• Title/Summary/Keyword: North Korean Issue

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The North Korean Nuclear problem and disarmament of Outer Space (북한 핵문제와 우주군축)

  • Noh, Dong-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.219-246
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    • 2017
  • Nuclear issue is a good example showing globalization of the international regime. The history showed nuclear weapons may cause the extinction of human races when the first nuclear bombs fell down to Japan in August, 1945 and people became increasingly eager to achieve peace. Military buildup for national security is a matter of existence in the international society. However, disarmament or arms control to secure international peace and safety which is also the purpose of the Charter of the United Nations may be the most important task for us to realize peace of the mankind. Today, disarmament, together with amicable settlement of international conflicts and collective security system, is an important means to maintain and promote international peace and safety. It might be our permanent task to realize complete disarmament but, as the Preamble of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) expressed general and complete disarmament, the international society has clarified its effort for complete disarmament. Thus, taking a look into the international regime on the nuclear issue and progress related to the nuclear issue in North Korea, the study was intended to introduce the globalization of the nuclear issue, review the international effort for nuclear disarmament based on the concept of the 'common heritage of the mankind' and with respect to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) and controls over nuclear weapons, and then evaluate the North Korean nuclear issue, which is in direct relation with South Korea and international laws, in terms of the space law and disarmament acts. The collective security system along with policies to prevent dissemination of nuclear weapons should also be emphasized and implemented to cope with the North Korean nuclear issue.

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North Korean Defector's living in New Malden as third countries

  • Kang, Ji Hye
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2018
  • In Europe side, Most of North Korean refugee lives in New Malden, Kingstone resident with South Korean and international student near London, United Kingdom (UK).The reason why dispersed around in Europe is can be issue in societies with secure problem and temporary protection status have to be accept for change the concept in international law and refugee law. their ethnicity is organized by North Korean defectors, South Korean, Korean-Chinese in the area of New Malden and Kingstone.it means small unification is going to foundation on abroad. also their solidarity of diasporic integration development would ahead. and have to organise of Coexistence between U.K and thier ethnicity. for Humanitarian way for vulnerable. But Europe is not the most welcoming place for North Koreans at the moment. The European Alliance for Human Rights in North Korea, an advocacy group, reported in 2015 that many European countries had rejected the vast majority of North Korean asylum cases. Partly this is to do with how governments view North Korean defectors: the UK "considers North Koreans as South Korean citizens, thus excluding them from refugee status".

Presentation of Performance Test Criteria for Denuclearization Verification Equipment Considering North Korea Environment (북한 환경을 고려한 비핵화 검증 장비의 성능 시험 기준 제시)

  • Ji-Young, Han;Su-Hui, Park;Yong-Min, Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2023
  • The issue of North Korea's denuclearization is an global issue that transcends the North and South. It is necessary to prepare for the denuclearization process in preparation for the situation in which North Korea reveals its intention to denuclearize. In the process of North Korea's denuclearization, it is required to guarantee the normal operation of the denuclearization verification equipment. If a performance test criteria that takes into account the North Korean environment is established, it is highly likely that it will be used in the future denuclearization process. For this purpose, basic materials related to performance test standards were established through analysis of test standards such as international standards. After that, we established a performance test criteria. This includes high temperature, low temperature, humidity, vibration and shock tests. Through follow-up studies, validity of test criteria will be established through actual device testing.

Issues in the Integration Education for North Korean Refugees and South Korean Hosts (새터민과 남한주민을 위한 문화통합교육의 과제)

  • Jean-Kyung Chung;Jung-A Cho
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.14 no.1_spc
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    • pp.487-518
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    • 2008
  • The study identifies the major themes for integration education program which enhances the relationship between the north Korean refugees and their south Korean hosts. The themes were selected based on qualitative analysis of the socio-cultural conflicts experienced by the refugees and the hosts in the acculturation process. Twenty-eight north Korean refugees over age 20 participated in semi-structured interviews, and two south Korean groups in close contact with the refugees, police and volunteer teachers, were interviewed in focus groups. The interviews were recorded and transcribed for categorization and coding. The study views the acculturation issue as the two-sided integration task for both the north Korean refugees and the south Korean hosts rather than as the one-sided acceptance and assimilation task for the refugees.

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Possible Continuity and Change of North Korea Though Analysis of, Kim Jong-un's New Year's Message (북한 신년사 분석을 통한 김정은 시대 지속과 변화)

  • Lee, Sung Choon
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.14 no.6_1
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2014
  • It may be meaningful that analysis of possible continuity and change of North Korea's Kim Jong-un's ruling in its third year. For this analysis, for the application more rational and statistical analysis methods, this study takes advantage of the new years' messages of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, and Kim Jong-un. In North Korea, the new years' messages are rare enough to give influence to every field of the North Korea's community and the New Year's message performs tutorial role throughout the whole year. The said messages of Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, and Kim Jong-un regimes have been researched and comprehensively summarized. The summarized New Year's Message by Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, and Kim Jong Un are separated, compared and analyzed by the regime by presentation method, configured information, and others followed by New Year message's characteristics and implications of each North Korean regime that have been investigated. Based on the results of this analysis of Kim Jong-un era, possibility of its continuation and change is forecasted. Above all, for possible continuation of the ruling, sticking to the governing socialist way and military-first politics are presented. For possible causes of change, such the four factors as partial opening to overcome economic problems, the North Korean nuclear issue, influx of the nature of capitalism, and Kim Jung-un's control weakness have been presented. Such the factors of possible change and continuation of the North Korea Kim Jung-un ruling are expected to work as a combination of factors. The issue of continuation and change of North Korea Kim Jong-un's control is a key point for us to solve the issues between North and South Koreas. In the situation that the whole people of South Korea have a national consensus in the effort of gathering the public opinion, it is a high time that we needed to have much flexibility to actively cope with the North Korean issues.

