• 제목/요약/키워드: Nucleate boiling heat transfer

검색결과 143건 처리시간 0.023초

평면 충돌제트에서 노즐 깃이 단상 및 비등 열전달에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Nozzle Collar on Single Phase and Boiling Heat Transfer by Planar Impinging Jet)

  • 신창환;임성환;우성제;조형희
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2004년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.1452-1457
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    • 2004
  • The water jet impingement cooling is one of the techniques to remove heat from high heat flux equipments. We investigate the local heat transfer of the confined water impinging jet and the effect of nozzle collar to enhance the heat transfer in the free surface jet and submerged jet. Boiling is initiated from the furthest downstream and the wall temperature increase is reduced with developing boiling, forming the flat temperature distributions. The reduction in the nozzle-to-surface distance for $H/W{\leq}1$ causes the significant increases and distribution changes in heat transfer. Developed boiling reduces the differences in heat transfer for various conditions. The nozzle collar is employed at the nozzle exit. The distances from heated surface to guide plate, $H_c$ are 0.25W, 0.5W and 1.0W. The liquid film thickness is reduced and the velocity of wall jet increase as decreased spacing of collar to heated surface. Heat transfer is enhanced for region from the stagnation to $x/W{\sim}8$ in the free surface jet and to $x/W{\sim}5$ in the submerged jet. For nucleate boiling region of further downstream, the heat transfer by the nozzle collar is decreased in submerged jet compare with higher velocity condition. It is because the increased velocity by collar is de-accelerated at downstream.

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핵비등에서 기포의 동특성에 대한 전기장의 효과 (Effects of an Electric Field on the Dynamic Characteristics of Bubbles in Nucleate Boiling)

  • 권영철;장근선;권정태;김무환
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제12권11호
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    • pp.963-971
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    • 2000
  • In order to investigate the effects of an electric field on EHD(Electro-hydrodynamic) nucleate boiling hat transfer characteristics in a nonuniform electric field under saturated pool boiling, the basic study has been performed experimentally. In the present study, the working fluid is R-113 and the plate-wire electrode system is used to generate a steep electric field gradient. Boiling parameters are investigated by using a high speed camera. The electric field distribution around a wire is obtained to understand the effect of an electric field on bubble departure/movement. The experimental results show EHD effects are much more considerable when the applied voltage increases. Bubbles depart away from the heated wire in radial direction. It is confirmed that the mechanisms of EHD nucleate boiling are closely connected with the dynamic behavior of bubbles. The boiling parameters are significantly changed by the electric field strength. With increasing applied voltages, the bubble size decreases and the nucleation site density, bubble velocity and bubble frequency increase.

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일정 벽면 온도 조건에서 이성분 혼합물의 핵비등시 벽면 열유속 거동 (Wall Heat Flux Behavior of Nucleate Pool Boiling Under a Constant Temperature Condition in a Binary Mixture System)

  • 배성원;이한춘;김무환
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제24권9호
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    • pp.1239-1246
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    • 2000
  • The objective of this work is to measure space and time resolved wall heat fluxes during nucleate pool boiling of R113/R11 mixtures using a microscale heater array in conjunction with a high speed CCD. The microscale heater array is constructed using VLSI techniques, and consists of 96 serpentine platinum resistance heaters on a transparent quartz substrate. Electronic feedback circuits are used to keep the temperature of each heater at a specified temperature and the variation in heating power required to keep the temperature constant is measured. Heat flux data around an isolated bubble are obtained with triggered CCD images. CCD images are obtained at a rate of 1000frames/second. The heat transfer variation vs. time on the heaters directly around the nucleation site is plotted and correlated with images of the bubble obtainedby using the high speed CCD. For both of the mixture(R11/R113) and pure system(pure R11, pure R113), the wall heat fluxes are presented and compared to find out the qualitative difference between pure and binary mixture nucleate boiling.

강제대류 및 핵비등영역에 있어서 액적유량과 분무냉각 열전달의 상관관계에 관한 연구 (Correlation of Droplet Flow Rate and Spray Cooling Heat Transfer in Forced Convection and Nucleate Boiling Region)

  • 김영찬
    • 한국분무공학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.143-148
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    • 2008
  • In the present study, the correlation between the Nusselt number and Reynolds number was developed for forced convection and nucleate boiling region in spray cooling. Also the effect of droplet subcooling on spray cooling heat transfer was investigated. Full cone spray nozzles were employed for spray cooling experiment, and water and FC-77 were used for developing the correlation. From the experimental results, the correlation between the Nusselt number and Reynolds number based on droplet-flow-rate was developed. The correlation shows good predictions with ${\pm}30%$ error for water and FC-77.

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Pool Boiling Heat Transfer in Annuli with Closed Bottom

  • Kang, Myeong-Gie;Han, Young-Hwan
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2002
  • Effects of gap sizes (3.9-44.3 mm) of vertical annuli on nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of water at atmospheric pressure have been obtained experimentally. Through the study, tubes of the closed bottom have been investigated and results are compared with those of a single unconfined tube. According to the results, the annular condition gives much increase in heat transfer coefficient at moderate heat fluxes. The increase is much enhanced 3s the gap size decreases. At the same tube wall superheat (about 3.1 K) the heat transfer coefficient for the least gap size (i.e., 3.9 mm) is more than three times greater than that of the unconfined tube. However, deterioration of heat transfer occurs at high heat flux for confined boiling.

