• 제목/요약/키워드: Number of elementary school students

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Analysis of the Quantity and Quality of the Contents of Junior High School Mathematics Curriculum and Textbooks (중학교 수학 교육과정 및 교과서 내용의 양과 난이도 수준 분석)

  • 박경미
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.35-55
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    • 2000
  • There seems to be a public consensus that the content of Korean mathematics textbooks is extensive and of a high level of difficulty. However, such judgment is the result of a generalization based on individual experience or on the results from comparisons of the international levels of achievement. Therefore, a more objective and stricter approach to the determination of the quantity and level of difficulty of mathematics content is necessary. For this purpose, this study has compared the content of Koreas 6th and 7th junior high school curriculums, and the Korean mathematics curriculum to textbooks of the United States, which has a considerable influence on the making of Korean mathematics textbooks. First of all, a comparison of Koreas 6th and 7th junior high school mathematics curriculums showed a slight reduction in the total quantity of content, as more content was deleted than was added in the 7th curriculum. However, given the fact that the number of hours of mathematics classes has been reduced, the reduction in content cannot be regarded as anything more than a simple reflection of the reduction in hours, proving that the 7th curriculum has not met its revision objective of reducing the content by 30%. Meanwhile, the comparison of the United States junior high school mathematics textbooks to Korea's 7th curriculum showed that the 7th grade content in the United States was much broader, encompassing content which in Korea ranged from the 2nd grade of elementary school to the 2nd year of junior high school. Therefore, on the surface, it may appear that the overall level of content in the American mathematics textbook is lower than that of the Korean. However, there are several cafes, such as statistics and probability, where certain content was more difficult and introduced at an earlier grade in the United States than in Korea. In fact, it can be said that Korea students tend to find content of the mathematics textbooks to be harder than they actually are because they are delivered as a mere aggregate of algorithms, with little consideration to its application in their everyday lives. In this respect, there is much room for improvement on the mathematics textbooks of Korea.

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A Survey of Life Style Habits of Obese School Children (학령기 비만아동의 생활습관에 관한 조사연구)

  • Kim, Hee Girl;Nam, Hye Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.99-110
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of obese school children's life style habits in order to help school nurse in controlling and preventing the obesity by health education The survey group is extracted from the students of two elementary schools located in Seongnam city Out of 280 children randomly sampled, 102 children were evaluated to be obese and 178 ones to be normal by the standard of the 1985 Korea Pediatric Association Height and Weight Standard Chart The obese children group was compared with the normal one. For this purpose, the surveyors designed a self questionnaire to obtain the description of general background, exercise including play behavior, eating behavior, and family environment of the sampled children. The results are as follows The number of the obese children who took extracurricular physical exercises was significantly (p<0.05) more than that of the normal ones The significantly (p<0.05) more obese children went without a meal to control their weight than the normal ones. In relation to the degree of obesity, the children with the high degree of obesity watched the television significantly (p<0.05) longer than the ones with the mild and the moderate degree of obesity In gender relations, the obese girls participate in outdoorplays and physical exercises significantly (p<0.05) longer and more regularly than the normal ones, while no significant difference was found between the male groups The obese boys had significantly (p<0.05) their mothers occupying in a vocation. Combining television watching habit and mother's vocation of the obese boy, the obesity is resulted from complicated situation It can not be due to the simple absence of the mother, but rather due to the absence of a person responsible for controlling snacking and television watching time of the child Looking at the results, it is necessary for both school and home to actively involve in guiding children and providing an environment to modify life style habits and prevent childhood obesity.

