• 제목/요약/키워드: North Korean Issue

검색결과 164건 처리시간 0.021초

탈북자의 지속과 북한인권개선 방안 (Continuity of North Korean Defectors and Strategies for North Korean Human Rights)

  • 김주삼
    • 한국과 국제사회
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.85-108
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    • 2017
  • 이 글은 지속적인 탈북자문제와 북한인권개선 방안에 관한 것이다. 탈북자는 1990년대 후반부터 지속적으로 한국행 입국을 해왔다. 북한주민의 탈북배경은 1990년대 중반까지는 북한 자체 '고난의 행군시기'의 경제적 동기가 가장 컸다. 하지만 이러한 탈북동기는 2000년대를 거치면서 기획탈북, 가족단위의 집단탈북, 자신의 미래를 위한 탈북 등의 형태 등으로 바뀌어왔다. 탈북자들은 탈북 후 한국입국 전까지 중국과 제3국에서 불법체류자 신분으로 인권사각지대에서 엄청난 인권침해를 당하고 있다. 그동안 한국이 탈북자문제에 대해 정부와 민간부문에서 꾸준한 노력을 해 왔음에도, 탈북자문제와 인권문제에 대해 정부와 민간부문에서 지속적인 공동의 역할은 더 절실하다. 정부는 2016년 3월 국회에서 북한인권법 통과로 이 법안에 따라 북한인권문제를 제도적 절차에 따라 탈북문제를 인간의 보편적 가치와 민족문제로 인식하고 국내외적으로도 공동협력해 나가는 다각적인 노력을 기울여야 한다.

構造変動期の日朝関係と韓国-南北関係との因果性に注目 しながら (Japan-DPRK relations during the structural change period and Korea's response - Focusing on causality with the inter-Korean relationship)

  • Park, Jungjin
    • 분석과 대안
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.107-125
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    • 2018
  • This paper aims to elucidate the historical significance and issues about DPRK-Japan relations in terms of the Korean Peninsula-Japan relations. The first issue is the 'Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea', and DPRK-Japan relations during the Cold War. The Relations Order between the Korean Peninsula and Japan, of 1965 ("65 Order), was closely linked with inter-Korean relations. The second issue is a critical re-interpretation of previous studies on the Stockholm agreement. Previous studies have focused on analyzing the question "Why did North Korea and Japan agree to Stockholm?", In other words, what was the intention of North Korea and Japan in Stockholm? This paper adds to raise the question of "How Did the Stockholm can be agreed?", to critically review the analysis performed by the previous studies. Through the analysis of this question, this paper reveals that the relationship between North Korea and Japan is on the qualitative change. And, based on this analysis, this paper argue that the South Korean government should attempt more active engagement and deploy more comprehensive approach to improve the relationship between North Korea and Japan.

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북핵과 한반도 통일에 대한 한·미·중 3국 공조체제와 협력 (The Mutual Assistance System and Cooperation between South Korea, the U.S. and China for the North Korean Nuclear Issue and Unification of the Korean Peninsula)

