were classified by hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. The program consisted of four parts according to their functions and contents. The first part explained the metabolism of lipids and defined the hyperchotesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. The second part is to assess the general health status such as body weight, obesity index, basal metabolic rate and total energy requirement by the input of age, sex, height, weight and degree of activity. This part also provides the Patient with menus lists and 1 day menu suitable to his weight, activity and the status of hyperlipidemia and offers the information for food selection, snacks, convenience foods, dine-out, behavioral modification, cooking methods, food exchange lists, and information on energy and nutrients of foods and drinks, and top 20 foods classified by nutrients. The third part is designed to investigate diet history of patient, that is, to find out his inappropriate dietary habit and give him some suggestions for appropriate dietary behavior. This part also offers on-line counseling and frequently asked Questions. The fourth part is evaluating their energy and nutrients intake by comparing with recommended dietary allowance for Koreans or standardized data for patient with hyperlipidemia. In this part, it is also analyzing energy and nutrients of food consumed by food group and meals, and evaluating the status of nutrient intake. These results are finally displayed as tabular forms and graphical forms on the computer screen.

The Effect of Moosim-Gi-Gong Doinbeop on Treatment of Low Back Pain (무심기공 도인법이 요통치료에 미치는 효과)

  • Jang, Sang Chul;Chong, Myong Soo;Pi, Chien Mei;Ahn, Hun Mo;Lee, Jae Heung;Roh, Ju Hee;Bae, Jae Ryong
    • Journal of Korean Medical Ki-Gong Academy
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2018
  • The objective of this study is to verify the effects of Moosim-Gi-Gong Doinbeop on low back pain targeting low back pain patients hospitalized in Korean medicine hospitals. For the study, 44 adult female and male patients hospitalized with low back pain at M Korean Medicine Hospital and H Korean Medicine Hospital located in Gimpo, Gyeonggi Province were recruited. The subjects had a temperature difference between left and right 湧泉(KI1) of over 0.5℃ through infrared thermographic imaging, and 23 of them were classified in the control group for retrospective analysis based on the test records. Infrared thermographic imaging, X-ray pelvic AP view - standing position, a sit-and-reach test and a VAS survey were employed for detection, and IBM SPSS Statistics 24 for the statistical process. The results were rounded down to three decimal places as in an average±standard deviation, and the significance level was 0.05 to be evaluated significant if p<0.05. The result of the study is as follows: 1. In the comparison between before and after conducting Moosim-Gi-Gong Doinbeop, the meaningful difference was shown in the experimental group in all indicators. But Indicators except for the temperature difference between right and left 湧泉(KI1)(difference between before and after) and In displaced pelvic correction indicators on the X-ray showed a significant difference in the control group. 2. As for the variation widths of the experimental group and the control group, the former showed significant temperature differences between 印堂(EX-HN3) and 關元(CV4) and right and left 湧泉(KI1); difference variations of anteflexion; and changes in PI and In displacement on the X-ray. 3. As for changes in the experimental group according to demographic characteristics, gender, age and degree of obesity did not show significant differences in all indicators. However, those who experienced back pain for more than six months in the experimental group showed the biggest body temperature differences between 印堂(EX-HN3) and 關元(CV4), while other indicators had no significant difference. As a result, patients who received Korean medicine treatment showed relieved back pain and improvement in pelvic correction and sports activity; however, those who got Moosim-Gi-Gong Doinbeop together showed more clearer improvement effects in pelvic correction and sports activity.

Problems Analysis Related to Nutrition and the Development of Nutrition Education Programs for High School Students( I ) - A Study Centered on Analyzing Problems of Dietary Life for Nutrition Education Goal Setting - (고등학생의 영양 관련 문제점 분석 및 영양 교육 프로그램 개발 ( I ) - 영양교육 목표 설정을 위한 식생활 문제점 분석 -)

