• Title/Summary/Keyword: Newspaper Advertisements

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An Analysis of the Contents and Make-up of the Page in a News Story of the Internet Newspaper -focusing on Naver, Daum, Nate, Yahoo- (인터넷신문의 뉴스기사 페이지 구성과 콘텐츠에 대한 분석 -네이버, 다음, 네이트, 야후를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Kwang-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1345-1354
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    • 2014
  • This paper has analyzed how the format of the text page and the contents of space surrounding the text in the news stories of the portal sites are made-up. The result of analysis showed that the formats of the text page in Naver news story were more intricate than those of Daum, Nate and Yahoo. Also, Naver was higher in the number of advertising, the type of advertising, the entertainment contents, and various types of contents than other three portals. Especially, the percentage of new story related to entertainers was the highest. It was the portal site Daum that advertised the news story most of all in its text page. In contrast, it was portal site Yahoo that inserted the advertisements least of all. But from the whole sides, it was found that the formats and contents of the text page of the news story in these three portal sites have similarly been made-up. Consequently speaking, for the serviceability of use in news story, it can be evaluated that the news service method in portal sites is higher than that in press dot coms.

Building a developmental urban matrix : a Busan city case study (발전주의 도시 매트릭스의 구축 -부산의 강남 따라하기를 사례로 -)

  • Hwang, Jin-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.331-352
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    • 2016
  • This paper pays attention to the fact that not only Gangnam but also cities outside Seoul that attempt to follow the Gangnam model are deeply involved in Korean developmental urbanism. It examines discursive materials such as newspaper articles, newspaper advertisements and online debates as significant sources of information showing how certain districts are materially and discursively constructed by diverse actors in the national capital and in other cities. The result of in-depth interviews lasting up to two hours reveals local residents' imagined geographies. The article emphasizes that the so-called "Gangnam problem" should be understood as existing beyond the physical, symbolic and administrative boundaries of Gangnam, in cities that follow the Gangnam model. This study helps to provide an epistemological foundation for more equitable, sustainable and de-developmental urbanism.

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A Study on the High School Girl’s Sex Role Identity and Underwear Purchasing Behaviors (여고생의 성역할정체감과 속옷 구매행동)

  • 안양숙;김용숙
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study were to analyze high school girls’sex role identity and underwear purchasing behaviors, and to provide the educational guidelines for high school girls as a underwear comsumer and the fundamental data necessary for the products planning of underwear manufacturing companies. The questionnaire was composed of questions about the types of sex role identity, pursuit factors and purchasing behaviors of underwear. The respondents were girls from 6 high schools in cities in Chonbuk Province. The questionnaires were collected from April 6th to May 12th in 1998. 510 questionnaires were used for data analysis. Frequency, percent, average, standard deviation, F-test, $$\chi$^2$-test, and Duncan’s multiple range test were followed. The results of this study were as follows:1. Among the sex role identity groups, the androgynous group was the largest, and the masculine group was the smallest among high school girls. 2. High school girls sought after practicality most when purchasing underwears, but sought after the brand least. The androgynous group recognized practicality, aesthetics, and sexual attraction most, but the undifferentiated group recognized them least. 3. The high school girls bought underwears objectively when they were worn out, made use of TV, newspaper, and radio advertisements as the information sources, and considered the size, comfort, and style. They recognized the prices of underwears as moderate. They depended on their mother most when purchasing underwears and reflected their dependents opinion on selecting underwears partially. They purchased at the underwear specialty store.

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Influence of YouTube Influencers' Characteristics on Consumer Response after the Controversy over 'Backdoor Advertisement' (유튜브 인플루언서의 정보원 특성이 뒷광고 논란 이후의 소비자 반응에 미치는 효과 연구)

  • Yu, Eun-Ah;Choi, Ji-Eun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - This study attempts to explore the factors that affect the consumer's response to the influencer's "backdoor advertisement" which has been a social media controversy recently. Accordingly, this study focuses on the importance of the information source's characteristics in influencer marketing, and demonstrates the impact of influencer credibility, attractiveness, and expertise on consumer responses after the influencer's sponsorship controversy. Design/methodology/approach - To this end, a study was conducted on adults who subscribed to one or more channels of influencers, and a virtual newspaper article was used in the survey. 196 sample data were collected and SPSS PROCESS Macro was used for data analysis. Findings - As a result, there was a negative impact on the credibility of the influencer which carried over to a negative reception of their shared content, while the attractiveness of the influencer had a positive impact on the reception of their shared content, even after the controversy over the influencer's backdoor advertisement. Research implications or Originality - This study contributes to the expansion of research on influencer marketing. Also, it provides insight into understanding and interpreting the phenomenon of influencers' backdoor advertisements and consumer reactions.