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School Dietitians Need Useful Nutrition Counseling Materials (학교영양사가 요구하는 영양교육 교재의 특성)

  • Kim, Chang-Im;Park, Yeong-Suk;Lee, Jeong-Won;Hyeon, Hwa-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.243-253
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate dietitians' needs of teaching materials about nutrition education for school children in Kyonggi and Chungnam(including Daejeon) areas. This study was carried out using questionnaires via e-mail or in class to the subjects of 166 elementary school dietitians as 68 in Kyonggi and 98 in Chungnam. The number of small(less than 700 meals), medium(700-1400 meals) and large(over 1400 meals) schools based on served meals daily were 48, 62 and 56, respectively. The results are as follows: Frequency of nutrition education for students as well as for teachers was samely very low as 'once per two months' and the education used to perform during lunch time mostly. For preparing nutrition education they obtained informations from the internet(64.0%). The main topics of nutrition education they used to covered were 'et's eat breakfast', 'table manners', 'the relations of body and nutrients', 'food waste', 'foods and calorie', etc.. The largest limit of nutrition education practices faced by school dietitians were pointed out as 'lacks of teaching materials' and 'counseling techniques'. Most dietitians wanted CD or substantial teaching materials for the practices, and required their contents covering 'cooking', 'food and calories', 'let’s eat various foods', 'relations of body and nutrients', 'regular meal is important’ and etc.. Since we expect nutrition teachers to be realized soon, nutrition education/counseling is emphasized more as their duty. Even though school dietitians revealed poor self-confidence, they were positive to get improved by reeducation of nutrition counseling methods and skills. If easy and suitable education materials(CD type) are developed as good as the school dietitians desired, the materials could contribute much to better nutrition education/counseling practices at schools.

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The Working Conditions and Job Satisfaction of the School Cafeteria Employees according to their Employment Type in Chonbuk, South Korea (전북지역 학교급식소 조리종사원의 고용형태에 따른 근무환경 및 직업만족도 연구)

  • Rho, Jeong-Ok;Choi, Sun-A
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.733-744
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    • 2010
  • This study investigated the working conditions and job satisfaction of school cafeteria, according to their employment type in Chonbuk, South Korea. Self-administered questionnaires were collected from 401 elementary, middle, and high school cafeteria employees. The data showed significant differences between regular and irregular employees. These factors were: previous work experience (p<.001), type of school (p<.001), the style of foodservice at a school (p<.001), the type of foodservice system (p<.05), and the number of meals served each day (p<.001). The working conditions for regular and irregular employees were significantly different with regard to several factors: these were union membership (p<.01), how they were paid (p<.05), their total working hours (p<.01), and difficulty of using their holidays (p<.01). Approximately 80.5% of the subjects were dissatisfied with the working conditions after the introduction of countermeasures for irregular employees. Results indicated that the average employee job satisfaction level was 2.53, but that there were not significant difference in the level of job satisfaction when comparing regular and irregular employees. The item employees were most satisfied with was having responsibility over meals for young students (3.37). They were least satisfied with their salary (2.00). An interesting issue for future study would be to determine the factors that could improve job satisfaction whilst satisfying the employees' needs which in turn would improve the quality of foodservice.

Analysis of Processes in Reading about 'Science Stories' in 6th Grade Science Textbook Using Eye-tracking (안구운동 추적 기법을 활용한 6학년 과학 교과서의 과학 이야기 읽기 과정 분석)

  • Park, Hyojeong;Shin, Donghoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.383-393
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzed the 6th grade elementary science textbook 'Science stories' reading process of students by utilizing eye movement tracking techniques. Participants read 3 articles in the new experimental science textbooks and solved 9 problems about each article. By understanding and academic achievement results, participants were divided into high-groups, middle-groups, and low-groups. The results of eye movement characteristics of the high-groups and low-groups had the following differences. Number of fixations and number of regressions were higher in high-groups. Average fixation duration and average regressive fixation duration were longer in low-groups. Fixation time for the key sentence of the article was longer in high-groups. Analysis of a scan path and post-interview, high-groups had frequent regression between sentences and they knew where the core of the article is and paid much attention there. In contrast low-groups are sequentially read most articles and some of them had a leap of abnormal range. Problem-solving approach is also different between groups. In conclusion reading style is associated with the science stories comprehension and students who had more regressions, much core search process, effective attention distribution, high concentration showed better understanding results. Also words or sentences used in textbooks are associated with science stories comprehension.

