• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nitrogen removal

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Ammonium Ion Removal and Regeneration for Zeolite Filtration in Drinking Water Treatment (정수처리에서 제올라이트 여과를 이용한 암모니아성질소의 제거와 재생)

  • Kim, U Hyang;Lee, Seung Hui
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.661-665
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    • 2004
  • As the concentration of ammonium nitrogen could be reached 2~3 mg/L in the winter in the river. It was clear that the excessive concentration of chlorinated organics could be produced with the increase of chlorine addition to remove ammonium nitrogen. In the innovative ammonium nitrogen removal process, zeolite adsorption is very efficient as substitute for rapid sand filtration without other adverse quality change in the water. This study is conducted to evaluate the feasibility of ammonium nitrogen removal and regeneration by zeolite adsorption in drinking water treatment. Also, the reuse possibility of zeolite is evaluated to change the removal efficiency of ammonium nitrogen through several times of regeneration. The ammonium nitrogen was not removed in sand filter, but it was almost removed in zeolite filter during 7 days. The sand and zeolite filters have a similar result of turbidity removal. Therefore, zeolite filtration was confirmed the removal of turbidity and ammonium nitrogen as a media. When compared KCl with NaCl as a chemical for zeolite regeneration, it is demonstrated that KCl was more efficient than NaCl in the ability of zeolite regeneration. The adsorption rate of ammonium nitrogen was almost not decreased in the results of several times of regeneration. It is indicated that both zeolite and regeneration solution were possible to reuse without variation of regeneration rate through this study.

Removal of #NH_3-N$ by using Immobilized Nitrifier Consortium in Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA에 고정화된 질화세균에 의한 암모니아성 질소제거)

  • 서근학;김용하;조진구;김병진;서재관;박은주;김성구
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.479-483
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    • 1999
  • Nitrifier consortium immobilized in polyvinyl alcohol was used for the removal of ammonia nitrogen from synthetic aquaculture water in the airlift bioreactor. At the aeration rate fo 0.15 vvm and bead packing volume fraction of 20%, airlift bioreactor was operated effectively for a removal of ammonia nitrogen and for a stability of operation. Ammonia nitrogen removal rate by airlift bioreactor was continuously increased with decreasing hydraulic residence time. At the HRT(hydraulic residence time) of 0.3 hour, ammonia nitrogen removal rate was 84.3 g/$m^3$.d and the highest ammonia nitrogen removal rate was 130.8 g/$m^3$.d when HRT was 0.1 hour.

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Methane Production and Nitrogen Removal from Piggery Wastewater in the TPAD Coupled with BNR Process (질소제거공정과 결합한 2상 혐기성 소화공정에서 돈분폐수의 메탄생성 및 질소제거)

  • Park, Noh-Back;Park, Sang-Min;Choi, Woo-Young;Jun, Hang-Bae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2009
  • Nitrogen removal and methane production from piggery wastewater were investigated in two-phase anaerobic digestion (TPAD) coupled with biological nitrogen removal (BNR) process at $35^{\circ}C$. Methane production rate was about $0.7L/L{\cdot}day$ at organic loading rate (OLR) of $1.2g{\cdot}TCOD/L{\cdot}day$ in methanogenic UASB. Conversion efficiency of the removed TCOD into methane in UASB was as high as 72% and overall TCOD removal efficiency in this system was over 97%. Ammonia nitrogen were stably removed in BNR system and overall efficiency were 98%. With recirculation of the nitrified final effluent to TPAD, nitrogen oxides were completely removed by anaerobic denitrification in the acidogenic reactor, which did not inhibit the acidogenic activities. Overall TN removal efficiency in the TPAD-BNR system was as high as 94%.

TDS Removal using Bio-sorption with AGS and High Concentration Nitrogen Removal (AGS의 생물흡착을 이용한 TDS 제거 및 고농도 질소제거에 관한 연구)

  • Eom, Han Ki;Choi, Yoo Hyun;Joo, Hyun Jong
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.303-309
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed to assay the biological removal of TDS (total dissolved solids) from RO (reverse osmosis) rejected water. Following bio-sorption of TDS with AGS (aerobic granular sludge), the effects of TDS on biological nitrogen removal were examined. The bio-sorption of TDS after AGS treatment was confirmed by checking for TDS removal efficiency and surface analysis of microorganisms with SEM and EDS. Then, the effects of TDS on biological nitrogen removal and the denitrification efficiency were evaluated using the MBR reactor. According to the results, the bio-sorption of TDS with AGS was 0.1 mg TDS/mg AGS, and we confirmed that the microorganism surfaces had adsorbed the TDS. Biological nitrogen removal efficiency was measured at inhibiting denitrification at 4,000 mg/L of TDS-injected material. Based on this study, it is necessary to pretreat TDS-containing RO rejected water and to maintain TDS concentration lower than a specific value (≤4,000 mg/L), when considering biological nitrogen removal.

A Comparison of N and P Removal Characteristics by the Variation of Non-aeration Time in A2O SBBR (A2O SBBR에서 비포기 시간 배분에 따른 질소-인 제거 특성 비교)

  • Park, Young-Seek;Jeong, No-Sung;Kim, Dong-Seog
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.813-821
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    • 2007
  • Laboratory scale experiments were conducted to investigate the removal characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus in two sequencing batch biofilm reactors (SBBRs). SBBR1 had a short first non-aeration period and SBBR2 had a long first non-aeration period. The removal characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus in each SBBR were precisely observed according to the variation of influent TOC concentration, and the operation control parameters (pH, DO concentration, ORP) in each reactor were measured. In biological nitrogen removal, there was little difference between SBBR1 and SBBR2 and the nitrogen removal efficiencies were very low. The nitrogen and phosphorus removal characteristics in high influent TOC concentration were different from those in low TOC. Nitrogen removals by simultaneous nitrification/denitrification (SND) were occurred in both SBBR1 and SBBR2. The P removal in SBBR1 was superior to that in SBBR2. The second P release was observed in SBBR1 which had long second non-aeration period.

