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An Analysis of the Managerial Level's Gender Gap and "Glass Ceiling" of the Corporation (기업 관리직의 젠더 격차와 "유리천장" 분석)

  • Cho, Heawon;Hahm, Inhee
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.49-81
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    • 2016
  • This study agrees with the idea that a situation centered perspective provides a useful contribution in understanding women's attitude on organizations. Women's occupational experiences are less related to their "femaleness" than to the structural constraints inherent in the occupational positions women fill. So characteristics of the organizational situation including gender composition and hierarchical status may "shape and define" women's experience on the job. The present study examined the managerial level's gender gap and "glass ceiling" of the corporation. According to Kanter, if the ratio of women to men in organizations begins to shift, as affirmative action and new hiring and promotion policies promised, forms of relationships and corporate culture should also change. However, the mere presence of women on workplace may not, in itself, result in women-friendly work condition. This study analyzes "Korean Women Manger Panel survey(2010 3rd. wave)" to examine how much gender gap of the managerial level persists and when the glass ceiling effect emerges. Using t-test and ANOVA, various aspects of the gender gap within managerial level were verified. The most significant finding is the glass ceiling effect starts from very low level of management. Policy implications from the statistical analysis of the Panel survey are: 1) We need to increase the absolute number of the women managers for securing middle level women leadership pipe line. 2) We need to confront the fact that the glass ceiling starts from the very low managerial level, and to explore more realistic way to break up the vicious circle for the tokenism. and 3) We need to looking beyond numbers in approaching women's matter at work. At the cultural and institutional level, work-family programs and policies, women's ratings of their competence, and family-friendly organization's climate should be considered.

The Cases and Patterns of Bronze Mirrors Enshrined in Pagodas during the Five Dynasties and the Song Dynasty (중국 오대~송대 탑 내 동경 봉안 사례와 양상)

  • CHOI, Juyeon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.24-48
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    • 2022
  • Bronze mirrors found in pagodas were regarded as simple offerings and thus have received little attention in studies. Furthermore, the few studies on bronze mirrors enshrined in pagodas have focused on the line-engraved mirrors found in the pagodas of the Kingdom of Wuyue; therefore, it is difficult to understand the general characteristics of the bronze mirrors enshrined in the pagodas. This study assumes that the bronze mirrors found in many pagodas in the Kingdom of Wuyue and the Song dynasty were enshrined for a specific purpose. To explore this assumption and accurately understand the artifacts, this study focuses on the location and method of enshrinement. The number of bronze mirrors enshrined in pagodas increased during the Kingdom of Wuyue, with the mirrors expressing statues and inscriptions related to Buddhism rather than being simple offerings. This shows that the purpose of the bronze mirror changed. The influence of the Kingdom of Wuyue continued during the Song dynasty; however, the pattern of bronze mirror enshrinement changed due to the culture and social atmosphere of the time. The most common types of enshrined bronze mirrors were plain, and bronze mirrors from the Dang dynasty were also used consistently. Plain bronze mirrors were used more frequently in this period despite the lingering influence of the Kingdom of Wuyue because it was less laborious to engrave images and inscriptions such as the inscription of Buddha. Additionally, bronze mirrors were valued during this period because of the attention toward the imitation of the archaic bronze(仿古銅器) of the Song dynasty and the influence of the emperor. Moreover, it is believed that bronze mirrors were enshrined in pagodas as offerings as they were deemed valuable at the time. There was a change in the method of enshrining bronze mirrors in pagodas during the Kingdom of Wuyue and the Song dynasty. During this time, bronze mirrors that were positioned on the floor or in iron boxes were intentionally attached to walls or hung from the ceiling. This method was largely divided into two types: attaching to walls or the ceiling(嵌入鏡) and hanging from the ceiling(懸鏡). A typical example of hanging a bronze mirror from the ceiling can be seen in the Jingzhisa Temple Pagoda, and Teng County's Fushengsa Temple Pagoda contains an example of attaching a bronze mirror to the ceiling. The methods of hanging or attaching bronze mirrors to the ceiling were closely related to the methods employed in Chinese tombs. Song dynasty burial chambers had a high and wide structure, so to defend against evil spirits(辟邪用), bronze mirrors were used to protect the burial rooms. Bronze mirrors were, therefore, placed high to illuminate the burial room. This was achieved in the ways mentioned above. As underground chambers became wider and higher, mirrors also protected the important areas of the chambers and illuminated the interiors. Thus, it is believed that the methods of enshrining bronze mirrors in the pagodas during the Kingdom of Wuyue and the Song dynasty arose from the method of enshrining bronze mirrors in tombs at the time. Thereafter, pagodas, such as the Miaojuesa Temple Pagoda, in which the placement of a bronze mirror was actively considered from the design stage were constructed.

