• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nuclear fuel performance

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  • Stan, Marius
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 2009
  • Theory-based models and high performance simulations are briefly reviewed starting with atomistic methods, such as Electronic Structure calculations, Molecular Dynamics, and Monte Carlo, continuing with meso-scale methods, such as Dislocation Dynamics and Phase Field, and ending with continuum methods that include Finite Element and Finite Volume. Special attention is paid to relating thermo-mechanical and chemical properties of the fuel to reactor parameters. By inserting atomistic models of point defects into continuum thermo-chemical calculations, a model of oxygen diffusivity in $UO_{2+x}$ is developed and used to predict point defect concentrations, oxygen diffusivity, and fuel stoichiometry at various temperatures and oxygen pressures. The simulations of coupled heat transfer and species diffusion demonstrate that including the dependence of thermal conductivity and density on composition can lead to changes in the calculated centerline temperature and thermal expansion displacements that exceed 5%. A review of advanced nuclear fuel performance codes reveals that the many codes are too dedicated to specific fuel forms and make excessive use of empirical correlations in describing properties of materials. The paper ends with a review of international collaborations and a list of lessons learned that includes the importance of education in creating a large pool of experts to cover all necessary theoretical, experimental, and computational tasks.


  • Ryu, Ho-Jin;Kim, Yeon-Soo;Park, Jong-Man;Chae, Hee-Taek;Kim, Chang-Kyu
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.409-418
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    • 2008
  • Because the interaction layers that form between U-Mo particles and the Al matrix degrade the thermal properties of U-Mo/Al dispersion fuel, an investigation was undertaken of the undesirable feedback effect between an interaction layer growth and a centerline temperature increase for dispersion fuel. The radial temperature distribution due to interaction layer growth during irradiation was calculated iteratively in relation to changes in the volume fractions, the thermal conductivities of the constituents, and the oxide thickness with the burnup. The interaction layer growth, which is estimated on the basis of the temperature calculations, showed a reasonable agreement with the post-irradiation examination results of the U-Mo/Al dispersion fuel rods irradiated at the HANARO reactor. The U-Mo particle size was found to be a dominant factor that determined the fuel temperature during irradiation. Dispersion fuel with larger U-Mo particles revealed lower levels of both the interaction layer formation and the fuel temperature increase. The results confirm that the use of large U-Mo particles appears to be an effective way of mitigating the thermal degradation of U-Mo/Al dispersion fuel.


    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2005
  • Kyung-hee Thorium Fuel (KTF), a heterogeneous thorium-based seed and blanket design concept for pressurized light water reactors, is being studied as an alternative to enhance proliferation resistance and fuel cycle economics of PWRs. The proliferation resistance characteristics of the KTF assembly design were evaluated through parametric studies using neutronic performance indices such as Bare Critical Mass (BCM), Spontaneous Neutron Source rate (SNS), Thermal Generation rate (TG), and Radio-Toxicity. Also, Fissile Economic Index (FEI), a new index for gauging fuel cycle economy, was suggested and applied to optimize the KTF design. A core loaded with optimized KTF assemblies with a seed-to-blanket ratio of 1: 1 was tested at the Korea Next Generation Reactor (KNGR), ARP-1400. Core design characteristics for cycle length, power distribution, and power peaking were evaluated by HELIOS and MASTER code systems for nine reload cycles. The core calculation results show that the KTF assembly design has nearly the same neutronic performance as those of a conventional $UO_2$ fuel assembly. However, the power peaking factor is relatively higher than that of conventional PWRs as the maximum Fq is 2.69 at the M$9^{th}$ equilibrium cycle while the design limit is 2.58. In order to assess the economic potential of a heterogeneous thorium fuel core, the front-end fuel cycle costs as well as the spent fuel disposal costs were compared with those of a reference PWR fueled with $UO_2$. In the case of comprising back-end fuel cycle cost, the fuel cycle cost of APR-1400 with a KTF assembly is 4.99 mills/KWe-yr, which is lower than that (5.23 mills/KWe-yr) of a conventional PWR. Proliferation resistance potential, BCM, SNS, and TG of a heterogeneous thorium-fueled core are much higher than those of the $UO_2$ core. The once-through fuel cycle application of heterogeneous thorium fuel assemblies demonstrated good competitiveness relative to $UO_2$ in terms of economics.

Reference Spent Fuel and Its Characteristics for a Deep Geological Repository Concept Development

  • Choi, Jong-Won;Ko, Won-Il;Kang, Chul-Hyung
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.23-38
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    • 1999
  • This study addresses the reference spent fuel and its characteristics for developing a geological repository concept. As a disposal capacity of the reference repository system to be developed, spent fuel inventories were projected based on the basis of the Nuclear Energy Plan of the Long-term National Power Program. The reference spent fuel encompassing a variability in characteristics of all existing and future spent fuels of interest was defined. Key parameters in the reference fuel screening processes were the nuclear and mechanical design parameters and the burnup histories for existing spent fuels as of 1996 and for future spent fuels with the more extended burnup the initial enrichment and its expected turnup. The selected reference fuel was characterized in terms of initial enrichment, bumup, dimension, gross weight and age. Also the isotopic composition and the radiological properties are quantitatively identified. This information provided in this study could be used as input for repository system development and performance assessment and applied in fuel material balance evaluation for the various types of back-end fuel cycle studies.

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  • Ryu, Ho Jin;Kim, Yeon Soo
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2014
  • In order to advance understanding of the breakaway swelling behavior of U-Mo/Al dispersion fuel under a high-power irradiation condition, the effects of fuel-matrix interaction on the fuel performance of U-Mo/Al dispersion fuel were investigated. Fission gas release into large interfacial pores between interaction layers and the Al matrix was analyzed using both mechanistic models and observations of the post-irradiation examination results of U-Mo dispersion fuels. Using the model predictions, advantageous fuel design parameters are recommended to prevent breakaway swelling.

