• Title/Summary/Keyword: OVERLAY ANALYSIS

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Isolation and Characterization of a Calmodulin-binding Ca2+-ATPase 2 (SCA2) in Soybean (칼모듈린에 결합하는 대두 Ca2+-ATPase 2 (SCA2)의 분리 및 특성 분석)

  • Park, Hyeong-Cheol;Kim, Ho-Soo;Lee, Sang-Min;Cho, Hyeon-Seol;Chung, Woo-Sik
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.671-677
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    • 2011
  • We previously reported the isolation and characterization of a gene, SCA1 (for soybean $Ca^{2+}$-ATPase 1), encoding a calmodulin-regulated $Ca^{2+}$-ATPase that is located in the plasma membrane in soybean. Here, a $Ca^{2+}$-ATPase designated as SCA2 was isolated from soybean. The two $Ca^{2+}$-ATPases, SCA1 and SCA2, share a remarkably high degree of similarity (78%). Ten transmemebrane domains were predicted by hydropathy analysis. Using gel overlay assays, CaM was found to bind to SCA2 in a $Ca^{2+}$-dependent manner. Southern blot analysis revealed the presence of two copies of the $Ca^{2+}$-ATPase gene in the soybean genome. An N-terminal truncation mutant that deletes sequence through the putative calmodulin binding site was able to complement a yeast mutant (K616) that was deficient in two endogenous $Ca^{2+}$ pumps. Our results indicate that SCA2 is structurally highly conserved with type IIB $Ca^{2+}$ pumps in plants.

Use of Geographical Information Systems in Analyzing Large Area Distribution and Dispersal of Rice Insects in South Korea (벼 해충의 분포와 분산의 해석에 있어서 지리정보처리체계의 활용)

  • ;K. L. Heong
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.307-316
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    • 1993
  • The potential of using GIS in analyzing pest surveillance data was explored. The Spatial Analysis System (SPANS) was used to construct a spatial data base to study pest distributions using pest surveillance data collected from 152 stations in South Korea. The annual spatIal distributions of the striped rice borer(SRB), Chdo suppressalis, showed that high densities started to expand in the early 1980s, reaching a peak in 1988. The pattern change appears to be related to cultivation of japonica and indica-japonica hybrid varieties in South Korea. Japo7l!ca varieties have longer duration resulting in the SRB haVlng more time to mature and hibernate in wmter. The locus of SRB spread appears to be located in the mid-west region near lri, Chun~ Buk Province. High brown planthopper (BPH) populations in South Korea are often related to the early immigration and temperature. The simulated distribution of PPH densities in September using these two factors was compared with the actual distribution obtained using 1990 data. The two density maps corresponded closely excepL for differences in the south eastern valley. By overlaying the simulated map layer with the elevation and rice area maps, more specific BPH risk zones could be identified.

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The Study on the Selection of Suitable site for Palustrine Wetland Creation at Habitat Restoration Areas for Oriental stork(Ciconia boyciana) (황새서식처 복원지역에서의 소택지 조성 적지선정 연구)

  • Son, Jin-Kwan;Sung, Hyun-Chan;Kang, Bang-Hun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2011
  • This study was implemented to select the suitable site for Palustrine Wetland at habitat restoration for Oriental stork, red species and top-level predator in ecosystem. The evaluation items was fitted by review the antecedent studies on the suitable site selection model and evaluation items of wetland. The study sites were setted in $5,884,800m^2$ area including Yesan-gun Dae-ree, in which Oriental stork' park will be located, through DEM(Digital Elevation Model) watershed analysis. The thematic map by valuation items with secure of water resource, soil, topography, distance between roads, houses, etc., land using, wildlife corridor, and type of water resource was prepared using GIS program. The sites with high evaluation score were selected as suitable creation sites for wetland through overlapping those maps. Total 8 sites with over 18 point were selected. The characteristics of selected sites show that the soil are consisted of clay, the connectivity is valued high with surface water, the slope are gentle, and the connectivity is good with surroundings ecosystem. The result of water quality analysis, which was implement to survey available water resources and develop the solution of problem of water environment, showed that water quality at Salmok reservoir and Bogang reservoir is generally good, but the water quality at stagnant water body rising out from groundwater is not good. This study has limit to select the suitable sites of wetland only by analyzing physiotherapy environment in study area. Hereafter, the study is need to examine closely enhancement effects of biological diversity through investigation of biotic environment.