Persistency of Neutralizing Antibody to Inactivated Mouse Brain Derived Nakayama Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine and Current Observations of Booster Vaccination and Adverse Events (일본뇌염 사백신 중화항체 지속률과 부작용에 대한 연구)

  • Sohn, Young Mo;Park, Ji Ho;Lee, Jin Soo;Roh, Hye Ok;Ki, Moran;Choi, Bo Yul;Kim, Young Ho
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.150-159
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : We need to reconsider booster vaccination schedule of Japanese encephalitis vaccination. To do that we evaluate the long-term immunogenicity and the incidence of adverse events with inactivated mouse brain derived Nakayama Japanese encephalitis vaccine. Methods : We tested neutalizing antibody for 311 elementary school students by plaque reduction neutralizing test(PRNT) at USAMC-AFRIMS(United States Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Science/Department of Virology). We evaluated vaccine related adverse events by spontaneous reporting prospectively among 15,487 vaccinees who were vaccinated at public health center and 2,277 elementary school students who were immunized previously by a questionnaire and school health record. Results : According to the time interval from the last booster injection of 311 children, PRNT antibody titers gradually decreased as the interval increased; 239 mIU/mL, 188 mIU/mL, 134 mIU/mL, 49 mIU/mL each at 6, 18, 30, 42 months after the last booster injection. The seropositivity rates were 98%, 99%, 95.6%, 71.4% each at 6, 18, 30, 42 months after the last booster injection. There were 21(0.13%) cases with systemic reactions among 15,487 vaccinees who had visited the hospital by prospective passive reporting system at public health center. According to the questionnaires and school health records in elementary school students, local induration and pain were 17.4% and 14.8%, respectively. Systemic reactions including fever, vomiting, rash were reported in few cases. Conclusion : Biannual booster vaccination that has been recommended so far should not be necessary. Surveillance for adverse events with inactivated mouse brain derived Nakayama vaccine should be strengthened to better assess the number of cases and reactions associated with immunization.

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Teaching Multiplication & Division of Fractions through Contextualization (맥락화를 통한 분수의 곱셈과 나눗셈 지도)

  • Kim, Myung-Woon;Chang, Kyung-Yoon
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.685-706
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    • 2009
  • This dissertation is aimed to investigate the reason why a contextualization is needed to help the meaningful teaching-learning concerning multiplications and divisions of fractions, the way to make the contextualization possible, and the methods which enable us to use it effectively. For this reason, this study intends to examine the differences of situations multiplying or dividing of fractions comparing to that of natural numbers, to recognize the changes in units by contextualization of multiplication of fractions, the context is set which helps to understand the role of operator that is a multiplier. As for the contextualization of division of fractions, the measurement division would have the left quantity if the quotient is discrete quantity, while the quotient of the measurement division should be presented as fractions if it is continuous quantity. The context of partitive division is connected with partitive division of natural number and 3 effective learning steps of formalization from division of natural number to division of fraction are presented. This research is expected to help teachers and students to acquire meaningful algorithm in the process of teaching and learning.

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Actual Condition and Sensitivity Analysis of Sexual Harassment in Campus by Gender (성별에 따른 대학 내 성희롱에 관한 실태 및 인지도 분석)

