• Title/Summary/Keyword: Network Evaluation

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Evaluation of High-Resolution QPE data for Urban Runoff Analysis (고해상도 QPE 자료의 도시유출해석 적용성 평가)

  • Choi, Sumin;Yoon, Seongsim;Lee, Byongju;Choi, Youngjean
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.48 no.9
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    • pp.719-728
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    • 2015
  • In this study, urban runoff analyses were performed using high resolution Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE), and variation of rainfall and runoff were analyzed to evaluate QPE data for urban runoff analysis. The five drainage districts (Seocho3, 4, 5, Yeoksam and Nonhyun) around Gangnam station were chosen as study area, the area is $7.4km^2$. Rainfall data from KMA AWS (34 stations), SKP AWS (156 stations) and Gwanduk radar were used for QPEs in Seoul area. Four types of QPE(QPE1: KMA AWS, QPE2: KMA+ SKP AWS, QPE3: Gwangduk radar, QPE4: QPE2+QPE3) of 6 events in July 2013 were generated by using Krigging and conditional merging. The temporal and spatial resolution of QPEs are 10 minutes and 250 m, respectively. The complex pipe network were treated as 773 manholes, 772 sub-drainage districts and 1,059 pipelines for urban runoff analysis as input data. QPE2 and QPE4 show spatial variation of rainfall by sub-drainage districts as 1.9 times bigger than QPE1. The peak runoff of QPE2 and QPE4 also show spatial variation as 6 times bigger than Gangnam and Seocho AWS. Thus, the spatial variation of rainfall and runoff could exist in small area such as this study area, and using high-resolution rainfall data is desirable for accurate urban runoff analysis.

Evaluation of GPS and Totalstation Surveying for Facilities Mapping (시설물 현황도 작성을 위한 GPS와 토털스테이션 측량의 적용 및 성과분석)

  • 박병욱;이대근;양경주
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.373-381
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    • 2003
  • This study presents the detailed methods for facilities mapping using GPS and Totalstation. From the control survey by GPS network adjustment, the level of significance fur the height value of fourth order triangulation stations used in this study was estimated about 10cm. According to the result of verification for the transformation coefficients of national coordinate, which were announced by the National Geographic Information Institute, RMSE f coordinate transformation was found out as $\pm$0.546m that can be applied to a map scale less than 1/10,000. The accuracy analysis of height determination by Totalstation for the traverse points spaced average 90m showed that RMSE came out $\pm$9mm on the basis of direct leveling, so it indicated that trigonometric leveling by Totalstation was correct comparatively. The result of accuracy analysis of GPS/RTK surveying on traverse points showed that RMSE came out $\pm$33mm in horizontal location on the basis of Totalstation's outcome and $\pm$15mm in height value on the basis of direct leveling. In the construction survey, GPS/RTK surveying is quicker and more economical than Totalstation surveying in the feasible areas of GPS surveying. but there were many impossible areas for GPS/RTK surveying by the obstacles like a building.

A Study on Geoid Model Development Method in Philipphines (필리핀 지오이드모델의 개발방안 연구)

  • Lee, Suk-Bae;Pena, Bonifasio Dela
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.699-710
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    • 2009
  • If a country has her geoid model, it could be determine accurate orthometric height because the geoid model could provide continuous equi-gravity potential surface. And it is possible to improve the coordinates accuracy of national control points through geodetic network adjustment considering geoidal heights. This study aims to find the best way to develop geoid model in Philippines which have similar topographic conditions as like Malaysia and Indonesia in Eastsouth asia. So, in this study, it is surveyed the general theories of geoid determination and development cases of geoid model in Asia and it is computed that the geoidal heights and gravity anomalies by spherical harmonic analysis using EGM2008, the latest earth geopotential model. The results show that first, the development of gravimetric geoid model based on airborne gravimetry is needed and second, about 200 GPS surveying data at national benchmark is needed. It is concluded that it is the most reasonable way to develop the hybrid geoid model through fitting geometric geoid by GPS/leveling data to gravimetric geoid. Also, it is proposed that four band spherical Fast fourier transformation(FFT) method for evaluation of Stokes integration and remove and restore technique using EGM2008 and SRTM for calculation of gravimetric geoid model and least square collocation algorithm for calculation of hybrid geoid model.