A comparative study on the impact of Gd2O3 burnable neutron absorber in UO2 and (U, Th)O2 fuels

  • Uguru, Edwin Humphrey;Sani, S.F.Abdul;Khandaker, Mayeen Uddin;Rabir, Mohamad Hairie;Karim, Julia Abdul
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.1099-1109
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    • 2020
  • The performance of gadolinium burnable absorber (GdBA) for reactivity control in UO2 and (U, Th)O2 fuels and its impact on spent fuel characteristics was performed. Five fuel assemblies: one without GdBA fuel rod and four each containing 16, 24, 34 and 44 GdBA fuel rods in both fuels were investigated. Reactivity swing in all the FAs with GdBA rods in UO2 fuel was higher than their counterparts with similar GdBA fuel rods in (U, Th)O2 fuel. The excess reactivity in all FAs with (U, Th)O2 fuel was higher than UO2 fuel. At the end of single discharge burn-up (~ 49.64 GWd/tHM), the excess reactivity of (U, Th) O2 fuel remained positive (16,000 pcm) while UO2 fuel shows a negative value (-6,000 pcm), which suggest a longer discharge burn-up in (U, Th)O2 fuel. The concentration of plutonium isotopes and minor actinides were significantly higher in UO2 fuel than in (U, Th)O2 fuel except for 236Np. However, the concentration of non-actinides (gadolinium and iodine isotopes) except for 135Xe were respectively smaller in (U, Th)O2 fuel than in UO2 fuel but may be two times higher in (U, Th)O2 fuel due to its potential longer discharge burn-up.

Machine learning of LWR spent nuclear fuel assembly decay heat measurements

  • Ebiwonjumi, Bamidele;Cherezov, Alexey;Dzianisau, Siarhei;Lee, Deokjung
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.11
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    • pp.3563-3579
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    • 2021
  • Measured decay heat data of light water reactor (LWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) assemblies are adopted to train machine learning (ML) models. The measured data is available for fuel assemblies irradiated in commercial reactors operated in the United States and Sweden. The data comes from calorimetric measurements of discharged pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR) fuel assemblies. 91 and 171 measurements of PWR and BWR assembly decay heat data are used, respectively. Due to the small size of the measurement dataset, we propose: (i) to use the method of multiple runs (ii) to generate and use synthetic data, as large dataset which has similar statistical characteristics as the original dataset. Three ML models are developed based on Gaussian process (GP), support vector machines (SVM) and neural networks (NN), with four inputs including the fuel assembly averaged enrichment, assembly averaged burnup, initial heavy metal mass, and cooling time after discharge. The outcomes of this work are (i) development of ML models which predict LWR fuel assembly decay heat from the four inputs (ii) generation and application of synthetic data which improves the performance of the ML models (iii) uncertainty analysis of the ML models and their predictions.

Thermal-fluid-structure coupling analysis on plate-type fuel assembly under irradiation. Part-II Mechanical deformation and thermal-hydraulic characteristics

  • Li, Yuanming;Ren, Quan-yao;Yuan, Pan;Su, Guanghui;Yu, Hongxing;Zheng, Meiyin;Wang, Haoyu;Wu, Yingwei;Ding, Shurong
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.1556-1568
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    • 2021
  • The plate-type fuel assembly adopted in nuclear research reactor suffers from complicated effect induced by non-uniform irradiation, which might affect stress conditions, mechanical behaviors and thermal-hydraulic performance of the fuel assembly. This paper is the Part II work of a two-part study devoted to analyzing the complex unique mechanical deformation and thermal-hydraulic characteristics for the typical plate-type fuel assembly under irradiation effect, which is on the basis of developed and verified numerical thermal-fluid-structure coupling methodology under irradiation in Part I of this work. The mechanical deformation, thermal-hydraulic performance and Mises stress have been analyzed for the typical plate-type fuel assembly consisting of support plates under non-uniform irradiation. It was interesting to observe that: the plate-type fuel assembly including the fuel plates and support plates tended to bend towards the location with maximum fission rate; the hot spots in the fuel foil appeared at the location with maximum thickness increment; the maximum Mises stress of fuel foil was located at the adjacent location with the maximum plate thickness increment et al.

Out-of-pile Characteristics of Advanced Fuel Cladding (HANA alloys)

  • Park, Jeong-Yong;Park, Sang-Yun;Lee, Myung-Ho;Choi, Byung-Kwon;Baek, Jong-Hyuk;Kim, Jun-Hwan;Kim, Hyun-Gil;Jeong, Yong-Hwan;Kim, Gyu-Tae;Jung, Youn-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.423-424
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    • 2005
  • The performance of HANA claddings was evaluated in out-of-pile conditions. All the performance test results revealed that HANA claddings were superior to the reference claddings such as Zircaloy-4 and A-cladding. Corrosion resistance was improved by 60 to 70% compared to the commercial claddings. Creep, burst, tensile, LOCA, wear and microstructural properties were shown to be as good as the commercial claddings.

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  • Chang, Yoon-Il
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.161-170
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    • 2007
  • Metal fuel, which was abandoned in the 1960's in favor of oxide fuel, has since then proven to be a viable fast reactor fuel. Key discoveries allowed high burnup capability and excellent steady-state as well as off-normal performance characteristics. Metal fuel is a key to achieving inherent passive safety characteristics and compact and economic fuel cycle closure based on electrorefining and injection-casting refabrication.