• Title/Summary/Keyword: Number of elementary school students

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A Comparative Analysis of Decimal Numbers in Elementary Mathematics Textbooks of Korea, Japan, Singapore and The US (한국, 일본, 싱가포르, 미국의 초등학교 수학 교과서에 제시된 소수 개념 지도 방안에 대한 비교 분석)

  • Kim, JeongWon;Kwon, Sungyong
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.209-228
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    • 2017
  • Understanding decimal numbers is important in mathematics as well as real-life contexts. However, lots of students focus on procedures or algorithms of decimal numbers without understanding its meanings. This study analyzed teaching method related to decimal numbers in a series of mathematics textbooks of Korea, Japan, Singapore and the US. The results showed that three countries except Japan introduced the decimal numbers as another name of fraction, which highlights the relation between the concept of decimal numbers and fractions. And limited meanings of decimal numbers were shown such as 'equal parts of a whole' and 'measurement'. Especially in the korean textbooks, relationships between the decimals were dealt instrumentally and small number of models such as number lines or $10{\times}10$ grids were used repeatedly. Based these results, this study provides implications on what and how to deal with decimal numbers in teaching and learning decimal numbers with textbooks.

An Analysis on the Contents of Textbooks about Converting between a Mixed number and an Improper fraction (대분수와 가분수의 상호 변환에 관한 교과서 내용 분석)

  • Lee, Dae Hyun
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.277-289
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    • 2016
  • Fraction is one of the concepts which are difficult to elementary school students. So, many researches about fraction were performed in mathematics education research. In special, fraction has so many subordinative concepts-proper fraction, improper fraction, mixed number. We have to concentrate on the conceptual understanding in teaching of fraction. In this case, a mixed number and improper fraction are concepts which can convert respectively. And there are methods that a mixed number and improper fraction can be converted. So, it's needed to analyze the converting methods in textbooks for getting the implication of teaching in this areas. In this study, I analyzed the Korean and foreign's textbooks. I certified the methods-using addition expression, using part-whole model in the textbooks. For the conceptual understanding, I suggested to use the fusion of the various part-whole fraction models and addition expression more than the algorithm in converting between a mixed number and improper fraction. It's reason that the use of models in converting between a mixed number and improper fraction is important for the relational understanding.

Comparison of The Food and Nutrition Ecology of Elementary School Children by Regions (초등학생의 식생태에 관한 지역별 비교)

  • 승정자;성미경;최미경;김미현;서유리;박은숙;백정자;서정숙;모수미
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.642-651
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    • 2003
  • This study was performed using mealtime atmosphere to characterize the food ecology of Korean children residing in different regions of Korea. A total of 705 elementary school students, 347 girls and 358 boys, were divided into three groups according to the areas where they lived, which included Seoul (n=230), provincial cities (n=273) and rural areas (n=202). The subjects were asked to fill out questionnaires which were categorized to determine various factors related to food ecology, life styles, and health related symptoms. The average age of the study subjects was 11.5 years. The results showed that the average height (p<0.01), weight (p<0.01) and body mass index (BMIs) (p< 0.01) of the rural group were significantly lower than those of the Seoul and provincial city groups. A significantly higher proportion (10.4%) of the rural group was from disfunctional families, including single parent families, than those of the Seoul (1.7%) or provincial city (4.4%) groups. However, a larger number of children from Seoul ate alone, did not enjoy their meals, and hardly talked to each other during breakfast time, compared to those from the provincial city or rural areas. Also, the proportion (33.0%) of ‘good’ in balance of meal was the lowest (33.0%) in Seoul of the three areas (p<0.01). Most of the children answered that they liked having breakfast and dinner with the whole family. In conclusion, the food ecology of elementary children differed according to the regions in which they resided. Although children from Seoul had higher BMIs, their nutritional intake was not satisfactory, and their undesirable food ecology could be a contributing factor.

A Study on the Concept of Schools and Spatial Composition According to Educational Philosophy by John Dewey (존 듀이의 교육철학에 따른 학교와 공간구성 개념 고찰)

  • Rieu, Ho-Seoup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2016
  • This study considers the concept of schools and their spatial composition by John Dewey through literature review who argued for a new, children-centered education in the early 19th century, and it also mentions some suggestions for improvement of the elementary school facilities in Korea that the size and number of students in school has decreased sharply. John Dewey claimed that a school is a big household as well as a small society in which one studies the current occupation and experience in connection between the household-school-society. At the same time, he pursued an organic and open spatial composition which can effectively and efficiently enable educational curriculum's application, social occupation and project learning based on children's native impulse and stage in child growth. Korea's education policy should shift from quantity-based education production to quality-based production due to the reduction of school age population among other reasons. Especially this study emphasizes that small size schools need to be changed to local community facilities with environment-friendly, children-centered and open learning spatial composition with basis on John Dewey's educational philosophy.

