• 제목/요약/키워드: NiFe

검색결과 2,526건 처리시간 0.031초

활성탄 담지 몰리브덴 촉매를 이용한 합성가스 직접 메탄화 반응 (Direct Methanation of Syngas over Activated Charcoal Supported Molybdenum Catalyst)

  • 김성수;이승재;박성열;김진걸
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제31권5호
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    • pp.419-428
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    • 2020
  • The kinetics of direct methanation over activated charcoal-supported molybdenum catalyst at 30 bar was studied in a cylindrical fixed-bed reactor. When the temperature was not higher than 400℃, the CO conversion increased with increasing temperature according to the Arrhenius law of reaction kinetics. While XRD and Raman analysis showed that Mo was present as Mo oxides after reduction or methanation, TEM and XPS analysis showed that Mo2C was formed after methanation depending on the loading of Mo precursor. When the temperature was as high as 500℃, the CO conversion was dependent not only on the Arrhenius law but also on the catalyzed reaction by nanoparticles, which came off from the reactor and thermocouple by metal dusting. These nanoparticles were made of Ni, Fe, Cr and alloy, and attributed to the formation of carbon deposit on the wall of the reactor and on the surface of the thermocouple. The carbon deposit consisted of amorphous and disordered carbon filaments.

탄소나노튜브의 저온성장을 위한 합성가스의 최적화 연구 (Optimization of Growth Gases for the Low-temperature Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes)

  • 김영래;전홍준;이한성;곽정춘;황호수;공병윤;이내성
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.342-349
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    • 2009
  • This study investigated the growth characteristics of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) by changing a period of annealing time and a $C_{2}H_{2}/H_2$ flow ratio at temperature as low as $450^{\circ}C$ with inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition. The 1-nm-thick Fe-Ni-Co alloy thin film served as a catalyst layer for the growth of CNTs, which was thermally evaporated on the 15-nm-thick Al underlayer deposited on the 50-nm-thick Ti diffusion barrier. The annealing at low temperature of $450^{\circ}C$ brought about almost no granulation of the catalyst layer, and the CNT growth was not affected by a period of annealing time. A study of changing the flow rate of $C_{2}H_{2}$ and $H_2$ showed that as the ratio of the $C_{2}H_{2}$ flow rate to the $H_2$ flow rate was lowered, the CNTs were grown to be longer With further decreasing the flow ratio, the length of CNTs reached the maximum and then became shorter. Under the optimized gas flow rates, we successfully synthesized CNTs with a uniform length over a 4-inch Si wafer at $450^{\circ}C$.

Continuous dialysis of selected salts of sulphuric acid

  • Bendova, Helena;Snejdrla, Pavel;Palaty, Zdenek
    • Membrane and Water Treatment
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    • 제1권3호
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 2010
  • The transport of selected salts of sulphuric acid (cobalt, copper, iron(II), manganese, nickel and zinc sulphate) through an anion-exchange membrane Neosepta-AFN was investigated in a counter-current continuous dialyzer at various salt concentrations and volumetric liquid flow rates. The basic transport characteristics - the rejection coefficient of salt and the permeability of the membrane - were calculated from measurements at steady state. The salt concentration in model mixtures was changed in the limits from 0.1 to 1.0 kmol $m^{-3}$ and the volumetric liquid flow rate of the inlet streams was in the limits from $8{\times}10^{-9}$ to $24{\times}10^{-9}m^3\;s^{-1}$. Under the experimental conditions given, the rejection coefficient of salts tested was in the range from 65% to 94%. The lowest values were obtained for iron(II) sulphate, while the highest for copper sulphate. The maximum rejection of salt was reached at the highest volumetric liquid flow rate and the highest salt concentration in the feed. The permeability ($P_A$) of the Neosepta-AFN membrane for the individual salts was in the range from $0.49{\times}10^{-7}m\;s^{-1}$ to $1.8{\times}10^{-7}m\;s^{-1}$ and it can be described by the following series: $P_{FeSO_4}$ < $P_{NiSO_4}$ < $P_{ZnSO_4}$ < $P_{CoSO_4}$ < $P_{MnSO_4}$ < $P_{CuSO_4}$. The permeability of the membrane was strongly affected by the salt concentration in the feed - it decreased with an increasing salt concentration.