Sea Fog Level Estimation based on Maritime Digital Image for Protection of Aids to Navigation (항로표지 보호를 위한 디지털 영상기반 해무 강도 측정 알고리즘)

  • Ryu, Eun-Ji;Lee, Hyo-Chan;Cho, Sung-Yoon;Kwon, Ki-Won;Im, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2021
  • In line with future changes in the marine environment, Aids to Navigation has been used in various fields and their use is increasing. The term "Aids to Navigation" means an aid to navigation prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries which shows navigating ships the position and direction of the ships, position of obstacles, etc. through lights, shapes, colors, sound, radio waves, etc. Also now the use of Aids to Navigation is transforming into a means of identifying and recording the marine weather environment by mounting various sensors and cameras. However, Aids to Navigation are mainly lost due to collisions with ships, and in particular, safety accidents occur because of poor observation visibility due to sea fog. The inflow of sea fog poses risks to ports and sea transportation, and it is not easy to predict sea fog because of the large difference in the possibility of occurrence depending on time and region. In addition, it is difficult to manage individually due to the features of Aids to Navigation distributed throughout the sea. To solve this problem, this paper aims to identify the marine weather environment by estimating sea fog level approximately with images taken by cameras mounted on Aids to Navigation and to resolve safety accidents caused by weather. Instead of optical and temperature sensors that are difficult to install and expensive to measure sea fog level, sea fog level is measured through the use of general images of cameras mounted on Aids to Navigation. Furthermore, as a prior study for real-time sea fog level estimation in various seas, the sea fog level criteria are presented using the Haze Model and Dark Channel Prior. A specific threshold value is set in the image through Dark Channel Prior(DCP), and based on this, the number of pixels without sea fog is found in the entire image to estimate the sea fog level. Experimental results demonstrate the possibility of estimating the sea fog level using synthetic haze image dataset and real haze image dataset.

Characteristics of a new Hypsizigus marmoreus variety 'Yunseul' with little bitterness and high yield (쓴 맛이 적은 다수성 느티만가닥버섯 신품종 '윤슬')

  • Choi, Jun-Yeong;Shin, Bok-Eum;Baek, Il-Seon;Kim, Yeon-Jin;Kim, Jeong-Han;Choi, Jong-In;Ha, Tai-Moon;Jeong, Gu-Hyun
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to diversify the cultivation of mushroom items and develop a competitive variety of Hypsizigus marmoreus. We focused on developing Hypsizigus marmoreus with lower bitterness, likable shape, and high yield. We have collected and tested characteristics of genetic resources from domestic and abroad since 2019. Breeding (2019), characterization (2020), productivity test (2021), and farm demonstration test (2021) have been sequentially conducted. We bred the new variety 'Yunseul' with unique traits. The optimal temperature for mycelial and fruit body growth were 22-25℃ and 15-18℃, respectively. It was similar to the control variety (Mangadak-2Ho) in the pileus form (hemispherical shape) and the cultivation period. However, it was thinner and longer than the control variety with the pileus diameter, thickness, stipe diameter, and length being 19.9 mm, 7.0 mm, 9.4 mm, and 86.3 mm, respectively. The effective number of fruit bodies was 47.8 in bottle cultivation, which was more than that of the control variety. The yield was 197.4 g/bottle (1,100 cc), which was 30% higher than the yield of the control variety, 151.9 g/bottle (1,100 cc). The parent and control varieties were also incubated alongside the new variety. The somatic incompatibility line was distinct. The band pattern in the mycelial DNA PCR reaction was different from that of the parent and control varieties, confirming the hybrid species.

