• 제목/요약/키워드: Noise instability

검색결과 252건 처리시간 0.023초

Filtered Velocity Feedback 제어기를 이용한 양단지지보의 능동진동제어 (Active Vibration Control of Clamped Beams using Filtered Velocity Feedback Controllers)

  • 신창주;홍진숙;정의봉
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2011년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.264-270
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    • 2011
  • This paper reports a filtered velocity feedback (FVF) controller, which is an alternative to direct velocity feedback (DVFB) controller. The instability problems due to high frequency response under DVFB can be alleviated by the suggested FVF controller. The FVF controller is designed to filter out the unstable high frequency response. The FVF controller and the dynamics of clamped beams under forces and moments are first formulated The effects of the design parameters (cut-off frequency, gain, and damping ratio) on the stability and the performance are then investigated. The cut-off frequency should be selected not to affect the system stability. The magnitude of the open loop transfer function (OLTF) at the cut-off frequency should be small. As increasing the gain of the FVF controller, the magnitude of the OLTF is increased, so that the closed loop response can be reduced more. The enhancement of the OLTF at the cut-off frequency is reduced but the phase behavior around the cut-off frequency is distorted, as the damping ratio is increased The control performance is finally estimated for the clamped beam. More than 10dB reductions in velocity response can be achieved at the modal frequencies from the first to eighth modes.

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Filtered Velocity Feedback 제어기를 이용한 평판 능동진동제어 (Active Vibration Control of Plates Using Filtered Velocity Feedback Controllers)

  • 신창주;홍진숙;정의봉
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제21권10호
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    • pp.940-950
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    • 2011
  • This paper reports a filtered velocity feedback(FVF) controller, which is an alternative to direct velocity feedback(DVFB) controller. The instability problems at high frequencies due to non-collocated sensor/actuator configuration with the DVFB can be alleviated by the proposed FVF controller. The FVF controller is designed to filter out the unstable high frequency response. The dynamics of a clamped plate under forces and moments and the FVF controllers are formulated. The stability of the control system and performance are investigated with the open loop transfer function(OLTF). It is found that the FVF controller has a higher gain margin than the corresponding DVFB controller owing to the rapid roll-off behavior at high frequencies. Although the gain margin cannot be fully utilized because of the enhancement at the high frequencies, the vibration at the modes lower than the tuning frequency is well controlled. This performance of the FVF controller is shown to be improved from that of the DVFB controller. It is, however, noted that the stability around the tuning frequency is very sensitive so that the enhancement in vibration level should be followed. The reduction performance at low frequencies using the FVF controller should be compromised with the enhancement in the vibration at high frequencies while designing the controller.

Waviness가 있는 볼베어링으로 지지된 회전계의 안정성 해석 (Stability Analysis of a Rotating System Due to the Effect of Ball Bearing Waviness)

  • 정성원;장건희
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2002년도 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 2002
  • This research presents an analytical model to investigate the stability due to the ball bearing waviness in a rotating system supported by two ball bearings. The stiffness of a ball bearing changes periodically due to the waviness in the rolling elements as the rotor rotates, and it can be calculated by differentiating the nonlinear contact forces. The linearized equations of motion can be represented as a parametrically excited system in the form of Mathieu's equation, because the stiffness coefficients have time-varying components due to the waviness. Their solution can be assumed as a Fourier series expansion so that the equations of motion can be rewritten as the simultaneous algebraic equations with respect to the Fourier coefficients. Then, stability can be determined by solving the Hill's infinite determinant of these algebraic equations. The validity of this research is proved by comparing the stability chart with the time responses of the vibration model suggested by prior researches. This research shows that the waviness in the rolling elements of a ball bearing generates the time-varying component of the stiffness coefficient, whose frequency is called the frequency of the parametric excitation. It also shows that the instability takes place from the positions in which the ratio of the natural frequency to the frequency of the parametric excitation corresponds to i/2 (i= 1,2,3..).

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끝단질량과 크랙을 가진 유체유동 회전 외팔 파이프의 동적 안정성 (Dynamic Stability of Rotating Cantilever Pipe Conveying Fluid with Tip mass and Crack)

  • 손인수;윤한익;김동진
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2008
  • The stability of a rotating cantilever pipe conveying fluid with a crack and tip mass is investigated by the numerical method. That is, the effects of the rotating angular velocity, mass ratio, crack severity and tip mass on the critical flow velocity for flutter instability of system are studied. The equations of motion of rotating pipe are derived by using the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and the extended Hamilton's principle. The crack section of pipe is represented by a local flexibility matrix connecting two undamaged pipe segments. Also, the crack is assumed to be in the first mode of fracture and always opened during the vibrations. When the tip mass and crack are constant, the critical flow velocity for flutter is proportional to the rotating angular velocity of pipe. In addition, the stability maps of the rotating pipe system as a rotating angular velocity and mass ratio ${\beta}$ are presented.

