• 제목/요약/키워드: NiFe

검색결과 2,526건 처리시간 0.027초

활성화 수피를 이용한 중금속 흡착제 개발 (Development of Adsorbent for Heavy Metals by Activation of the Bark)

  • 박창진;양재의;유경열;장용선;김원일
    • 한국환경농학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.240-244
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this research was to develop the adsorbent far heavy metals by activating the bark sample. Barks from pine tree with diameters of $2{\sim}4\;mm$ were activated in the muffle furnace under a high relative humidity condition at temperatures of $600{\sim}900^{\circ}C$. The removal efficiency of the activated bark (ACTBARK) for Cu and Cd was temperature dependent showing the order of $900^{\circ}C$ > $800^{\circ}C$ > $700^{\circ}C$ > $600^{\circ}C$. The critical temperature was considered to be $900^{\circ}C$ to become an efficient adsorbent for Cu and Cd. The bark samples activated at temperatures lower than $700^{\circ}C$ showed a less removal efficiency than the crude bark. The ACTBARK activated at $900^{\circ}C$ removed more Cu and Cd from solution than the commercial activated carbon and charcoal. The ACTBARK (activated at $900^{\circ}C$) adsorbed all of the Cu and Cd in solution with concentrations less than 150 mg/L. The selectivity of the ACTBARK was in the order of Cu > Zn > Ni > Pb > Fe > Cd > Mn.

황산화 배소법에 의한 구리성분의 선택적 침출연구 (A Study on the Selective Leaching of the Copper Component by Sulfation Process)

  • 김우진;김준수;김명준;;이진영;신선명
    • 자원리싸이클링
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구는 호주산 저품위 동광의 선광실험결과로 얻은 고품위 광물의 황산화 배소 및 선택적 침출반응 조건 확립을 통해 유가 광물 중에 함유된 성분을 선별적으로 용해해냄으로써 철 성분을 비롯한 불순물을 줄이거나, 동 및 니켈 성분을 용해 혹은 잔사에 잔류시킴으로써 유가금속회수를 효과적으로 회수하고자 하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구실험결과 얻은 최적조건은 황산화 배소시 $450^{\circ}C$, $Na_2SO_4$ 2 mole ratio 및 1.5 h이었고, 배소산물의 침출온도는 상온 및 침출제는 $H_2O$ 혹은 1M $H_2SO_4$이었다. 최적조건 하에서 Cu 성분은 90 wt.% 침출율을 Fe성분은 20 wt.%내외, Ni성분은 15 wt.% 정도를 나타내는 것으로 보아 선택적 분해침출이 가능하다.

구리, 니켈, 코발트, 철 혼합용액(混合溶液)으로부터 구리의 제거(除去) (Removal of Copper from the Solution Containing Copper, Nickel, Cobalt and Iron)

  • 박경호;남철우;김현호
    • 자원리싸이클링
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 2013
  • 니켈, 코발트와 철의 혼합용액에 미량 함유되어 있는 구리 (399 ppm 구리, 208 ppm 철, 15.3 g/L 니켈, 2.1 g/L 코발트)를 분리, 제거를 위한 방법들을 검토하였다. 중화침전법의 경우 용액의 pH가 7.0 에서 구리는 철과 함께 전부 수산화물로 침전, 제거되었으나 니켈과 코발트의 일부도 함께 침전되었다. 황화침전법의 경우 1.25% 농도의 $Na_2S$를 구리의 2당량비 첨가하고 용액의 pH가 1.0인 경우 구리가 99.7% 제거 되었다. TP207 양이온 흡착제를 사용한 이온교환수지법은 평형 pH 2.0 에서 구리만이 선택적으로 흡착되었으며 탈착용액으로는 5% 황산이 적당하였다.