A Study on the Change of Masks for Goseong Ogwangdae Play - Before and after the designation of intangible cultural assets- (고성오광대 연희용 탈의 변화 양상)

  • Nam, Jin-A
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.41
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    • pp.257-284
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    • 2020
  • Goseong Ogwangdae started academic research in the late 1950s and was designated as a national intangible cultural asset in 1964. From the time of the academic survey to the time of designation, it was recorded as using paper masks, but when the recording image was filmed in 1965, it was already changed to wooden masks. In 1960, before being designated as an intangible cultural asset, the number of masks, which was 9 points, gradually increased to 19 points in 1964. It is necessarily included in the leper, Chorani, Malttuki, Cheongbo-Yangyang, Halmi, and Jemilju, but the character of the yangban is not yet clearly differentiated. Hwangbongsa and Sangju appeared as bare faces, and consumption, milling, Cheongbo-Yangyang are used together with Bibi and inspiration. It can be guessed that Bibi was not the appearance of a foreign object with horns as it is now, considering that Bibi and Madangsoi were used together. Since 1965, shortly after the designation, the whole of the Goseong Ogwangdae mask has been changed to a wooden mask. All the characters except for resident, courtyard, and top-of-the-line are wearing masks. Bibi, Hongbaek, and service masks have never appeared until 1964. The Yangban was changed to the closing ceremony with six people in the order of Won-Yangban, Baekje, Heukje, Cheongje, Hongbaek, and Jonggadoryong. Starting in 1969, the mask enters the stable period where the kind is the same as the present. Bibi-Yangban uses both the Won-Yangban and the Jemilju uses the Somu, but all other characters use the individual mask to use a total of 18 masks. The Yangbans are clearly differentiated, and a total of seven Yangban appear. The reason why the change in the type of mask and the expression of material is so large is that the first generation of mask makers died and the tradition of mask production was cut off, but there is also a cause of the extreme change in the environment of the drama that the performers who joined after the designation had to face. Also, it is closely related to the change of the times when the meaning and weight of masking in masking has changed. At that time, the performers were not so tied to the current concept of 'original form' that they preserved the appearance of the designated time. Originally, Goseong Ogwangdae was centered on improvisation dance, not the formalized dance as it is now, and there was a certain fluid aspect in the retelling, so it was flexible in the use of masks even before the designation of cultural assets. Strict rules did not apply in the details, as it was a self-sufficient play by the performers, not an offer event. The form and contents of this fluid play are changed to preparation for the performance while preparing for the folk art contest. As the subject of the contest in self-sufficient play, dance, costumes, and props became more and more colorful as well as dancing, costumes, and props. As a result, participation in the contest brought about changes in the overall performance and changed the mask, which was accepted within the preservation society.

A Randomized Phase III Study of Patients With Advanced Gastric Adenocarcinoma Without Progression After Six Cycles of XELOX (Capecitabine Plus Oxaliplatin) Followed by Capecitabine Maintenance or Clinical Observation

  • Guk Jin Lee;Hyunho Kim;Sung Shim Cho;Hyung Soon Park;Ho Jung An;In Sook Woo;Jae Ho Byun;Ji Hyung Hong;Yoon Ho Ko;Der Sheng Sun;Hye Sung Won;Jong Youl Jin;Ji Chan Park ;In-Ho Kim;Sang Young Roh;Byoung Yong Shim
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.315-327
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Oxaliplatin, a component of the capecitabine plus oxaliplatin (XELOX) regimen, has a more favorable toxicity profile than cisplatin in patients with advanced gastric cancer (GC). However, oxaliplatin can induce sensory neuropathy and cumulative, dose-related toxicities. Thus, the capecitabine maintenance regimen may achieve the maximum treatment effect while reducing the cumulative neurotoxicity of oxaliplatin. This study aimed to compare the survival of patients with advanced GC between capecitabine maintenance and observation after 1st line XELOX chemotherapy. Materials and Methods: Sixty-three patients treated with six cycles of XELOX for advanced GC in six hospitals of the Catholic University of Korea were randomized 1:1 to receive capecitabine maintenance or observation. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS), analyzed using a two-sided log-rank test stratified at a 5% significance level. Results: Between 2015 and 2020, 32 and 31 patients were randomized into the maintenance and observation groups, respectively. After randomization, the median number of capecitabine maintenance cycles was 6. The PFS was significantly higher in the maintenance group than the observation group (6.3 vs. 4.1 months, P=0.010). Overall survival was not significantly different between the 2 groups (18.2 vs. 16.5 months, P=0.624). Toxicities, such as hand-foot syndrome, were reported in some maintenance group patients. Maintenance treatment was a significant factor associated with PFS in multivariate analysis (hazard ratio, 0.472; 95% confidence interval, 0.250-0.890; P=0.020). Conclusions: After 6 cycles of XELOX chemotherapy, capecitabine maintenance significantly prolonged PFS compared with observation, and toxicity was manageable. Maintenance treatment was a significant prognostic factor associated with PFS.