Nitrogen Removal by Electrochemical Oxidation Using the Tube Type Electrode (튜브형 전극을 이용한 전기화학적 산화에 의한 질소제거에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Jae-Jun;Jeong, Jong-Sik;Lee, Jae-Bok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.580-587
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this research is to investigate the electrochemical oxidation process for nitrogen removal in wastewater involving chloride ion and nitrogen compounds. The process experiment of electrochemical oxidation was conducted by using the stainless steel tube type reactor and the $Ti/IrO_2$ as anode. Free chlorine production and current efficiency variation for total nitrogen removal was compared depending on whether electrolyte is added, and the nitrogen type distribution under an operating condition. When chloride was added as electrolyte, it was found that production of free chlorine increased and the concentration of the chloride decreased as retention time passed. The concentration of chloride in influent decreased from 1,660 to 1,198 mg/L at the current density of $6.7A/dm^2$, while concentration of free chlorine increased to 132 mg/L. Current efficiency in removal of ammonium nitrogen was increased when chloride was dosed as electrolyte. It was observed that ammonium nitrogen was oxidized to nitrite and nitrate through electrochemical oxidation and that the concentration of total nitrogen in influent was reduced from 22.58 to 4.00 mg/L at the short retention time of 168 seconds through the electrochemical oxidation of nitrogen.

Ammonia Nitrogen Removal and Recovery from Swine Wastewater by Microwave Radiation

  • La, Joohee;Kim, Taeyoung;Jang, Jae Kyung;Chang, In Seop
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.381-385
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    • 2014
  • Microwave (MW) radiation was developed to remove and recover ammonia nitrogen in the real swine wastewater. The effect of operating parameters of MW radiation such as initial pH, power, radiation time, aeration, and stirring for removal ammonia nitrogen in swine wastewater was determined. The pH, radiation time, and power were significantly influenced on the removal of ammonia nitrogen, and aeration and stirring showed relatively minor effect on the removal of ammonia nitrogen. Optimum condition was achieved to retrieve the nitrogen efficiently at pH 11, 700 W for 5 min in MW radiation process. Through this process, 83.1% of ammonia nitrogen concentration was reduced in swine wastewater and also 82.6% of ammonia nitrogen was recovered as ammonium sulfate at the optimized condition. The high ammonia removal and recovery efficiency of the MW radiation method indicated that MW radiation was an effective technique to remove and recover ammonia nitrogen in the swine wastewater.

Modeling for Biological Nitrogen Removal in Step-Feed Process (Step-Feed 공정에서의 생물학적 질소제거 Modeling)

  • Lee, Byung-Dae
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.62-70
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    • 2005
  • Step-feed process for biological nitrogen removal were analyzed numerically for the each unit and final total nitrogen(TN) effluent by water quality management(WQM) model and the results were compared data from these wastewater treatment plants. No bugs and logic error were occurred during simulation work. All of the simulation results tried to two times were obtained and both results were almost same as this model has become good reappearance. It was concluded that most of nitrogen removal occurred in the first oxic tank. Thus the controlling of the first anoxic tank may be more important in term of nitrogen removal. Also each unit of simulation result was kept good relationship with that of measured data. Accordingly this WQM model has good reliance. Finally, WQM model can predict final TN effluent within ${\pm}6.0mg/{\ell}$.

Removal of NH(sub)3-N by Using Immobilized Nitrifier Consortium in PVA[Polyvinyl Alcohol]-I. Effect of Packing Fraction and Aeration Rate on Ammonia Nitrogen Removal (PVA에 고정화된 질화세균군에 의한 암모니아성 질소 제거 I. 충진율 및 공기 유입량이 암모니아성 질소제거에 미치는 영향)

  • 서근학;김병진;오창섭
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.314-319
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    • 2001
  • A nitrifier consortium immobilized in polyvinyl alcohol was used to remove ammonia nitrogen from synthetic wastewater in an airlift bioreactor. The minimum aeration rates were 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 vvm for 5, 10, 15 and 20% immobilized bead packing volume fraction, respectively. The efficient packing fraction and the aeration rate for ammonia nitrogen removal were 15% and 2.4 vvm, respectively. With a hydraulic retention time of 0.5hr, the removal rate and the efficiency of ammonia nitrogen removal were 1685 g/㎥$.$day and 48% at an influent ammonia nitrogen concentration of 75 g/㎥.

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Estimation of the Reactor Volume Ratio for Nitrogen Removal in Step-Feed Activated Sludge Process (단계 주입 활성슬러지공법에서 질소제거를 위한 반응기 용적비 추정)

  • Lee, Byung-Dae
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.130-136
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    • 2006
  • Theoretical total nitrogen removal efficiency and reactor volume ratio in oxic-anoxic-oxic system can be found by influent water quality in this study. The influent water quality items for calculation were ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, alkalinity, and COD which can affect nitrification and denitrification reaction. Total nitrogen removal efficiency depends on influent allocation ratio. The total nitrogen removal follows the equation of 1/(1+b). Optimal reactor volume ratio for maximum TN removal efficiency was expressed by those influent water quality and nitrification/denitrification rate constants. It was possible to expect optimal reactor volume ratio by the calculation with the standard deviation of ${\pm}14.2$.