A Study of the Back Shape of the Children in Elementary and Middle Schools Using the Phase-shifting Scanning Grating Projection moire (위상천이 주사격자 영사식 모아레 간섭계를 이용한 초.중학생의 배부체형고찰)

  • 유한길;민병일;박동석
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.148-158
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    • 2000
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the back shape of school children using the phase-shifting scanning grating projection moire interferometer, which was developed by the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and is useful in evaluating three dimensional back shape. Methods : In this study the subjects consisted of 1,358 pupils [711 boys(52.36%), 647 girls(47.64%)] attending elementary and middle schools in Seoul. Their ages ranged from nine to fifteen and the average age was 12.2. With the phase-shifting scanning grating projection moire interferometer, the posterior view of the body were taken to see if there are correlations of moire fringe number, width difference between left and right, and correlation between differences in moire fringe number and width on both sides in the scapular, lumbar and gluteal regions. Results : The results were as follows : I. More frequent findings of fringe were observed on the right in all regions : in the scapular region, 309 boys(43.4%) and 156 girls(24.2%) had more fringe numbers on the right side; in the lumbar region, 68 boys(9.5%) and 11 girls(1.7%); and in the gluteal region, 160 boys(22.4%) and 63 girls(9.8%). Such tendency was striking especially in the scapular and lumbar regions, and in boys rather than in girls. In the scapula, 661 subjects(48.7%) with one moire fringe on either side need further attention and 110 subjects(8.I %) with two or more are required to do follow-up radiography for scoliosis. 2. In an analysis of width difference in the trunk, the left side is wider in all regions except for the gluteal region in boys : in the scapular region 21 boys(3.0%) and 103 girls(15.9%); in the lumbar region, 87 boys(12.2%) and 250 girls(38.6%); and in the gluteal region 197 girls(30.4%) had a wider left side and 45 boys(6.3%) showed a wider right side. 3. In correlation analysis of the number of moire fringe and width difference in each region, the side where more moire fringes were observed was significantly wider in the lumbar and gluteal regions, but not in the scapular region.(p<0.01) Conclusions : From these results, it is concluded that the back shape of elementary and middle school students in Seoul shows that the right side had more moire fringes; the left side was wider; and especially in the lumbar and gluteal regions the side where more moire fringes were observed was wider.

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A Status on the Chemical Waste in Elementary School Science Laboratory (초등학교 과학실에서 발생하는 화학폐기물에 대한 실태)

  • Kim, Seong Gyu;Heo, Seung Hyeon
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.301-311
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to examine teachers’ awareness of chemical waste produced in elementary school laboratory experimentation and how this awareness relates to collection and disposal of chemical waste. More specifically, the study looked at the correlation between the handling of chemical waste and factors such as years of teachers’ educational career, class size and amount of waste produced. The target population were 250 elementary school teachers in Gyeongnam area and 237 subjects were responded. Among the 237 responses, 37 cases that did not complete the questionnaire were eliminated. Therefore, 200 responses were analyzed in this study. The survey questionnaire consisted of 15 questions. The categories of the questionnaire were their skills of management and treatment of the chemical waste. The data collected were analyzed by SPSS 10.0, and the relations among variables such as class sizes and years of teaching experience were also analyzed by $x^2-test.$ The results in this study were as follows: First, there were no significant differences between the years of teaching and class sizes in the training experience of chemical waste disposal. Second, there was a significant difference between the science laboratory size and class sizes in the laboratory actual condition. In addition, in the relations between the number of times of experimentation and the years of teaching experience, there was a significant difference. Third, in terms of the discharge amount of chemical waste, there was a significant difference between the years of teaching and class sizes. Fourth, in the simple chemistry waste disposal process in the science laboratory, there also was a significant difference between the kinds of experimental equipments that used in the experimentation and the years of teaching. Based on this study, it was found that great amount of the chemical wastes produced in the science laboratory dumped into the drain and the treatment process of chemical waste was also inattentive. Even the importance of environmental education is emphasized in the elementary education, the basic problems occurred in the science laboratory is disregarded. Therefore, not only students but teachers have to pay attention to the disposal process of chemical waste in the laboratory in order to prevent environment pollution. Furthermore, the efforts of preventing environment pollution are needed such as opening the teacher training course about environment education, minimal use of chemicals, treatment of chemical waste, and so forth.