Determining minimum analysis conditions of scale ratio change to evaluate modal damping ratio in long-span bridge

  • Oh, Seungtaek;Lee, Hoyeop;Yhim, Sung-Soon;Lee, Hak-Eun;Chun, Nakhyun
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.41-55
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    • 2018
  • Damping ratio and frequency have influence on dynamic serviceability or instability such as vortex-induced vibration and displacement amplification due to earthquake and critical flutter velocity, and it is thus important to make determination of damping ratio and frequency accurate. As bridges are getting longer, small scale model test considering similitude law must be conducted to evaluate damping ratio and frequency. Analysis conditions modified by similitude law are applied to experimental test considering different scale ratios. Generally, Nyquist frequency condition based on natural frequency modified by similitude law has been used to determine sampling rate for different scale ratios, and total time length has been determined by users arbitrarily or by considering similitude law with respect to time for different scale ratios. However, Nyquist frequency condition is not suitable for multimode system with noisy signals. In addition, there is no specified criteria for determination of total time length. Those analysis conditions severely affect accuracy of damping ratio. The focus of this study is made on the determination of minimum analysis conditions for different scale ratios. Influence of signal to noise ratio is studied according to the level of noise level. Free initial value problem is proposed to resolve the condition that is difficult to know original initial value for free vibration. Ambient and free vibration tests were used to analyze the dynamic properties of a system using data collected from tests with a two degree-of-freedom section model and performed on full bridge 3D models of cable stayed bridges. The free decay is estimated with the stochastic subspace identification method that uses displacement data to measure damping ratios under noisy conditions, and the iterative least squares method that adopts low pass filtering and fourth order central differencing. Reasonable results were yielded in numerical and experimental tests.

DGPS 기법을 이용한 자정식 현수교의 정동적 변위응답 측정 및 분석 (Application of Differential GPS for the Displacement Measurement of Self-anchored Suspension Bridge under the Static and Dynamic Loading Cases)

  • 김형태;서주원
    • 한국소음진동공학회논문집
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    • 제19권11호
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    • pp.1126-1132
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    • 2009
  • Bridge structures are designed to support ordinary loadings such as vehicles, wind, temperature and current as well as unexpected loadings like earthquakes and storm. Especially, the displacement of Flexible bridges like an suspension bridge under ordinary loading conditions is necessary to be monitored. In case of long span bridges, there are some difficulties in monitoring the displacement of center of the main span using traditional laser displacement sensors. In this study, the static and dynamic displacement responses due to vehicle loadings were measured by DGPS(differential global positioning system) technique. The displacement response data were compared with data obtained from traditional laser displacement sensors so that the static and dynamic behavior of the bridge under vehicle loadings was examined and the applicability of the displacement response measurement using DGPS technique was verified. The static and dynamic loading test for an self-anchored suspension bridge, So-rok Bridge, was performed using vehicles. The displacement response from DGPS technique and that from laser displacement sensors of the bridge monitoring system were compared. The amplitude of white noise from DGPS based measurement was about 7 mm and that of laser displacement sensor based measurement was about 3 mm. On the other hand, dynamic behavior of the center of main span from DGPS based measurement showed better agreement with influence line of the bridge than that from laser displacement sensors. In addition, there were some irregular and discontinuous variation of data due to the instability of GPS receivers or frequent appearance of GPS satellites. Post-processing via the reference station close to an observation post provided by NGII(National Geographic Information Institute) will be a counter-plan for these defects.

