• Title/Summary/Keyword: Navigation Point

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Operating status of Korean coastal composite fishing boats by the questionnaire survey (설문조사를 통한 우리나라 연안복합어선의 조업 실태)

  • HWANG, Bo-Kyu;CHANG, Ho-Young;KIM, Min-Son
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.324-332
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    • 2018
  • We conducted a questionnaire survey to analyze the current status of the coastal composite fisheries, as well as the improvement point in designing a new type coastal composite fishing boat suitable for Korean fishing environments from April to August 2017. The questionnaire composed of 20 questions about the features of the coastal composite fishing boat and fishing work. The survey sites were selected to cover all parts of the country by considering the geographical position. The significance testing for the response results was accessed by ${\chi}^2$ test and ANOVA. The results revealed that more than half (59.1%) of the fishermen operated one day per voyage and operating alone topped with 22.5% in the number of crews, followed by 2 persons (20.3%) and 5 persons (22.1%). The navigation devices had a high rate of installation and GPS plotter ranked first in the devices. In addition, fish finder ranked first in fishing equipment, followed by net hauler. The most inconvenient work that they felt during the fishing operation was fish handing at 49.8% and other general fishing works like setting and hauling line, deck cleaning accounted for about 25%. The hardest work was the accident by ropes wrapped around propeller and the engine trouble came in second. The most inconvenient facilities to the present design of fishing boat was wheelhouse (76.7%), followed by fish hold (38.5%), and deck (35.1%). Furthermore, inconvenient points related to the movement of fishing gear, noise and vibration of engine, slippery deck and small fish hold exceeded 50%.

Improved Method to Select Targets in Phase Gradient Autofocus on Real Time Processing (실시간 처리를 위한 PGA 표적 선택기법 개선)

  • Lee, Hankil;Kim, Donghwan;Son, Inhye
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Information Technology
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2019
  • Motion errors which are caused by several reasons, non-ideal path, errors of navigation systems, and radar system errors, have to be corrected. Motion compensation methods can compensate the motion error, but not exactly. To correct these residual errors, several autofocus methods are invented. A popular method is phase gradient autofocus (PGA). PGA does not assume specific circumstances, such as isolated point targets and shapes of errors. PGA is an iterative and adaptive method, so that the processing time is the main problem for the real time processing. In this paper, the improved method to select targets for PGA is proposed to reduce processing time. The variances of image pixels are used to select targets with high SNR. The processing of PGA with these targets diminishes the processing time and iterations effectively. The processed results with real radar data, obtained by flight tests, show that the proposed method compensates errors well, and reduce working time.

Development of a Facet Classification System for Presidential Gift Search in Presidential Archives (대통령기록관 대통령선물 검색을 위한 패싯 분류체계 개발)

  • Yoon, Gyubin;Kim, Daeun;Jang, Hyo-Jeong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.76
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    • pp.119-157
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    • 2023
  • This study attempted to propose a faceted search function to supplement metadata for existing presidential gifts. To this end, based on 3,574 presidential gifts provided online by the Presidential Archives, identified the characteristics of records extracted from the gift name, gift giver, gift country, gift date, and receipt process, specifications, and characteristics of the presidential gift. Based on this, study designed a facet-based classification of presidential gifts with 5 basic facets and 51 sub-facets and structured facets define each facet element and assign an arrangement order and symbol. This classification system can be expected to be utilized as a basis for building faceted navigation by applying it to a search system. Through the study, it was confirmed that it was necessary to develop a new classification system for presidential gifts, and it was proposed to apply facet classification as an alternative classification system for this purpose.

Markerless camera pose estimation framework utilizing construction material with standardized specification

  • Harim Kim;Heejae Ahn;Sebeen Yoon;Taehoon Kim;Thomas H.-K. Kang;Young K. Ju;Minju Kim;Hunhee Cho
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.535-544
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    • 2024
  • In the rapidly advancing landscape of computer vision (CV) technology, there is a burgeoning interest in its integration with the construction industry. Camera calibration is the process of deriving intrinsic and extrinsic parameters that affect when the coordinates of the 3D real world are projected onto the 2D plane, where the intrinsic parameters are internal factors of the camera, and extrinsic parameters are external factors such as the position and rotation of the camera. Camera pose estimation or extrinsic calibration, which estimates extrinsic parameters, is essential information for CV application at construction since it can be used for indoor navigation of construction robots and field monitoring by restoring depth information. Traditionally, camera pose estimation methods for cameras relied on target objects such as markers or patterns. However, these methods, which are marker- or pattern-based, are often time-consuming due to the requirement of installing a target object for estimation. As a solution to this challenge, this study introduces a novel framework that facilitates camera pose estimation using standardized materials found commonly in construction sites, such as concrete forms. The proposed framework obtains 3D real-world coordinates by referring to construction materials with certain specifications, extracts the 2D coordinates of the corresponding image plane through keypoint detection, and derives the camera's coordinate through the perspective-n-point (PnP) method which derives the extrinsic parameters by matching 3D and 2D coordinate pairs. This framework presents a substantial advancement as it streamlines the extrinsic calibration process, thereby potentially enhancing the efficiency of CV technology application and data collection at construction sites. This approach holds promise for expediting and optimizing various construction-related tasks by automating and simplifying the calibration procedure.