  • Lee, Eun-Ju;Soh, Hye-Kyung;Choi, Bong-Soon
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.338-350
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    • 2007
  • The objectives of this study were to analyze nutrition-related problems and to develop the nutrition education programs for high school students A survey was conducted with 500 students in the second grade level at high schools in Daegu who differed in socio-economic characteristics. In addition, body composition analysis was accomplished by the Inbody 3.0. The developed questionnaires were distributed and 481 questionnaires were collected with a 96.2% of response rate. Statistical data analysis was completed using SPSS WIN(ver.12.0) for descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, t-tests and $X^2$-tests. We first analyzed students' problems related to nutrition and environmental factors. In a question addressing skipping breakfast, only 11.5% answered they "do not eat" breakfast. In regards to BMI, the male students' degree of obesity was higher. Second, we analyzed living environments, which greatly influence dietary behavior. For the snacks-related categories, most of the students liked bread, cake and other snacks. When they chose the snacks, they mainly considered taste. There were significant difference among the males and females(p<.01) in terms of snacks intake habits, where 43.1 % of the males answered they snack "occasionally" and 43.4% of the females answered they snack "according to how they feel". In the case of beverages, the males consumed significantly more(p<.001). Based on their regional groups, the area A group preferred milk and milk products, and the area B group preferred soft drinks. As for the time of beverage intake, 77.6% of the females answered "with snacks", which was significantly higher than 61.4% of the males(p<.001), 12.2% of the males drank beverages after exercise. For late snacking, 68.0% of the male students and 71.1 % of the female students consumed late snacks. Most of them preferred bread, cake and other snacks. The reasons for taking a late snack were "when I feel hungry" by 61.8% of the males which was higher than the females(p<.001), 23.6% of the females consumed late snacks "impulsively". Ideally, in order to improve the food habits of high school students effective and practical nutrition education programs that consider gender and regional school group, should be carried out.

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The Prevalence, Health behaviors, and Control of Hypertension in Rural Areas in Korea (보건진료소 관할 농촌지역 주민의 고혈압 유병률, 건강행태 및 고혈압 관리 양상)

  • Chungbuk CHP research team, Chungbuk CHP research team;Jeon, Mi-Yang
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.507-519
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the prevalence, health behaviors, and control of hypertension in rural areas in Korea. Method: A total of 927 subjects above age 20 were selected from the areas which fell under the jurisdiction of the 24 Community Health Center located in Chungcheongbuk-do. The employees in the Community Health Center visited and interviewed patients. Data were collected using a questionnaire from July to October 2002. Result: The result showed that women had higher hypertension prevalence rates than men and the increment of its rate leveled up according to age. The hypertension prevalence rate was significantly high when the monthly income was less than 1 million won, their type of the Medical Insurance was the Guardian, they were only able to read Korean characters, and they were bereaved of spouses. In the Health behavior related to hypertension, the hypertension group showed a significantly lower level than the non- hypertension group in terms of drinking rate, smoking rate, intake of salt and intake of meat. There was no significant difference in the exercise rate and coffee intake rate between these groups. In the degree of the obesity the hypertension group was significantly higher than the non-hypertension group. The factors related to hypertension were that the duration for the incidence of hypertension was 12 to 60 months and took up 41.2%. The places where the medical check-ups occurred were the Community Health Center at 46.6%, the medical institution was mostly hospitals recording 46.5%. There were 66.1% of the targets who knew well about their blood pressure and there were 64.7% people who received education about it. As for the education place, the rate of Community Health Center was mostly high and it stood at 77.0%. In the aspect of the management of hypertension, the targets who took medicine on a regular basis were up to 76.1% and the targets who measured blood pressure once a month happened to be about 46.1 %. The targets who always recorded their blood pressure were 3.8%, chest X-ray as a related examination of hypertension reached 32.6%, electrocardiogram examination was 36.2%, cholesterol and serum lipid examination took up 33.6%, and the eye ground examination took 7.3%, which showed the lowest level of all.

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Body Image, Risk of Disturbed Eating Attitudes and Weight Control of Female Junior High School Students by the Body Mass Index in Seoul (서울 소재 일부 중학교 여학생의 비만도에 따른 체형만족도, 식사장애 및 체중조절 태도 분석)

  • Song, Hyun-Jung;Moon, Hyun-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: In this study, perception of body image, eating attitudes and weight control were examined by the degree of obesity using Body Mass Index (BMI). Methods: Out of 420 questionnaires distributed to the female middle school students (aged 12-16 years), 407 were returned (97% response rate) and 395 were analyzed (94% analysis rate). Female students were divided into two groups based on the BMI percentile using the 2007 Korean National Growth Charts. (1) normal weight ($5^{th}$ percentile ${\leq}$ BMI < $85^{th}$ percentile) (2) obese ($85^{th}$ percentile ${\leq}$ BMI) by 2007 Korean National Growth Charts. Satisfaction of self-body shape, risk of disturbed eating attitudes (Eating Attitude Test : EAT-26), and weight control behaviors were examined. Results: Distribution of the subjects by BMI was 74.5% of normal and 25.5% of obese. There were significant differences between self-perceived current body image and self-perceived ideal body image. The dissatisfaction of body image was higher in obese than in normal groups (p<0.001). 51.4% of female students were unsatisfied with their body image, while 2.6% were very satisfied. Among the students unsatisfied with their body image, 150 (52.1%) were of normal weight and 48 (49.4%) were obese. EAT-26 total scores were significantly higher in the obese group ($16.42{\pm}8.23$) compared with normal group ($13.72{\pm}8.10$) (p<0.01). Attempted to weight control were significantly different by the BMI (p<0.001). Conclusions: This study concludes that there was desire to become thinner than current status in female students, even those with normal BMI. Many female students were dissatisfied with their body image and attempted to lose weight. It is harmful to their health and nutritional status if they choose undesirable methods. These findings suggested that there are needs to encourage female students for maintaining healthy weight. A higher score of EAT-26 was associated with dissatisfaction of selfbody image and this may lead to unhealthy behaviors in obese female students.

