• Title/Summary/Keyword: Necessity of Education

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A Study on the Plan to Reinforce the Resident's Capacity to Build Family-Friendly Community -Focused on Educational Program of Livable Community Building - (가족친화마을만들기를 위한 주민역량강화 방안 -살기좋은마을만들기를 위한 주민역량강화 프로그램 분석을 기초로 -)

  • Cha, Sung-Lan
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.23-42
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    • 2011
  • This study proposes a plan for the residents to have a capacity to build a family-friendly community on their own. As there is not a family-friendly community related program developed for "Resident's Capacity Reinforcement", three programs closely related with family-friendly community program were analyzed instead. Analysis showed that first, the community spirit must be emphasized to maintain the characteristics of family care with social support. Second, educational contents must reflect resident's capacity elements that are necessary for participating in the family friendly community building stages. Third, there is a necessity for systematization of education courses into beginner, intermediate, and specialty course given education is continued. Fourth, there is a necessity for the curriculum that may be used for the family friendly community building to foster human and material resource management ability. Therefore, framework for the educational contents suggests X-axis and Y-axis presented by person-business and morphogenic-morphostatic as referred to Ulrich(1997),s human resource model. However, this study has limitations because educational program of 'livable community building' are analyzed for the plan to reinforce capacity to build family-friendly community. There is a necessity for continuing to improve the program by in depth interview or social survey with residents and leader in community.

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The Study of Acknowledgement and Needs of the Parents about Elementary, Middle, and High School Students' Health Education (초.중.고등학교 보건교육에 대한 학부모의 인식 및 요구도 조사)

  • Choi, Jin-Young;Kim, Myung
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.47-71
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    • 1995
  • This research has been attempted to measure health acknowledgement and needs of 1158 respondents, the parents of elementary, middle, and high school students, residing in Seoul and In-chon. 1. The majority of parents had high interests in health and their children's health education. In addition, more than half of parents showed positive responses in their willingness to participate in organizational activities. 2. 41.7% of parents thought that their children were receiving health education regularly. For their recognitions of the course title, 'Physical Education' was the most highly recognized by the parents of elementary and middle school students, and 'Military Drill' for the parents of high school students. 3. A high number of parents perceived the problems of school health education. 4. There was a high number of parents, who thought that health education teachers' knowledge was deficient, and 86.3% of them agreed that additional education for 33the teachers should be desired. 5. 95.5% of parents acknowledged the necessity of health education; 78.8% of them recognized the reinforcement of health education; and 60.0% of them percepted the necessity of establishing the independent health education courses. 6. For the matter of instruction period, the majority of parents responded that health education should be taught from "kindergarten" and "elementary school". For the appropriate instruction hour per a week, the majority answered 1 hour. Most respondents answered that those, who majored in health education, should be the appropriate teachers. 7. The survey result indicated that there was a close correlation between the cognition of the importance of health education and the correspondents' health educational background, their interest and willingness to participate in health education. 8. The most desired areas of health education were Safety Education and Health-Habit. The followings were Environmental Health, Prevention of Disease, Mental Health, Growth and Nutrition, and Drug-Abuse in a sequent order. The parents of elementary school students showed a high acknowledgement on Health-Habit, Growth and Nutrition, and Prevention of disease, Safety Education. On the other hand, as the children entered into the advanced schools, the parents' recognition of the health education needs shifted into Sex education, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health. 9. Those respondents, who recognized the necessity of health education and advocated the establishment of independent health education courses, had a strong demand for the implementation of the health education.