  • 박옥임;김정숙;강희순
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to prevent and review counter-action for the sexual harassment in campus by revealing current state of sexual harassment in campus relatively weak in sexual discrimination with regard to sexual harassment emerged as social problem serious in our nation. The targets of study were students and assistants in three schools located at $Kwangju\cdot{Chonnam}$ area, a questionnaire made by pre-researcher was applied to student vs. assistant with regard to sexual consciousness and recognition, and current state of sexual harassment, with analysis of material processed through statistical analysis using SPSSWIN 10.0 for verification of $$\chi$^2$ for identification of difference vs. family and student vs. assistant. The result of this research with regard to sexual harassment is under following: Firstly, the recognition of concept of sexual harassment was proved to be aware of be more than half a responders above average, lack of recognition showed significant number requiring establishment of concept of sexual harassment, the responders stated that they could do it alone should be treated in the counseling room in school. Secondly, 28.7% of students and assistants answered that they have suffered from sexual harassment now and. before, even a great number of males have experienced such sexual harassment. In case of female assistants, more than half of them suffered from sexual harassment suggesting us significant level of sexual harassment to female assistants. A depth of sexual harassment to assistants should be investigated in a further way by preparing for and establishing concrete preventive actions and researches, mostly suffered by males; In this respect, a preventive training of sexual harassment should be deemed to be provided to males. Thirdly, as a result of investigation of sex education and preventive action against sexual harassment in college, most of elementary, junior, junior high school hardly provide no or inefficient sexual harassment, and they responded that the campus needs its education. As a way to educate campus with sexual harassment efficiently, a special lecture or regular class might be designed for systematic education or sexual harassment through schools counseling room might be effective emphasizing upon role of the room according to opinions of responders. The college is required to install such offices or centers as can exclusively manage and take charge of sex education program operation, legal system of anti-sexual harassment, or personnel arrangement for such activities in school by reflecting such result into school for appropriate and efficient education of or counseling to sex.

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A Study of the Kinds and Frequency Characteristics of Descriptors in the Articles Related to Scientific Literacy (과학적 소양 관련 논문에서 서술자의 종류와 빈도 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Myeong-Je
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.401-413
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    • 2010
  • This study analyzed the kinds and frequencies of descriptors in 154 articles in ERIC data base on the 4th day of January in 2010. The titles of the articles includes the words, 'scientific literacy'. As each descriptor is constituted of two words and over, in this study the first word in the descriptor was defined as 'restrictive word' and the rest word(s) as 'target word(s)'. The results are as follows. First, the descriptors which show high frequencies of target words are the traditionally important themes of scientific literacy education. Target words which show relatively high frequency are 'education', 'literacy', 'instruction' and 'countries'. Low frequency word is 'curriculum', which has various restrictive words and represents wide differentiation. Second, among the descriptors which show low frequencies of target words, relatively high frequency descriptors are '(and)society', 'change', 'secondary education', 'concepts', and 'biology', which have been given more attention in scientific literacy research than the rest descriptors. Third, the number of the descriptors that shows largely distributed pattern A, which happens over 15 years continuously, is over the half of all analyzed descriptors, which shows that they have been the major objectives in researches about scientific literacy. Most descriptors of pattern A shows normal distribution of frequency or the trends of increasing frequency as the time is nearer. Fourth, The descriptors are divided into four groups according to the time span. Each research trends are as follows. In later 80s, the research which emphasizes the importance of the sociality and technology in all level school science curriculum. In later 90s the research for educational change of inquiry-centered science curriculum which considers technological literacy in social contexts. In earlier 2000s the research that scientists and science teachers develop science curricula mostly related to scientific principles and thinking in chemistry and biology especially. In later 2000s case studies which relates teaching methods and science process activities to students' attitudes, scientific concepts and curricula.

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Design and Implementation of An Educational Evaluation System Providing Free Movement between Questions (문항간 이동이 자유로운 교육평가 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Hong, Ki-Cheon;Yang, Hee-Yeon
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 2007
  • Paper & pencil test provides limited informations about student. So many web-based computerized test systems are developed and tried. But These systems have drawbacks that cannot visit previous or next problems freely. So These systems cannot get deep informations such as elapsed time of each problem, history of answer modification, the number of visit time of each problem. These deep informations are very important in educational evaluation area. Therefore we develop educational evaluation system can get these deep informations including basic informations. And then we apply paper & pencil test and our system to 67 students, and execute survey. The reason of survey is to ascertain availabilty of our system.

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