A Study on the Communication of the Functional Family (기능적인 가족의 커뮤니케이션에 관한 이론적 접근)

  • 조윤경
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.131-150
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    • 1984
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the family as an interaction system, concentrating on the mutual influences between communication and family development; (1) how Communication patterns affect family relationships, and (2) how relationships among family members affect communication. In order to do this Galvin, Brommel used the following frame work; family is a system in which communication regulates cohesion and adaptability by a flow of message patterns through a defined network of evolving interdependent relationships. A family system consists of members, the relationships among them, the family attributes, the members attributes and an environment in which family functions. Within the framework of common cultural communication patterns, each family has the capacity to develop its own communication code based on the experiences of individual members and the collective family experience. Most of us develop our communication skills within the family context learning both the general cultural language and the specific familial communication code. Communication may be viewed as a symbolic, transactional process as the process of creating and sharing meanings. To say that communication is a process implies a continuous interaction of an indefinite large numbers of variables with a concomitant,. continuous change in the values taken by these variables. Finally the process implies change, Family functions include the primary functions of cohesion and adaptability, and supporting functions of family images, themes, boundaries, and biosocial issues. The primary functions reveal concepts integrated family interaction and supporting function, along with those of cohesion and adaptability, give shape to family life. the characteristics of developed relationships of richness, uniqueness efficiency, substitutability, pacing , openness spontaneity, and evaluation are reflected in the verbal and nonverbal behaviors with which family members negotiated a set of common meanings and develop thier own unique message system. The message system is the major element of communication process and influences both the form and the content of thier relationship and in create and share meanings. Family systems need to provide order and predictability for thier members, specifically focusing on communication rules and the networks by which messages are transmitted. Most rules emerge as a result of multiful interactions. There are basic rules and rules about rules, or metarules. Perceiving the rules of family system is very difficult because often family members don't think about the basic rules, much less the metarules. Breaking the rule may result in the creation of a new set because the system may recalibrate itself to accept more variety of behavior. Families develop communication networks to deal with the general issue. Family adaptability may be seen through the degree of flexibility in forming and reforming networks and networks become a vital part of the decision- making process and relate to the power dynamics operating within the family. Networks also play an integral part in maintaining the roles and rules operating with the family system. Thus networks and rules have mutual influence. The family -of -origin issues influence all aspects of family communication and account for many of the communication patterns, rules and networks and the role of the family -of-origin influences as a primary force for communication on behavior of newly forming systems. Each family system develops its own communication meanings. There is not one right way to communicate within a family but may be indefinitly large change of family life and communication behavior. Study on functional family communication helps to gain a better understanding of dynamics of family communication and ability of a new insight into the family.

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Evaluation of Respiratory Parameters in Patients with Acute Lung Injury Receiving Adaptive Support Ventilation (급성 폐손상 환자에서 Adaptive Support Ventilation 적용 시 호흡지표의 양상)

  • Lee, Keu-Sung;Chung, Wou-Young;Jung, Yun-Jung;Park, Joo-Hun;Sheen, Seung-Soo;Hwang, Sung-Chul;Park, Kwang-Joo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.70 no.1
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    • pp.36-42
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    • 2011
  • Background: Adaptive support ventilation (ASV), an automated closed-loop ventilation mode, adapts to the mechanical characteristics of the respiratory system by continuous measurement and adjustment of the respiratory parameters. The adequacy of ASV was evaluated in the patients with acute lung injury (ALI). Methods: A total of 36 patients (19 normal lungs and 17 ALIs) were enrolled. The patients' breathing patterns and respiratory mechanics parameters were recorded under the passive ventilation using the ASV mode. Results: The ALI patients showed lower tidal volumes and higher respiratory rates (RR) compared to patients with normal lungs ($7.1{\pm}0.9$ mL/kg vs. $8.6{\pm}1.3$ mL/kg IBW; $19.7{\pm}4.8$ b/min vs. $14.6{\pm}4.6$ b/min; p<0.05, respectively). The expiratory time constant (RCe) was lower in ALI patients than in those with normal lungs, and the expiratory time/RCe was maintained above 3 in both groups. In all patients, RR was correlated with RCe and peak inspiratory flow ($r_s$=-0.40; $r_s$=0.43; p<0.05, respectively). In ALI patients, significant correlations were found between RR and RCe ($r_s$=-0.76, p<0.01), peak inspiratory flow and RR ($r_s$=-0.53, p<0.05), and RCe and peak inspiratory flow ($r_s$=-0.53, p<0.05). Conclusion: ASV was found to operate adequately according to the respiratory mechanical characteristics in the ALI patients. Discrepancies with the ARDS Network recommendations, such as a somewhat higher tidal volume, have yet to be addressed in further studies.