Characteristics of Satellite-Based CO/CO2, CO/NO2 Ratio in South Korea and China (한국과 중국의 도시별 위성기반 CO/CO2, CO/NO2 비율 특성)

  • Jieun Yu;Jaemin Kim;Jin Ah Jang;Jeong-Ah Yu;Seung-Yeon Kim;Yun Gon Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.129-142
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed the ratio of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2), CO and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) for cities and regionsin Korea and China using column-averaged carbon dioxide dry-air mole fraction (XCO2) of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2/3, CO and NO2 vertical column density (named XCO, XNO2 in thisstudy) of TROPOspheric monitoring instrument from April 2018 to April 2022, and presented the relationship between socioeconomic indicators (population, number of vehicles, Gross Regional Domestic Product) and ratio, and differences in characteristics between Korea and China. First, CO2 and CO were analyzed after calculating ΔXCO2 and ΔXCO removing the background value and trend line due to the difference in atmospheric residence time of three gaseous substances (CO2, CO, and NO2). Comparing the three values by regions, ΔXCO and ΔXCO2 were relatively higher in China and XNO2 were higher in Korea and the ratio of both values (ΔXCO/ΔXCO2, ΔXCO/XNO2) was higher in China than in Korea. ΔXCO/ΔXCO2, ΔXCO/XNO2 and socioeconomic indicators have a positive correlation suggesting that the concentration of air pollutants and greenhouse gases is higher as the city is large and the economic activity is active. Regarding the differences in the ratio characteristics of Korea and China, the relationship between ΔXCO and ΔXCO2 showed a negative correlation in Korea and a positive correlation in China. When the relationship between ΔXCO and XNO2 was examined for summer and winter, the change of ΔXCO by season was not significant in Korea, whereasthe change of ΔXCO and XNO2 by season waslarge in China resulting in the relationship between two countries appeared differently. These results suggest that seasonal variability and national emission characteristics should be considered in the process of analyzing the ratio of greenhouse gases to air pollutants.

Exploring Mask Appeal: Vertical vs. Horizontal Fold Flat Masks Using Eye-Tracking (마스크 매력 탐구: 아이트래킹을 활용한 수직 접이형 대 수평 접이형 마스크 비교 분석)

  • Junsik Lee;Nan-Hee Jeong;Ji-Chan Yun;Do-Hyung Park;Se-Bum Park
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.271-286
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    • 2023
  • The global COVID-19 pandemic has transformed face masks from situational accessories to indispensable items in daily life, prompting a shift in public perception and behavior. While the relaxation of mandatory mask-wearing regulations is underway, a significant number of individuals continue to embrace face masks, turning them into a form of personal expression and identity. This phenomenon has given rise to the Fashion Mask industry, characterized by unique designs and colors, experiencing rapid growth in the market. However, existing research on masks is predominantly focused on their efficacy in preventing infection or exploring attitudes during the pandemic, leaving a gap in understanding consumer preferences for mask design. We address this gap by investigating consumer perceptions and preferences for two prevalent mask designs-horizontal fold flat masks and vertical fold flat masks. Through a comprehensive approach involving surveys and eye-tracking experiments, we aim to unravel the subtle differences in how consumers perceive these designs. Our research questions focus on determining which design is more appealing and exploring the reasons behind any observed differences. The study's findings reveal a clear preference for vertical fold flat masks, which are not only preferred but also perceived as unique, sophisticated, three-dimensional, and lively. The eye-tracking analysis provides insights into the visual attention patterns associated with mask designs, highlighting the pivotal role of the fold line in influencing these patterns. This research contributes to the evolving understanding of masks as a fashion statement and provides valuable insights for manufacturers and marketers in the Fashion Mask industry. The results have implications beyond the pandemic, emphasizing the importance of design elements in sustaining consumer interest in face masks.