Technological Level of the North Korean Steel Industry and Its Implications for Inter-Korean Cooperation

  • Kim, Jong-seon
    • STI Policy Review
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2011
  • North Korea is now under the pressure of international sanctions due to its nuclear tests, firing of long-range ballistic missiles, the sinking of the ROK naval frigate the Cheonan, and the artillery attack on Yeonpyeong Island that killed four people. To overcome the burden of sanctions North Korea has exerted various efforts to reconstruct its industries. However, it is very unlikely that these reconstruction efforts would produce significant results due to the structural problems of the antiquated infrastructure of North Korean industries. In the future, it is expected that South Korea will have to cooperate with North Korea for the reconstruction of the North Korean economy after the North Korean nuclear issue will be peacefully resolved. South Korean government has to prepare for the reconstruction with careful planning based on analysis of North Korean industries. But, the number of previous studies that have analyzed the technological level of North Korean industries are quite limited. In preparation for the future inter-Korean industrial cooperation, this study tries to analyze the technological level of North Korean industries. The steel industry has been selected as the focus for the main analysis of this study due to the importance of the steel industry as one of key infrastructure industries. Additionally, this study tests the sustainability of the North Korean steel industry by looking into the possibility of whether the North Korean steel industry can sustain or grow while maintaining global competitiveness in the future when the market opens to the world. Such analysis is expected to contribute to the joint prosperity of two Koreas in the short term and the reduction of unification costs in long term.

The Media's Agenda Setting on the Nuclear Test of North Korea (북한 핵실험 이슈에 대한 언론의 의제구성)

  • Lee, Wan-Soo;Son, Young-Jun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.56
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    • pp.175-193
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    • 2011
  • This study explored how South Korean newspapers covered North Korea's second nuclear test in May of 2009. Findings show that South Korean newspapers mostly reported North Korea's nuclear experiment in relatively negative tones. Their coverage mainly focused on the influences of nuclear threat from the North on the military, political and economic areas in South Korea. However, the media's agenda settings and frames were not similar in terms of each paper's political and ideological inclination. Whereas the progressive papers, such as the Hankyoreh and the Kyunghyang Shinmun, recognized that the current nuclear issue in Korean peninsula is getting worse because of South Korea's rigorous pressure on North Korea, the conservative papers, such as the Chosun Ilbo and the Donga Ilbo, see that the deadlock between North and South mainly comes from the system malfunction of North Korea. To prevent the current impasse, the left-side papers emphasized to develop the six-party talk in dealing with North Korean issue, while the right-wing papers paid attentions to the West's sanctions on North Korea and ensuring national security.

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The Legal Issue in the Recent South-North Korean Naval Engagement: An Appraisal on The North Korean Theory of the Sea Demarcation Line in the Western Sea. (남해사태: 남북한 해상경계에 관한 북측 주장의 법적문제)

  • 김영구
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.125-139
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    • 1999
  • Thanks to the fact that the 1953 Korea Armistice Agreement does not have any clear provisions on the sea demarcation line, the North Korea insists that the sea demarcation line in the Yellow Sea Area should not be the NLL designated by the Commander in Chief. UN Command, unilaterally, but the hypothetical extention of the Latitude Parallel from the end of the provincial boundary line between Whanghae-do and Kyongki-do In those unique situations at the end of the Korean War, the cease-fire line on the part of the western sea area, a logically indispensable element of the contents of an armistice agreement, however has formed and crystallized by the act of the UN Command designating the NLL. In implementing the South-North Korean Basic Relations Agreement, a fair and clear common consent on the sea demarcation line in the western sea area should be deliberated.

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The Phonetic Realization of High Tone in North Kyungsang Korean

  • Chang, Woo-Hyeok
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.37-54
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    • 2004
  • The main goal of this study is to examine the current issue of the deletion of high tone vs. the downstep or upstep of high tone in North Kyungsang Korean (NKK). In this phonetic experiment, five native speakers of North Kyungsang Korean participated and two categories, such as compounds and two-word phrases were included as a test material. This experiment shows that when the first word belongs to the nonfinal class, the high tone of the second word is overwhelmingly deleted. When the first word belongs to the final class, the high tone of it is also overwhelmingly deleted. It is thus concluded that when two words are combined into a phrase, the peak of one word retains, whereas the peak of the other is deleted. It is confirmed that a single high tone prominence in a phonological phrase in NKK is not due to the processes of down step or upstep but the deletion process.

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A Study on the Library Cooperation between South and North for the Unified Korea (통일 한국을 대비한 남북한 도서관교류협력에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Mihyang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.317-340
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    • 2017
  • Non-ideological information exchange and cooperation based on the scholarly and cultural fields would be the most effective project of south and north Korea for gaining the national homogeneity and trust in the long-term perspective. In this context, this study researched the measures on cultural exchange and cooperation between south and north through national libraries for the unified Korea. Related with that issue, this study analyzed function and limitation of national library in north Korea and evaluated library cooperation between south and north Korea in the frame of cultural cooperation project. So, this study suggested the stepwise model of the library cooperation between south and north based on the five practical measures including the cooperation governance system.