  • 김주삼
    • 한국과 국제사회
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.71-96
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    • 2017
  • 이 연구는 북한 핵위협에 대한 대응과 미래 한반도 통일과정에서 한 미 중 3개국의 공조체제와 협력구상에 관한 것이다. 북핵문제와 한반도 통일문제에서 한 미 중의 공조와 협력 및 역할과 책임에 있어서 한국은 민족분단의 당사자이고, 미국은 국제문제의 책임국가이자 북한과는 적대적 미수교국이라는 점이며, 중국은 전통적 사회주의 우호관계의 당사국이자 북한 후견인 당사국이라는 점을 지적할 수 있다. 북한의 핵무기와 탄도미사일 등의 전략무기는 국제적 문제로서 향후 김정은의 돌발적 행동에 대비하기 위해서는 한 미 중 3국의 적극적인 공조와 협력 등 대응방안이 모색되어져야 할 시점이다. 그러나 북핵문제의 로드맵에 있어서 G2체제의 미국과 중국의 인식과 대응방법은 유엔안 보리결의사항인 대북제재 이행에서 미묘한 차이를 보이고 있다. 미국은 북핵위협에 대해 한미동맹차원에서 공동위협에 기반한 대북제재와 대북군사력 억제정책을 강력히 추진한 반면, 중국은 북핵위협에 대해 미국의 한반도개입에 대한 안보불안 등으로 북핵해결 과정에서 소극적인 입장을 보이고 있다. 북한은 체제생존 차원에서 중동국가들과 전략무기 거래를 지속적으로 해 온 전례국가라는 점에서 세계평화유지 차원에서라도 중단된 6자회담 다자안보 채널가동 등 압박과 외교협상의 현실적 방안으로 전환해야 한다. 한반도 통일문제는 남북한 당사자의 문제가 전제되어야 함에도 남북한은 민족적 문제를 강대국에 논리에 편승하려는 기현상을 보이고 있다. 그럼에도 북핵과 남북통일문제는 민족 당사자문제로서 국제적 지지를 확보하지 못한 북한의 해법보다는 한국주도의 평화적 해법에 더 설득력이 있어 보인다. 하지만 한 미 중은 한반도 평화정착을 위한 북한에 대한 '대북제재'와 '북한과의 대화'라는 투트랙 전략을 전방위적으로 강구해 나갈 필요성이 있으며, 북한자체의 경제적 자생력을 꾸준히 향상시키는 지원노력을 지속적으로 추진해 나가야 한다.

조선의 '외국어로서 조선어교육' 연구 - 류학생 회화 교재를 중심으로 - (A Study on Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language in North Korea: Focusing on Conversation Textbooks for International Students)

  • 김인규
    • 한국어교육
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.283-306
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    • 2012
  • This study dealt with an issue of teaching Korean as a foreign language in North Korea through textbook analysis. The literature in this field has been quite rare compared to that in other fields in Korean language education, which is due to the adverse circumstances under which research into North Korea is currently carried out. The textbooks analyzed were 조선말회화(1) and 조선말회화(3) and the two learners who had studied Korean with these textbooks were interviewed. The main results show that (a) the grammar points in each chapter are unevenly distributed in 조선말회화(1), which makes it not look learner-centered; (b) each chapter in 조선말회화(1) is composed of speech acts, topics and situations, which renders it useful to its learners; (c) 조선말회화(3) emphasizes Korean oral discoursal features as a conversational textbook; and (d) 조선말회화(3) also covers much of reading comprehension-focused contents, which its learners may find burdensome. Foreseeing a possibility of teaching Korean as a foreign language in a reunified Korea makes it critical to carry out research into teaching Korean as a foreign language in North Korea. This calls for future collaborative research into this issue between two Koreas.

북한문제의 과잉정치화와 극단적 양극화 분석: 갈등전환(Conflict Transformation)의 제도화 모색 (Overcoming Over-Politicization and Extreme Polarization of North Korean Issue: The Institutionalization of Conflict Transformation in South Korean Society)

  • 이무철
    • 한국과 국제정치
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.67-97
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 북한의 남남갈등 개입과 이를 둘러싼 한국사회의 갈등구조를 '갈등전환' 개념에 입각한 접근방법으로 분석함으로써, 북한문제의 과잉정치화로 인한 극단적 양극화의 극복방안을 모색하는 토대를 마련하고자 했다. 우선 한국사회에서 진행된 2007년과 2012년 두 차례의 대선 국면과 2008년 광우병 문제로 전개된 촛불집회 국면, 그리고 2014년 세월호 사건으로 진행된 촛불집회 국면에서 북한이 어떻게 개입했는지를 분석하였다. 이를 위해 북한의 공식 매체인 『로동신문』이 게재한 기사 내용을 분석하였다. 그리고 북한의 남남갈등 개입 양상과 성격, 한국사회에서 북한문제의 과잉정치화와 극단적 양극화의 실체와 원인을 갈등의 맥락, 관계, 기억의 차원에서 분석하였다. 그 결과 이를 극복하기 위해서는 남북관계뿐만 아니라 한국사회 내 보수-진보세력 간 관계의 재설정이 필요하고, 이러한 새로운 관계설정을 바탕으로 한 상호 기억의 재구성 및 공유 작업이 요구됨을 확인하였다. 본 연구는 갈등전환적 접근을 통해 기존 연구의 한계를 보완함과 동시에 종합을 시도했다는 점에서 그 연구의 의의를 찾을 수 있다.