The Application of GIS for the Prediction of Landslide-Potential Areas (산사태의 발생가능지 예측을 위한 GIS의 적용)

  • Lee, Jin-Duk;Yeon, Sang-Ho;Kim, Sung-Gil;Lee, Ho-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2002
  • This paper demonstrates a regional analysis of landslide occurrence potential by applying geographic information system to the Kumi City selected as a pilot study area. The estimate criteria related to natural and humane environmental factors which affect landslides were first established. A slope map and a aspect map were extracted from DEM, which was generated from the contour layers of digital topographic maps, and a NDVI vegetation map and a land cover map were obtained through satellite image processing. After the spatial database was constructed, indexes of landslide occurrence potential were computed and then a few landslide-potential areas were extracted by an overlay method. It was ascertained that there are high landslide-potential at areas of about 30% incline, aspects including either south or east at least, adjacent to water areas or pointed end of the water system, in or near fault zones, covered with medium vegetable. For more synthetic and accurate analysis, soil data, forest data, underground water level data, meteorological data and so on should be added to the spatial database.

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Application of Terrestrial LiDAR for Displacement Detecting on Risk Slope (위험 경사면의 변위 검출을 위한 지상 라이다의 활용)

  • Lee, Keun-Wang;Park, Joon-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.323-328
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    • 2019
  • In order to construct 3D geospatial information about the terrain, current measurement using a total station, remote sensing, GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System) have been used. However, ground survey and GNSS survey have time and economic disadvantages because they have to be surveyed directly in the field. In case of using aerial photographs and satellite images, these methods have the disadvantage that it is difficult to obtain the three-dimensional shape of the terrain. The terrestrial LiDAR can acquire 3D information of X, Y, Z coordinate and shape obtained by scanning innumerable laser pulses at densely spaced intervals on the surface of the object to be observed at high density, and the processing can also be automated. In this study, terrestrial LiDAR was used to analyze slope displacement. Study area slopes were selected and data were acquired using LiDAR in 2016 and 2017. Data processing has been used to generate slope cross section and slope data, and the overlay analysis of the generated data identifies slope displacements within 0.1 m and suggests the possibility of using slope LiDAR on land to manage slopes. If periodic data acquisition and analysis is performed in the future, the method using the terrestrial lidar will contribute to effective risk slope management.

The Introduction of Design Thinking to Science Education and Exploration of Its Characterizations as a Method for Group Creativity Education (집단 창의성 교육을 위한 방안으로서 과학 교육에 디자인적 사고의 도입과 속성 탐색)

  • Lee, Dohyun;Yoon, Jihyun;Kang, Seong-Joo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2014
  • Group creativity has recently been heightened as a core competence in the 21st century. Therefore, there is a need for introduction of concepts on design thinking emphasizing the collaboration and empathy to science education as an effective method for fostering group creativity. Understanding design thinking for effective introduction should be preceded, so we explore the characterizations of design thinking through the generic model overlay method, focus group interview, and critical incident technique analysis. The results reveal 4 cluster units of competency and 15 core competencies. The collaboration cluster consists of 5 competencies and they are as follows: organization of the team, communication, self-control, persuasiveness, and initiative competency. The integrative thinking cluster consists of 3 competencies and they are as follows: analytical, strategic, and intuitive thinking competency. The human-centeredness cluster consists of 3 competencies and they are as follows: user-orientation, relationship building, and interpersonal understanding competency. The multidisciplinary cluster consists of 4 competencies and they are as follows: achievement orientation, information seeking, curiosity, and flexibility competency. Findings are expected to provide the basic data for developing programs and establishing strategies in order to foster group creativity as well as introducing design thinking to science education effectively.

Investigation of Minimum Number of Drop Levels and Test Points for FWD Network-Level Testing Protocol in Iowa Department of Transportation (아이오와 주 교통국의 FWD 네트워크 레벨 조사 프로토콜을 위한 최소 하중 재하 수와 조사지점 수의 결정)

  • Kim, Yong-Joo;Lee, Ho-Sin(David);Omundson, Jason S.
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2010
  • In 2007, Iowa department of transportation (DOT) initiated to run the falling weight deflectometer (FWD) network-level testing along Iowa highway and road systems and to build a comprehensive database of deflection data and subsequent structural analysis, which are used for detecting pavement structure failure, estimating expected life, and calculating overlay requirements over a desired design life. Iowa's current FWD networklevel testing protocol requires that pavements are tested at three-drop level with 8-deflection basin collected at each drop level. The test point is determined by the length of the tested pavement section. However, the current FWD network-level program could cover about 20% of Iowa's highway and road systems annually. Therefore, the current FWD network-level test protocol should be simplified to test more than 20% of Iowa's highway and road systems for the network-level test annually. The main objective of this research is to investigate if the minimum number of drop levels and test points could be reduced to increase the testing production rate and reduce the cost of testing and traffic control without sacrificing the quality of the FWD data. Based upon the limited FWD network-level test data of eighty-three composite pavement sections, there was no significant difference between the mean values of three different response parameters when the number of drop levels and test points were reduced from the current FWD network-level testing protocol. As a result, the production rate of FWD tests would increase and the cost of testing and traffic control would be decreased without sacrificing the quality of the FWD data.