Scanning Determination & Observation Features by Sex shown in the Process of Acquiring Visual Information - With the Object of Subway Station Hall Space - (시각정보획득과정에 나타난 주사판정과 성별 주시특성 - 지하철 홀 공간을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Jong-Ha;Choi, Gae-Young
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2014
  • This study has carried out scanning tests in order to figure out the features of scanning search by sex of space users, with the result of which the validity of data has been estimated. In this research, the scanning patterns were set up for verifying the typology of scanning paths and then the reason for determining scanning paths and the validity of estimation method were reviewed. Since the observation features depends on sex, the analysis of visual activities for acquiring any information in a space will reveal the intention and purpose of space users. The findings by analyzing the features of scanning pattern by sex which were found at the determination of scanning patterns can be defined as the followings. First, for estimating the process of space-information search, the movement distance at each point of continuative-observation data from the angle of eye-movement has been extracted, on the ground of which the fixation and movement of eye have been defined for the establishment of scanning-cut characteristics. Second, the scanning times were estimated for the extraction of effective observation data that would be used for comparative analysis, which showed that men had more data (3,398.2/64.4%) than women (2,998.2/55.6%). This enables the acknowledgment that the scanning cut of men was relatively less, which indicates that men will acquire more information on space than women in the process of observing any space. Third, men's scanning times (58.0 times/2.02 seconds) were less than those of women (71.9 times/1.39 seconds) while the scanning time of the former was longer than that of the latter, which shows the feature that it takes longer for men than women in scanning while the scanning times of the former is less than those of the latter. Fourth, the observation features can be determined that the combination of this result with the predominance character by sex for a general viewpoint to be employed indicates that while men employ mixed-scanning for observation activities to acquire space-information spending for longer time, women, by concentrated-scanning, focus on a single point for shorter time or stay at one location for a considerably long time for space-information acquirement.

Active Stabilization for Surge Motion of Moored Vessel in Irregular Head Waves (불규칙 선수파랑 중 계류된 선박의 전후동요 제어)

  • Lee, Sang-Do;Truong, Ngoc Cuong;Xu, Xiao;You, Sam-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.437-444
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    • 2020
  • This study was focused on the stabilization of surge motions of a moored vessel under irregular head seas. A two-point moored vessel shows strong non-linearity even in regular sea, owing to its inherent non-linear restoring force. A long-crested irregular wave is subjected to the vessel system, resulting in more complex nonlinear behavior of the displacement and velocities than in the case of regular waves. Sliding mode control (SMC) is implemented in the moored vessel to control both surge displacement and surge velocity. The SMC can provide a closed-loop system with performance and robustness against parameter uncertainties and disturbances; however, chattering is the main drawback for implementing SMC. The goal of minimizing the chattering and state convergence with accuracy is achieved using a quasi-sliding mode that approximates the discontinuous function via a continuous sigmoid function. Numerical simulations were conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm.

A Study on the Pyrolysis System Development for Oil Recovery from Waste Fishing Nets and Ropes (오일 회수를 위한 폐로프와 폐어망 열분해 장치 개발에 대한 연구)

  • Kim Yong-Seop;Yu Jeong Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2001
  • Now our ocean environment pollution is very serious. Its harm hinders in marine breeding and the safe navigation of ships at the coast. We have used an assembly system for a measure taken against environment pollution like this. But, here are some problems awaiting solution. First, most of combustible materials among ocean waste are high polymer, so it is necessary some special equipment to incinerate them. In the process we can't overlook air pollution by exhaust gas. Also, when we reclaim these wastes, we remember that they can't be decomposed naturally and leaking water may pollute soil. Thus now a days new treatment method has been developed, it recycles and doesn't product secondary pollution materials by recovering oil from pyrolysis. For it, this study investigated chemicalㆍphysical properties of wastes. And it found condition of recovering the most oil. Also it probed that the variation of temperature raising speed affects the weight reduction characteristics of wastes. Also, while studying recovered oil by waste pyrolysis and the rate of non-condensing gas in accordance with the variation of temperature raising speed. Finally we had confidence the development of pyrolysis oil recovery would succeed because we carried out evaluation at an economic point of view about it.