북핵 프로그램의 성공적 검증.폐기를 위한 고려사항 (Considerations for the Successful Verification and Dismantlement of North Korea's Nuclear Program)

  • 문주현;박병기
    • 방사성폐기물학회지
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2009
  • 최근 미-북간 관계 개선 등으로 인하여 북핵 문제가 핵 검증단계로 진전될 것이라는 예상이 나오고 있다. 이제부터 우리 정부는 북핵 프로그램의 성공적 검증 폐기를 위해, 북한의 신고 후 전개될 상황에 대비하여 철저히 준비해야 한다. 본 논문에서는 구 소련과 이라크의 대량살상무기 검증 폐기 사례로부터 두 나라의 대량살상무기 검증 폐기 과정에서 발생한 문제점을 조사 분석하여, 북핵 검증 폐기 과정 시 발생할 수 있는 문제점을 파악하고 이를 방지하기 위한 정책적 고려사항을 도출하는데 목적을 두었다.

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A Study of Mental Health Literacy Among North Korean Refugees in South Korea

  • Noh, Jin-Won;Kwon, Young Dae;Yu, Shieun;Park, Hyunchun;Woo, Jong-Min
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제48권1호
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    • pp.62-71
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: This study aimed to investigate North Korean refugees' knowledge of mental illnesses and treatments and analyze the factors affecting this knowledge. Methods: Subjects were selected via a snowball sampling method, and the survey outcomes of 152 North Korean refugee participants were analyzed. The factors affecting knowledge of mental illnesses were analyzed via a regression analysis by constructing a multivariate model with mental illness knowledge score as the dependent variable. Results: The North Korean refugees' mental illness scores ranged from 3 to 24 points, with an average score of 13.0. Regarding the factors that influence mental illness knowledge, the subjects with South Korean spouses and those who had spent more time in South Korea had higher knowledge scores. Furthermore, the subjects who considered the mental health of North Korean refugees to be a serious issue revealed lower knowledge scores than those who did not believe it was a serious issue. The subjects who visit psychiatric clinics showed higher knowledge scores than those who do not. The South Korean subjects who had at least a college education exhibited higher scores than did those without advanced education. The subjects who are satisfied with life in South Korea manifested a higher mental illness knowledge score than those who are not. Conclusions: This study is significant as being the first study to ever measure and evaluate the level of North Korean refugees' knowledge of mental illnesses. In addition, the evaluations of North Korean refugees' mental illness knowledge and influencing factors while residing in South Korea created basic data that formed the foundation of an effort to enhance mental health literacy and provide proper mental health services. The results of this study can be utilized to solve mental health problems that might frequently occur during the unification process of North and South Korea in the future.

대북 제재 조치 평가 및 전망 (An assessment of sanctions on North Korea and the prospect)