Effect and Satisfaction according to the Review of the Electronic Document of Environmental Impact Assessment - Focus on Cost and Carbon Emissions Reduction - (환경영향평가서 전자문서 검토에 따른 효과와 만족도 - 비용 및 탄소 배출 저감을 중심으로 -)

  • Mina Choi;Jungkwon Kim;Seonmi Lee
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.30-41
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    • 2024
  • The way we work is changing significantly with the rapid development of digitaltechnology, and paper documents are being replaced by electronic documents. However, in accordance with the Enforcement Decree and Enforcement Regulation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the environmental impact assessment report must submit a set number of paper reports to organizations related to the project, and about 42 years have passed since it was submitted as a paperreport. In 2022, the National Institute of Ecology introduced a system to review paperreports as electronic documents in line with the trend of digital transformation. The cost reduction and carbon emission reduction effects of electronic document review were analyzed for 1,398 environmental impact assessments submitted and reviewed in 2022. In addition, a satisfaction survey was conducted targeting type 1 environmental impact assessment companies that were directly affected, and a total of 134 people responded. As a result of analyzing the effect of reviewing electronic documents, costs are reduced by a total of 101,424,900 won per year and carbon emissions are reduced by about 59.7 tons. As a result of the satisfaction survey, 94.8% of the respondents said electronic documentreview was very helpful, and 4.5% said it was helpful. The effectiveness of electronic documentreview was high, with 94.8% of respondents saying it was helpful in economic terms and 91.8% saying it was helpful in reducing work hours. If electronic documents are reviewed through the revisions to the Enforcement Decree and Enforcement Regulation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the implementation of electronic document review is expected to have a ripple effect across the country, not only reducing costs and carbon emissions, but also reducing administrative time and saving storage space. Rapid changes in law and administration are needed to adapt to the digital transformation era.

Aspects of Design and Construction in Entrance Space of the World Heritage Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty (세계유산 조선왕릉 입구공간의 조성 양상)

  • So, Hyun-Su;Park, Hyun-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted through reviewing Aspects of Design and Construction in Entrance Space of the World Heritage Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty, which is equipped with parking lots, ticket offices, toilets, exhibition halls, information boards, and rest facilities for the convenience of visitors and the purpose of this study was to propose a direction for improvement. The results of the study are as follows: First, the reduced area of Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty was unable to fully accommodate the ritual movement line, and as a result, the location of the entrance space in the current royal tomb was decided to accommodate minimal convenience functions. In the meantime, the entrance space of the royal tombs has been relocated or renovated in order to achieve its integrity as a World Heritage Site, rational arrangement of movement lines and spatial utility. Second, the size of the entrance space ranges from 1,000 square meters in Jeongneung in Seoul to 16,000 square meters in Hongyuneung in Namyangju, and the number of annual users varies greatly from 12,000 in Onneung in Yangju to 410,000 in Seonjeongneung in Seoul. Considering the conditions of the 16 royal tombs, the entrance space should be provided at an appropriate scale, reflecting the surrounding land use and accessibility that affect the influx of users, the size of the site, and the king's awareness and preferences. Third, the location of the parking lot, the presence or absence of an outer courtyard and an internal courtyard bordering the ticket and check offices, and the location of the Historical and Cultural Museum made it possible to know the aspects of entrance space of the Joseon Royal Tombs, where the spatial configuration is determined Fourth, according to the royal tombs, it was found that the entrance space should have essential parking, access control, information, and convenience functions, and that support, exhibition, passage, and recess functions should be optional. At this time, the management office and the Historical and Cultural Center are in charge of support and exhibition functions. The function of passage can be a strategy that provides a sense of entry and the function of recess which has been introduced in only four royal tombs requires an appropriate location and landscape access.