The Influence of Eating-out Information Search Methods on Satisfaction at Fast-food Restaurants According to College Student's Lifestyle (대학생들의 라이프스타일에 의한 외식정보탐색방법이 패스트푸드 전문점 이용 만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Tae-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.375-380
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to research eating-out information search methods according to college student's lifestyle and their influences on overall satisfaction at fast-food restaurants in eastern province of Kangwondo. Lifestyle was divided into 7 factors and 6 clusters. According to the results, information search methods through Newspaper, magazine and word of mouth were used the most preferably by Cluster 3, 'Brand preference intention'. And TV advertising was used the most preferably by Cluster 4, 'Convenience intention', and the advertisement through internet was used the most preferably by Cluster 5, 'Health ${\cdot}$ effort intention'. However, Information searches through TV advertising and word of mouth had negative influence on the overall satisfaction. But method through internet had positive influences on the overall satisfaction. Eventually, it's proved that information search methods had significant differences according to student's lifestyle. And some information search methods influenced their overall satisfaction. Therefore, food-sonics corporations need to try reducing negative images of various advertisements and activating positive aspects of specialized promotion instruments.

A Study of the Headgear from the Greater Korean Empire to the Time of Independence (1897-1945) - Focused on the Newspapers - (대한제국이후 광복이전까지의 모자에 관한 연구(1897-1945) - 신문광고를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Jung;Kang, Soon-Che
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.164-180
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    • 2012
  • This study focuses on the hats in the advertisements of the newspapers from the Greater Korean Empire to the Time of Independence. There were Yeomo(禮帽), Jungsanmoja(中山帽子), Jungjeolmoja(中折帽子), Women's hat, Undongmoja(運動帽子), and Hakdomoja(學徒帽子) from 1897 to the 1900s. The names of the hats were written with Chinese characters as there was no specific name for women's hats. There were a lot of hats in the 1910s; Jungjeolmoja, Jungsanmoja, Hukyeomoja(黑禮帽子), Panama, Doriuchi(鳥打;とり-うち), Maggomo(麥程帽), Ilkyomoja(一交字帽), cheongyeonmo(靑年帽), Jajacheongyeonmo(刺子靑年帽), Hakaaksangmo(學生帽), Undongmo, Laparyunmoja, Banghanmo(防寒帽), Mokchulmo(目出帽), Pungbangi(風防耳), Nambaui, and Pungdongi(風憧耳). Most of the hats were western hats for men. From the 1920s to 1930s, the hats were classified as to the shape and uses as compared to before that period. The hats were advertised in the newspapers such as Jungjeolmoja, Jungsanmoja, Panama, Doriuchimo, Maggomo, Ilkyomoja, cheongyeonmo, Jajacheongyeonmo, Hakaaksangmo, Undongmo, Banghanmo, Mokchulmo(目出帽), Adongmokchulmo(兒童目出帽), Pungdongi, and Pungchasamsangun(風遮三山巾). There is little information about hats from the late 1930s to the time of independence because of the censorship of the press. The hats during that period were almost the same as the before that time. There was a new name of a cap, Jeontumoja(戰鬪帽子) which was for a soldier. The hats in that period were one of the westernized items with shoes before the westernization of the Korean costume under Japanese imperialism. Furthermore, the western hats could be spread by the men who were in the center of the society. On the other hand, women's western hats were not common because women had rarely worn them before that period. They just wore traditional winter caps steadily.

The Materials and Shapes of the Western Style Shoes in Korea in the 1920s to 1930s (1920~30년대 한국에서 착용된 양화(洋靴)의 소재와 형태)

  • Kwon, Yunmi;Lee, Eunjin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.224-241
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    • 2017
  • This study considered the change process for Western style shoes in Korea during the time of modernization in the 1920s to 1930s. Western style shoes were one of the items imported by foreigners since the Joseon Dynasty and had a significant impact on Korean dress code. It influence started to spread in the 1900s; however, few high level people wore Western shoes until the 1920s. The trend started to spread through newspaper advertisements and news articles after the mid 1920s. Western shoes such as modern girl and modern boy in the 1930s then entered into Korean culture. Korea under Japanese colonial rule was reorganized on a war footing in the latter half of the 1930s and the main materials for western shoes (cow leather, horse leather and sheepskin) were mobilized as materials for war production; subsequently, new materials using rubber were introduced. The representative material is 'Marine Leather (水産皮革)' and Sharkskin 'Gyoheok (鮫革)' and Whaleskin 'Gyeongpi (鯨皮).' Form is like the material has changed over time. This study also observed the flow of westernized Korean modern shoes as well as analyzed the details of materials and shape of western shoes by period. This represent basic materials to understand the legacy of western shoes in the age; in addition, systemic summary is organized by each kind, shape and materials for each style of western shoes.