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A System with Efficient Managing and Monitoring for Guidance Device (보행안내 기기의 효과적인 관리 및 모니터링을 위한 시스템)

  • Lee, Jin-Hee;Lee, Eun-Seok;Shin, Byeong-Seok
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2016
  • When performing experiments in indoor and outdoor environment, we need a system that monitors a volunteer to prevent dangerous situations and efficiently manages the data in real time. We developed a guidance device for visually impaired person that guides the user to walk safely to the destination in the previous study. We set a POI (Point of Interest) of a specific location indoors and outdoors and tracks the user's position and navigate the walking path using artificial markers and ZigBee modules as landmark. In addition, we develop path finding algorithm to be used for navigation in the guidance device. In the test bed, the volunteers are exposed to dangerous situations and can be an accident due to malfunction of the device since they are visually impaired person or normal person wearing a eye patch. Therefore the device requires a system that remotely monitors the volunteer wearing guidance device and manages indoor or outdoor a lot of map data. In this paper, we introduce a managing system that monitors the volunteers remotely and handles map data efficiently. We implement a management system which can monitor the volunteer in order to prevent a hazardous situation and effectively manage large amounts of data. In addition, we verified the effectiveness of the proposed system through various experiments.

Collision Risk Assessment by using Hierarchical Clustering Method and Real-time Data (계층 클러스터링과 실시간 데이터를 이용한 충돌위험평가)

  • Vu, Dang-Thai;Jeong, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.483-491
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    • 2021
  • The identification of regional collision risks in water areas is significant for the safety of navigation. This paper introduces a new method of collision risk assessment that incorporates a clustering method based on the distance factor - hierarchical clustering - and uses real-time data in case of several surrounding vessels, group methodology and preliminary assessment to classify vessels and evaluate the basis of collision risk evaluation (called HCAAP processing). The vessels are clustered using the hierarchical program to obtain clusters of encounter vessels and are combined with the preliminary assessment to filter relatively safe vessels. Subsequently, the distance at the closest point of approach (DCPA) and time to the closest point of approach (TCPA) between encounter vessels within each cluster are calculated to obtain the relation and comparison with the collision risk index (CRI). The mathematical relationship of CRI for each cluster of encounter vessels with DCPA and TCPA is constructed using a negative exponential function. Operators can easily evaluate the safety of all vessels navigating in the defined area using the calculated CRI. Therefore, this framework can improve the safety and security of vessel traffic transportation and reduce the loss of life and property. To illustrate the effectiveness of the framework proposed, an experimental case study was conducted within the coastal waters of Mokpo, Korea. The results demonstrated that the framework was effective and efficient in detecting and ranking collision risk indexes between encounter vessels within each cluster, which allowed an automatic risk prioritization of encounter vessels for further investigation by operators.

Efficient method for acquirement of geospatial information using drone equipment in stream (드론을 이용한 하천공간정보 획득의 효율적 방안)

  • Lee, Jong-Seok;Kim, Si-Chul
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to verify the Drone utilization and the accuracy of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS), Drone RGB (Photogrammetry) (D-RGB), and Drone LiDAR (D-LiDAR) surveying performance in the downstream reaches of the local stream. The results of the measurement of Ground Control Point (GCP) and Check Point (CP) coordinates confirmed the excellence. This study was carried out by comparing GNSS, D-RGB, and D-LiDAR with the values which the hydraulic characteristics calculated using HEC-RAS model. The accuracy of three survey methods was compared in the area of the study which is the ownership station, to 6 GCP and 3 CP were installed. The comparison results showed that the D-LiDAR survey was excellent. The 100-year frequency design flood discharge was applied in the channel sections of the small stream. As a result of D-RGB surveying 2.30 m and D-LiDAR 1.80 m in the average bed elevation, and D-RGB surveying 4.73 m and D-LiDAR 4.25 m in the average flood condition. It is recommended that the performance of D-LiDAR surveying is efficient method and useful as the surveying technique of the geospatial information using the drone equipment in stream channel.