Improvement of Sustainable National Park Management System: focusing Establishment of Management Based Environmental Capacity (지속가능한 국립공원의 관리체계 개선방안: 환경용량 기반의 u-Park 체계 수립을 중심으로)

  • Son, Min-Ho;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Song, Chul-Chul
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.51-84
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    • 2006
  • The current study suggested plans to maintain excellent natural environment of national parks by prohibiting excessive use and introduced the concept of environment capacity using GIS. This paper is that researches on National Parks in the past studied were mostly on the natural resources, human resources, facilities and visitors as well as standard for management of these issues from individual perspective, this study defined concept of integrated (principle of overlay) carrying capacity. It also estimated environmental ecological conservation value considering ecological conservation and environment-ecological index and estimated visit attraction index based on attraction value of nature and facilities in the parks. And it suggested management index as a management plan for effective analysis and management of carrying capacity. As a result, in case of Mt. Jiri National Park, Grade 5 area requiring inducement occupied 71% while Grade 1 area requiring dispersion occupied 0.1%, which means the necessity of appropriate dispersion in the site. Moreover, this research aims to find a monitoring method, utilizing the concept of ubiquitous, for the continuous systematic monitoring on immense natural resources, facilities, and visitors. The continuable national park management plan was proposed by establishing quantitative, and qualitative objective of the environment capacity from the decision based on GIS public opinions from the gathered information. Through the GIS public opinion system and ubiquitous based technology, I propose the effective management technology method for national park.

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A Consideration on the Electromagnetic Properties of Road Pavement Using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) (지표투과레이더(GPR)에 의한 도로포장의 전자기적 특성값 고찰)

  • Rhee, Jiyoung;Shim, Jaewon;Lee, Sangrae;Lee, Kang-Hyun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.285-294
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated the use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) over a two-decade period on public roads, focusing on the electromagnetic characteristics of the pavement dielectrics and attenuation. From the results, a typical range of characteristic value, influencing factors, and a correction method were suggested. The typical dielectrics of asphalt pavements were 4-7, as measured by an air-coupled 1 GHz GPR antenna. The dielectrics of concrete pavements were very large in the early age, but were drastically reduced with ageing. Ten years on, collection was in the range of 6-12. The dielectrics were proportional to the relative humidity (R.H.) of the atmosphere. The effects were reduced to one eighth with an overlay. Attenuation generally increased with thickness of the road layer, and also increased where there was damage. The GPR results could also vary depending on the weather conditions as well as on the characteristics of the GPR equipment, even at the same frequency. Therefore, GPR surveys should be performed on road surfaces without debris on a single, fine day. The reliability of the GPR analysis could be improved by cores and equipment calibration with other non-destructive test surveys.

A Study on Distributions and Spatial Properties of Geomorphological Mountain Area (지형학적 산지의 분포와 공간적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Tak, Han-Myeong;Kim, Sung Hwan;Son, Ill
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2013
  • The mountain region in Korea has been known as 70% of total area and most Korean people have recognized Korea as the mountainous country. Those concepts are thought to be mislead by the definition of the Korea Forest Service for the mountain region. According to KFS's definition based on the land-use, the forest and farmland at the low altitude are also included in the mountain region. In this study, firstly, the geomorphological mountain region is extracted according to the definition of Kapos et al. (2000). The rates of mountain region in S. Korea, N. Korea, Korea Peninsular are 31%, 51%, 42% respectively. And the rates between mountain area and non-mountain area in the 300-1000m and 1000-2500m intervals are considerably different due to the existence of plateaus such as high-level plain surfaces. Secondly, using the overlay analysis in GIS, the distribution of mountain areas are compared with that of order-mountains' areas defined by Qui and SON (2010). Even in case of the 5th order, the highest order mountains, the hill & plain and non-mountain areas are included in that mountain area. It is possible to suggest that the definition of the KFS is completely different from the academic, realistic and epistemic definition for mountain area, and the geomorphological definition of mountain area is useful to classify the mountain area according to the its physical properties. Therefore, it would be expected that the definition contributes the development of methodologies on the scientific management of mountain area in future.

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