수소에너지 정부 정책 동향 및 R&D 역할

  • 서재영 (그린스쿨 고려대학교) ;
  • 김지현 (그린스쿨 고려대학교 화공생명공학과)
  • Published : 2017.09.30


New and renewable energy has attracted a significant attention since the Paris Agreement in 2015. Especially hydrogen energy is important for reducing greenhouse gas produced during transportation. The new government suggested that the eco-friendly vehicles, hydrogen infrastructure and the development of new and renewable energy are the major growth engines in the future. Hydrogen energy is also concerned as the main part of our economy in the national affairs. In the policy of Mission Innovation Strategy and the third Eco-Friendly Vehicle Master Plan, government presents the status, future direction, technical road map and distribution road map of hydrogen energy. With this trend, investments in the research and development on hydrogen and fuel cells have expanded and will continue to expand for the implementation of the policy. The cost reduction, technical innovation and the increase in the localization rate are required for the new and renewable energy, including hydrogen energy, to become the future growth engine.



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