On the Street System of Natural Villages in Seogwipo, Jeju (서귀포시 자연취락지의 도시가로망 구성)

  • 전명택;양성기
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2002
  • When the natural villages in Jeju province are incorporated into the district of city planning, they are considered to be a small-scale residential districts. Therefore, a garden city should be planned that considers the characteristics of the villages to implement an appropriate street system, to use the area effectively, and to harmonize the villages with the surrounding communities. There have been an especially large number of problems with the street system in the city of Seogwipo, which was notified as the area of natural settlement. This study analyzes the problems inherent in street planning and the present condition of roads whose construction has been postponed for a long time due to several problems including an inappropriately planned street system. Based on the research of various documents, a practical street system has been investigated. Most of the residents in natural settlement units demand use of the continued the existing roads as well as the implementation of an effective street system. They ask for street planning under which the involved construction would take only a short period of time and would result in only minimal damage to their existing properties. Therefore, the street system should be planned so as to preserve the nature-friendly features of natural settlements, their surroundings and tourism resources. Even after streets hwve been planned and their completion you has been established, the plan should be continuously evaluated, analyzed and compared with other alternatives. The street plan should continuously incorporate improvement measures which would satisfy various aspects of the street system including land use, traffic demand, and future population demands. Both the amount of money to be invested and economical efficiency should be considered for street planning since the street system has a great impact on many industries. Unnecessary costs related to excessive road construction should be avoided. The street network plan should also include the complete evaluation of the natural topography as well as the surrounding. Considering these views, the data concerning the current condition of the city and the related investigation play an important role in establishing a street plan. However, the investigation of future construction plans by the city is as of yet at a very early stage. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the investigational study of the current city development plans. The street system for the natural settlement area should be established only after the thorough investigation of all aspects of street planning. In addition, the plan should be flexible enough to consider the characteristics of Jeju.

Development of Battery-free SAW Integrated Microsensor for Real Time Simultaneous Measurement of Humidity and $CO_2$ component (습도와 $CO_2$ 농도의 실시간 동시감지를 위한 무전원 SAW 기반 집적 센서 개발)

  • Lim, Chun-Bae;Lee, Kee-Keun;Wang, Wen;Yang, Sang-Sik
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2009
  • A 440MHz wireless and passive surface acoustic wave (SAW) based chemical sensor was developed on a $41^{\circ}YX\;LiNbO_3$ piezoelectric substrate for simultaneous measurement of $CO_2$ gas and relative humidity (RH) using a reflective delay line pattern as the sensor element. The reflective delay line is composed of an interdigital transducer (IDT) and several shorted grating reflectors. A Teflon AF 2400 and a hydrophilic $SiO_2$ layer were used as $CO_2$ and water vapor sensitive films. The coupling of mode (COM) modeling was conducted to determine optimal device parameters prior to fabrication. According to simulation results, the device was fabricated and then wirelessly measured using the network analyzer. The measured reflective coefficient $S_{11}$ in the time domain showed high signal/noise (S/N) ratio, small signal attenuation, and few spurious peaks. In the $CO_2$ and humidity testing, high sensitivity ($2^{\circ}/ppm$ for $CO_2$ detection and $7.45^{\circ}/%$RH for humidity sensing), good linearity and repeatability were observed in the $CO_2$ concentration ranges of $75{\sim}375ppm$ and humidity levels of $20{\sim}80%$RH. Temperature and humidity compensations were also investigated during the sensitivity evaluation process.

