• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nitrogen Preservation

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Effects of Powder and Concentrates of Prnus mume on the Quality of Doenjang During Fermentation (매실분말 및 농축액 첨가가 된장의 숙성중 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Woo-Po;Kim, Nam-Dae;Lee, Seung-Chul;Kim, Sung-Yong;Cho, Sung-Hwan
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.574-580
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    • 2006
  • Different amounts of powder and concentrate (0.5% and 1.0%) of Prnus mume were added to doenjang and were examined during fermentation at $20^{\circ}C$. Moisture and amino nitrogen content were gradually increased, regardless of the amount of powder and concentrate of Prnus mume (PCP). A rapid increase in moisture and amino nitrogen was shown at initial 2 week of fermentation. Control showed a higher amino nitrogen content and microbial load (yeast and mold) than samples with PCP. Reducing sugar content was rapidly decreased after 2 weeks, but was plateaued after 4 weeks. Color (L, a and b) of doenjang had the highest value at 4 weeks, but was decreased thereafter. Weter extracts from samples with PCP were lower in radical scavenging activity than that of control, but methanol extracts and ethanol extracts were generally higher than that of control. Based on On sensory evaluation of doenjang after 6 weeks, control 1 was better than other treatments in color, aroma and taste. Significant difference was not observed among control 1, control 2 and samples with 0.5% PCP.

Quality Characteristic of Hwangki(Astragalus membranaceus) Chungkukjang during Fermentation (황기청국장의 발효 중 품질특성)

  • Choi, Hye-Sun;Joo, Seon-Jong;Yoon, Hyang-Sik;Kim, Ki-Sik;Song, In-Gyu;Min, Kyeong-Beom
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.356-363
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    • 2007
  • This study investigated the effects of a Hwangki (Astragalus membranaceus) extract on the quality of Chungkukjang fermented by Bacillus subtilis KCCM 12148, at 30, 40, and $50^{\circ}C$, for 4 days. Changes in moisture contents, protein levels, pH values, ammonia-type nitrogen levels, color, angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibition rates, and fibrinolytic activities, were all determined. For both control and test, the moisture contents decreased gradually with time and the protein levels increased slightly. The pH values fell at the beginning of fermentation and then rose. The content of ammonia-type nitrogen was higher in Hwangki with Chungkukjang than in control, until 24 hr after fermentation commenced. After that time, the content of ammonia-type nitrogen control was higher in the control than in the Hwangki with Chungkukjang sample. Color features, such as lightness, redness, and yellowness, all decreased during fermentation, in both control and test. The highest ACE inhibition rates during fermentation at $40^{\circ}C$ were 90.9% in the control (48 hr after fermentation commenced) and 95.3% in Hwangki with Chungkukjang(24 hr). Fibrinolytic activities of Chungkukjang and Hwangki Chungkukjang were 100.7 and 74.4% respectively. The content of 2,6-dimethyl pyrazine in the control was higher than that in Hwangki with Chungkukjang. Sensory evaluationtests showed that the addition of Hwangki significantly improved the overall palatability of Chungkukjang.

Effects of Fermentation Method and Brown Rice Content on Quality Characteristics of Brown Rice Vinegar (발효 현미식초의 발효방법 및 원료함량에 따른 품질변화)

  • Joo, Kyung-Ho;Cho, Myung-Hui;Park, Kee-Jai;Jeong, Seong-Weon;Lim, Jeong-Ho
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2009
  • To evaluate the quality of brown rice vinegar made by traditional fermentation in terms of Zymotechnic data and material content, vinegars prepared using a traditional leavening agent and yeast were compared. Amino acid, total nitrogen, free sugar, organic acid, and mineral levels were assessed, with vinegars made with initial brown rice contents of 12.36% (w/v). Vinegar made using Nuruk as fermenting agent (traditional fermentation, TF), with a brown rice content of 20% (w/v), and vinegar prepared using yeast for fermentation (control fermentation, CF), with a brown rice content of 12% (w/v) were compared. TF vinegar had a total nitrogen content about that of CF vinegar. Total nitrogen in TF vinegar was 350.460 mg/100g, and in CF vinegar the level was 100.140 mg/100g. TF vinegar had more minerals, free sugars, and amino acids compared with CF vinegar. When free sugar was assessed, TF vinegar had a glucose level of 3.45 g/100g, double that of CF vinegar. Amino acid levels were five-fold higher in TF vinegar then in CF vinegar. When brown rice content was 36% (w/v), the amino acid level was $6088.22\;{\mu}g/mL$ in TF vinegar and $1194.05\;{\mu}g/mL$ in CF vinegar.