수평관내 이산화탄소의 증발 열전달과 압력강하 (Evaporation Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Carbon Dioxide In a Horizontal Tube)

  • 손창효
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2007
  • The evaporation heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop of $CO_2$(R-744) in a horizontal tube was investigated experimentally. The main components of the experimental apparatus are a receiver, a variable-speed pump, a mass flow meter, a pre-heater and an evaporator(test section). The test section consists of a horizontal stainless steel tube of 4.57 mm inner diameter. The experiments were conducted at mass flux of $200{\sim}1000\;kg/m^2s$ saturation temperature of $0{\sim}20^{\circ}C$, and heat flux of $10{\sim}40\;kW/m^2$. The test results showed that the heat transfer coefficient of $CO_2$ has a greater effect on nucleate boiling more than convective boiling. Mass flux of $CO_2$ does not affect nucleate boiling too much. In comparison with test data and existing correlations, All of the existing correlations for the heat transfer coefficient underestimated the experimental data. However lung et al.'s correlation showed a good agreement with the experimental data. The evaporation pressure drop of $CO_2$ increases with increasing mass flux and decreasing saturation temperature. When comparison between the experimental pressure drop and existing correlations. Existing correlations failed to predict the evaporation pressure drop of $CO_2$.

강제대류계(强制對流系)에 있어서 막비등열전달(膜沸騰熱傳達)에 관한 연구(硏究) (A Study on Film Boiling Heat Transfer in a Forced Convective Flow System)

  • 김유택;권순석;정대인
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 1991
  • The aim of this study is to investigate the heat transfer characteristics in the transient cooling process of a high temperature wall. The slow transient cooling experiment was carried out with a copper block of high thermal capacity. The results of these experiments are as follows. 1. Temperature histories measured by the thermocouple, which is 0.99, 2.00, 2.99mm from the heat transfer surface showed monotonous during the cooling process. These variation are the curves of typical temperature histories in film-boiling, transition-boiling, and nucleate-boiling regions. 2. The temperature histories were measured by thermocouple installed in the copper block. The variations of the surface heat fluxes and surface temperature were computed from the numerical solution method TDMA from the measured temperature histories for radial position one dimensional heat transfer inverse problem. The boiling curves were found by the computed temperature histories. 3. The rewetting point which starts to change from film boiling to nucleate boiling is not connected with the mass velocity and it were found that the temperature of rewetting point indicated about $100^{\circ}C$. 4. The heat flux of rewetting point was about $10^5Kcal/m^2h$, at that time, the heat transfer coeficient indicated about $1000Kcal/m^2h^{\circ}C$ irrelevent to mass velocity. 5. The wall superheat decreases as the pressure increases. But I found that rewetting point appeared under higher condition in the wall temperature.

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사다리꼴 미세유로의 대류비등 2상유동 : 2부-열전달 특성 (Convective Boiling Two-phase Flow in Trapezoidal Microchannels : Part 2-Heat Transfer Characteristics)

  • 김병주;김건일
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제23권11호
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    • pp.718-725
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    • 2011
  • Characteristics of flow boiling heat transfer in microchannels were investigated experimentally. The microchannels consisted of 9 parallel trapezoidal channels with each channel having 205 ${\mu}m$ of bottom width, 800 ${\mu}m$ of depth, $3.6^{\circ}$ of sidewall angle, and 7 cm of length. Tests were performed with R113 over a mass velocity range of 150~920 $kg/m^2s$, heat flux of 10~100 $kW/m^2$ and inlet pressures of 105~195 kPa. Flow boiling heat transfer coefficient in microchannels was found to be dominated by heat-flux. However the effect of mass velocity was not significant. Contrary to macrochannel trends, the heat transfer coefficient was shown to decrease with increasing thermodynamic equilibrium quality. A new correlation suitable for predicting flow boiling heat transfer coefficient was developed based on the laminar single-phase heat transfer coefficient and the nucleate boiling dominant equation. Comparison with the experimental data showed good agreement.

An Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics Just Before Critical Heat Flux in Uniformly Heated Vertical Annulus Under a Wide Range of Pressures

  • Chun, Se-Young;Moon, Sang-Ki;Chung, Heung-June;Chung, Moon-Ki
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.269-285
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    • 2002
  • Water heat transfer experiments were carried out in a uniformly heated annulus with a wide range of pressure conditions. The local heat transfer coefficients for saturated water (low boiling have been measured just before the occurrence of the critical heat flux (CHF) along the length of the heated section. The trends of the measured heat transfer coefficients were quite different from the conventional understanding for the heat transfer of saturated flow boiling. This discrepancy was explained from the nucleate boiling in the liquid film of annular flow under high heat flux conditions. The well-known correlations were compared with the measured heat transfer coefficients. The Shah and Kandlikar correlations gave better prediction than the Chen correlation. However, the modified Chen correlation proposed in the present work showed the best agreement with the present data among correlations examined .

경사진 가열면에서의 수조비등에 대한 가시화 연구 (An Experimental visualization of the Pool Boiling Heat Transfer on the Inclined square surface)

  • 김재광;송진호;김상백;김희동
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2001년도 춘계학술대회논문집E
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2001
  • An experimental study was carried out to identify the various regimes of natural convective boiling and to determine the Critical Heat Flux(CHF) on a 70mm square surface which is inclined at $180^{\circ}$(upward), $90^{\circ}, \;45^{\circ}$. The heater block made of copper with cartridge heaters is submerged in a water tank with windows for visualization. As the heat flux increases from $100kW/m^2$ to $1.1MW/m^2$, the heat transfer regime migrates from the nucleate boiling to film boiling and results in a rapid heat up of the heater block. An explosive vapor generation on the heated surface, whose size and frequency are characterized by the heat flux, is visualized by using a digital camcorder with $512{\times}512$ pixel size at 30fps.

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