A Study of Oral Health Knowledge Level of Home Room Teachers in Elementary Schools, Daegu area (대구지역 일부 초등학교 교사들의 구강보건 지식도에 관한 조사)

  • Choi, Sung-Suk;Ryu, Hae-Gyum
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.105-118
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    • 2008
  • Objectives: This study was performed in order to figure out oral health knowledge level of home room teachers of elementary schools in Daegu area. This study was conducted from March through May 2008. Methodology: A total of three hundred and ten (43 male teachers and 267 female teachers) home room teachers of elementary schools were surveyed. The collected data were analyzed by X2 test and one way ANOVA test by using SPSS 11.0 program. Results: Most oral health knowledge was obtained from dental clinics (45.8%) and mass media and books (40.0%). Many respondents reported that the main purpose of oral hygiene was prevention of periodontal diseases. The highest number of respondents reported that fluoridated tooth paste was the best for fluoride effects on teeth. 56.7% of the respondents said that they visited periodically dental clinics for dental caries prevention. The respondents did not have much knowledge about the importance of fluoride in dental caries. Many respondents did not know that the plaque is the main cause of periodontal diseases. Conclusion: Effective oral health education program should be prepared for the elementary school teachers because their knowledge levels of oral health is not sufficient for students.

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Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Dietary and Exercise Intervention Effects of Obesity Elementary School Students in Korea (국내 비만 초등학생들의 식이와 운동 중재 효과에 대한 체계적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석)

  • Song, Hye Young;Yang, Sook Ja;Choi, Yun
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.194-207
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the trends regarding diet and exercise intervention studies for Korean obese children between 2010 and 2017. Methods: This study was synthesized and reviewed systematically by meta-analysis. In addition, a total of thirty nine studies were investigated. The random effect model was used for meta-analysis. Results: Most studies used single interventions and that their theoretical frameworks still required improvement. In addition, on-line education programs still need to increase their number over that of off-line ones. Regarding the dependent variables for understandings the influences obesity may have on Korean children, most studies took advantage of biological indicators. In terms of the effects of obesity management programs, multiple interventions have gained a competitive edge over single ones for Korean obese children's diet and exercise. In a similar vein, healthy eating habits and adequate physical activities would have more positive effects on Korean children' obesity management programs. Conclusion: Further various studies will be needed for the early detection and prevention of obese children through varied interventions and qualitative improvement of studies.

A Study on the Energy Consumption of Elementary Schools in Daejeon Metropolitan City (대전광역시 초등학교의 에너지 사용에 관한 조사연구)

  • Lee, Sang Hyeok;Park, Seung Ik
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the energy consumption according to the HVAC systems in 122 elementary schools. To do this, we classified schools according to the HVAC systems. Selected schools were classified to the following groups by the HVAC equipments: EHP, EHP and GHP together and GHP. In addition we divided schools by the number of classes. The main results are as follow: 1) Annual average energy consumption at schools was about 300~900(kWh/students), $30{\sim}50(kWh/m^2)$, 9,000~29,000((kWh/class) 2) The smaller schools, the higher the energy consumption per class; energy usage of 10~19 classes's schools were approximately 3 times higher than 40 classes's schools. 3) Schools where the EHP was installed had the lowest energy costs and energy usage. The difference in energy costs was lower than the difference in energy usage because of the fuel price and the ratio of energy sources.

The Relationship between Beverage Consumption, Nutrient Intake and Body Mass Index in Elementary School Students in Gyeongnam Area (경남지역 초등학생들의 음료수 섭취와 영양소 섭취량 및 BMI와의 관련성)

  • Kim, Seok-Young;Ryu, Seon-A
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.530-538
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to assess the effects of beverage consumption on nutrient intake and anthropometric measurements. Beverage intake and dietary intake were measured by a beverage frequency and quantity questionnaire and three 24-hour dietary recalls in 160 elementary school students in the Gyeongnam area. The number of drinking moments per month was 93.5 and drinking amount of all beverages was 626.6 mL per day. The amount of milk intake was 253.8 ml per day, which was the highest in all types of beverage consumption, followed by juice(133.6 mL), and carbonated beverage(77.7 mL). The amount of sweetened beverage which was defined as all beverages except milk and soy milk was 359.7 mL per day. Energy intakes from all kinds of beverages and sweetened beverages accounted for 20.3% and for 10.5% of the daily energy intake, respectively. The contributions of sweetened beverage intake to the daily energy intake in girls accounted for 13.5%, whereas in boys it was 7.7% and significantly lower. The number of drinking moments and the contribution of sweetened beverage intake to daily energy intake were negatively correlated with protein, vitamin A and niacin intake, respectively. The consumption of milk and soybean milk combined showed a significant negative correlation with the body fat ratio(%) and it also negatively correlated with waist-hip girth ratio(WHR). However, the sweetened beverage intake was not related any of the anthropometric measurement. In conclusion, consumption of the sweetened beverage dropped the nutritional quality of diet. However it was not related with anthropometric measurements in elementary students.