Quality Characteristics of Commercial Rice Soybean Paste (국내외 시판 쌀된장의 품질특성)

  • Kim, Yun-Sung;Kim, Ji-Yeun;Choi, Hye-Sun
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.853-858
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    • 2011
  • Soybean-based food items have been developed as common fermented side dish sauces in South Korea, Japan, and China. Each of these countries, however, has its own fermentation method, including a microorganism-based fermentation process, the mixing of ingredients, the fermentation process, and the mixing of starch. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality characteristics of the commercial product. Fourteen kinds of rice soybean paste (Korea, 2 Japan, 12) were prepared, and their physiochemical properties (ammonium nitrogen, amino nitrogen, amylase, protease, and reducing-sugar contents) were analyzed. JRD-1 was found to contain the highest amount of amino-type nitrogen (426.45 mg%) while KRD-2 showed 316.10 mg%. For the protease activities, the following results were obtained: JRD-9, 695.10 unit/g JRD-11, 671.45 unit/g and JRD-5, 665.03 unit/g. As for the amylase activities, the results that were obtained were JRD-7, 53.65 unit/g JRD-8, 50.71 unit/g KRD-1, 46.52 unit/g JRD-1, 46.29 unit/g and JRD-11, 33.61 unit/g. This research provided information for the quality characteristics of commercial rice soybean paste.

A Study on Preservation of Chicken Products (계육의 보존성에 관한 연구)

  • Seo Jeong-Sook;Bang Byung-Ho;Jeong Eun-Ja
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to improve the preservation and the functionality of chicken legs. Three precipitation solutions of common solution(A), herb solution(B) and herb solution containing chitosan(C) were prepared. The chicken legs were treated with A, B and C solution, respectively, during 4 hours. And the chicken legs treated with each solution were stored at $7^{\circ}C$ for 8 days. The quality changes of each groups were examined by pH, total bacteria, VBN(volatile basic nitrogen) values and sensory evaluation. The pH values of three groups were not different. Chicken legs treated with C solution showed the lowest VBN values and total bacteria cell count and the highest sensory scores in color and flavor.

Production and Preservation of $\alpha$-Amylase from Bacillus sp. Y-124 (Bacillus sp. Y-124로부터 $\alpha$-Amylase의 생산 및 그 보존성에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Hong-Ki;Yeehn Yeeh;Lee, Jong-Kune
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 1981
  • Microorganisms from the waste water of starch industry, were isolated and a strain, Y-124, possessing a powerful enzymic activity was selected and identified as a member of the genus Bacillus. The ideal cultural condition for the formation of $\alpha$-amylase form Bacillus Y-124 and its preservation was investigated in connection with the biotechnological and industrial approach to the bulk enzyme production. High yield of $\alpha$-amylase was observed in medium containing casein as well as calcium pantothenate in this work. Calcium ions were found to have an effect in forming this particular enzyme. Ammonium phosphate dibasic was an important inorganic nitrogen source for the formation of $\alpha$-amylase. And preservation of this enzyme was greatly affected by calcium or sodium salts. The addition of calcium carbonate or sodium sulfate presented the most effective result for the prevention of its denaturation to various factors. The above data was obtained with crude enzyme preparation.

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Comparative Assessment of Freshness Preservation in Vacuum-Packed Frozen Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and Mackerel Scomber japonicus Fillets During Room Temperature Distribution Using Varied Quantities of Commercially Available Cold Packs (시판 보냉팩 개수에 따른 진공포장 냉동 넙치(Paralichthys olivaceus) 및 고등어(Scomber japonicus) 필렛의 상온유통 중 선도유지능 비교평가)

  • So Hee Kim;Ji Un Lee;Eun Bi Jeon;Jin Kim;Pantu Kumar Roy;Shin Young Park;Jung-Suck Lee
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.818-825
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    • 2023
  • The surge in online seafood consumption has increased parcel delivery, leading to a need to implement effective preservation methods. As the cold chain system is not fully established in Korea, styrofoam boxes and cold packs are commonly used for low-temperature seafood distribution. The impact of cold packs on product preservation depends on the number utilized. Herein, the freshness of vacuum-packed frozen fish fillets (Paralichthys olivaceus and Scomber japonicus) stored at 25±0.5℃ for up to 84 h was measured. Chemical (pH and volatile base nitrogen), microbiological (viable cell count), and physical (odor intensity) properties were assessed using 2 or 4 cold packs in a styrofoam box. Four cold packs yielded lower values, indicating superior freshness, and extended fish freshness by approximately 12 h compared with two cold packs. Therefore, it is recommended to use a minimum of 4 cold packs (-350 g/cold pack) in a styrofoam box for distributing approximately 300 g of frozen fish fillets at room temperature during the summer, considering an average delivery period of 2 days in Korea.