수소 플라즈마 에칭과 탄소 확산법에 의한 다이아몬드막 표면의 평탄화 (Planarization of the Diamond Film Surface by Using the Hydrogen Plasma Etching with Carbon Diffusion Process)

  • 김성훈
    • 대한화학회지
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    • 제45권4호
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    • pp.351-356
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    • 2001
  • 철, 코발트, 니켈 합금을 이용한 탄소확산-수소플라즈마 에칭법으로 다이아몬드 자체막의 표면을 매우 평탄하게 할 수 있었다. 이 방법에서의 다이아몬드 자체막을 합금과 몰리브데늄 기판 사이에 위치시켜 금속-다이아몬드-몰리브데늄(MDM) 샌드위치 형태의 샘플 세 트를 이루게 하였다. 이 샘플세트를 마이크로 웨이브 플라즈마 장치에 장착하여 수소 플라즈마를 발생시켜서 기판온도가 섭씨 1,000 이상이 되도록 하였다. 이와 같은 과정들은 탄소확산-수소플라즈마 방법이라고 하였다. 다이아몬드 자체막 표면을 에칭한 후 표면 거칠기, 표면형상, 에칭한 다이아몬드 표면속의 불순물의 침투를 조사하였다. 결론적으로, 탄소 확산-수소 플라즈마 에칭법은 전자 디바이스에 응용할 수 있는 매우 평탄한 다이아몬드 표면을 형성시키는 방법임을 알 수 있다.

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높은 차단용량 특성을 갖는 초소형 미니어처 퓨즈의 가용체 설계 (Design for a Fuse Element of Sub-miniature Fuse with High Breaking Capacity Characteristics)

  • 안창환
    • 전자공학회논문지
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    • 제54권3호
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2017
  • 네트워크 기반의 휴대용 전자 제품의 시장 성장으로 전기기기들은 더욱 소형화 되고 있는 추세이고 내부 부품간의 거리가 가까워져 회로 단락의 위험이 높아지고 있다. 회로의 단락 상황에서 유입되는 높은 과전류로 부터 폭발이나 화재 없이 전자기기를 안전하게 보호하기 위해서는 차단용량이 높은 밀폐형 카트리지 퓨즈를 적용해야 하지만 제품의 소형화 추세에 따른 공간의 문제로 해당 퓨즈의 적용이 불가능한 실정이다. 이를 해결하기 위해서 화학적 결합으로 퓨즈 가용체를 보호하는 밀폐형 퓨즈보다 공기의 유입이 자유로울 뿐만 아니라 물리적 결합으로 퓨즈링크를 보호하는 반밀폐형 초소형 퓨즈가 적용되는 것이 적합하지만 높은 차단용량 특성을 구현하는데 한계가 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 상대적으로 공간을 적게 차지하면서 높은 차단용량을 갖는 반밀폐형 초소형 퓨즈를 위한 퓨즈 가용체 합금과 퓨즈링크의 설계 기술을 통하여 회로의 단락 상황에서 안전성을 확보하였다.

Effects of Sigma ($\sigma$) Phase on the Pitting Corrosion of 25% Cr Duplex Stainless Steel; Investigations by means of Electrochemical Noise Measurement

  • Park, Chan-Jin;Kwon, Hyuk-Sang;Kim, Hee-San
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2003
  • Effects of the precipitation of $\sigma$ phase on the metastable pitting as a precursor of stable pitting corrosion and also on the progress of stale pitting of the 25Cr-7Ni-3Mo-0.25N duplex stainless steel were investigated in chloride solution. Electrochemical potential and current noises of the alloy were measured in 10 % ferric chloride solution ($FeCl_3$) with zero resistance ammeter (ZRA), and then analyzed by power spectral density (PSD) and by corrosion admittance ($A_c$) spectrum. With aging at $850^{\circ}C$, the passive film of the alloy was found to get significantly unstable as represented by power spectral density (PSD) and a transition from metastable pitting state to stable one was observed. In the corrosion admittance spectrum, the number of negative $A_c$ corresponding to the state of localized corrosion increased with aging, suggesting that the precipitation of $\sigma$ phase considerably degraded the passive film by depleting Cr and Mo around it at $\alpha/\sigma$ or $\gamma/\sigma$ phase boundaries, thereby leading to the initiation of the pitting corrosion. However, the Cr and Mo at $\alpha/\sigma$ or $\gamma/\sigma$ phase boundaries which were once depleted due to the precipitation of the $\sigma$ phase were partly replenished by the diffusion of Cr and Mo from the surrounding matrix with aging time longer. The initiation of pitting seems to be associated with the precipitation density of the $\sigma$ phase with an effective size needed to induce the sufficient depletion of Cr and Mo around it.