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The Necessity of Education in Response to Technological Advancements and Future Environmental Changes: A Comparison of Korean Medicine Doctors and Students

  • Yu Seong Park;Kyeong Heon Lee;Hye In Jeong;Kyeong Han Kim
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.72-86
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: The medical field is rapidly evolving with AI and digital technologies like AI-based X-ray analysis and digital therapeutics gaining approval. Telemedicine is becoming prominent, and medical schools are adapting by integrating AI education. Pusan National University leads a talent training project for AI in health. Korean Medicine is incorporating AI with diagnostic systems and chatbots. However, there's a lack of research on education awareness in Korean Medicine Colleges. The study aims to assess opinions on integrating AI, digital therapeutics, and DNA test into the Korean medicine college curriculum for improved education. Methods: We selected appropriate four specific areas: artificial intelligence in medicine, digital therapeutics, DNA test, and telemedicine. The questionnaire developed for this study underwent expert evaluation and was subsequently administered to registered KMDs of the Association of Korean Medicine, as well as students from 12 Korean Medicine universities. The survey was designed to analyze the awareness and perceived importance of the 4 areas. Results: Both KMDs and Korean medicine students exhibited comparable awareness levels across the four objectives. Notably, both groups identified a high educational necessity and importance of artificial intelligence in medicine for clinical settings. Statistically significant differences were observed between KMDs and students in their perspectives on the importance of telemedicine and DNA test in the Korean medicine field, the educational necessity of DNA test within Korean medicine universities, and the need for comprehension of regulations related to digital therapeutics. Conclusion: The survey of Korean medicine professionals and students underscores a strong understanding of key areas such as Telemedicine, medical AI, DNA test, and digital therapeutics. Medical AI is identified as crucial for future education. There's a consensus on the need for curriculum changes in Korean medicine schools, particularly in adapting to evolving healthcare trends. The focus should be on practical clinical application, with a call for additional research to better integrate student and practitioner perspectives in future curriculum reform discussions.

An investigation of the Education Practice for Creativity Perceived by Adolescents and Secondary School Teachers (청소년과 교사가 지각하는 창의성 교육의 실태조사)

  • Chung Ock-Boon;Kim Kyoung-Eun;Park Youn-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.17 no.1 s.35
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    • pp.29-53
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the education practice of creativity perceived by adolescents and secondary teachers. The subjects in this study are 305 secondary students and 133 secondary school teachers, who have completed questionnaires of 'Education Practice of Creativity' and 'Creativity Fostering Teacher Behavior', The results of this study are as follows: (1) It is found that most adolescents and teachers recognized the need and importance of creativity-fostered education in school. However. the degree of adolescents' and teacher's understanding and satisfaction of creativity-fostered education in school is low. Half of the adolescents have received creativity-fostered education for over three years but half of the teachers have not performed or started to perform creativity-fostered education. Main obstacles of creativity-fostered education in school are lack of understanding creativity-fostered education, lack of teaching methods. teaching materials and teaching time. Antecedents for developing creativity-fostered education are building school climate for creativity-fostered education and selecting and applying various teaching contents. (2) Adolescents' satisfaction of creativity-fostered education have meaningful differences with gender. Also, adolescents' necessity, satisfaction, importance of creativity-fostering education. and creativity-fostered teacher behavior have meaningful differences with grade. (3) There are significant differences in the necessity, importance, interest, and understanding of creativity-fostered education according to a teacher's gender. Also. there are significant differences in the necessity and the understanding of creativity-fostered education according to a teacher's age. (4) There are significant differences between adolescents and teachers in the necessity, satisfaction, importance, interest and understanding of creativity-fostered education and creativity-fostered teacher behavior. (5) There are significant correlations among the necessity, satisfaction, importance, interest of creativity-fostered education and the creativity-fostered teacher behavior.

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The Effects of Computational Thinking of Algorithm Learning using Logo for Primary Pre-service Teachers (Logo를 이용한 정보과학적 사고 기반의 알고리즘 학습이 예비 초등교사에게 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon;Kim, Byeong-Su;Kim, Jong-Hoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.463-474
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    • 2012
  • The necessity of computer science education has been increased in the society which has been changing rapidly by the development of information science. But most elementary school teachers don't realize its necessity and don't recognize the notion of computational thinking which is the fundamental principle of computer science. In this research, we designed and implemented an algorithm learning program based on computational thinking with using Logo, which was for pre-service elementary school teachers to be able to realize the necessity of computer science education and recognize computational thinking. As the findings analyzed between pre- and post-test, the averages of correlational reasoning, combinatorial reasoning and the sum of overall logical thinking increased significantly. Also, participants' awareness of computer science education and computational thinking changed positively.