Revaluation of the Modernization in the Korean Housing Culture Since 1980s′ (1980년대 이후 한국 주거문화에 나타난 근대화의 재평가)

  • 은난순
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2004
  • Since 1980s' Korea had a great change on the housing culture by the supply of multi-family housing stock both on the macro-social and micro-social aspects. The purpose of this study was to examine the changes and the characteristics of housing environments which were estimated its modernization, and to examine the personal life under the change of housing environments. So I would like to revaluation the characteristics of modernization between the 1980s' and 1990s'. Therefore references were made to various papers, reports, the statistical data, newspaper reports, advertisements and magazines during that period. As a result, this paper came to the remarks as follows: 1. The success of modernization on the housing environments since 1980s' was the Quantitative growth of housing supply by multi-family housing. In spite of this, the Quantitative growth of housing supply and the improvement in Quality like housing space per person had the characters which was 'out of valence on the division'. 2. The Qualitative improvement of modem housing life by the development of housing industries could be said the improvement owing to develop of facilities and equipments. The introduction of up-to-date facilities and equipments realized the convenience and the rationality of living in the house. Although the improvement on the physical things deteriorated the modernized spaces to uniform things by commercial strategies. 3. The life in the multi-family housing which gives protection to personal privacy was settle down on the extremely individualized life without common things within the neighbors. Multi-family housing which was a production of process of modernization came true the growth in an appearance and the variety in the inside, but for the aspect of residents' everyday life in the multi-family housing, the Korean traditional relationship was collapsed and a sense of incompatibility within the residents was created.

Study on the Historical Aspects of SSangwha-'tang' (Decoction) and SSangwha-'cha' - How did Ssangwha-tang become Tea? - (쌍화탕과 쌍화차의 시대적 변화 과정 고찰 - 쌍화탕은 어떻게 '차'가 되었을까? -)

  • Inhyo, Park;Sangjae, Lee
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 2022
  • Objective : This study examines the historical changes of Ssangwha-'tang', traditional restorative medicine, to a type of tea in tea rooms(Da-bang) named Ssangwha-'cha' in the modern era in South Korea. The goal is to understand how traditional Korean medical culture has been related to the food culture of everyday life. Method : We analyzed traditional medical texts, newspaper articles and advertisements, literary works, and folk song lyrics in which Ssangwha-tang and Ssangwha-cha are mentioned. Results : Ssangwha-tang used to be mentioned as a medicine to tonify 'Yang' energy(Bo-yang) in traditional medical texts from the late Goryeo dynasty to the mid-Joseon dynasty. Since the late Joseon dynasty, it has also been prescribed for cold, as the tonifying method(Bo-beop) gradually prevailed from the royal family to the public. Since then, Ssangwha-tang has been more popular with the public, with the emergence of the patent medicine(Mae-yak) market since the Opening port period and the Colonial period. As the number of Da-bang sharply increased nationwide amid the period of the country's liberation, Ssangwha-tang has been included in the Da-bang menu served as Ssangwha-cha, corresponding to the increasing demands of the public and government policy that tends to favor traditional beverages over coffee. Conclusion : The historical process in which Sssangwha-tang, a type of herbal medicine, became also considered as tea, Ssangwha-cha, provides an example of how Korean traditional medical culture emphasizing the tonification of the body is interconnected with the daily lives of the public and food culture.

Analysis of the Pharmaceutical Companies' Recruitment Preference for Bachelor's Degree Holders without Prior Experience (제약업계의 학사수준 신입인력 전공 선호도 연구)

  • Han, Ah-Ram;Cheon, In-Kyung;Gil, Mi-Hyun;Yang, YouKyung;Bae, SeungJin
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    • v.58 no.6
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    • pp.397-404
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    • 2014
  • The Ministry of Health and Welfare proposed the "undergraduate program specializing in pharmaceutical industry" in 2013, as part of its roadmap to assist domestic pharmaceutical companies to become the top-tier pharma companies in near future and provide skilled personnel tailored for pharmaceutical industry. However, it is not clear whether this "undergraduate program" meets the needs of pharmaceutical industry, especially when the number of pharmacy students increased from 1,200 to 1,700 per year since 2009. The purpose of this paper is to identify which educational background is preferred by pharmaceutical companies, by surveying the CEOs of domestic pharmaceutical companies and referring to recruitment advertisements shown in medical newspapers, specified by the fields within the companies. Two independent reviewers referred to recruitment session in Yakup newspaper and Dailypharm from May 2012 until January 2014, focusing on recruitments from pharmaceutical companies targeting bachelors' degree holders with no prior experience. 749 recruitments were observed during the study period, more than 90% of which were provided by domestic pharmaceutical companies, and regardless of the companies being domestic or multinational, pharmaceutical companies' preference for pharmacists was remarkable (44.3% for domestic and 65.8% for multinational), and the preference was especially high in the fields such as Medical, R&D, Market Access (regulatory affair/pricing and reimbursement), Business Development, and Marketing. Survey results showed that the need of establishing the undergraduate program specializing in pharmaceutical industry is mixed, suggesting that although there is need for the educating personnel targeting pharmaceutical industry, the undergraduate program would not be an answer due to current PEET system. Our study concludes that in the example of pharmaceutical companies' recruitments shown in medical newspapers, pharmaceutical companies prefer pharmacy major in almost all fields of the pharmaceutical companies, yet the pharmaceutical companies still perceive the gap between current bachelor's degree holders(including pharmacy majors) and the ideal personnel required for advancing to the "top-class" pharmaceutical companies.