금속폐광산주변의 토양, 식물 및 하천의 중금속오염에 대한 지화학적 연구 -달성 및 경산광산- (Geochemical Study on Pollution of Heavy Metals in Soils, Plants and Streams in the Vicinity of Abandoned Metal Mines -Dalseong and Kyeongsan Mines-)

  • 이재영;이인호;이순영
    • 자원환경지질
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    • 제29권5호
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    • pp.597-613
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    • 1996
  • The tonnage of copper and tungsten produced at Dalseong mine by Taehan Tungsten Mining Company from 1961 to 1971 was 48,704 tons (M/T) of 4 wt.% Cu and 1,620 tons (S/T) of 70wt.% WO, but the mine was closed in 1974. Kyeongsan mine is a small abandoned cobalt mine with no data of production. To investigate the pollution level of the mine areas, soils, plants (Ohwi and Pampanini), stream waters and stream sediments were taken and Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co, Cd and Cr were analysed by ICP. Soils are considerably contaminated by the heavy metals related to ore deposits, The heavy metal contents in plants vary with the species and parts of plants. Stream waters are anomalously high in heavy metals in the vicinity of the mines but the contents decrease downstream in the process of dilution and precipiation. However, heavy metal contents increase very high in stream sediments due to precipiation. To protect environmental damages caused by acid mine drainages wetlands must be constructed outside pits, and it is necessary to fill pits with waters, limestone chips and organic materials, which give reducing and alkaline condition to ores. Under the condition pyrite is protected from oxidation and aqueous iron sulphates precipitate to form stable secondary pyrite.

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Preparation of Lysine-Coated Magnetic Fe2O3 Nanoparticles and Influence on Viability of A549 Lung Cancer Cells

  • Ma, Yu-Hua;Peng, Hai-Ying;Yang, Rui-Xia;Ni, Fang
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제15권20호
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    • pp.8981-8985
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    • 2014
  • Objective: To explore the effect of lysine-coated oxide magnetic nanoparticles (Lys@MNPs) on viability and apoptosis of A549 lung cancer cells. Methods: Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and Zeta potentiometric analyzer were employed to characterize Lys@MNPs. Then Lys@MNPs and lung cancer A549 cells were co-cultured to study the effect of Lys@MNPs on cell viability and apoptosis. The pathway of Lys@MNPs entering A549 cells was detected by TEM and cell imaging by 1.5 T MRI. Results: Lys@MNPs were 10.2 nm in grain diameter, characterized by small size, positive charge, and superparamagnetism. Under low-dose concentration of Lys@MNPs (< $40{\mu}g/mL$), the survival rate of A549 cells was decreased but remained higher than 95% while under high-dose concentration ($100{\mu}g/mL$), the survival ratewas still higher than 80%, which suggested Lys@MNPs had limited influence on the viability of A549 cells, with good biocompatibility and and no induction of apoptosis. Moreover, high affinity for cytomembranes, was demonstrated presenting good imaging effects. Conclusion: Lys@MNPs can be regarded as a good MRI negative contrast agents, with promising prospects in biomedicine.