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Variables Related to Etiquette Consciousness and Performance of Adolescents (청소년의 예절의식 및 예절수행에 관한 연구)

  • Chi, Keum-Soo;Na, Ji-Won;Lee, Jin-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.135-147
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    • 2002
  • This study was to examine the differences in the levels of etiquette consciousness and performance of adolescents according to individual variables (sex, school, and self-esteem), family-related variables (parents' age and education level, and subjectively perceived living standard), and. etiquette-related variables (communication on etiquette, experience of etiquette education, parents' interest of and necessity. of etiquette education). The subjects were 394 middle and high school students in Jeonju. Such statistictical methods as t-test, F-test, Pearson's correlation analysis, and stepwise regression analysis were performed for this research. Results showed that the levels of etiquette consciousness and performance were slightly high. Among the domains of etiquette consciousness and performance, the levels of bowing manner and public etiquette were found to be relatively high. The etiquette consciousness and performance were different. according to adolescents' self-esteem, subjective living standard, and such etiquette variables as communication on etiquette, experience of etiquette education, parent's interest and necessity of etiquette education. Communication on etiquette was the most powerful variable influencing adolescents' etiquette performance. The results implied that the etiquette education need to be performed both in family and in school.

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Design of Learning Contents for Teaching Principles of Binary System (초등학교에서의 바이너리 시스템 교육을 위한 컨텐츠 구상)

  • Ahn, Joong-Min;Moon, Gyo-Sik
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.01a
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 2011
  • Computers are playing a major role in generating, sharing, and utilizing knowledge, which can be recognized as an essential component of national competitiveness. This may lead to the necessity as well as importance of computer education in elementary education. In the paper, we first investigate the necessity of teaching principles of binary system and then we figure out the status quo of teaching the subject in elementary classrooms. Based on the observations in the field, we design learning contents that can be used effectively in classroom so that students can learn easily the fundamental concept of binary system.

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Proposal Related to The Application of Apprenticeship Education for Securing the Professional Manpower in the Ship-repair Industry - Focused on the Educational Program of RIMS - (선박수리업의 전문인력 확보를 위한 도제식 교육 적용에 대한 제의 -중소조선연구원의 교육 프로그램을 중심으로-)

  • LIM, Yong-Suk;JUNG, Ho-Jin
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.822-833
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to propose a company-centered apprenticeship educational program to secure professional manpower in the ship repair industry. There are various efforts to secure professional manpower across industries. However, it is very rare in the ship repair industry. In this study, we analyzed the educational program implemented by Research Institute of Medium & Small Shipbuilding(RIMS) with considering their problems. We also studied the apprenticeship education for improving a few problems of RIMS's program. As a result, we presented the new educational program by integrating the concept of apprenticeship education into the current educational program with two main points as belows. 1) the necessity of the convergence with a company-centered apprenticeship education. 2) the necessity of a training program with a focus on the global market environment.