PD-SOI기판에 제작된 SiGe p-MOSFET의 신뢰성 분석 (Reliability Analysis of SiGe pMOSFETs Formed on PD-SOI)

  • 최상식;최아람;김재연;양전욱;한태현;조덕호;황용우;심규환
    • 한국전기전자재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전기전자재료학회 2007년도 하계학술대회 논문집 Vol.8
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    • pp.533-533
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    • 2007
  • The stress effect of SiGe p-type metal oxide semiconductors field effect transistors(MOSFETs) has been investigated to compare device properties using Si bulk and partially depleted silicon on insulator(PD SOI). The electrical properties in SiGe PD SOI presented enhancements in subthreshold slope and drain induced barrier lowering in comparison to SiGe bulk. The reliability of gate oxides on bulk Si and PD SOI has been evaluated using constant voltage stressing to investigate their breakdown (~ 8.5 V) characteristics. Gate leakage was monitored as a function of voltage stressing time to understand the breakdown phenomena for both structures. Stress induced leakage currents are obtained from I-V measurements at specified stress intervals. The 1/f noise was observed to follow the typical $1/f^{\gamma}$ (${\gamma}\;=\;1$) in SiGe bulk devices, but the abnormal behavior ${\gamma}\;=\;2$ in SiGe PD SOI. The difference of noise frequency exponent is mainly attributed to traps at silicon oxide interfaces. We will discuss stress induced instability in conjunction with the 1/f noise characteristics in detail.

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코렌트로피 이퀄라이져를 위한 새로운 커널 사이즈 적응 추정 방법 (A New Adaptive Kernel Estimation Method for Correntropy Equalizers)

  • 김남용
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.627-632
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    • 2021
  • 적응 신호 처리 및 머신 러닝 등에 활용되고 있는 정보 이론적 학습법(ITL, information theoretic learning)은 커널 사이즈(��) 설정이 성능에 큰 영향을 미친다. ITL 기반의 학습법의 하나인 코렌트로피 알고리듬은 충격성 잡음에 강인성과 채널 왜곡 보상 특성을 함께 지니고 있으나 커널 사이즈 선택에 매우 민감하거나 불안정한 특성도 지니고 있다. 이에, 이 논문에서는 기울기 분모에 나타나는 커널 사이즈의 세제곱이 미치는 민감성을 고려하고, 커널 사이즈의 미세 변동에 대한 오차 전력 변화율을 이용하여 커널 사이즈를 적응적으로 갱신하는 방법을 제안하여 코렌트로피 알고리듬에 적용하였다. 제안된 적응 커널 사이즈 추정 방법을 다중 경로 채널과 충격성 잡음 환경에 대해 실험하였다. 제안한 방식은 고정 커널사이즈의 기존 알고리듬에 비해 2배 빠른 수렴 속도를 나타냈고 초기 커널 사이즈 2.0 에서 6.0 에 대해 모두 적절히 수렴하는 능력을 보였다. 이에 초기 커널 사이즈 선택에 큰 여유도를 가지고 성능을 향상시킬 수 있음을 입증하였다.

군사훈련 소음이 주민들의 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Military Training Noise on Life Satisfaction of Residents Living Near Military Facilities)

  • 김욱;조영무
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제22권10호
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    • pp.497-505
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    • 2022
  • 이 연구는 군사훈련으로 발생하는 소음이 군사시설 주변에 거주하는 주민들의 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향을 확인하기 위해 시행되었다. 2017년 군사시설 주변에 거주하는 성인 주민 904명을 대상으로 설문을 시행하였다. 대상자들의 삶의 만족도 점수는 총 5점 만점에 3.17점 수준으로 선행연구에 비해 낮은 수준으로 확인되었다. 삶의 만족도 영향요인을 분석하기 위해 종속변수로 삶의 만족도, 독립변수로 인구사회학적 요인과 신체적 피해 경험 요인, 그리고 정신적 피해 경험 요인을 선정하여 회귀분석한 결과 인구사회학적 요인으로는 월평균 가구소득(coef.=0.09, p<0.001), 정신적 피해 경험 요인으로는 정서불안(coef.=-0.34, p<0.001)과 스트레스(coef.=-0.05, p<0.001)가 삶의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 이 연구는 군사시설 주변 지역에 거주하는 주민들의 삶의 만족도 향상을 위한 정책 수립에 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

포 구동명령 개선을 위한 표적상태 추정기 설계 (A Target State Estimator Design to Improve the Gun Driving Command)

  • 이석재;곽휘권;유준
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제13권11호
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    • pp.1053-1059
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents a target sate estimator(TSE) with low pass filter for improving the gun driving command. The ballistic computer uses target information such as predicted range, velocity, acceleration of a target to generate the gun command. We adopt the finite impulse response(FIR) filter as our TSE to shorten calculation time for the driving command and due to its inherent stability property. We also introduce a post-processing filter to reduce the high frequency components in the output signal of a TSE which may cause instability of gun driving. The first order low pass filter has been designed based on $H{\infty}$ criteria considering the noise characteristics. To show the validity of the present scheme, simulation results are given for the overall gun driving system including aircraft target information.