우리 나라 황토(풍화토)의 구성광물 및 화학성분 (Mineralogy and Chemical Composition of the Residual Soils (Hwangto) from South Korea)

  • 황진연;장명익;김준식;조원모;안병석;강수원
    • 한국광물학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.147-163
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    • 2000
  • The mineralogy and chemical composition of reddish to brownish yellow residual soils, so called "Hwangto" have been examined according to representative host rocks. The result of the study indicates that Hwangto consists of 40-80% clay minerals and various minerals such as quartz, feldspar, hornblende, goethite, and gibbsite. Clay minerals include kaolinite, halloysite, illite, hydroxy interlayered vermiculite (HIV), mica/vermiculite interstratifield mineral and chlorite. The mineralogical constituents and contents of Hwangto were different depending on the types of host rocks. Moreover, the Jurassic granitic rocks contain relatively more kaolin minerals, whereas the Cretaceous granitic rocks contain more HIV and illite. In addition, reddish Hwangto contains relatively more kaolinite and HIV, and yellowish Hwangto contains more illite and halloysite. It is suggested that feldspars and micas of host rocks were chemically weathered into illite, halloysite, illite/vermiculite interstratified minerals, and HIV, and finally into kaolinite. Compared with their host rocks, the major chemical compositions of Hwangto tend to contain more $Al_2O_3,\;Fe_2O_3,\;H_2O$ in amount and less Ca, Mg, and Na. Hwangto contains relatively high amount of trace elements, P, S, Zr, Sr, Ba, Rb, and Ce including considerable amount of Li, V, Cr, Zn, Co, Ni, Cu, Y, Nb, La, Nd, Pb, Th in excess of 10 ppm. Relatively high amount of most trace elements were detected in the Hwangto. The major and minor chemical compositions of the Hwangto were different depending on the types of host rocks. However, their difference was in the similar range compared with the compositions of host rocks.

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고경도 무전해 니켈도금된 회주철의 해수 내 캐비테이션 침식 손상 거동 (Cavitation Erosion Behavior in Seawater of Gray Cast Iron Treated by High Hardness Electroless Nickel Plating)

  • 박일초;김성종
    • 한국표면공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국표면공학회 2017년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.119.2-119.2
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    • 2017
  • 무전해 니켈도금은 전기 공급 없이 환원재의 화학반응에 의해 도금이 진행되며, 복잡한 형상의 제품에도 균일한 도금 층을 형성시킬 수 있어 널리 적용되는 기술이다. 특히, 전기 니켈도금 층에 비해 무전해 니켈도금 층의 내식성과 내마모성이 우수하여 산업현장에서 가장 많이 사용되고 있다. 그러나 해양환경에서 빠른 유속 변화에 의해 발생되는 캐비테이션-침식 방지를 위한 무전해 니켈도금의 적용은 전무한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 회주철의 캐비테이션-침식 방지를 위해 최적의 무전해 니켈도금 조건을 규명하고, 그 캐비테이션 저항성을 평가하고자 하였다. 무전해 니켈코팅을 위한 모재는 gray cast iron (FC250)을 $19.5mm{\times}19.5mm{\times}5mm$의 크기로 제작하였다. 회주철의 인장강도는 $330N/mm^2$이며, 그 성분 조성(wt.%)은 3.23 C, 1.64 Si, 0.84 Mn, 0.016 P, 0.013 S 그리고 나머지는 Fe이다. 시험편은 SiC 페이퍼 grit #1200까지 연마하였으며, 시험편의 표면 거칠기(centre line average, Ra)는 $1.6-2.1{\mu}m$ 범위 내로 제작하였다. 연마된 시험편은 증류수(distilled water) 세척 후 hot air로 건조하였다. 무전해 도금 전 시험편은 탈지를 위해 아세톤 용액(room temperature, RT)에서 3분간 초음파 세척하고, $90^{\circ}C$의 알카리 수용액으로 5분간 세척하였다. 그리고 표면활성화를 위한 산세척(acid pickling)은 5% sulfuric acid 용액에서 30초 동안 실시하였다. 무전해 Ni-P(electroless nickel, EN) 도금 전과 모든 과정마다 증류수로 시험편을 철저하게 세척하였다. EN 도금을 위한 도금욕(the bath)은 기존 문헌 연구를 통해 조성성분, 도금조건 및 변수들(the parameters)의 적절한 범위를 결정하였다. 도금조로 500mL 비커를 사용하였으며, 모든 시험편은 2시간 동안 EN deposition을 실시하였다. 캐비테이션 실험 결과 EN 도금의 표면경도가 증가함에 따라 캐비테이션 저항성도 현저하게 향상되었다.

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