• 제목/요약/키워드: Necessity of Education

검색결과 2,084건 처리시간 0.027초

가정교과목에 대한 고등학생들의 의견연구 - 재학 중인 학교별 차이비교 - (Comparisons of High School Students' Perspective on Home Economics)

  • 김인숙;임진희;한미선;최종명
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.99-111
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to find some directions to enhance high school students' recognitions for the necessity of Home Economics(HE) education. 309 respondents were sampled from boys', girls' and co-ed high schools in Chongju. The questionnaire consisted of some items about the respondents' interest, necessity, and the required level for HE. The results are as follows : 1) Students from girls' high school and co-ed high school showed more interest in HE than did the students from boys' high school. 2) The recognition of the necessity for learning HE in high school was significantly differed according to the school systems. 3) The demand level on HE was 52.8 out of 100 point, which is fairly low. Girls from co-ed high school showed higher demand on HE than did the girls' high school. 4) The highest demand level of students in the detailed domains of HE was on consumption. And the students showed a comparatively high demand on health, job, and consumption, while showing low demand on clothing. 5) Students from boys' high school and co-ed high school favored practice-oriented HE education.

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언어 영재교육의 필요성과 방향 탐색 (The necessity and direction of verbally gifted education)

  • 강승희;조석희
    • 영재교육연구
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.91-114
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    • 2004
  • 본 연구는 현재 시행되고 있는 영재교육에서 상대적으로 적은 관심을 받고 있는 언어 영재 교육의 필요성과 방향을 탐색하기 위한 시도로써 이루어졌다. 과학 문명의 발전을 위해 과학 영재교육이 필요하다면, 인류 문화의 발전을 위해서는 여러 분야의 영재교육이 골고루 이루어져야 한다. 특히 언어가 주가 되는 여러 분야의 전문가들에 의해 우리의 문화, 예술의 경쟁력을 높일 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구에서는 효과적인 언어 영재 교육이 이루어지기 위한 준비로서 현재 우리나라 언어 영재교육의 현황을 분석하고, 언어 영재교육의 필요성과 방향을 탐색하여, 언어 영재교육의 내실화를 기할 수 있는 기초를 제공하였다. 언어 영재교육이 올바르게 이루어지기 위해서는 무엇보다도 언어 영재들에 대한 잘못된 인식을 변화시켜 언어 영재 교육의 필요성을 깨닫도록 해야 하며, 언어 영재에 관한 기초 연구를 실시하여 언어 영재성 및 특성을 이해할 수 있어야하며, 언어 영재와 기타 다른 영역의 영재들을 위할 프로그램을 개발하여야한다.

도시 청소년의 성의식 및 성문제와 성교육에 관한 조사 연구 -성교육 실시의 타당성과 성교육 지도방향 개선의 필요성을 중심으로- (A Study on Sex Consciousness, Sex Problems and Sex Education of Urban Adolescents -Focusing on the Validity and the Necessity for Enforcement of Sex Education-)

  • 이문희;정옥분
    • 한국가정과교육학회지
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.41-58
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the sex consciousness, sex problems and sex education of adolescence emphasizing the validity and necessity for the systematic enforcement of sex education. For this purpose, a questionnaire representing six categories, the relationship, with the opposite sex, sexual knowledge, sex consciousness, sex morality, sex problems, and sex education, was developed by the researchers. The subjects of this study was 224 middle school students and 267 hight school students in Seoul. Sex ratio of these subjects was about the same; For the satistical analysis of the collected data, frequency, Chi-square, and severed one way ANOVA’s and two way ANOVA’s were performed.05 was used as a significance level in this study. The most important findings in the study showed that most of the students wanted the systematic sex education in school, especially by the professionals in the sex education field.

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수학 교육에서 ‘증명의 의의’에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Meaning of Proof in Mathematics Education)

  • 류성림
    • 한국수학교육학회지시리즈A:수학교육
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    • 제37권1호
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    • pp.73-85
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the understanding of middle school students on the meaning of proof and to suggest a teaching method to improve their understanding based on three levels identified by Kunimune as follows: Level I to think that experimental method is enough for justifying proof, Level II to think that deductive method is necessary for justifying proof, Level III to understand the meaning of deductive system. The conclusions of this study are as follows: First, only 13% of 8th graders and 22% of 9th graders are on level II. Second, although about 50% students understand the meaning of hypothesis, conclusion, and proof, they can't understand the necessity of deductive proof. This conclusion implies that the necessity of deductive proof needs to be taught to the middle school students. One of the teaching methods on the necessity of proof is to compare the nature of experimental method and deductive proof method by providing their weak and strong points respectively.