A Study on Teaching Competence and Attitudes of School Nurses for Health Education (학교보건수업에 대한 양호교사의 태도 및 교수능력의 인식도에 관한 조사연구 -서울시 중학교 양호교사를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Jae Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to provide fundamental data supporting facilitation of a formal health education performed by school nurses as health educators. To evaluate the teacher expertise of school nurses as health educators, this study analyzed the present status of health education and the recognition of self-confidence in teaching ability of school nurses. Self addressing questionnaire were mailed out to 340 secondary school nurses in Seoul and out of them 244 nurses (71.8%) responded to the survey. Analysis of the data was made using t-test and ANOVA in SAS program. The major results are as follows : 1. The total health instruction performance rate was 84.6% (204). Regular health instruction was carried out by 66 nurses and the rest of the 155 subjects gave irregular instruction on health education. 2. Regular health education classes was offered as a part of physical education class hour by 89.4% of the respondents whereas only 10.6% of them had formal health education classes. The survey showed that irregular health education classes were mainly held in physical education class hours (70.3%) and 14.8% had opportunities for additional classes on health education. 3. The average class for regular health education was 5 hours per week but for irregular health education classes were only one hour per semester (32.9%). 4. Among the 11 categories of health education, education on drug abuse and body structure and function and physical development occupied 95.6%, 69.6% respectably while physical training, family health, social health occupied 10.8%, 12.7%. 5. Health education was given much more at public schools (88.2%) than at private schools. 6. 232 (95.0%) school nurses agreed with the necessity of formalizing health education classes and 227 (93.1%) wanted to change their status from school nurses to formal health teachers. 7. There is a tendency to change the status from school nurse to formal health teacher, and the necessity of having a formal curriculum on health education while less recognized by the older and longer-careered nurses was more recognized by those nurses with higher education. 8. The lack of administrative support (79.5%), work burden (77.9%), and lack of teaching competency (22.1%) were the greatest problems. 9. Education on drug abuse was stressed the most whereas physical training was most neglected. 10. There is a tendency that older and longer-careered school nurses thought less positively of their status, and then 98 (81.1%) school nurses acknowledged themselves as professional teachers. 11. 176 (72.5%) school nurses agreed with the necessity of continuing education : health knowledge and teaching skills for formal health teachers. 12. 179 (73.8%) school nurses had a positive attitude and undergraduate preparation and the practice of professional health teachers. 13. The school nurses had self-confidence in their teaching competence, teaching strategies and knowledge in all 11 health education areas.

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A Study on the Content of Fundamentals of Nursing in Korea -Focused on Nursing Professors and Clinical Educators- (기본간호학 교과내용 개선을 위한 일 조사연구-간호학 교수와 임상실무교육 간호사를 중심으로-)

  • 강규숙;공은숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 1997
  • This study analyzed the necessity of detailed items of fundamentals of nursing education in college by soliciting answers from clinical nursing educators in hospitals and nursing professors. The questionnaire consisted of four parts. The first part included questions about the general demographic characteristics of respondents, the second part. questions about the general necessity of fundamentals of nursing, the third part, questions about the necessity of 26 items in fundamentals of nursing in knowledge education and about the necessity of 81 items in fundamentals of nursing in practice education, the fourth part solicited free description of ideas about the problems education in fundamentals of nursing in Korea. Thirty professors from universities, 30 professors from community. and 30 clinical nursing educators were randomly sampled and the questionnaires were sent by mail. Seventy people returned completed questionnaires. Ninety three percent evaluated fundamentals of nursing as necessary for nursing not only in knowledge education but also in practice education. They also generally agreed on what items are necessary for fundamentals of nursing. However. opinions about some items were split between nursing scholars and clinical nursing educators. Clinical educators wanted fundamentals of nursing to be more practical and to incorporate recent developments and changes in clinical settings. They described several problems in fundamentals of nursing. One was that some the content of fundamentals of nursing overlaps with other subjects, especially with adult nursing. Some respondents also thought that fundamentals of nursing included too many topics. These problems make it difficult for students, scholars, and nurses identify what fundamentals of nursing is. This causes an identity problem in fundamentals of nursing. Some disparity between clinical nursing and knowledge education in fundamentals of nursing was also reported. This was also related to problems lack of clinical experience in teachers of fundamentals of nursing. Some respondents suggested requiring clinical experience for professors or establishing a system of clinical professorship. Problems of teaching material were also pointed out. Fundamental nursing skills and knowledge in teaching materials are often old or not appropriate for the Korean nursing situation. The respondents urged the development of teaching materials appropriate for Korean nursing. In order to solve these problems, the authors suggest forming an ad hoc committee which can reformulate and standardize education in fundamentals of nursing in Korea.

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