A study on the Rapid Processing of Hydrolyzed Anchovy Paste and Its Quality Stability (효소분해법에 의한 페이스트형 속성 멸치젓의 제조 및 품질에 관한 연구)

  • HAN Bong-Ho;KIM Sang-Ho;CHO Hyun-Duk;CHO Man-Gi;BAE Tae-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 1997
  • A study on the processing method of anchovy hydrolysate paste (AHP) was carried out to improve the sensory quality of salted and fermented fish. Homogenized whole anchovy was hydrolyzed using commercial pretenses, Complex enzyme-2000 (CE, Pacific Chem. Co.) and Alcalase (AL, Novo), in a cylindrical vessel with 4 baffle plates and 6-bladed turbine impeller. Optimal pH, temperature, and enzyme concentration for the hydrolysis with CE and AL were $7.0,\;52^{\circ}C,\;7\%$, and $8.0,\;60^{\circ}C,\;6\%$, respectively. The rational amount of water for homogenization, agitation speed, and hydrolyzing time were $100\%\;(w/w)$, 100 rpm, and 210 min, respectively. To make the hydrolysate to paste type, it was effective to mix the additives, such as starch, soybean protein, agar, and carrageenan gum to the hydrolysate 5 min before the end of boiling at $100^{\circ}C$ for 30 min. Minimal NaCl concentration for long-term preservation was $15\%$, and this could be reduced to $12\%$ by adding $5\%$ of KCl. yield of the AHP based on the total nitrogen content was $94.6\~97.0\%,\;and\;86.0\~89.2\%$, of the nitrogen was amino nitrogen. Salinity, pH and histamine content of the AHP prepared with $12\%$ NaCl and $5\%$ KCl were $9.3\~9.9\%,\;6.1\~6.2$, and below 13 mg/100 g, respectively. The AHP was stable at $26{\pm}3^{\circ}C$ for 60 days on bacterial growth, and addition of $0.05\%$ of rosemary (Herbalox) extract was effective to inhibit the lipid oxidation of the AHP during storage.

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The ecological studies on Aspergillus kawachii Kitahara. (백국균 Aspergillus kawachii Kitahara의 생태학적 연구)

  • 이두영
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 1968
  • This study has been aimed to determine the ecological factors with relationship to the Jongkok production in view of fermentation technology by means of some strains, Asp. kawachii, which is now preserved by the author and the following factors are included during the study; inorganic salts, nitrogen, sugar, water contents and temperature. The results, are as follows: (a) Sugar among other above-mentioned factors is increasingly affecting the number of the short type of conidiophore on culture medium and the conidiophore is increased by direct ratio until glucose concentration of 50%, at which concentration is mostly effective for the short type of conidiophore, while other factors did not affect on it. (b) Until glucose concentration of 50% sugar component of culture medium is favorable for the spore formation of Asp. kawachii by direct ratio. And peptone or asparagine on nitrogen medium, calcium-phosphate among other inorganic salts, wheat bran and rice branare also favorable, but other factors rientioned earlier show no relationship with the spore formation. Sugar, however, also related with the spore color clearness of crimson and light brown, and spore color is mostly clear at the point of glucose concentration until 50%. And asparagine on nitrogen medium, calcium phosphate among other inorganic salts, rice bran did all affect on the color clearness, while other factors did not concern with color clearness. (c) Water, sugar and temperature have related with the acid formation which is promoted, by direct ratio at the point of water-saturated condition and glucose concentration of 50%, while temperature at $25^{\circ}C$favorably affected on the acid formation which is increased by inverse ratio at the temperature$25^{\circ}C$ to $45^{\circ}C$ And pH did not relate with the acid formation. (d) Cylindrical plate method devised by the author is mostly favorable for the preservation and isolation of culture, compared with the traditional slant medium method.

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Effect Oxygen in Inflation Gas for Warm Ischemia-reperfusion Injury in the Lung of a Mongrel Dog (황견에서 폐장의 산소가 온열 허혈후 재관류 시폐손상에 미치는 영향)

  • 성숙환;김현조;김영태
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2000
  • Background: Hyperinflation during lung ischemia has been known to improve pulmonary functions after reperfusion which may be exerted through a pulmonary vasodilation and avoidance of atelectasis by an increased surfactant release and been known whether the improvement of pulmonary function was the effect of hyperinflation itself or the oxygen content in inflation gas. Therefore we attempted to clarify the effect of hyperinflation with oxygen in pulmonary inflation gas during warm ischemia on pulmonary function after reperfusion to solve the problem of ischemia-reperfusion injury after lung transplantation. Material and Method: sixteen mongrel dogs were randomly divided into two groups: the left lung was inflated to 30-35 cm H2O with 100% oxygen in oxygen group and 100% nitrogen in nitrogen group. The inflated left lung was maintained with warm ischemia for 100 minutes. Arterial and mixed venous blood gas analysis and hemodynamics were measured before ischemia and 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 minutes afer reperfusion. Lung biopsy was taken for the measurement of lung water content after the end of reperfusion. Result: In oxygen group arterial oxygen tension the difference of arterial and mixed venous oxygen tension and the difference of alveolar-arterial oxygen tension at 30-minute after reperfusion were not significantly different from those before ischemia and were stable during the 40hour reperfusion. However in nitrogen group these values were significantly deteriorated at 30-minute after reperfusion. there was no significant difference between two groups in hemodynamic data peak airway pressure and lung water content. Conclusion : The results indicated that the oxygenation one of the most important pulmonary functions was improved by pulmonary inflation with 100% oxygen during warm ischemia but the hemodynamics were not. Oxygen as a metabolic substrate during warm ischenia was believed to make the pulmonary tissues to maintain aerobic metabolism and to prevent ischemic damage of alveoli and pulmonary capillary.

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