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  • Han, Eun Ok;Kim, Jae Rok;Choi, Yoon Seok
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제46권3호
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    • pp.447-460
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    • 2014
  • The results of this study, suggest public communication to promote the use of radiation as follows: first, suitable information for the recipient's perception patterns should be provided, as there is a difference in risk perception and acceptance between the experts and the public. Thus, information on the necessity of nuclear power should be provided to the public, while information based on technical risks is provided by the experts. Second, since the levels of perception, knowledge, and attitudes increased highly for sectors which use radiation after the class, classes should be provided continuously to increase students' perception, knowledge, and attitude, which are all preemptive variables which induce positive behavioral changes. Third, since the seven sectors which use radiation are highly correlated, arguments for the necessity of other sectors should be based on the necessity of the medical sector.

중학생들의 치매에 대한 지식수준 및 학교보건교육의 필요성 (A Study on Middle School Students' Recognition Level for Dementia and Necessity of School Health Education)

  • 문기내;배향선
    • 한국학교ㆍ지역보건교육학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.19-34
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    • 2007
  • Background & Objectives: The current study aims to convey correct knowledge of dementia that is be on the rise as the most significant social problem and provide basic data for implementing immediate school health education for dementia which is the basis of improving quality of life for patients with dementia, their family and the society by analyzing recognition level for dementia among male and female students in the 2nd grade of middle school and the necessity of school health education for dementia. Methods: The current study conducted a survey with a total of 150 students. 25 male and female students respectively selected from three middle school taking into account regional characteristics. The study also processed the survey results using SPSS-PC Program 12.0 and gained the following results by implementing Frequency Analysis. Cross-tabulation Analysis and ANOVA Analysis. Results: As for respect for grandparents, 55.3% of the respondents said they respect their grandparents. while 39.3% answered so-so and 5.3% said they don't respect their grandparents. As for the number of they meet grandparents, 36.0% of the respondents said they meet grandparents once or twice a month, which was the most frequent answer. On the other hand, 24.7% are once or twice every six months, 13.3% are once or twice a year and a week, respectively, and 6.7% said that they seldom meet their grandparents. In a question about whether they had recognized dementia after explaining dementia in detail, 82.7% said' yes' while 17.3% said' no'. But few students recognized it when they were asked using a terminology' dementia' first. The average score of knowledge level integrating the most fundamental 16 questions about dementia was $11.20{\pm}1.73$. Also 83.3% of the respondents answered that they had no experience in health education about dementia while 16.7% said presented positive answers. In the necessity of health education about dementia, 73.3% of them said' necessary' while 21.3% said' so-so' and 5.3% said 'not necessary. Conclusions: From the above study results, it was found that it is time to emphasize the necessity and importance of school health education for improving respect for the old and a sense of responsibility for support and converting recognition for dementia in Korea that has social structure of the trend toward the nuclear family and heads for an aged society. However, the fact that the above things are not implemented at all in reality can expand disparate views among family members in the future and further can cause even more serious problem by neglecting senior problems. Therefore, the government, social organizations, especially school organizers should recognize the necessity and importance of school health education and actively begin cultivations of students' character by implementing the education about dementia at the early stage.

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창업교육에 대한 유아교육과 학생들의 인식 연구 (A study on the Perception of College students studying Early Childhood Education about Entrepreneurship Education)

  • 박지은;고영건;조정원;박정환
    • 융합정보논문지
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    • 제10권10호
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2020
  • 미래를 주도하는 유아교육과 학생들을 위한 창업교육은 교육 현장에 적용될 수 있어야 하며, 유아교육과 학생들을 대상으로 창업교육의 필요성에 대한 인식과 요구에 관한 기초 조사가 선행되어야 한다. 유아교육과 학생들을 위해 다양한 창업교육 프로그램 개발 연구가 필요하다. 선행연구의 고찰을 통해 이론적 자료들을 수집하였으며, 창업교육의 필요성을 인지하고 이를 위한 유아교육과 학생들의 요구조사를 위해 온라인 설문지를 제작하였다. 수집한 239개의 설문으로 자료를 분석하였다. 결과는 첫째, 졸업 직후의 진로와 더불어 졸업 후 기간이 경과한 후의 진로에 대해서도 고려한 다양한 진로교육과 관련된 창업교육의 필요성을 인식해야 한다. 둘째, 온라인과 오프라인의 혼합형태의 다양한 교육영역과 내용을 효과적이고 체계적으로 개발한 프로그램이 필요하다. 셋째, 학습자요구 분석을 통한 정부기관에서의 맞춤 프로그램 지원이 필요하다.