The Effect of Concentrated Onion Juice in a Body Composition, Serum Electrolytes and Lipids Levels on Hyperlipidemia (양파 농축액이 고지혈증 성인 남자의 체성분, 혈장 전해질 및 지질 성분에 미치는 영향)

  • 황금희;정난희;조남철;유영균;박평심;노영희;서희숙;노인옥
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.36-45
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    • 2003
  • It is known as that onion is antioxidation effect, antibiotic effect, blood pressure decreasing effect and reducing serum cholesterol levels. This research about effect that onion concentrate gets blood cholesterol levels and body composition. Subject was 17 adult men of hyperlipidemia. Age distribution of investigation subjects were average 49.4 years old by 40~56 years old, and average height and weight were 167.6cm and 75.5kg each, BMI was 26.9kg/$m^2$, and BMR was 1,460.6$\pm$87.5㎉, and AMC was 25.0$\pm$1.05cm, and BCM was 41.0$\pm$2.79cm. In the meantime, the body muscle was 53.7$\pm$3.7kg, and fat mass was 18.7$\pm$3.8kg, and intracellular fluid was 26.6$\pm$1.8kg, and extracellular fluid was 12.8$\pm$0.9kg. The % body fat was 24.6$\pm$3.8%, and fat distribution was 0.9$\pm$0.0%, and the obesity degree was 125.4$\pm$8.2%. Vegetables, seaweeds, fruits and juices increased by change of dietary life and greasy foods, instants, breads, rices etc. decreased or there was no change, fast foods and eggs were no change. Also, subject previewed that guidance about stress, smoking, drinking and beverage intake need. If compared the nutrient intake amount with before onion concentrate allowance, it was similar level almost without significant. Energy, calcium and riboflavin are lower than the RDA for koreans. After 3 months, the levels of plasma total cholesterol, triglycerides had decreased significantly : 15.0%, 31.2% respectively. And the HDL-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels also showed a marked reduction of 6.8%, 8.7% respectively. Plasma lipid level change by onion concentrate supplement would can know that case of triglyceride more greatly than plasma cholesterol. The pH and Na+ level of plasma were low significant since 8 weeks after, and $K^{+}$ level increase significant. While $Ca^{++}$ level was low significant after 1 month, there was no change since 2 months after, but nC $a^{++}$ level was low significantly. Plasma $Mg^{++}$ level was no change and nM $g^{++}$ level was low significant after intake.e.e.e.e.e.

A Computerized System for Diagnosis and Nutritional Assessment of Dietary Intakes : Recommended Dietary Allowances for Koreans, 6th Revision (식이섭취의 진단 및 영양평가를 위한 전산시스템 : 제6차 한국인 영양권장량에 준함)

  • 한지숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.726-732
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a software program to diagnose and assess status of dietary intake obtained using 24-hour dietary recall method. This program consist of four functions. The first function is assessing tile general status of the body such as ideal body weight, obesity measure, activity expenditure energy and total energy requirement by the analysis of age, height, weight and the degree of activity. The second one is calculating the intake number of food classified by the food group and evaluating the status of food intake by comparing them with the number of standardized intake in recommended dietary allowances for Koreans,6th revision. Third one is calculating energy and nutrient intakes contributed by the food group in dietary intake and evaluating the status of dietary intake by comparing the nutrient intake with the recommended dietary allowance for Korean, especially calculating and evaluating the status of dietary fat intake. The fourth function is calculating and evaluating the status of nutrient intake and nutrients energy Percent contributed by three regular meals and at least one in-between-meal snack. The results are displayed as tabular forms and graphical forms on the computer screen.

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