용융염 LiCl 및 LiCl-$Li_2O$에서 내열합금 More 1과 Super 22H의 부식거동 (Corrosion Behavior of Heat-Resistant Alloys of More 1 and Super 22H in Molten Salt of LiCl and LiCl-$Li_2O$)

  • 조수행;박상철;장준선;신영준;박현수
    • 한국재료학회지
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.556-563
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    • 1999
  • The corrosion behavior of heat-resistant alloys, More 1 and Super 22H in molten salts of LiCl and $LiCl-Li_2$O was investigated in the temperature range of $650~850^{\circ}C$. In a molten salt of LiCl, a dense protective oxide scale of $LiCrO_2$ was formed, following growth of oxide scale with parabolic kinetics. But in a mixed molten salt of LiCl, a dense protective oxide scale of $LiCrO_2$ was formed, following growth of oxide scale with parabolic kinetics. But in a mixed molten salt of $LiCl-Li_2$O, a porous non-protective scale of Li\ulcorner(Cr, Ni, Fe)\ulcornerO$_2$was formed, following growth of oxide scale with linear kinetics. The corrosion rate increased slowly with the increase of temperature up to $750^{\circ}C$, but above $750^{\circ}C$ rapid increase in corrosion rate observed. The corrosion behavior of Super 22H alloy was similar to that of More 1 alloy, but Super 22H showed higher corrosion resistance than More 1.

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탄소강과 스테인리스강의 진공브레이징에 관한 연구 (A study on the vacuum brazing of carbon steels to a stainless steel)

  • 이창동;나석주
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제12권5호
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    • pp.1083-1091
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    • 1988
  • 본 연구에서는 위의 두번째 연구동향과 맥락을 같이하는 것으로서 스테인리스 강(SUS304)에 대한 진공브레이징 연구 및 탄소강의 진공 브레이징에 대한 연구결과들 을 토대로 하여 SUS304와 탄소강과의 진공브레이징 현상을 연구하였는데 특히 모재의 탄소함유량, 브레이징시간 및 접합부 틈새(joint clearance)등에 따라 접합부에 나타 나는 여러 금속학적 현상의 규명 및 접합강도(joint strength)에 대해 변수들이 미치 는 영향을 연구 하였다.

원전 해수 펌프 임펠러 합금의 케비테이션 피로 손상 해석 (An Analysis on Fatigue Fracture of Nuclear Pump Impeller Alloys by Ultrasonic Vibratory Cavitation Erosion)

  • 홍성모;이민구;김광호;이창규
    • 한국표면공학회지
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    • 제39권1호
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2006
  • In this study, the fatigue properties on the cavitation damage of the flame quenched 8.8Al-bronze (8.8Al-4.5Ni-4.5Fe-Cu) as well as the current nuclear pump impeller materials (8.8Al-bronze, STS316 and SR50A) has been investigated using an ultrasonic vibratory cavitation test. For this the impact loads of cavitation bubbles generated by ultrasonic vibratory device quantitatively evaluated and simultaneously the cavitation erosion experiments have been carried out. The fatigue analysis on the cavitation damage of the materials has been made from the determined impact load distribution (e.g. impact load, bubble count) and erosion parameters (e.g. incubation period, MDPR). According to Miner's law, the determined exponents b of the F-N relation ($F^b$ N = Constant) at the incubation stage (N: the number of fracture cycle) were 5.62, 4.16, 6.25 and 8.1 for the 8.8Al-bronze, flame quenched one, STS316 and SR50A alloys. respectively. At the steady state period, the exponents b of the F-N' curve (N': the number of cycle required for $1{\mu}m$ increment of MDP) were determined as 6.32, 5, 7.14 and 7.76 for the 8.8Al-bronze, flame quenched one, STS316, and SR50A alloys, respectively.

Incoloy 909 합금의 최적 알루미나이징 확산 코팅 (Optimal Aluminizing Coating on Incoloy 909)

  • 권순우;윤재홍;주윤곤;조동율;안진성;박봉규
    • 한국표면공학회지
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    • 제40권4호
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    • pp.175-179
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    • 2007
  • An Fe-Ni-Co based superalloy Incoloy 909 (Incoloy 909) has been used for gas turbine engine component material. This alloy is susceptible to high temperature oxidation and corrosion because of the absence of corrosion resistant Cr. For the improvement of durability of the component of Incoloy 909 aluminizing-chromate coating by pack cementation process has been investigated at relatively low temperature of about $550^{\circ}C$ to protect the surface microstructure and properties of Incoloy 909 substrate. As a previous study to aluminizing-chromate coating by pack cementation of Incoloy 909, the optimal aluminizing process has been investigated. The size effects of source Al powder and inert filler $Al_O_3$ powder and activator selection have been studied. And the dependence of coating growth rate on aluminizing temperature and time has also been studied. The optimal aluminizing process for the coating growth rate is that the mixing ratio of source Al powder, activator $NH_4Cl$ and filler $Al_O_3$ are 80%, 1% and 19% respectively at aluminizing temperature $552^{\circ}C$ and time 20 hours.