가정규범에 관한 기성세대와 대학생간의 가치의식 비교연구 (A Comparative Study on Value Orientation about Family Norm between the older Generations and University Students)

  • 이길표
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 1994
  • This study proposed a plan to seek a more practical way of life norm education of today's families on the basis of family rule in the traditional society by comparison between the older generation's family life rule education and college students. The study was made by analysing rules in Chosun Dynasty questionaire nair was drawn up on the basis of it. The subjects of this study were college students of one largest cities and their 800 parents. Collected data was processed by frequency analysis, ANOVA, interrelation and regression which are used through SPSS computer programs, Study results show that acceptance level is higher among the older generation but the necessity of family standare education is urgent beyond the generations. Also people who have lived with grand parents feel more necessity of education family norm. When the education could not be made in families because parents excessive protection examination-centered education, and bad effects of mass media then emphasis has to be made to create life culture which makes family norms to be kept continuously by the education at schools, education culture centers and public facilities.

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응급현장에서 산소 인공호흡법 교육의 필요성 (The Necessity of Education on Medical Oxygen Respiration First Aid)

  • 강용수;조진만;이태용
    • 한국응급구조학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2008
  • I studied and analyzed current status about the necessity of Medical Oxygen Respiration First Aid when we perform first aid at emergency locations. As immediate and efficient first aid methods it is necessary to be able to use medical oxygen respiration equipments. I presented the basic data to develop and standardize education system on medical oxygen respiration first aid. Among those who were working at emergency locations in Korea from September 15th, 2005 to September 30th, 2005, I performed a survey on a professional group of 75 people and a non-professional group of 132 people. The results of the survey are summarized as follows. 1) There was difference between the professional group and the non-professional group on recognition about whether general public can perform medical oxygen respiration first aid(p<0.05). 2) On the necessity of medical oxygen respiration first aid, 93.2% of the total answered it is necessary and 6.8% answered it is unnecessary, so both groups thought it is very necessary(p>0.05). 3) On the importance of medical oxygen respiration first aid, 95.2% of the total answered it is important and 4.8% answered it is unimportant, so both groups thought it is very important(p>0.05). 4) On correspondence on necessity and importance of medical oxygen respiration first aid, there was a difference in thoughts between the professional group and the non-professional group(p<0.05). 5) On the necessity of education on medical oxygen respiration first aid, 98.1% of the total answered it is necessary and 1.9% answered it is unnecessary, so both groups thought it is very necessary(p>0.05).

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중학생들의 식품첨가물에 대한 인식과 교육에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Recognition and Education of Food Additives in Middle School Students)

  • 송효진;김성희;최선영
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.957-967
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to offer youth with the basic materials for developing nutrition education programs and to help domestic science teachers in schools implement effective dietary education by examining their awareness of food additives. In the source of acquiring knowledges on food additives, the results were through mass media, technology and home economics teachers, and family members in order. The majority of students thought that they don't need the education about food additives. As effective teaching methods, they first selected the use of visual media, followed by experimental cooking classes, field trip, and inquiry lessons using processed foods. As a result of analyzing the education on food additives in accordance with demographic factors, more number of female students, compared to male students depicted the need for education on food additives. Further, the lower the cost students spend on purchasing processed foods per day, the higher the necessity of the education they indicate. The necessity of education content on food additives showed significant difference depending on the cost of buying processed foods, and the degree of interest and help real-life according to gender indicated significant differences. The satisfaction with education on food additives, which was implemented in home economics education revealed significant differences according to gender. This study aims to provide the basic data for the development and research of educational programs regarding good eating habits among the general youth. However, there are limitations to the presentation of the practical training program. For this reason, based on the results of this study, further studies should follow this study in order to develop and study educational programs related to food additives for teaching and learning purposes.