  • 전성훈
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권31호
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    • pp.5-26
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    • 2013
  • The South Korean society has experienced many changes since the sinking of ROKS Cheonan. The government reviewed its defense posture and adopted the 5·24 Measure in its relations with North Korea. As a result, the people of South Korea became more conscious of security situations on the Korean peninsula while North Korea's economy suffered badly. Meanwhile, the South Korean government has taken a flexible stance toward North Korea in terms of exchange and cooperation since September 2011. The flexible stance was to manage inter-Korea relations in a stable manner and relieve the hardships of the North Korean people while preserving the spirits and purposes of the 5·24 Measure. The UN Security Council adopted twenty-six resolutions and statements on North Korea since June 25, 1950. They include thirteen U.N. Security Council resolutions including those concerning nuclear weapons or missile programs, nine Presidential statements, and four press statements. Resolution 82, the first U.N. resolution on North Korea, came when the Korean War broke out. Resolution 825, the first one related to nuclear or missile programs, was adopted in response to North Korea's withdrawal from the NPT. Apart from these U.N. resolutions, the United States has imposed separate sanctions against North Korea. North Korea's nuclear weapons program can be considered in comparison with that of Iran in terms of the consequences they create for the regional security. The Security Council has adopted six resolutions on Iran so far. One should note that the resolutions on Iran have had much stronger sanctions compared to those imposed on North Korea. That is, while the North Korea case may be viewed as a more serious threat to international security from the perspective of nuclear weapons development or proliferation, tougher sanctions have been placed on Iran. There are two approaches that South Korea should take in addressing the related issues. First, we should aim to reduce the gap between sanctions imposed on Iran and North Korea. It is difficult to understand that a country with more serious problems is rewarded with lighter sanctions. We should take measures through the Security Council Sanctions Committee to make individuals and groups in North Korea that play a central role in developing nuclear weapons and missiles subject to additional sanctions. Second, we have to change. Other countries in the international community have become tired of North Korea's nuclear issue and now they look to South Korea for initiative. We should correctly understand this current situation and play a leading role within our capacity. Knowingly and unknowingly, the notion that the North Korean nuclear issue may be left to South Korea has been spread around the international community. Although the situation is grave, we should try to open a new horizon in ushering in the unification era by taking the initiative with confidence that there is a looming hope ahead of us. For these tasks, we should stop thinking in the old way that has been ossified for the last two decades. We should not be pushed around by neighboring great powers in dealing with North Korea related issues anymore; we should take the initiative with resolution that we will play our role at the center of four great powers and with confidence that we can do it. Based on the confidence that the Republic of Korea has become a country with enough capacity to take the initiative, we should establish a 'National Grand Strategy' representing South Korea's strategic vision that the unification is the ultimate solution to the problems related to North Korea's nuclear weapons program.

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남한 방송의 북한 보도 생산자 연구 - KBS와 MBC 북한 문제 담당기자와의 심층 인터뷰를 중심으로 (A Study on South Korea reporters reporting North Korea issues: Focusing on KBS and MBC)

  • 정재철
    • 한국언론정보학보
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    • 제48권
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    • pp.135-152
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구의 목적은 방송 기자들의 북한에 대한 인식 및 제작 차원에서 북한 방송 보도의 제약 요인들을 집중적인 심층 인터뷰를 통해 규명하고, 이를 바탕으로 통일 시대를 대비한 방송인들의 역할이 무엇인지를 탐색해 보는 것이다. 이러한 연구 목적을 위해 북한 전문기자들과 외교통일부 출입처 기자들로 구성된 KBS 3명과 MBC 3명이 집중적인 심층 인터뷰 대상으로 선정되었다. 연구 결과, 국내 방송사 기자가 북한 관련 보도에서 가장 많이 영향을 받는 요소로는 국민 정서나 특정 사건이 유발 시킨 정세인 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 현 정부가 주도하는 대결 구도의 경직된 대북 정책과 대북관 혹은 보수 언론의 대북관 등이 기자들의 자유로운 북한 뉴스 가치 판단에 심리적인 압박을 가하고 있는 것으로 분석되었다.

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미국 노스다코타주 농촌지도사업에 있어서 노인복지 프로그램의 현황과 전망 (The Situations and Its Challenge for Rural Elderly Welfare Program on Extension Education in North Dakota, USA)

  • 박덕병
    • 농촌지도와개발
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.153-166
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    • 2003
  • The objective of this study is to explore the situations and extension roles for rural elderly welfare program in North Dakota, USA. With a growing older population, aging has become an important issue for extension. Services for rural elderly available in North Dakota were adult day care, home health care, senior insurance counseling, nutrition and medication assistance programs, support groups, legal assistance, meals on wheels, nursing homes and more. With a growing older population, aging has become an important issue for extension. Extension provides programs and services for rural elderly. This study was conducted by literature review. First, many rural elderly Americans are actively engaged in volunteer work and have made substantial contributions to their communities. Second, extension educators from interdisciplinary areas should work together to develop programs. Extension programs can include intergenerational programs to help younger generations learn about the issue. Third, extension can collaborate with other agencies and groups to offer support groups. Offering educational programs is a key to empowering older people. Fourth, elderly residents may be the only increasing natural resource for volunteering in general, and for participation in community improvement in particular. Fifth, extension educators should be proactive in working with agencies to provide social access and in helping older people be actively engaged in their lives, especially in rural areas.

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