• Title/Summary/Keyword: New policy

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수소에너지 정부 정책 동향 및 R&D 역할

  • Seo, Jae-Yeong;Kim, Ji-Hyeon
    • Bulletin of the Korea Photovoltaic Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2017
  • New and renewable energy has attracted a significant attention since the Paris Agreement in 2015. Especially hydrogen energy is important for reducing greenhouse gas produced during transportation. The new government suggested that the eco-friendly vehicles, hydrogen infrastructure and the development of new and renewable energy are the major growth engines in the future. Hydrogen energy is also concerned as the main part of our economy in the national affairs. In the policy of Mission Innovation Strategy and the third Eco-Friendly Vehicle Master Plan, government presents the status, future direction, technical road map and distribution road map of hydrogen energy. With this trend, investments in the research and development on hydrogen and fuel cells have expanded and will continue to expand for the implementation of the policy. The cost reduction, technical innovation and the increase in the localization rate are required for the new and renewable energy, including hydrogen energy, to become the future growth engine.

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New Indicators of Global Integration Using Input-Output Analysis

    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.45-74
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    • 2024
  • The import content of export (ICE) has served as an indicator of global integration for several decades. It is defined as the share of imported products embodied in exports and can be interpreted as the relative degree of the utilization of global production network (GPN) over the domestic supply chain (DSC) in terms of 'value-added.' This paper proposes two new indicators of global integration. They are defined as the ratios of imports (foreign products) to gross output (domestic products) generated by exports and can be interpreted as the relative degrees of the utilization of GPN over DSC in terms of 'production.' Both indicators are easy to compute and can be compared between years, between countries, between industries, and between groups of industries. The paper applies the new indicators to the recent edition of the OECD's Input-Output Database. Finally, the paper shows that the recent slowdown in international trade is mostly due to the decrease in the international trade of intermediate goods, with significant implications regarding the future of global integration.

A Study on the Korea Distribution Promotion Policy and Adjustment Policy (국내 유통진흥정책과 유통조정정책에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Dae-Yun;Kwon, Sung-Ku
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to systematically review the background of the Korean distribution promotion policy and distribution adjustment policies along with related regulations and policies. Research design, data, and methodology - Domestic distribution policy and relevant laws were examined through a review of existing research literature. The results of the development process of the domestic distribution policy, promotion policies, and adjustment policies are summarized below. Results - The results are summarized as follows. First, the purpose of the development of the domestic distribution promotion policy was to strengthen the competitiveness of the small and medium business industry through structural advancement of the small and medium industry. By expanding the managerial base for the small and medium industry, a new balance could be created in the national economy. There was a requirement for an early assistance policy for small and medium businesses as a base of these businesses in the distribution industry developed from their original model of catering to a traditional market of retail shops. Since 1996, there was a need for this early assistance policy due to the expansion and rapid growth of large scale stores causing a change in the consumption pattern for distribution markets and the decline of large enterprises. Second, the government supports small and medium business distribution through distribution promotion policies by supporting an organization promoting small business and supporting innovation in the distribution system. Third, in 1961 a business mediation system was established to protect small and medium industries. The Small and Medium Business Administration advises conglomerates to postpone acquisitions, restrain expansion of the business, or to reduce business scale if small businesses undergo an adverse effect such as decreasing demand because large companies are expanding into their areas. Fourth, the Distribution Adjustment Policy managed large-scale store regulation as follows: ① limitation on construction by urban planning ordinance, ② limitation on location based on traffic impact assessments, ③ regulation based on business guidelines by chiefs of autonomous bodies, ④ regulation on mandatory holidays and limitation of business hours. This large-scale store regulation is a policy introduced by authority to increase competitiveness of small and medium business distribution by the government. Conclusions - As discussed in this study, the distribution promotion policy and distribution adjustment policy are government distribution policies focused on the protection of the small and medium distribution businesses. This study is timely, since it was planned when the strengthening of the revisions of the Distribution Industry Development Act, aimed to protect small and medium retailers and merchants, was under discussion. The significance of this study is that it offers insights for the development of new policies in the future and an opportunity to consider the background of the distribution policy by the government.

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Dwell Point Polices for Shuttles on Shuttle-Based Storage/Retrieval(SBS/RS) System (Shuttle-Based Storage/Retrieval System(SBS/RS)에서의 셔틀 대기점 연구)

  • Ha, Yun-Soo;Chae, Junjae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.30-38
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    • 2016
  • Shuttle-Based Storage/Retrieval System (SBS/RS) is relatively new to industry. The system is in the category of Automated Storage/Retrieval System (AS/RS), but it is different in that the SBS/RS uses shuttles as Storage/Retrieval (SR) machine instead using a stacker crane. The shuttles are assigned to each tier on multi-tier system and operated for pick-up or drop-off order. Since the system can handle multiple orders simultaneously, it can provide much higher throughput than that of general AS/RS with single stocker crane. Thus, this new system is well fit to recent tendency of increasing small quantity batch production and orders. One of the drawback of this system is that it needs a lot of investment to set up. The efficient operation of the system would be one of the critical matters to increase economic efficiency of capital investment. In this study, we focused on the dwell point policy for shuttles to find efficient way of operating the system. There are four basic policies for the dwell point and we had simulation-based experiment for two different scenarios based on the speed of the shuttle and inter-arrival time of the loads coming to the system combined with four different policies. As it was mentioned above, this SBS/RS relatively new to the field and there is no such experiment shown on previous research and the study of dwell point policy for this SBS/RS could provide the direct comparison of each policy with different hardware specification; the capability of the system. The policy that achieves most efficient operation among the given environment is proposed and the usability of the system is discussed.