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Design and Evaluation of a Buffering Patching Technique for VOD Systems (주문형 비디오 시스템을 위한 버퍼링 패칭 기법의 설계 및 평가)

  • 하숙정;배인한
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.30 no.10
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    • pp.523-532
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    • 2003
  • Video on Demand(VOD) services cause high resource consumption in a video seuer, because multimedia are characterized by continuous playback, a high bandwidth requirement, and long playback duration. Patching has been proposed to save the network I/O bandwidth of a video server. To achieve true VOD, patching uses multicasting to share video streams, thereby providing immediate VOD services to users without any service latency. A communication channel is used to either multicast the entire video as a regular channel or multicast only the leading portion of a video as a Patching channel. This paper Proposes a buffering patching technique that divides regular channels, as used in patching, into sub-regular channels and regular channels to shorten the holding time of the channels. In the proposed technique, the last portion of video data, corresponding to the size of the buffering window, is not transferred by sub-regular channels, but rather downloaded and buffered in the user buffer from the latest regular channel. When simulations were performed to compare the performance of the proposed technique with that of conventional patching, the results indicated that the proposed technique was superior in terms of the defection rate, average service latency, and fairness, although the amount of video data buffered at each user station was higher than that with patching.

The Seamless Handoff Algorithm based on Multicast Group Mechanism among RNs in a PDSN Area (PDSN 영역내의 여러 RN간 멀티캐스트 그룹 메커니즘 기반의 Seamless 핸드오프 알고리즘)

  • Shin, Dong-Jin;Kim, Su-Chang;Lim, Sun-Bae;Oh, Jae-Chun;Song, Byeong-Kwon;Jeong, Tae-Eui
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.9C no.1
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2002
  • In 3GPP2 standard, MIP is used and a PDSN performs the function of FA to support macro mobility. When a MS is roaming from a PDSN area to another, the mobility supported is called macro mobility, while it is called micro mobility when a MS is roaming from a RN area to another in a PDSN area. Since a PDSN performs the function of FA in 3GPP2 standard, it is possible to support mobility but its mechanism is actually for supporting macro mobility, not for micro mobility, thus it is weak in processing fast and seamless handoff to support micro mobility. In this paper, we suggest the seamless handoff algorithm barred on multicast group mechanism to support micro mobility. Depending on the moving direction and velocity of a MS, the suggested algorithm constructs a multicast group of RNs on the forecasted MS's moving path, and maximally delays RNs'joining to a multicast group to increase the network efficiency. Moreover, to resolve the buffer overhead problem of the existent multicast scheme, the algorithm suggests that each RN buffers data only after the forecasted handoff time. To prove deadlock freeness and liveness of the algorithm. we use state transition diagrams, a Petri-net modeling and its reachability tree. Then, we evaluate the performance by simulation.

Development and Evaluation of Cardiocerebrovascular Disease Prevention Program for Taxi Drivers (택시 운전자를 위한 심뇌혈관질환 예방 프로그램 개발 및 효과)

  • Jeon, Mi-Yang;Song, Youngl-SU;Jung, Hyung-Tae;Park, Jung-Sok;Yoon, Hye-Young;Lee, Eliza
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.4437-4446
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to development and evaluate the effects of cardiocerebrovascular disease prevention program for taxi drivers on physiological variables(blood pressure, blood sugar, serum lipids) and physical variables(body fat, muscle endurance, cardiopulmonary endurance, balance). This study consisted of two phases: developing the program and evaluating its effectiveness. 1 phase, 321 taxi drivers investigated a health condition and a life habit and an educational need and developed a program with the ground which will reach. 2 phases, The effectiveness of the program was tested in October 2011, with 51 taxi driver. The experimental group was given 12 weeks period exercise 1 weeks 3 time, disease education 4 time, 2 nutrition consultations. Although there was no significant reduction in blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar, serum lipids, there were statistically significant increases in muscle endurance (t=-7.62 p<.001), cardiopulmonary endurance (t=-3.39, p<.001), balance(t=-4.13, p<.001) and decreased body fat (t= -3.11, p<.015) in before compared to after. These findings suggest that an integrated cardiocerebro-vascular disease prevention program improves physical fitness.