CoZr/Ag/CoCr 삼층박막의 교환결합 (Exchange Coupling in CoZr/Ag/CoCr Trilayered Films)

  • 백종성;박용성;임우영;이수형;김종오
    • 한국자기학회지
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    • 제8권6호
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    • pp.357-361
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    • 1998
  • 직류 및 고주파 마그네트론 스파터링 방법으로 제조한 CoZr/Ag/CoCr 삼층박막에 대해, 강자성 공명 실험을 수행하므로서 비자성층인 Ag 층의 두께변화가 CoZr층과 CoCr층 사이의 교환결합(Exchabge coupling)에 미치는 영향을 고찰했다. CoZr/Ag/CoCr 삼층박막에서 층간 결합세기(Coupling strength) K'은 Ag층의 두께가 증가함에 따라 급격히 증가하여 Ag 층의 두게가 10$\AA$일 때, 최대값 748 Oe을 보였다. Ag 층의 두께가 20~100$\AA$인 영역에서 K'은 진동하는 모습을 보이는데, 이와 같은 특성은 80Ni-Fe/Cu/Co 다층박막에 대해 H.Koizumi 등이 관측한 결과와 유사한 모습으로서, 스원인규명을 위해 지속적인 연구가 요망된다고 생각한다. 그리고, Ag층의 두께가 100$\AA$ 이상 증가하면 층간 상호작용은 0으로 수렴하는 모습이 보인다. 모든 시료에 대해 K'은 0보다 큰 특성을 보이므로, CoZr층과 CoCr층 사이의 상호작용은 강자성 결합으로 해석된다.

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원자로 내부구조물 균열개시 민감도에 미치는 영향인자 고찰 (Review of Factors Affecting IASCC Initiation of Stainless Steel in PWRs)

  • 황성식;최민재;김성우;김동진
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.210-229
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    • 2021
  • To safely operate domestic nuclear power plants approaching the end of their design life, the material degradation management strategy of the components is important. Among studies conducted to improve the soundness of nuclear reactor components, research methods for understanding the degradation of reactor internals and preparing management strategies were surveyed. Since the IGSCC (Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking) initiation and propagation process is associated with metal dissolution at the crack tip, crack initiation sensitivity was decreased in the hydrogenated water with decreased crack sensitivity but occurrence of small surface cracks increased. A stress of 50 to 55% of the yield strength of the irradiated materials was required to cause IASCC (Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking) failure at the end of the reactor operating life. In the threshold-stress analysis, IASCC cracks were not expected to occur until the end of life at a stress of less than 62% of the investigated yield strength, and the IASCC critical dose was determined to be 4 dpa (Displacement Per Atom). The stainless steel surface oxide was composed of an internal Cr-rich spinel oxide and an external Fe and Ni-rich oxide, regardless of the dose and applied strain level.

Effects of superimposed cyclic operation on corrosion products activity in reactor cooling system of AP-1000

  • Mahmood, Fiaz;Hu, Huasi;Lu, Guichi;Ni, Si;Yuan, Jiaqi
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제51권4호
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    • pp.1109-1116
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    • 2019
  • It is essential to predict the radioactivity distribution around the reactor cooling system (RCS) during obligatory cyclic operation of AP-1000. A home-developed program CPA-AP1000 is upgraded to predict the response of activated corrosion products (ACPs) in the RCS. The program is written in MATLAB and it uses state of the art MCNP as a subroutine for flux calculations. A pair of cyclic power profiles were superimposed after initial full power operation. The effect of cyclic operation is noticed to be more prominent for in-core surfaces, followed by the primary coolant and out-of-core structures. The results have shown that specific activity trends of $^{56}Mn$ and $^{24}Na$ promptly follow the power variations, whereas, $^{59}Fe$, $^{58}Co$, $^{99}Mo$ and $^{60}Co$ exhibit a sluggish power-following response. The investigations pointed out that promptly power-following response of ACPs in the coolant is vital as an instant radioactivity source during leakage incidents. However, the ACPs with delayed power-following response in the out-of-core components are perceived to cause a long-term activity. The present results are found in good agreement with those for a reference PWR. The results are useful for source term monitoring and optimization of work procedures for an innovative reactor design.