An Efficient Privacy Preserving Method based on Semantic Security Policy Enforcement (의미적 보안정책 집행에 의한 효율적 개인정보보호 방식)

  • Kang, Woo-Jun
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.173-186
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    • 2013
  • New information technologies make it easy to access and acquire information in various ways. However, It also enable powerful and various threat to system security. To challenge these threats, various extended access control methods are being studied. We suggest a new extended access control method that make it possible to conform to security policies enforcement even with discrepancy between policy based constraints rules and query based constraints rules via their semantic relationship. New our approach derives semantic implications using tree hierarchy structure and coordinates the exceed privileges using semantic gap factor calculating the degree of the discrepancy. In addition, we illustrate prototype system architecture and make performance comparison with existing access control methods.

Document Replacement Policy by Site Popularity in Web Cache (웹 캐시에서 사이트의 인기도에 의한 도큐먼트 교체정책)

  • Yoo, Hang-Suk;Jang, Tea-Mu
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2003
  • Most web caches save documents temporarily into themselves on the basis of those documents. And when a corresponding document exists within the cache on wei s request, web cache sends the document to corresponding user. On the contrary, when there is not any document within the cache, web cache requests a new document to the related server to copy the document into the cache and then rum it back to user. Here, web cache uses a replacement policy to change existing document into a new one due to exceeded capacity of cache. Typical replacement policy includes document-based LRU or LFU technique and other various replacement policies are used to replace the documents within cache effectively. However, these replacement policies function only with regard to the time and frequency of document request, not considering the popularity of each web site. Based on replacement policies with regard to documents on frequent requests and the popularity of each web site, this paper aims to present the document replacement policies with regard to the popularity of each web site, which are suitable for latest network environments to enhance the hit-ratio of cache and efficiently manage the contents of cache by effectively replacing documents on intermittent requests by new ones.

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Fourth Industrial Revolution and SME Supporting Policy (4차 산업혁명과 중소기업 지원정책)

  • Kim, Yong-yul;Park, Young-seo
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.387-405
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to contemplate the environmental change of the fourth industrial revolution in viewpoint of SME, and to analyze the relevance between the fourth industrial revolution and SME, thereby reviewing the governmental supporting policy for SME. Promising fields of the fourth industrial revolution can be derived from WEF survey, manufacturing innovation, and new growth engine. Also the case of GE's movement could be a good reference. We explored the relevance between the fourth industrial revolution and SME supporting policy, and described the suitability as SME's next item among the various promising fields. When extracting new business items by using the factor of prospective and appropriate conditions, both types such as product or service and subordinate or derivative items would be possible. For the proper action to the fourth industrial revolution, not only the competence enhancing of SME itself but also positive supporting policy of government side are to be considered.

Document Replacement Policy by Web Site Popularity (웹 사이트의 인기도에 의한 도큐먼트 교체정책)

  • Yoo, Hang-Suk;Chang, Tae-Mu
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.227-232
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    • 2008
  • General web caches save documents temporarily into themselves on the basis of those documents. And when a corresponding document exists within the cache on user's request. web cache sends the document to corresponding user. On the contrary. when there is not any document within the cache, web cache requests a new document to the related server to copy the document into the cache and then turn it back to user. Here, web cache uses a replacement policy to change existing document into a new one due to exceeded capacity of cache. Typical replacement policy includes document-based LRU or LFU technique and other various replacement policies are used to replace the documents within cache effectively. However. these replacement policies function only with regard to the time and frequency of document request. not considering the popularity of each web site. Based on replacement policies with regard to documents on frequent requests and the popularity of each web site, this paper aims to present the document replacement policies with regard to the popularity of each web site, which are suitable for latest network environments to enhance the hit-ratio of cache and efficiently manage the contents of cache by effectively replacing documents on intermittent requests by new ones.

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The Evolution of Innovation Policy and Innovation Theory (기술혁신정책의 진화와 기술혁신이론)

  • Song Wi-Chin
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.2 no.1 s.3
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    • pp.39-61
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    • 2002
  • This study reviews the emergence of new innovation policy paradigm in advanced countries and their impacts on the development of innovation theories in 1980s and 1990s. It shows that the characteristics of new policy paradigm are the emphasis on the user-orientedness and the socio-economic aspects of innovation and the preference of capability enhancement of innovators over resource subsidy This new perspectives of innovation policies had effects on the emergence and development of 'the innovation system theory' which is based on the key concepts such as interactive teaming, innovating capability and national systems of innovation. In spite of the development of the innovation system theory, it has some problems to be solved for the innovation policy design because 'the social' is still peripheral factors in the constitution on the innovation system theory. This study makes some suggestions to incorporate the social dimension of innovation into the innovation system theory.

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